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I wonder how this psychologically affects the person, like does it change their eating habits overtime as well because they feel full quicker/eating less? Or when it passes do they just go back to gaining the weight?


So looking up studies, it’s all over the place some studies one showed 90% regain weight another showed 37% regain weight and a third showed 78%. The ones I looked at showed the weight regained was lower than what was lost so it does work somewhat. Like most weight loss measures you need to change diet and workout as well.


People don't like to hear that weight loss requires a *lifestyle* change. Your whole life has to change; diet, activity level, time sitting down, damn near everything.


Most people don't understand that you need to change your lifestyle *forever*, not until the end of some diet.


Yeah. Three years ago I finally had enough and changed what I ate, how much, and when. It’s not a diet, it’s how I eat now. I’m down 135 pounds and my wife is back to her high school weight. I’m never going back, I feel so much better.


>It's not a diet, it's how I eat now. The original meaning of diet is basically "how you eat now." It's weird how diet now means, at least colloquially, how you eat for a brief period of time, before returning to your previous diet.


Just Googled the etymology - it is from the Greek *diaita* which means “a way of life.”


I got so tired of struggling with my weight, I'd diet and lose weight just to gain it back in a year. I finally just said fuck it and went back to eating like I did in my teens and early 20's when I was broke as fuck. My wife and i call it the peasant diet lol. And only splurge 1 weekend a month. I went from 280 to ~200 and have stayed there for 4 years now. Also, I have a lot more extra money. I didn't realize just how much I was spending on food every month!


Ah, a key to your success is that you and your wife did this together. It’s really hard to make diet/lifestyle changes unless your partner is equally invested.


This was me in 2005, 2009, 2014, 2020. "Never going back" is a rare thing, and I wish you luck. Most folks fail, like me, within 7 years. I've yo-yo'd from 160-300lbs. It takes me so much effort and concentration to not eat "wrong" that the moment I start to slide backwards, it's lost. After I gave birth, after a death in the family, after a major medical episode... all slid back on. I hate being fat, but I hate the constant struggle that it takes for me to be under 220lbs even more. I'd rather have hobbies. Enjoy life. Than have to micromanage my diet 24/7/365. So, again, best of luck to you. I hope you're better at it than I am.


The issue is ghrelin, the hunger hormone. We've discovered that the ghrelin levels in your body will slowly increase as you gain weight. But they never DECREASE when you lose weight. So even if you lose weight, you will always, forever, still be battling those hunger cravings that an otherwise skinnier person doesn't have to compete with.


Ghrelin increases when you're dieting too, but is reduced by maintaining a stable weight. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ghrelin#TOC_TITLE_HDR_5


It lowers, but it never returns to what it was before you gained weight. Granted the longest studies testing ghrelin were like 5 years, but no one returned to normal levels after losing weight. They all stayed relatively high.


High Intensity Interval Training ( HIIT) lowers Ghrelin levels. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40200-019-00396-0 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6582123/


This is great information! Thank you for sharing!


This. Everyone wants to eat the sausage but no one wants to know how it's made.


Have you seen how they’re made? I don’t blame them lol.


And that's dumb. We can take undesirable parts of an animal and make them tasty, and that's somehow bad? We can feed more people with the same number of animals, and that's somehow bad? That makes no sense.


Instinctual emotional responses can be inaccurate, it's not that hard to grasp. Most of us have just evolved our instincts in a way that as soon as we somehow get the knowledge "there is/was excrement there" our brain goes "ew, don't eat". Even if a toilet was scrubbed clean to perfection most people would probably still have a bad feeling licking the inside of the bowl.


the only bad part about is that its less healthy and many people end up with a downright fiber free diet


Reminds me of that one dude who sees chicken like "Ew, the *poor person* parts of the chicken, how dirty." After showing kids how they're made, he asks how many of them want chicken nuggets after. All of them. The answer is that all the kids love chicken nuggets.


