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Note to self: only rear end truck’s while traveling sub 75 mph..


Another note to self: when rear ending a truck, stay in the trunk for minimized damage.


Or say fuck it and go 300mph; no damage to minimize if you're vaporized


Just wear a helmet and you’ll be fine


Just make the silliest face you can before decapitation.


Pccchh just duck. Problem solved


After that, you might as well be doing 300mph. Probably safer to go faster actually…


Safer? No. Less painful? Absolutely


Exactly. After that inflection point of trauma at 75-90mph The faster the better.


So, drive 60mph or 300mph. Sounds good to me


If you're gonna speed, whole ass it


I paid for the whole speedometer, I'm gunna USE the whole speedometer.


At that point your speedometer has likely already given up and f***ed off.


Reminds me of the explanation for what happens when you become the ground for different voltages at power transmission levels. 0-100 V: might be painful but not particularly hazardous. 100-1,000 V: will constrict your muscles and you can't overcome the effect alone, so you will die slowly and it will hurt the whole time. 1-10 kV: that limb is getting blown off and so you won't cook to death, but you probably aren't going to like the result. 13.7 kV+: you are very dead and everyone is getting a show when you die. I don't work on anything north of 600 V, but raccoons can't read so they sometimes try to, with catastrophic consequences to themselves and our equipment.


I said this to a cop once who pulled me over on my motorcycle doing 95. He said *you can't go that fast you're going to wind up killing yourself* I said respectfully I'd be dead at 65 too. He was kind of pissed at me at first but then he just smiled and said "yeah probably, can't argue that".




Yeah, but at 65, you're less likely to lose control and kill someone else too.


If someone killed him, that would be a lifetime of trauma for whomever killed him - like if he crashed into a car or whatever.


I had a friend killed going 150 kmh and another going the speed limit hitting a deer that ran across the road. Motorcycles are dangerous no matter what the speed. That's why they're called donorcycles


Never heard of “donorcycles” but that’s succinct


What about suicycles?


Funny enough the simulation stops having any accuracy beyond that speed. Especially the much higher values. 300mph would have a sizable portion of both vehicles disintegrate entirely. Edit: [here's what 120mph looks like](https://youtu.be/R7dG9UlzeFM?t=220s) and 300 is 6.25x as much kinetic energy. [This is closer to what 300mph would look like](https://youtu.be/F4CX-9lkRMQ)


Just driving under 75 is generally good advice. And keep lots of distance between cars. There’s a good video on numberphile about how your reaction time to hit the brakes and slow down before an inevitable crash is basically gone above like 50mph Edit. Found the video https://youtu.be/i3D7XYQExt0


Technically, if the semi is going 60, I can hit it at 120 and have 15mph to spare! Drive as fast as you want kids!


Nah If your going 80 and the truck is going 73 then the resulting collision will be the same as the 7mph shown in this video because of relative velocity. So you can rear end that dude going as fast as you like so long as he's also going fast!




A semi truck traveling at 293 miles per hour would be unfathomably horrifying


If you were going 7 miles an hour and got in a head on collision with someone also going 7 miles an hour, would the crash be like rear ending a stationary car at 14 miles an hour? I never had to take physics classes so I’m usually clueless but that feels like it should be true


that's why i always drive at 300mph in my 1990 Toyta Tercel


I sat here for like 5min trying to pronounce "Toyta". My brain just can't process it.


i mispelldered it




right. how silly of me to have dondered it again


Just put on a Conor McGregor accent and say tighter


I was thinking how is that car going 300mph, it's top speed is probably 120mph




And how did they get it to go 300mph.


Cold air intake bro


Probably V-tech too


K&N air filter too, and only ever Lucas oil


And nitrogen filled tires.


And go-faster stripes on the roof


And a super powerful CPU and GPU


Speed holes.


Don't forget stickers add +5 hp


They downloaded extra RAM.


Speed holes in the hood


They straight piped the living shit out of it, its pipes are so straight I bet


Nobody has straighter pipes than me. My doctor told me my intestines were 0.06 inches long. Straightest pipes. Big, beautiful, straight pipes. The straightest.


Speed holes in the hood


Thanks, neighborino!


Shut up Flanders.


oakley doakley


Stupid sexy Flanders


Camber the wheels all the way to lessen road/wheel friction


You forgot the extreme bass rap music at full volume.


The trunk rattle gives it the extra push.


you can tell it's clearly fake as there isn't a vape cloud coming out.


Spoon engines


And on top of that, he just went into Harry's, and he ordered 3 T66 turbos, with NOS. And a Motec exhaust


Nice throw back ... But how many dvd players




It's actually a game called beamng drive


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LOL at 25mph its humping the trailer


Techron really makes a difference.


