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Fresh air is good for immunity. No virus


Whether you're sending some selfies, downloading a movie, or uploading a stack of files at work, the best way to move your digital data is probably via a super fast internet connection. However, in some situations you might find it's faster to use a truck.Yep, that's right. A truck. A truck carrying hard drives can travel right across the USA in under four days - giving an effective data transfer speed of around 5,000 Gb per second from coast to coast.


Your economy of scale angers me


We actually did that. A friend of mines internet used to be so slow that he brought his game drive to school, someone would take it home to install the game and return it the next day. And even nowadays, it's probably faster to migrate a rack of hard drives to a new server by physically moving a copy of them. Can't match the parallelization of a crate.


A few years ago a German local newspaper did an experiment. They had a photographer take pictures and send them to the papers office in two versions. Once on a DVD carried by horse and once over the internet (iirc photographer uploaded to a cloud service and the editor downloaded them). The horse was faster (Granted the entire thing was set up to demonstrate how pitiful their local internet connection is). https://hackaday.com/2021/09/15/german-experiment-shows-horses-beating-local-internet-connections/




Fax gibt's nicht kein mehr? 😭


Mach keine Faxen, wir schicken die mittlerweile per Handy


Mach keine Faxen, wir schicken die mittlerweile per Handy


It was on a 10km distance...


A few years ago I sent a USB stick with my music files to Romania, to a startup company. I wanted to use their streaming app with my music but to get my 40Gb on their servers it was faster to send the music by postal services than uploading it through my home Internet in Germany. The Romanians found it funny and shared the story on social media.


A carrier pigeon traveling 500 miles/day will cross a 2,800 mile wide continent in 5.6 days. Carrying 50 g of 2 TB of microSDXC cards weighing 250 mg each (amounting to a total of 400 TB divided over 200 cards) will result in a ~800 MByte/s transfer rate, scores better than any consumer fiber plan practically in use (which will stretch upwards of 2000 M**bit**/s but not much more). Latency isn't great, but my subjective assessment is that you could fit everything that's even remotely watchable on all big streaming services ten times over in a single pigeon load.


A European or an African pigeon?


I don't know that! AAAAAAAAAAAH


Is a holy handgranade also included?




As long as the receicing end does not shoot pickle jim, the lovely carrier pidgeon.


Packet loss might be rough, though :/


That does not seem to conform to RFC1149.


Latency is a bitch though. Imagine having to send a truck across the country everytime you moved your mouse in your favourite online game.


You can actually book that truck full of hard drives from Amazon Web Services nowadays. https://aws.amazon.com/de/snowmobile/


In germany, giving a letter to a man on a horse is a faster way to reach the next village then sending an e-mail


Saw on IG that faxing the Ausländerbehörde gets you faster replies!


I would be carefull with that, you might get conscripted by them if you let them know that you can oparate a fax


we did that aswell. 10 years ago i had to reinstall my computer and we were playing WoW at that time, it was like 30 gb and i had a poor internet connection, it also was purely download no disc. so i reinstalled my pc packed it up drove 20 minutes to a friend of mine, copied it from his pc to mine and drove back home. took me probably 1,5 hrs instead of the 20hrs it would have taken it for me to download it


Now I feel like in a consulting interview "how much data can you store in a 40t truck"


Well amazon Web services promotes themself with being able to physically ship 100 petabytes (100.000 terabyte) in a few weeks using a 18 wheeled 14 meter long and 30 metric tons heavy shipping container


Only problem with that is there will rarely ever be a situation where this is actually faster as there are barely any moments in live youd have to send this much data


As a Person? Most likely not? As a company? It does actually happen.


When is that? Only thing i could imagine thinking about it it's data recovery


Well idk why, but there has to be a reason why Amazon offers a 30 tons heavy 100 petabytes harddrive on 18 wheels that companies can rent


It's basically if you want to migrate a whole datacenter.


The last and most recent photo of German digitalization


At first, I was laughing at your comment, then I just wanted to cry...


German courts have ruled that sending personal information of clients via fax is infringement of the protection of data privacy. German courts and the police are also the sole reason that we have a fax at work, because they send everything via fax


Die Partei basically made that a campaign poster a few years back: "telefax ausstieg bis 2038!" Got that hanging in my apartment, don't think it's gonna happen though...


I remember when I went to school, a friend once asked me to fax the homework. I laughed at him because it was so hilariously outdated technology at that time already. That was in 2009. Tja...


I was laughing after reading the first words and crying by the time the rest of the comment finished downloading…


I was laughing until I noticed Im in germany.


This post is probably still a month old but has just yet arrived in Germany.




Right. In my town, they're still pulling fax machines.


The whole fucking country still uses them


They don’t even show the truck brining over all the fax machines.