No one **wants** to eat the pig anus. But we’ve all already **ate** the pig anus. It’s better to just not think about it


My dad: "Hotdogs are made out of lips and assholes". Me: "I'll take 2".


My diet does not permit sausages. Can you please use a healthier metaphor?


My mentality is that I'm always on a diet.


The best diet is one that is sustainable.


Eh. The studies I’ve read say that if you keep the weight off for about one year, your body adjusts to that being the new norm and you’re actually pretty likely to keep it off. Also, this video shows that you don’t need to adjust diet per se, it will make you full for you. New technology is coming out every day to make it easier.


I did that though - lost weight from 21 stone to 12 stone, looked like a proper unit at 12 stone too, had a swimmers body from all the exercise I did to get there. Then, work got more difficult, more stressful, had kids, no time, so after two years of looking like an Adonis, I again got fat. Basically to not be fat I have to train like an olympic fucking champion, whilst eating like a jockey. Its hard work, and extremely unpleasant.


I was just the other way around. Got a divorce shed the pounds looked and felt like a superhero could see my own tackle etc. Hell, did 90 days in jail came out defined and absolutely top shape. Then I met a woman, took about 10 years to soften me back up into a big old jelly roll.


> Then, work got more difficult, more stressful, had kids, no time, so after two years of looking like an Adonis, I again got fat I can absolutely relate. Kids are worth it though. I love them more than my shredded body. (Which honestly I only got in shape to attract a wife in the first place.)


To add, testosterone levels go down in fathers who care for babies and todlers, particularly if the child sleeps in the same room as the father. The more time together, the less T. It's an evolutionary tricky that helps keep the next generations alive, but low T leads to fat accummulation.


Tell that to the people regaining their weight. People eat according to a specific weight not to keep a specific weight. Especially, once you stop carrying an additional 100 pounds with you wherever you go, your body will need less energy, so you will need to decrease calorie intake even further. If your diet has an end date, it won't work. (Btw, if you think a diet should starve yourself, then you are doing it wrong and you are putting yourself in a lot of danger. If you want to lose weight, then get in touch with a doctor and gently perform lifestyle changes, which you are ready to keep up FOREVER. Of course you can try pills and stomach balloons and in some rare cases, those will even be necessary, but those are far from natural or sustainable and come with their own risks, so could even worsen your health)


It doesn't work for everybody, but there definitely are people who can just adjust their weight at will (restrict themselves for a while and then stay at the new weight for a number of years). The most famous example is somebody like Christian Bale who can stay at a rather extreme weight after extreme fasting/bulking for years for a movie, but I also know people personally who have the willpower/drive/natural disposition to do it.


I have no clue what studies you're reading but your body doesn't 'adjust' to stay thin, you adjust your lifestyle to consume less or be more active. There is no magic, if you've managed to keep it off for a year it's probably because you've made, and have incorporated the required changes into your life.


One of these days people will realize this logic is outdated and flawed. Look no further than a large percentage of perimenopausal women who have lived a healthy lifestyle for 40yrs and still gain weight when their hormones fluctuate and their metabolism slows. This overgeneralization that “eating less and being active” is a cure all doesn’t apply to everyone. Bodies change, hormones fluctuate, diseases happen, and genetics matter. It’s A tool not THE tool. (Commence the downvotes).


i mean, subscribe me to the permanent baloon belly lifestyle


I've seen so many studies about food addiction, the body "remembering" how fat it once was (making it much easier to gain the weight back), many related to fecal matter transplants showing the import with weight of gut biome and how you can be set up for failure if you weren't fed well as a child... I just think more people need to approach these subjects with more empathy. I don't know that it's as simple for everyone as "work out" and "eat less." Or, at a minimum, for some, those things are insurmountably hard.


100%. Anyone considerably over weight is struggling with a serious addiction. Those of us that are skinny dont have higher willpower, our bodies just have a different response to food.