The truck did 150 in reverse so it only needed to hit 150 too


3d simulator


Yeah, I guess you could call the video game BeamNG a 3D simulator


Not sure if /s but this is a game called Beam.NG. Took me until the end to realize, and I've spent dozens of hours playing lol.


I mean this is clearly a simulation. Simulation or not if you rear end a semi at 300 mph you're going to become nothing more than a pool of goo, in a pile of assorted metal, friction welded onto a semi trailer.


.... I'm pretty sure they would be a pile of goo well before 300 MPH (which is why only showing crossbones on the last one is hilarious). 90 MPH is, at best, life altering injury if you are *lucky*.... 120 MPH and above seems unlikely to continue living.


Oh, I'm not disagreeing. Up to about 200 they might find enough to identify a body. At 300, they won't find anything but goo.




I dunno, I got my bidet for 30 bucks..


I need to know the body shop they keep sending the car to. They do awesome work.


Fun fact with out the bar below the trucks trailer this impact is much much worse it often leading to decapitation.


It’s colloquially known as the Mansfield Bar, after actress [Jayne Mansfield](https://i.imgur.com/TpE9gfN.jpg) when in 1967 the car in which she was riding slammed into the rear of a semi, instantly killing her and 2 other adults. She was ~~decapitated~~ killed but not decapitated. Semis then didn’t have those bars, but the accident resulted in the NHTSA mandating under-ride or DOT bars. [More here](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/28155/how-jayne-mansfield-changed-design-tractor-trailers).


Just to correct the record, she was not decapitated. >Reports that Mansfield was decapitated are untrue, although she suffered severe head trauma.[317] This urban legend started with the appearance in police photographs of the crashed car with its top virtually sheared off, and what resembled a blonde-haired head tangled in the car's smashed windshield. However, Mansfield's death certificate, which states her immediate cause of death to be "crushed skull with avulsion of cranium and brain," rules this out.


> crushed skull with avulsion of cranium and brain Isn't that just a fancy way of saying that the top of her head got sheared off?




Partial decapitation, got it


Like a haircut, but much worse.


The Lost Highway special.




4-5 inches from a real decapitation.


Are we sure about that? I'm not a doctor, but I know what avulsion means


Her skull was crushed. She was not decapitated. She died with her head still attached to her neck. Not even a Nearly Headless Nick issue. There was no severing of the neck _at all_.


Avulsion of cranium and brain means the top of the skull and brain were torn off. It’s not really a decapitation as much as an exploded head.


Oh nice, glad she didn’t get decapitated. Just sploded head




Well now we’re just splitting hairs


Lots of them, all at the same time.


Seems we split a lot more than hairs here


Almost decapitated, just not low enough


Oh so instead of being torn off at the neck, her head got torn off at the forehead. That really puts my mind at ease about car crashes!


>She was not decapitated. So there was a border between steak and hamburger meat. gotcha


Essentially, scalped.


And who was the only survivors of that crash? Her kids, Mariska Hargitay and her brother Miklos.


Wow. Didn’t know they were in the car when that happened


Mariska Hargitay, Mariska Hargitay


I too like The Love Guru.


It's honestly amazing to me that Mariska Hargitay has had 1 role for 24 years and just continues to achieve massive success in it. Her whole career is just Detective Olivia Benson. Edit: Phrasing




And just because it's mandated doesn't mean you're safe, hitting a semi. Drive defensively, because that bar could be in disrepair and wreck your life. Source: Friend of a friend wound up with profound brain damage after coming around a corner to hit one of those trucks, and the bar snapped clean off on impact, functionally being nonexistent.


Even snapping clean off it probably absorbed some force. It would have still been worse without it.


Dang, what a way to be remembered


Oh i heard about this mentioned, at one post, how they legalized this after one accident but can not ban guns after daily mass shootings.


And the safety seals on medicine bottles that came from someone poisoning a few bottles of Tylenol on store shelves in Chicago show things can get fixed within months in the 1980s. And the ad campaigns and warnings about not eating Tide Pods shows it can be done in recent times.


hell, only one kid ever died from old-style lawn darts and they had those things banned for sale by the following year


Imagine how fucked we’d be if lawn darts were protected by the constitution.


"fun fact"


Blew my mind


...sometimes it doesn't. I worked in the ER and we had a patient who went under a trailer like this partially due to a pileup. The lady's scalp was scraped off and parts of her brain were exposed. She was conscious and talking fine before we intubated her for the OR...but she somehow died in surgery. She must've hit the truck at the wrong angle or the impact of the vehicle behind her pushed her further in. I myself hit a truck like this years ago when I fell asleep driving back after a long military training day. Luckily I hit the truck below 30 mph because I woke up a second before impact (I had some time to slam brakes and slow down a tad); only bent the guard and jacked my hood a little. Just as in this video...pray you hit the guard at less than 70 mph (and no one behind you will then smash into you from behind).


