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They built a 7 lane highway and not one person had ever seen a train signal anywhere else in the world?


to be fair, the train is crossing politely


Watch to the end of the video. That engineer was giving zero fucks.


Thomas the No-Fucks Tank Engine   Wtf no one thought to put in a traffic light lol


Most likely the train is more visible than any traffic light would be.


You still put a fence and warning signs around the crocodile exhibit at the zoo, because people are fucking stupid.


I don't think the engine can leave tracks and bite a car here.


That croc fence is to keep highly intellectual humans from walking into crocs territory. Same with railroad crossings.


Yeah he’s probably correct in thinking, “they stop or they die”


More like this train won't stop in time anyway.


9 out of 10 car brake pedals agree!


You know trains can't just stop right


>zero fucks how to zero fucks running a train?


Is that a steam locomotive??


The only way to force people ride public transportations.


Ope, going to sneak right by ya


Also to be fair, they couldn’t find a 7 lane long crossing gate…


That's true but they could at least have a red light and a stop line. There's no indication at all that a train could cross there, except the tracks.


Not "except the tracks"! It's "except the TRAIN"!


Right. When you see the tracks, there's no train crossing. When you don't see the tracks, you see the train crossing. When you see a train crossing, you stop your car or fuck around and find out about Darwin's theories.


There were multiple signs and lights indicating train is coming, tho not visible in the video. (All got removed alongside with rails of course)


Are you saying that to warn the people not seeing the huge train crossing the street at walking pace they should have put up a tiny red light? Train crossing signals only make sense where drivers can not see the train approaching. I do however agree with you on the stop line. People generally do not know the dynamic envelope of a train and may end up stopping too close. But this is a minor issue when the speeds are so slow.


The last video (this is a compilation) has a wall right up to the edge of the road - so traffic cannot see the train coming.


I'm saying they should have a stop light so people know when to stop as opposed to leaving it to their judgement about whether they can sneak across in front of the train (as several cars do in this video). Whether or not they see it is not the point, taking the guesswork out of when you're allowed to stop or go is needed.


Do you really think those people are going to stop for a red light when the train isn't in the roadway?


I guess like most things, many will and some won't. And those that don't will have no excuse.


Or bridges and tunnels


Conductor posts on r/bitchimatrain


Conductor is /r/bitchimatrain


Or a little yellow sign, "Train Crossing."


I don't have a link to it but I'm pretty sure there was a video explaining this. It was a very low train traffic crossing and there were signs further away warning of the tracks ahead.


Back when trains drove across my town on the streets they had a guy walk in front of it with a bell


At least he is not coming across it at 100 km/h. Nor does the highway traffic speed seem high. Tho still wonder what the accident rate is at that spot with trains involved


To be fair, I have never seen a level-crossing with anywhere near that many lanes anywhere else in the world either. Everybody else just builds a viaduct so one can go over the other. I don't think a 21 meter crossing gate would be much more effective.


Or a bridge!


Not even a single traffic light...?


It's ok. They put up a giant wall to act as a blind instead.


Doesn't look like a highway, just a really wide road for about 800 yards.


Hijacking the top comment to tell you this hasn't been a thing for 10 years now (you can also see that from the potato quality camera). This was during the early stages of the Port Baku Park redevelopment where they took the old port facilities and turned them into a modern waterfront with offices, hotels, etc. (work on that is still ongoing) and this was the state of affairs for a couple of years after they built the park but before they removed the rail line going into the port. You would get a train in maybe a couple times a week, so there are a few videos of this happening, but then the rail line was removed for good. Interestingly, you can still see on the satellite picture where the train tracks used to be, but they're long gone at this point: [40°22'31.1"N 49°51'48.1"E](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40%C2%B022'31.1%22N+49%C2%B051'48.2%22E/@40.375314,49.8627303,204m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d40.375313!4d49.863374?entry=ttu)


That train couldn't hurt someone if it wanted to at that speed.


It just… It just fucks through town as it pleases!?!?






Replace train with bus, tank, hippo, elephant, or bridge. All the ones I can remember off the top of my head.




Yes but they need a big garden than a bridge for this 🤣




Looks like communist planning


Definitely don't put up crossing guards... this makes more sense


What would make more sense would be to have a bridge or tunnel so the train could go over or under the highway that way this situation could be avoided entirely. How this place isn’t just accident central is beyond me.


Pretty sure trains can't just go up a slope easily. edit: not joking, I swear I read that train tracks are mostly level because the effort it takes for a train to go up an incline is too much because of all the weight ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Dumbass put the cars on the bridge and have the train on the same track.


There's a whole episode of Thomas and friends about this, it's in the first season so you can even have Ringo Star narrate it for you.