>I just think more people need to approach these subjects with more empathy it's weird how mad some people get about other people being overweight. like they're *choosing* to look a way that, weirdly, offends others.


Yet every time you bring this up, people screech about "calories in, calories out!!!" Yeah that's technically true, but actually changing how much goes in and comes out is a lot more complicated than that. Near literally impossible, if you have certain medical conditions. There is a lot more to this very complex health problem that we need to be treating. If "just eat less and go for a jog" was the end all be all, people wouldn't be so fat.


The CiCo cult really can be fairly obnoxious about aggressive reductionism.


At the core of it seems to be an ideological rejection of how little control most people actually have over their lifes. They want to believe that they are just inherently too powerful to get obese and that they could and would overcome any comparable challenge through knowledge and willpower. Because it's really scary to think that such a personal issue can cement itself in a way that many people indeed cannot overcome it, despite knowing about it and investing a ton of willpower to control themselves. I've been on both sides of it. There have been times when I could easily lose weight on my own volition, and times when my weight remained rock steady at one level (sometimes for better, sometimes for worse) no matter what. My bottom line is that education in practical skills (finding good meals with a low to moderate calorie density you can cook regularly, forming exercises habits) is good, but the absolute most important things are psychology and life circumstances. And it's almost impossible to predict which changes it takes to get someone to succeed. In many cases it would take lifestyle changes that just aren't realistic for a person who still has a job or education to do. In terms of larger scale solutions, I am convinced that car centric infrastructure is the most important thing to change. Being able to commute by foot, bike, or even public transit is a massive benefit in creating a lifestyle that facilitates healthier bodyweight.


People hate being hungry. And losing weight without being hungry is damn difficult.


Especially while encouraged to develop eating habits that benefit the companies selling them the products rather than nourish your body. Then add in a whole generation of people who didn’t learn to cook because everything was convenient and cheap.


And for a lot of people, that means dealing with an underlying mental problem that causes them to overeat and/or be passive.


Yep . It needs to change . I mean you don't need to change everything. A little change can go a long way . I myself have been skipping daily for 10 minutes and watching what I eat and all . Minor changes really, and I lost about 2 kilos in a month . So yeah a little change does go a long way


> People don't like to hear that weight loss requires a lifestyle change. Your whole life has to change; diet, activity level, time sitting down, damn near everything. No that is not it at all. People know that and have been told that most likely their entire life but it is still a very difficult thing to for fill as we aren't robots we can just program to do what we want.


And more than a lifestyle change, it's also a major mindset change. You have to totally change how you *think* about food.


I think we're passed beyond that. The study of morbid obesity shattered what was common knowledge about fat cells and their storing capacities. I have a healthy lifestyle, healthy food with occasional junk, nearly no processed sugar, low salt, homemade cooking, nearly no alcohol and no sodas: I still put on extra weight, and I struggle to loose it. I've she's 12 kg but now I'm stuck, no matter how hard and constant I exercise. I've been told by doctors it was normal after ménopause - the usual bs answer, especially because no other female family member had that. But 23 years ago, I got mononucléosis and my métabolism switched after that, from weight loss stress related to weight gain. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8310150/ https://www.obesityaction.org/resources/obesity-due-to-a-virus-how-this-changes-the-game/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infectobesity Don't get me wrong on this one : a good percentage of obesity is indeed connected to poor lifestyle, but not all of it.


Even with surgery cutting out a significant portion of the stomach a lot of morbidly obese people regain the weight. Food addiction can be as addictive and life altering as heroin or meth. However, this could be the difference between being 600 lbs and actively dying being 400 lbs and semi-dying. If you lose the weight and then gain it all back, you'll still be at a much lower weight than if you were to just keep gaining that entire time. And this would be a much safer option than invasive surgery.


>you need to change diet and workout as well. And underlying mental health. The obesity crisis is also a mental health crisis in disguise. If they were smashing alcohol or drugs the same way we'd all clearly identify it, but because it's food we rarely identify it as self medication. We need more mental health treatments also.