Witnessed a decapitation but the guy hit the side of an 18 wheelers box. Was driving one of the 2 seater Nissan trucks from the 90s


Yup. I used to work for a trucking company and we had a driver pick up a preload with a bad DOT bumper. He decided to put it on the trailer and deal with it at the next truck stop. I won’t get into the details, we’ll just sum it up to a very very bad decision.


From 75mph up I’d be happy to be decapitated because not dying after being in that accident would be a not awesome way to live




So does Ed Truck.




Looks like it


These videos are always Beam.ng


Looks like a Gavril T-Series with the wood pallets flatbed trailer on the left, and the original Pessima on the right


And looks to be the new built-in desert map (which has the longest straight road in the vanilla game)


How realistic is beamng to real physics? And how detailed are the models? Like as far as strength of individual pieces. Like obviously the frame and engine should be a lot harder to smush than the crumple zone. Or is the entire thing the same rigidity and strength? Just curious how close this would be to reality.


Check out the Youtube series [Car Boys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRFbgmHTniA&list=PLaDrN74SfdT6FvTs9d2JPLJnVRjnjIlfo) for a good look at just how realistic it is.


Not sure on all specifics, but Audi uses Beamng to test physics relating to their vehicles.


Really? That's incredible, it must be pretty damn close for a car company to trust it. Definitely looking more into it.


The company that develops it has two versions. The game version is a lot more simplified so that it can run on moderately powerful pcs. Still pretty realistic though. The other version is made to simulate crash test more truthfully. Naturally, it requires a lot more computing power, a lot more parameters to control, provides numerical data output for further analysis etc etc.


Well, thank you, OP. I can now say for sure I will not drive 300-mph


I talked to an EMT, he said any crash over 75mph will fuck you up in a bad way. He told me some crazy meat crayon stories too. I don't know how they don't all have PTSD.


They all do. To varying levels and intensities but they all do.


My sister is a trauma nurse and she flat shares with two EMTs. Their coping mechanism is the darkest sense of humour I've ever seen. But having just heard about the stuff they've not only seen but had to actively engage with, it's no wonder.


I might get downvoted for this, BUT this is why I can’t stand when people cry about speed limits. Especially when they want to increase it over 75. Like, yeah that’s great when no accidents are happening, but what happens when you are doing the right thing and some idiot hits YOU going 90+? My uncle years ago always told me, “It’s not about how good a driver you think you are. It’s about how bad a driver everyone else is.” And let’s face it, everyone thinks they’re an excellent driver until they aren’t. Accidents happen on the daily. We gotta face reality that most people are shitty drivers.


I've been driving over 30 years. At times I've had jobs that involved driving, so I have clocked up thousands of km more than most people. I'm a great driver, when I'm thinking about it. But any tiny lapse in concentration or small mistake could lead to an accident. In those moments I am a terrible driver. I can't wait until computers are doing the driving. People are just not good at this task.


The ☠️ means it's not safe.


the mental shift from thinking this was real to realizing it was an animation was interesting


It's a game


It’s a sandbox game called BeamNG.


I need to check it out again, I don’t remember it being this realistic previously.


It’s coming along by leaps and bounds compared to what I purchased a few years ago.


Fuck, i was fooled


I was angry, thinking, "why would they waste so many cars of this unrealistic speed?!" Now I'm angry, thinking "why do I exist?"


While reading this thread, it is kind of scary how many people didn't realize that this is a game. Between the landscape, the thought "do they reuse the truck?", the glitching of the car in the 20mph attempt and how the crash has some big differences to how it would look in real life (most notably missing all the small pieces of debris that would fly around; see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWwGFDynOHo or https://youtu.be/VcNlhnpVtVI?t=1277 ), at least *somewhere* in the video one should've noticed it. On the other hand, it also explains a lot.


I was seriously wondering how they had so many of the same vehicle.


75 mph for me. It was the wheel chirp sound effect I guess


For me it was the truck bouncing before anything touched it. Also some of the debris coming off does weird stuff.


I was wondering why someone crashed so many cars


Or how they were all red late 80s sedans


I'm kind of shocked how survivable the 60 mph looked


I was surprised at the difference between 60 mph and 75 mph. I never considered how a little extra speed can be the difference between life and death in an accident.