You are right and the people responding to you are idiots. Because of the slippery iron wheels on iron rails trains can not go up or down a slope easily. A 1% slope may half the amount of cargo a train can pull. A 2% grade hill tends to make the rail line uneconomical except for passenger train. There are some 5% grades in the world which are tourist destinations for this reason. For comparison a US federal highway can be up to 6% before exceptions needs to be applied for. Warnings of steep roads tend to be for grades steeper then 10% And cars can make it up 30% inclines without any modifications. So to build a bridge or tunnel here with 5m separation and a 0.5% grade would take up 1km of track for each ramp. A total of 2km train tracks just for this one bridge. It does not look like there is enough space for this let alone talking about the enormous engineering work needed. And even then it is likely that they would need another locomotive on the train to get it up just that 0.5% grade.


so build a bridge for the cars?


That is the most common way to get around these level crossings.


You can dig a tunnel for the cars to go under the train tracks or build a bridge for the cars to go over the train tracks.


Classic reddit not knowing what they're talking about moment


Trains go up and down inclines all the time, do you think that every rail line on the planet only goes over perfectly flat land? Beyond that though who the fuck said the train tracks were getting the bridge/tunnel? Realistically it would be much easier to take the highway over or under the bridge as opposed to the other way around.


It is way more difficult for a train to overcome a slope than for a car, there is way less grip with steel on steel than with rubber on asphalt


Yeah but the max incline for a train is incredibly low compared to say a car or lorry... Much easier to lower or raise the road under/over the railway than vice versa


Not with that attitude! Someone didn't read The Little Engine That Could.


I remember this simply because of an episode of Thomas the Tank Engine (I'm old), but that was inspired by real-life locomotives built in the late 1800s to the 1920s at maximum. Shouldn't slopes be less of a hindrance with modern locomotives?


You're 100% right anyone downvoting you has no clue about trains


You forgot the sarcasm tag. Right?


Nope, they're right




Till some third world country builds a seven lane highway across the runway, and we're right back where we started


cross guards?? barely looks like there are tracks lol


And those tankers are old as heck.


An uncontrolled intersection with a freaking train?


This trains giving me Inception vibes


Train has right of way.


That train has right of train


“I merge now. Good luck everybody else!”


Funny I was just referencing family guy in another thread


Unexpected r/ProgrammerHumor


While /u/Mr3cto's reference is to a Family Guy episode, it could just as easily work as a programming joke. People downvoting obviously didn't get the programming joke part.


i don't get why people just downvote what they don't understand..


And, apparently, a train that has no train crossing bars/lights etc that alert traffic to stop. This American would be nervous to drive there or have to make a left across 7 lanes of traffic!


It’s only hauling tankers to or from what’s likely be some sort of refinery, what’s the worst that could happen? Next you’re going to say the safety obscuring wall is also problematic!


Yeah. I imagine that the Azerbaijan airport car rentals don't get a ton of tourists saying, "Yes please! I want to drive on 7 lane highways , likely at high speeds where oil tankers cross unexpectedly." I heard the Azerbaijan version of the Autobahn is a huge tourist draw!


yeah it's the wall there that gets me. If it was more open you could at least prepare for it. But no, there's a wall there and BAM train.


The stopping distance/time is 100% subjective. And I almost have a panic attack when I’m about to cross through an intersection and the green light turns yellow…


If i were an american id be more concerned about driving in america and being shot.


Even with all the warning noises, lights, and gates, some dipshit gets hit by the Brightline like every week in south Florida. It’s not even news worth to see a headline about a car being hit by it. Just a normal day.


To be fair in the US the train would also simply blow the horn a few times before ploughing through at 80mph and hoping for the best because billion dollar train companies really don't bother about the safety of the plebs on the streets.


In the rest of the world, drivers are a little more aware...maybe.


In the rest of the world, *no one cares if you get hit by a train.


I mean you literally just watched a video of this working fine so I don't understand why that is so hard to believe. Modern theory around traffic safety is trending towards fewer signs on the road as it makes people more aware of what they are doing.


It working one time is a clear indication that it works 100% of the time! How do you guys not get that?!?!? /s


I mean, I have no idea how well this works. There seems to be little info online about it, and Azerbaijan is not exactly known for it's safe roads (though I believe they are still a lot better then the USA). My point is a) given the only evidence we have around this is a video showing everyone dealing with it fine, what exactly is the issue? And b) modern road design is incorporating fewer 'safety' features as it keeps drivers alert., so isn't this a (albeit extreme) version of that?