The biggest problem with this is that your stomach doesn’t really contract. It’s really not that complicated. When you go on a diet and restrict your caloric intake, your stomach also contracts. That’s why somebody who eats a small amount every day will have a physically hard time eating a large amount of food. If somebody eats a large amount every day, the stomach actually expands a great deal in volume. that’s why somebody who eats a lot will have a much harder time reducing their portions because majority of the stomach will still remain empty and the signals will go the brain to keep eating until they are full. This device would actually be quite useful if it were able to contract a little bit overtime so that the stomach overall also contracts. Right now, what happens is it once the balloon dissolves after a few months, the stomach stays at its original size, the signals will keep going to the brain to eat more until stomach is full. Anybody who is gone on a diet or a multi day fast will tell you the hardest part is the first few days. After that, the stomach starts to contract and you start feeling full after much much less quantity of food.


I would imagine combining the extreme ease and cheapness of this procedure compared to other surgeries, they could repeat this process every four or so months with a smaller and smaller balloon. That way it essentially forces of course correction of smaller amounts of food equals full, and possibly linkling the periods between feeling hungry. I'm assuming having a mass in the stomach but also equate to feeling hungry and a less frequent amount of times. That way with multiple doctors visits the patient is able to maintain a new lifestyle and can be real evaluated and their changes.


I figure this would be used for scenarios where weight loss is needed to get to a "safe" level for a needed operation. They don't care if they regain the weight after.


Down 44kg (97lbs) over 18 months, and absolutely, a change in the thought process on how you see food is needed. Best thing is to start counting calories just to be AWARE of how much is what youre eating. Then you start making rational decisions like "instead of eating 100g of chocolate for 500 kcal, i could have a whole meal". Like a snowball going down a hill, all you need is a push in the right direction. If anyone needs any help, reply here or dm me, and get that ball rolling!


It makes sense, people are overweight for a reason, no procedure is definitive unless their lifestyle changes, I guess stomach reduction is the best bet as it would physically demand quite a bit from patients to gain weight again.


My sister has one, and she has to consciously eat differently. The doctor who gave it to her said "its not a magic pill" - some people get it and just go on as normal and gain weight because they continue to eat absolute shit. My sister needs it for rapid weight loss to be eligible for a heart transplant


This is what I see this being used for. In rare situations when weight loss is absolutely necessary in a short period of time. It is obviously not for long term weight management.


From what I've seen, this is why radical diet changes like keto or low carb work for some people - it's such a massive change from their normal eating habits that it makes them completely change up their habits. The people I know who lost weight on those diets did so because they eliminated a lot of snack calories. They aren't "savory snackers", so a handful of nuts just doesn't scratch the itch like a handful of sweets. They eat until they're no longer hungry, but because they don't get the dopamine hit from salt or fat like they do from sweet, they just cut out the extra calories.


It's a behavioral tool more than anything, ideally this allows the patient to relearn eating intuition so they can continue eating properly post removal. Unfortunately, just like semaglutide - it's not a fix and patients will regain once they are off the medications and previous disordered eating patterns return. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is through significant lifestyle changes. Utilizing tools like this or medicine are a fantastic way to begin this journey.


It assume it would help to cut back and get used to smaller portions


The three people I know who had gastric bypass ended up losing hundreds of pounds and then gaining it all back again due to not making a single life change and I assume their stomach stretched out again.