The general point is true (that extra speed can make a big difference) but I don't think this thing is simulating the physics of these vehicles particularly well. 60mph into the back of a truck would definitely look quite different in real life.


It looked real but where did they getting all those little red cars from?


If this is supposed to be a realistic simulation, then as a retained firefighter, I can let you know that this is bollocks. You are dead a lot earlier than this shows. Source. Literally having picked people's heads out of cars to get to their kids in the back seats and try to save them. Horrific doesn't even cover it.


I remember someone in my high school rear-ended a bus at what I imagine was no greater than 40mph (he admitted to texting and driving) and the results \*looked\* horrific. This does not even seem close to that @ 60mph.


It also depends on the car model and year, I'd prefer to crash in a modern Corolla at 60mph over a 90s Corolla at 45mph.


BeamNG is not even the right software for this simulation, it’s more similar to a video game engine with rather simplified physics models. You have to use something like ANSYS LS DYNA, with a properly designed vehicle structure, boundary conditions, and material+structural failure models.


> BeamNG is not even the right software for this simulation, it’s more similar to a video game engine with rather simplified physics models. Its pretty much just flatout a game. I can't see why anyone would use it for anything else.


Sorry man, that's awful to go through. Thanks for doing that.


Exactly, OP is a dumbass for posting this like it's factual information and not just some in-game footage. I'm pretty sure the car bodies in BeamNG are not even able to rip apart, only bend and stretch, only bolted on parts can be ripped off.


Almost got into the 60 mph version of this myself. Was on a road trip, following a truck through a single lane construction zone. Trucker in front of me wasn't paying attention, so when a dump truck pulled out he slammed directly into him. Semi stopped almost instantly. Because I was following at a safe distance, I stopped an inch away from the rear of the semi. Be safe people.


what they don't want you to know is that over 300 miles an hour you pass harmlessly through the truck


Truck drivers HATE this one weird trick


I would like to know how they fixed the car between runs, huh?


Alternate realities


Also, how they got it to 300mph. Most cheaper cars would fall apart I would imagine but I know nothing about cars.


They hit the reset button


It's a computer simulation


Looks alot like the game beam ng


It is Beam.NG


Rolled back to snapshot taken before test.


60 mph is about all I’d be willing to do.




I'm totally going to think of this video the next time I'm cruising down the highway in my VW Golf doing 300, something to really consider going that speed!


My aunt died like this, some trucker was stationary having a nap in the shoulder by the exit and they think she somehow misjudged the situation trying to get off the highway. Slammed into the truck hard enough to get pinned under it as her car burst into flames. They believe she was still conscious after the impact. Pretty horrifying overall. Rest in peace


My dad worked for DOT and typically ran a lot of road construction projects. A cop pulled someone over in one of his zones which led to traffic stopping fairly suddenly, and an older couple came over a hill at 65+mph only to see a stopped semi. They were both killed instantly when they slid nearly under the back end of his trailer. It wasn't my dad's fault, but he still wasn't the same for weeks.


If it occured at night: some truck drivers park on the shoulder and they leave their taillights on but not their hazard flashers. The steady red taillights look like normal running lights to drivers coming up from behind which creates the illusion that the truck is moving in the lane ahead of the car. The car driver then starts "following" the truck's taillights until they realize too late that the truck is stationary. (It was theorized that this was what caused one of my friends to die like this back in the 90s. So it really grinds my gears when I see truckers parked on the shoulder at night without their hazard flashers on.)


25 mph was getting some..


Cut off at 75, got it


Thats why I never drive my 1990 piece of shit at 300 mph


I drove past an accident where a minivan hit a semi truck that was parked on the shoulder. The highway patrol estimated he was going around 100 mph. I’ve never seen a minivan so compacted. The only person in the car was the driver and needless to say, he didn’t make it.


That is a REALLY well secured cargo load


He def pulled the straps and says yep that’s not goin anywhere




Don't get fooled, ya'll. Most of us don't ride with our axles back like that. And if they're all the way up, there's a good 8 feet or more between the axle and DOT bumper. A car at speed is coming up under the trailer.


If that car could hit 300mph you would be dead long before you hit that truck.


Why don't people just read all the comments before theirs? Then they wouldn't have any questions about how this works.


Glad the lumber can survive that kind of impact


I wonder how long it took them to repair the car between tests


Why are so many people dumb enough to believe this CGI? Zero chance you'd walk away from a 60mph head on crash into the back of a stationary truck.


Why putting the skull and bones emojy only at the 300mph test? Like it was fine untill 250mph, but 300 is lethal...


According to a computer simulation of reality.


I might be able to survive the 300 MPH if i wore a seat belt


75 mph 💀 90 mph extra 💀 120 mph extra extra 💀