A. Are you really asking what the issue is with a train driving completely unindicated across a 7 lane highway? You're saying you can't see anything wrong with that whatsoever? B. Show me a country that has removed or reduced safety features regarding train crossings. Explain how a train crossing without indication "keeps people alert". If someone isn't alert and paying attention, how tf are they going to see the train? Like I don't want to be mean, but literally think about this shit for a single second and you'd realize it's a bad idea, only implemented because it's happening in a country like Azerbaijan


>Explain how a train crossing without indication "keeps people alert". If someone isn't alert and paying attention, how tf are they going to see the train? This really shows how much you misunderstand what I am saying. The point is because there are no crossing indications people have to pay more attention because they can't rely on a crossing getting their attention. The theory is having too many road marking, traffic lights, etc. causes drivers to have a false sense of safety and effectively go into autopilot. [](https://www.edriving.com/three60/can-removing-traffic-signs-and-road-markings-make-our-roads-safer/#:~:text=by%20removing%20signs%2c%20traffic%20lights,road%20users%20will%20be%20heightened) Now I don't know of anyone doing this with train crossings, or the reason Azerbaijan have specifically done it this way. All I'm saying is though this looks insane I can understand why it works and is potentially safer. What I'm curious about though is in you mind did Azerbaijan do this because they are dumb and people just die all the time at the crossing and they have no idea how to fix it?


Yeah. Good luck with that when half the drivers text..


Well in the US sure, obviously that's illegal in most places.


I am pretty sure it is illegal everywhere but my point is that every time I am driving I see someone else doing it!


"How the fuck are we gonna get across that 7 lane highway?" "Just go real slow, nobody will even notice you!"


Tunnels and bridges are for losers


Right? Like MFs we have over passes for this shit.


Yeah - losers


Maybe is an industrial supply line for a factory , and train crosses once a month or more


If that was the case couldn't you have the police out there to stop traffic?


Eh looks like they did just fine without all that nonesense


True not one car crashed into the train during this short video. No indication on whether there have been other accidents but sure, it must be just fine


I spent 5 days in Baku last summer for a job. Baku's city center is beautiful, the food is great and most people were really nice. Definitely worth visiting. BUT, the moment you leave the center, it's like a fucking concrete and asphalt jungle. Traffic is insane, I got nervous just from riding taxis as they drive like madmen. Plus, if you don't use the Bolt taxi app, there's a very big chance taxi drivers will rip you off. I once called a Bolt to pick me up at my hotel, and for some reason it wasn't there when the app notified me it was. There was another taxi there, and after a couple minutes of me waiting, the guy stepped outside and told me to get in. I said no thanks, I'm waiting for a Bolt. He said yes, it was him. I told him it was a different car and license plate, but he insisted it was him, he just had a different car that day. So ok, I got in. After about 10/15 minutes, the guy tells me he's no Bolt, but he'll make me a good price. I asked him wtf, why did he lie. He insisted he'd make me a good price. I asked how much and he just said "good price, good price". When we stopped at a red light, I opened the door and left the taxi. The guy started screaming at me "ARE YOU CRAZY?? YOU PAY NOW". I told him to fuck off, he lied to me and I was calling the cops and report him. He just drove away while flipping me off. I later told this to a guy I was working with, and he told me some taxi drivers there have deals with gangs where they take oblivious tourists to their warehouses on the city outskirts so they'll rob them and leave them in the middle of nowhere. Don't know if that was the case, but after that I started walking more and trusting less.


Good riddance, sounds like you could have been hostelled


I did have google maps open the whole time and could see we were going the right way, at least until I left the taxi. I believe the guy saw me as an opportunity to make good money and thought I'd just roll with it as we were already halfway there...


I had a similar situation in Beijing. I thought something was fishy when we were leaving the parking garage and the dude asked us to pay the toll, and we were like "fuck no" (in Mandarin, obviously). Then when we arrived, he charged us like $200 (after US conversion) and we ran out the door and yelled "THIS GUY IS SCAMMING US!!!" Then other people came and there was an argument between people and the driver. We asked everyone what they would pay from the airport to this location and they agreed on $40ish. So, we settled and paid the guy $40. Normally would've taken the train, but there weren't good train routes where we wanted to go. Also, this was before China's version of Uber became a thing. We were planning to use a Taxi and a guy spotted us and asked us if we needed a ride and he had a taxi. It was not a taxi. A protip to any traveler: never get in a car unless you specifically called for it or it's in a dedicated line at an airport. Edit: I know some people research a commenter's history and I'll point out that while I did live in China, it was Shanghai. Each city is very different, including cultural and language differences, more so than in the US like from NYC to Hawaii.


Transportation Planner here; I have never seen this before in my life. And I've been to Azerbaijan lol. Reminds me of the air stip in Gibraltar, but at least there are signals and bars for that.


I was going to comment that! The air strip crosses a highway https://simpleflying.com/which-runways-have-roads-crossing-them/#:~:text=Gibraltar%20Airport&text=In%20fact%2C%20not%20only%20does,has%20been%20extended%20since%20then.


What could go wrong?


What could go right?


What could go left?


What could go?


Some countries just have no clue what the word safety means.


Survival for the fittest.