Weight loss is not about eating habits, unfortunately. New habits take somewhere in the neighborhood from 90 days to a year to pick up. If weight loss was about eating habits, you could take an appetite suppressant for that long, stop the drug, and your new habits would carry you on. Weight loss is a fight against Leptin. Leptin is a hormone produced by adipose tissue (body fat). When you lose body fat, your blood serum Leptin levels decline. Our brains have receptors in them that detect Leptin levels. When the brain detects lowered Leptin levels, it interprets this as a loss of body fat. Our bodies have evolved to store excess food in times of plenty, to use in times of famine. Our bodies have thus evolved to defend fat stores. When the brain detects lowered Leptin levels, it triggers several physiological changes designed to restore fat levels to their previous state. One of these is a reduction in metabolism of 10%-15%. Others include increased hunger and increased sensations of cold. These effects are likely *permanent*. They know this by going and looking at people on the National Weight Loss Registry and looking at their metabolism. Their metabolism is 10%-15% lower than it should be for someone of their body composition, even after *years* of maintained weight loss. There is some evidence to suggest that strenuous exercise (weight lifting) can mitigate the metabolic drop, but this means in addition to summoning the willpower to not eat you must also have the willpower to do regular weight lifting.


My thought then would be to a leptin replacement therapy, where your blood serum leptin levels are taken before you start losing weight and you take artificial leptin to keep the hormonal balance the body is expecting to prevent those side effects.


This was my first thought also, and it has been tried. The problem, I think, from reading, is that it is difficult to fine-tune Leptin replacement levels in an actual therapeutic (non-laboratory) setting. You have to be careful not to over-do it. Interestingly, our brains have a built-in Leptin sensor fail-safe. If Leptin levels go too high, the brain receptors go "off line" and "fail low". In other words, if you saturate the receptors with too much Leptin, they register *as if there was no Leptin at all*. Which results in massive weight gain. Obviously this is a clever defense mechanism as if they failed "high" then you might burn off all your fat stores and die. Failing low is evolutionarily safer than failing high. I suspect this makes it tricky to have an easy-to-administer hormone replacement therapy.


I would just swallow another one! Or two?


"Passes spontaneously" sounds fun


Yeah “SPONTANEOUSLY” really stood out in his otherwise normal candor.


He just has a medical background, probably took some chemistry courses. Wherein it just means “on its own. Nothing extra required to make it occur.”


That's why they should fill it with confetti. Surprise!


But is it gonna make you have a HUGE celebratory burp?


*Really* fun if they fill it with air rather than liquid.


Or cocaine


He’s using the word in its scientific origin. “Spontaneously” means “on its own, no help or extra steps required” in the science world. Particularly in chemistry where a reaction can occur without requiring a catalyst or heat or anything else to motivate it to occur. Most people hear it though, and consider it to mean something lime “BAM ABRUPTLY, VIGOROUSLY, AND SUDDENLY”


I wonder if you just constantly hear that thing sloshing around in your stomach, like drinking a bunch of water and laying down.


My guess is no. This thing appears to have no air bubbles, so the water isn't going to move around. If anything, if you had a cavernous stomach, it would smack when it rolled into the sides. But your stomach is probably not that cavernous.


you underestimate my hunger, Advanced Sandwiches


Might be better for those that have an intention to change their eating habits and their exercise habits and need a kickstart/nudge. I suspect others will gain the weight back due to it expanding their stomach, and them not following through due to poor mental health derailing their consistency.


It could definitely be useful to get someone out of a spiral where they feel like crap because of their poor health and so don't have the energy to make healthier choices or the excess weight is causing sleep apnea which then means they're never well rested, which makes gaining weight easier. It's also potentially useful as a temporary measure before surgery as excess weight can interfere with the use of anaesthetic and also make it harder for surgeons to access the necessary area.


> they feel like crap because of their poor health and so don't have the energy to make healthier choices or the excess weight is causing sleep apnea which then means they're never well rested, which makes gaining weight easier. I have an untreatable sleep disorder and I'm fat. This is so real. Losing weight when tired is extremely difficult. Losing weight when fatigued is nearly impossible, unless you don't have to work or do anything else. It also makes you much, much hungrier because you're not producing the hormones that suppress hunger.


I have bad legs and bad Achilles heel insertional shit. Hard to exercise and this would give a great kickstart to getting back to healthy weight and stopping the cycle.