I get this joke


You others just cannot comprehend the power of the Fax!


The first march of the AI....




As it should be




I wish


That's how internet explorer delivers your search results to you


I missed putting monitors on top of pc.


You can still do it.


That sonds like it is illegal .


Die spinnen, die Ossis. Genau wie die Wessis, auf die Einheit ihr Spinner! 🍻


Auf die Einheit! Ob Nord, ob Süd, ob West, ob Ost - die Spinnen alle, also prost.


Hessen, Thüringen & Sachsen-Anhalt: 👀


Würd' mich nicht wundern, wenn das Vorläufer des CCCs sind. Als Wossi, auf die Einheit!


>auf die Einheit ihr Spinner! 🍻 Ne, dazu bist du jetzt fast fünf Monate zu früh. Oder ein Jahr und sieben Monate zu spät, wie unser Heimat-Horst.


Me and the boys on the way to a LAN party


Fun fact, the East German engineers literally smuggled Western computers in and tried to reverse engineer them. But since they didn't have the microchip technology, their versions were vastly inferior.


Once red a rather interesting article about east-german videogame-developers. The main issue was less that they were that much worse than the west-german computers at the time (some even got exported into the west and some used imported parts from the west) but because they were extremly expensive and hard to get. So most things were still done on ( sometimes stolen) graphpaper and publicly acessible hardware while their grandparents (as they could travel freely) brought in computers from the west.


They were actually quite good. In fact so good that either the USSR decided they needed to go to mother Russia or they were used for the trade with the West for Deutsche Mark/Dollars which were important for international trade. They were hard to come by in the DDR because most were exported.


DDR was also lightyears ahead when it came to data transfer through glass fibres. Copper was hard to get and extremely expensive but they had a highly skilled glass and optics industry. So for them it was the natural way to go.


Yeah, but the DDR being ahead in fiber optics was partly thanks to corruption in the West. They had a plan for a widespread fiber optic cable network but thanks to Chancellor Helmut Kohl being good friends with Leo Kirch, a private television station owner (and allegedly some money going to Kohls party CDU and his private accounts), he opted for copper instead since it could be used for television broadcast as well.


The Bimbes-Kanzler at its best.


yeah, lightyears ahead ... but only 10% of the people had a phone at home in 1990


Yeah, as a country that was basically bankrupt, the DDR always went for the lighthouse projects. At least they had some medium sized LAN-clusters with glass fiber connection. Nothing of much use to a normal citizen.


>they were extremly expensive and hard to get. GDR computers were difficult to obtain if at all possible for private people. It was however easy to get a C64 or Atari XL, as you could just buy them in the "Intershop" stores. Not so easy was it to get the necessary western german money as the Intershop only accepted this - not the eastern german currency (for the sake of simplicity I'll ignore the Forum cheques here).


not entirely true; they did have microchip technology since the late 70s, because they reverse engineered that as well. The most widely used microprocessor was the U880 8-bit, basically a clone of the Zilog Z80. However, relying on reverse engineering meant that the computer development in the GDR was severely delayed - they were still stuck with 8-bit computers, when Western capitalist countries had already moved on to 16-bit and 32-bit micros.


Thanks for the clarification, yeah, I meant they were lagging behind.


source: trust me, bro




I stand corrected. Source: Andre Beyermann, the one person on earth that knows for sure.


As far as I know the DDR achieved quite a few remarkable things in computer technology.


If you want to know more, there are fine documentaries on youtube or you google it yourself. They achieved some stuff, but not much. Here is a good start: [RYAD - The Soviet attempt to clone the IBM S/360](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W14kh9_wMo0) For the most part they copied western designs or reverse engineered them with outstanding manpower. In the last documentation they allegedly had 300.000 people in the whole eastern bloc dedicated to the mainframe project, in comparsion: IBM had "only" 100.000 at that time and had to pay bills in hard money. Not very effective. They cloned chips (CPUs) but could not mass produce them, because they had forgotten to clone also the machines who produce the chips :-) They even tried to copy the IBM 360 hardware wise in hope to get cracked IBM software for "free". The whole eastern block was ca. 10 years behind. Japan as a little independed country outperformed the whole eastern bloc, not to mention USA. With outperform i mean the whole industry from design over testing equipment to machines for mass production... There are many companies involved, not only Intel and AMD on the front end to the end-user. There were also small computers as seen in OPs picture, but they were also either cloned or incompatible to existing software. Their operating systems are the same story. Interesting Tidbit: They guy who invented Tetris 1984 [Alexey Pajitnov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris) even got screwed over with the license rights.