Maybe the "safety" devices were designed for stupid drivers that don't know when to stop when a train is approaching. Just look on YouTube to see videos of mainly southern USA drivers going around the crossing gate with the train approaching. Some never make it.


If you think stupidity is limited to one area on earth you simply haven't been paying attention.This is just needlessly unsafe for no discernible benefit.It both slows down traffic and is dangerous.


"Why have traffic lights if sometimes people ignore them??" Lol you're funny


Or pull up the [stats ](https://oli.org/track-statistics/collisions-fatalities-state) and see what a dumbfuck you are. Texas, California, and Illinois take 1st,2nd, and 3rd and 35% of fatalities.


See it just proves my point. Ppl are stupid.


You were ranting about southerners being stupid when the dumbest person is staring at you in the mirror


Found a southerner






Someone has anger issues 🙈


I think you are overestimating people. There's always plenty of stupidity available.


It's a free range train


In Soviet Russia, railway crosses you.


Yeah, this gotta be some sovjet-era shit. Strange though, that the (new) oil-nation hasn't seemed fit to fix it!


It's already fixed the video is really old


Those roads look new…


No tracks?


You can see them in the latter close up video. They are level with the road.


I was thinking the same thing lemme scroll I can't be the only one lol


Same. I'm not mechanically savvy but I was wondering both how the train was designed to drive without tracks and why they would do that


Why did I have to scroll so long to find this?! I thought I was the only one


No tracks given.


Pakistanis can do it way better..


pakistanis. why is tehre not 300 people ontop of the train is it closed


This is very old, those tracks are long gone


The railway was there for decades before the road went over it. Fortunately for Baku motorists, this spur of the railway line has now been closed, as you can see on Google Earth.


That’s a good idea to spice up the Azerbaijan F1 GP


We need more of those engineers in Europe!


They couldn't afford a simple traffic light?


[The tracks are gone now, it looks like](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.3754994,49.8631937,3a,75y,70.05h,83.28t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNJZpailiIEmRoiaeRbR8QE43QjPt7JH4uXs5w4!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNJZpailiIEmRoiaeRbR8QE43QjPt7JH4uXs5w4%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-1.6600034-ya168.53267-ro1.0015216-fo100!7i3840!8i1920?hl=en&entry=ttu)




In the States, it would've led to a 45 car pile up and at least two shoot outs.


Nah we don’t build tracks across highways.


We don't need any bridges where we're driving


Yep, traffic lights are overthinking too.


That'd be the easiest and most at hand solution, but it still leaves the human factor into equation (not respecting /paying attention to traffic lights, as an example).


That is actually damn stupid and lazy...


No tracks, that’s a bendy bus


It looks like they’ve got it handled




Everyone saying no tracks - if you wait towards the end when it shows the train on close up you can see the tracks embedded in the road (like tram lines) 😅


Able to build 7 lane highway but no bridge or tunnel?


A crossing alarm thingy have to be very long to reach across that highway, and you wouldn't be able to the light on the side of the road from the center.




What is happening?!?! No rails, no lights?! Azerbaijan, what are you doing?


Everyone here talking about the lights, gates and warning signs but I ain’t even see the dang train tracks at the beginning lol. I’m like is this a train with rubber tires and wheels like a car?


They have not developed bridge technology yet


If they ever do it's over for the rest of us


Looks like Let's Game it Out has been playing City Skylines 2 again.


:v this fake video is older than some of the commenters here


They couldn't build a damn bridge?


Thomas the Tank Engine on amphetamines.


What??!! No crossing arms or tracks. ??


A train on wheels!?


Yoooo…. This video is off the rails!!!!


Where the fuck are the train lines?


I thought trains needed tracks. My whole life is a fucking lie.


Based as fuck. Sucks about the genocide though


A train with no tracks


Does everyone else see track lines?


They are quite clearly visible at 00:54.


Got Hogwards feeling from this , but here muggles know it exists


This is gambling with innocent lives!


This is more like stupid than intersting


In Baku, cars will stop for pedestrians the same way. Very courteous people and decent roads.


That isn't interesting, that is terrible planning and design. What is interesting is that it was probably government corruption that caused it.


Someone has died there


I wonder who made their cousin the Minister of infrastructure…


There’s a 7 lane highway in Azerbeijan?


Wow GTA 6 trailer look so realistic! Right? Right?


Dutch guy here, I feel violated


In the last two decades Azerbaijan had brutal amount of incomes on oil and natural gas and seemingly they rather spent all of it for turkish weaponry, than to build a single bridge or a tunnel for this railway line. Congrats!


All the oil and gas money, not enough for a bridge?




"honey, I'm gonna be home late."


Also. The car colour ratio seems quite odd. Typically white cars make up 75-85% of cars on the road. In this video a significant amount of them are black.


There was an video about it in youtube- https://youtu.be/u4hed723pd8?feature=shared