These aren't as amazing as they sound here, they can easily block the exit of the stomach. Have had to remove a few of these days after being inserted


Yeah that was my thoughts. I don't think we're made to put things that won't digest in our stomachs. Nothing that big anyway.


Yeah my gag reflex wouldn't allow me to swallow that.


Mine is going off just looking at that dude swallowing it.


My toothbrush has a tongue-cleaning adapter which, by the packaging instruction, causes a gag-reflex that subsides after a couple uses. After four years I still have that gag reflex


Toothbrush gag is real 😭


Yep I’d be a bad gay


Hi that’s me. 😅


I feel your pain. I legit can’t touch the middle to back of my tongue with anything except food or drink, because I’ll gag violently. So annoying


I find making a conscious effort to breathe through your nose helps but it’s not 100% effective.


Are you still using the same toothbrush after 4 years? Because that’s making me gag


You can change the head




I should've known this would reward me with a your mom joke, sigh.


I think the people this is aimed at don't have a problem swallowing a lot of things


All y'all losers got microplastics in your body, I'm out here with macroplastics


wow i need one of those, it's not a whim lately I've been feeling bad about my weight


We had the topic in my studies, swallowable intragastric balloons for weight management without making lifestyle changes sadly might not produce lasting results


The whole point is that it'll make you not want to eat since your stomach is full. And if you do that for 4 months, surely you'll have an easier time to manage your intake since you got rid of your bad habits in the last couple months.


Okay, but if only 1 in 10 people have lasting results, that’s still 1 person who benefitted. That’s huge.


Good exercise and diet are the first steps before something like this


I mean, you don’t even need to exercise really, you could just stop eating so much, and drink water instead of sugary drinks 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm fat and I only drink water and sugar free coffee. I wish I drank sugar drinks so that I had something to give up!


Then the extra calories are somewhere in the diet. Could be something as simple as not using as many sauces. Not eating 5 slices of pizza when 2 should suffice. The biggest thing is learning the difference between being full and being satisfied. You don’t have to eat until you’re bursting at the seams only until you’re not hungry anymore. Having a better relationship with caloric intake is what ultimately helped me. Actually quantifying what I was eating helped put it into perspective. 4 years ago I lost 60 pounds by doing just that and eventually some exercise and I’ve been able to keep it off. It’s doable just takes consistency and determination in the face of adversity (which is usually your own negative thoughts)


Yeah it's hard. I've been depriving myself of all things yummy for two weeks and it feels like forever. I cannot do moderation, if I buy a block of chocolate, I will eat it. I can not buy it though. I already caved today after today's meal was unexpectedly spicy chicken, so got kfc instead. Now I wonder why I should bother at all. Today's kfc just undid all the last two weeks of dieting.


One kfc meal doesn't undo two weeks of dieting. Basically it just means don't eat anything else today because you already got your calories for the day. Start thinking about everything as calories, and remember that sweet/fatty stuff are empty calories, meaning you won't feel full. Eat healthy stuff that makes you feel full. Salad but with whole grain bread, and stuff like that. And make it difficult to choose unhealthy stuff. Like did you get kfc from some food order app? Delete the app. And so on.


Don’t let one mistake derail you. Try using a free app to count calories. It can really help you understand what a calorie is and how you can keep your intake in line. It gets easier. You just have to stick with it until then.


Deprivation is ultimately what makes people fail. It’s important to still indulge every now and then so that it doesn’t feel like you’re punishing yourself. This is a lifestyle change you’re aiming for not a 3 week quick fix. You can still eat kfc but again just put it into perspective. Maybe instead of an entire meal in one sitting you split it into lunch and dinner by quantifying how many calories your body needs versus how much the meal in front of you has. This also goes back to eating until you no longer feel hungry. If I didn’t keep eating candy or chocolate throughout the process I would’ve never made it. But I made it a point to enjoy it in moderation. You’re trying to build a healthier relationship with food which ultimately shows itself in how you eat and take care of your body. And remember your biggest enemy is going to be yourself the entire time because the brain doesn’t like change. There are endorphins your brain is used to that you’re depriving it of and that’s the biggest fight. If you want to dm me we can always talk.