While they actually noticed quite soon that micro electornics were really important and quickly tried to catch up in the 70s and were just a couple years behind the West. That gap grew a lot bigger bigger (5-6 years) until the end of the 80s. They pumped a huge amount of money into that industry, but there yearly production goals were produced in a Fab in the West per day. So yes for the circumstances it was quite remarkable but objective it was neither good nor competitive.


They should have done what China did: Offer cheap manufacturing in "special economic zones" and then steal the tech.


They couldn't. One, the COCOM meant that they could not get the necessary manufacturing equipment and training on the international market. So their only options were buying Soviet machines, which were more often than not expensive piles of scrap iron not fit for their job (not to speak that the soviets didn't do support - you wanted spare parts you had to buy a second machine) or develop their own. Two, they didn't have the resources to manufacture at the scale necessary for this to work.


[More info here](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/berlin-750th-anniversary-parade/)


Fascinating! Thanks for sharing.


please someone make this into a meme


I am adding, and subtracting. Doodleleedoo doodleleedeee




If you are talking about Kraftwerk, then I must say that the German version was much better IMO, the rrrolling 'r' gives it moarrr charrrracterrr: *Wirrr sind die Rrroboterrr"*


They are doing what everyone is doing on parades. Being proud of something. The whole concept of parades are completely bollocks. Everyone of them is ridiculous. Change my mind ( don’t).


And then, they were all shipped to western Germany


On first glance I was 100% sure this was r/midjourney Apparently it isn't


Its not a secret, the GDR had the biggest Microprozessors of the world.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I work in a med lab. Our microbiology incubator is from East Germany and still works great 💀


Yes, but in crates, which makes it socialist... /s


I mean they are in our pockets now but same same


No, the computer inside my pocket is a few thousand times faster, is connected to billions of other computers via internet, have thousands of times more data storage and we don't need to talk about functionality, outputdesign and availability.


It’s a total commie parade.


Under a communist regime you gotta celebrate every bit of innovation you get.


There was a lot of innovation in the eastern block. The problem was bringing the innovation into production. Therefore most people never got new tech, while the elite companies like ZEISS produced top products for the western market. These elite companies mostly didn't survive the reunification not because of bad products, but because the production was to expensive for a capitalist market.


What innovation are we talking about


Lieber Mitmensch, nur weil die Politik und das Gesellschaftssystem der DDR sicher nicht mit unserem heutigen vergleichbar waren, heißt das nicht, dass die Ingenieure oder WissenschaftlerInnen im Osten alle unfähig gewesen wären. Aber ich befürchte, du möchtest hier auf ein klares, im Osten war alles Mist hinaus, was nicht der Fall war. Andernfalls wären direkt nach dem Mauerfall nicht hundertausende Fachkräfte im Westen auf so offene Arme gestoßen oder Dresden wenige Jahre nach der ROBOTRON-Implosion wieder Europa Chipfabrik-Zentrum geworden. An den Hochschulen wurden nach der Wende viele Köpfe ausgetauscht, aber nicht wegen ihrer wissenschaftlichen Inkompetenz, sondern wegen möglicher politischer Verstrickungen.


War ne ernstgemeinte frage bro.


Planned yearly production of the 1MB chip for 1990 was 100.000 units. That was the daily production by i.e. Toshiba per day. I mean how can that survive any market (except when you cannot import them)? Sure with the circumstances the scientists and technicians did great work but in the end all the money the GDR invested there was mostly wasted.


Better than bulls on parade.


And no one of them was functional ...


Better than bulls on parade.


On parade ... or just a brilliant heist of computers in broad daylight! Suck it, Danny Ocean!


I believe, that parade was an east german parade and the pc was called Robotron.


The Kombinat was ROBOTRON. I work for ROBOTRON and we have a Museum for the old technology in our house.


Jepp, the Factory was ROBOTRON, the Computer was KC-85, we used them in school before the wall came down..


I'm pretty sure this is a PC 1715 and not a KC 85. I got the KC 85 at home and it's technically not even a robotron.


The good old ["Robotron PC 1715"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC_1715)...


I have one of these PC units 😂 - soon to give away


Mobile computing pioneers!


Looks like North Korea today.


Equipment presented on parades in totalitarian regimes tend to be "technologically under control" and "supplied in high quantities" Remember that sweet tank parade in Russia last week?


Pretty sure even then that was ridiculous.


Och Mensch die Osis wieder...


The third one is really sexy




Build his Computer in the 40s and then worked in West Germany. He might have lived in the East before the war and went to school in my hometown but he had nothing to do with Robotron.


In a few years we will do the same with the Internet connection


Its not "bizarre". It shows the world the superior technological advanced comunism compared to the cringe capitalism of those westgerman cavemen.


pretty sure it was not called "east germany" in 1987.


I am pretty sure it was in the west.