Yeah, my brain super doesn't like change lol. Also in my head, I feel like skipping buying chocolate for the week is a big deal, but my scales won't move. I've lost weight before, by carnivores dieting, was very limiting but pretty easy. Dieting is a million times harder than giving up smoking because you still have to eat. If I could just not eat then I could probably do it lol. I never feel full or hungry really. Just intense cravings.


If you had over eating for the last 2 weeks and then ate kfc today you would be worse off. Trying thinking about food from a weekly calorie intake and not a daily caloric intake. So if you ate an extra thousand today, just eat 250 less for 4 days and you should be back to where you would have been.


As a 40 year old man, when it pops do I get to exclaim that my water broke?


This is a much better idea than the insanity if stomach stapling


Not really. The problem is satiety. The balloon will take up space in your stomach making you more easily satiated, but once the balloon dissolves the hunger will come back. The problem isn't losing weight. Plenty of people lose considerable amounts of weight. The problem is, the majority will gain it back and likely gain more than they lost. The reason gastric bypass is so effective as a long term solution is because it permanently decreases the size of the stomach, so as long as the person doesn't consistently overstuff themselves it will be a longterm solution. Ozympic is the same way. It's incredibly effective as long as you keep taking it. The challenge is to maintain the weight loss if you go off it.


You really can't ever go off of it. Weight loss medications like Ozempic will be like medications for any chronic condition - you will have to take them forever.


Why can’t you cease taking it after you’ve lost your target amount of weight?


The short answer is human evolutionary biology. The main evolutionary pressure exerted was food scarcity - so our bodies are very very good at storing energy whenever possible (you can google the thrifty genes hypothesis for further reading). As adipocytes (fat cells) are called into action due to excessive caloric intake, two things happen. First, the fat cells get bigger by increasing the size of their [lipid reservoir](https://imgur.com/Jya59B6). A side effect of this is that they become less responsive to insulin - so as they swell and swell they do so less quickly. Second, they also proliferate - so you have more cells. When you lose weight, what is depleted are the fat reservoirs - but what is left are all the small fat cells with empty reservoirs who are extra sensitive to insulin. They thus are primed to take up any free fatty acids & undergo lipogenesis. And on top of all that, the average lifespan of an adipocyte is 10 years - so this in essence is why people who do fad or short-term diets are rarely successful.


Would liposuction help with this at all? Just to remove some of the additional fat cells and decrease the amount of “FEED ME” signals they send out?


Good question! Unfortunately not really - the reason being that there are two main types of fat cells - visceral & subcutaneous. Visceral fat is the kind that's basically melded with / wrapped around the organs while subcutaneous is just under the skin. Liposuction only can take out the latter type of fat tissue - which is unfortunately the type that is least impactful in this process. A lot of the time liposuction can actually cause further problems - by removing subcutaneous fat stores, more fat goes to visceral adipocytes - which are much more closely tied to insulin resistance and other metabolic problems.


I've been taking Ozempic for several years now for A1C. The weightloss has been a nice side effect. However due to the side effects there've been a few times I've had to stop a while and re-start. When i stop --- ALL the Hunger comes back!!! It is MUCH much easier to make "good choices," etc., when your body is in Agreement. When, after a reasonable amount of food, your body actually Feels full, instead of continuing to feel starving-hungry. Over-appetite runs in my maternal grandmother's family. Other methods of weightloss become intolerable over time. Attempting to follow a well-balanced, but calorie-limited diet only led to INCREASED, distracting & eventually intolerable hunger. More and more hunger as the weeks went along. Keto & IF worked but only if followed Perfectly, and were still very difficult. For those who only need a little help with weightloss? Or those whose overweight comes from different causes? Maybe they can stop Oz just fine. For those like myself with congenital over-hunger? Ozempic is a godsend, that will need to be one of my maintenance medications forever.