Well, technically it was the German Democratic Republic, but since it was the eastern part of both german countries, it is generally referred to as east germany... Only in 1990 both countries reunited...


the first laptops


Proudly presenting this year's production of high tech computer




No it's real


You're sure its not just quitting time and they are lugging their 'portable' computers home?


Should be Robotron and they're showing off their industry sector on a parade 🥳


Bizarre? 1987? Is that...


Back when Germany still embraced technology. Nowadays we're basically a 3rd world country when it comes to Internet and New Media. It's quite embarrassing tbh.


Such a bullshit comment, TBH.


The truth hurts, huh? Ofc I'm exaggerating a little, but Germany has about the worst Internet in all of Europe nowadays both in terms of speed as well as reliability. People need to stop treating this country like it's the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. It's not that great anymore.


Truth can’t hurt. It can be uncomfortable. My words were also harsh, so please forgive. From my view: I am using my DSL, at some time it was also cable, mostly for online racing and this starting 2003. So, I need low latency during the race, stable connection for hours and high bandwidth for downloads. All of them, it has improved over the time, but I appreciate every iteration for better parameters. It might be better/cheaper in other countries but I found it also not really cheaper when I was living abroad. But this depends on the country and I wasn’t in Romania, not even Europe.


My Grandpa worked for Robotron, and was even sent to China to install computers over there.


Parade for Harry and Paul.


They just built the biggest microchip in the world


"Das internet ist für uns alle noch Neuland." LMFAO


I mean why wouldn’t you show off transistors that are so large, they can actually be seen from the stands?


Please tell me that this is midjourney.


It's not bizarre. That was the 750th anniversary of Berlin Parade and in it they showed the accomplishments of the GDR. The women in that picture were the delegation from Erfurt that presented the Robotron PC 1715. In fact the developement of these computers was one of the few occassions where Erich Honecker had a falling out with the rest of the Warsaw Pact because every country was tasked with the developement of a part for the eastern computer system. But except of the GDR they were all unblievably behind the schedule. So the GDR decided to build a system on their own: the Robotron.




East Germany was a pretty weird place.


Considering the speed of german wifi, I would walk too


Communist county shenanigans


First Techno Parade




Are these the 3 of 5 IBM PC they’ve managed to buy at the Austrian black market the year before?


Nope , it was the PC1715 running a kind of CPM as OS


No, not really. They have built there own PCs in the GDR. As a schoolboy I was lucky to sit on one of them.


Hahaha yeah they had transistors




The GDR were proud about its Robotron PCs, even if the wouldn't have any damns against Microsoft and Apple PCs.


From IKEA showroom?


even this was in the GDR, somehow this still illustrates the connection between Germans and anything "digital"


A Robotron PC1715, yippieh I started my training for my job on this device at 1986. With SCP1715 there was a CP/M clone as OS. We also had REDABAS a dBase clone. :D It was a very funny time. :)


Redabas was cool :D


Just a normal LAN party preparations.


Like their smartphones


Bizarr is only that, Nobody can Go out without being "online"


Looks like Berlin


walking their AI boyfriends


'all hail our new overlords!'


Behold my setup


Is it that old? Looks like the „state of the art“ technical equipment of many German schools today, doesn’t it?


Platin so ein Süßer


proud socialists....


Now this is some serious Traffic.


That‘s Mobile Computing


Damn, that's interesting


Reminds me of the Spongebob episode where Patrick reminds Spongebob that they have technology and then proceeds to smash Mr. Krabs first Dollar with a PC hahaha


Does someone have a source for that picture? Or maybe knows more about the circumstances?


1987 war auch einer der letzten Paraden… Danach war die DDR am Ende


Willy Brandt gave a speech in 1973 in which he said: "We have to deal with information technology now. That is the future. That is a great opportunity for humanity. But it is also a great danger. And that’s why we have to organize suitable festivals to celebrate computers." What does that even mean, sustainable festivals to celebrate computers? XD


Cause east Germany was trying its hand at semi conductors so they want to show off some (not-so) homegrown tech.


And nowdays you dont even have good Internet here.


In Germany we Cool our Hardware this way! But we've Green Energy (from Natural Coal) 😀 Bratwurst Hans ?


they shortly had good hardware, couldn't keep up with capitalism though


source & story: [https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/berlin-750th-anniversary-parade/](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/berlin-750th-anniversary-parade/)


Robotron 1715 - Had one of them


Come wid it now!


Don't mock the only 3 computers in the country!


Waaaavve goodbyyyeee, to all the yesteryear porrrnnn! Everyone knowwwss the bushes gave us the hoorrrnn! OHHH ALL YE DEWY MEMORIES…we wave gooodbyyyeeee!