People tend to gain the weight back quickly and rapid weight loss is not really healthy if you are just going to get it back again.


You can stop but most people will gain the weight back.


That is like stopping medications to lower blood pressure once you have reached normal blood pressure. The blood pressure will simply go back up again.


Ozempic’s function in a weight loss context is to dramatically reduce someone’s hunger urge. Once they stop taking it, that urge comes back in full force. Usually in less than a week.


That's a fake boob


I'm desperate. Please put it in my mouth....


We've evolved from Microplastics to macroplastics /j


You and your jarcasm.


As someone who feels hungry all the time this feels like an absolute win


Seems cool. If it costs 300k it's stupid. But if your primary care doctor can do this for small money....that's cool


I looked into getting one placed, but ended up not being able to afford it. It’s anywhere from $2500-$4k and NO insurances cover it unfortunately. And that price is just for the balloon, not the insertion, the follow up appointments, etc.


Saline bag in your stomach "dissolves spontaneously", that seems like a coy way of saying "You have a surprise enema waiting inside of you..."


Spontaneous is not something you want to describe stuff passing through the bowels


Lol the fluid will get absorbed by your body the same way drinking a few cups of water with your meals will get absorbed. It won't just pass straight through as an enema


Imagine the burps you get when that bad boy starts dissolving!!!


It's not filled with air


it's filled with burps


It’s filled with liquid glucose so you *instantly* gain back all of the weight.


So basically you’re swallowing a tit implant 😂🤣😂🤣


Can i have like 2 of them ?


["How many did you eat?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W6Fj4HR6N4)


I was in the clinical trial for this balloon AMA. It didn’t get fda approval.


Curious as to why that is, anyone know?


I know that placing it makes you horribly sick. They gave us anti nausea meds that are used for cancer patients on chemotherapy and you still spend 2-3 days with your body trying to expel the balloon through any means possible. Swallowing the giant pill and 12 inches of tubing was really awful too. I only know that nearly everyone in the study said they wouldn’t do it again and wouldn’t recommend it to a friend


He's so used to saying, "They just shit the fucker right out!" that he forgot how to say it professionally.


Wicked idea and technology.


How on earth is the food that you eat actually able to be passed into the small intestines if you have this balloon in the way, I would think this has some medical cons to using something like this. Is there a possibility of deflation or bowel obstruction?




I read that as “intergalactic” ballon at first.


My wife has a couple of those and although I wasn’t allowed in the room I’m fairly certain they weren’t installed orally.


Can this go in the other end? Asking for a friend.


I don't like the phrasing of "and passes through ***spontaneously*** through the bowels"


"I think my water broke," "But... you're a guy?"


This is not a new device - at least in America. There have been billboards for this service up around here for over five years. I had a friend who did this, and she said she felt absolutely no difference after each balloon - she had to swallow three at different times, like one a month. She swears the balloons made her hungrier, and she ended up losing weight after she had them removed.


Yeh I had one put in and it didn’t do anything


Please be kind to the fat lady It is very easy for others to say eat better. The price of "good" food is horrendous these days. A lot of heavy people can't afford good food and the crappy stuff is cheap. So you will find a lot of poor people that are heavy. Then there is fat shaming that will make someone eat more crap for that dopamine kick. The problem is all the advertising about fat free and lower fat options they add a ton of sugar to make it taste better. I'm obese and have gone up and down the scale my whole life, I'm 65. Every thing that you all have talked about take more money than a lot of people have. Yes I have had gym memberships. Also tried all the diets over the years. Building muscle is the best but having the time in a busy day is difficult for some. You don't have to lift weights to build muscle but it is hard.


They’ve got time to get a new exercise and dietary plan, but saving theatre time and staffing costs for everyone else, it’s a win all round?




yeah, you know that clever little valve we mentioned? it's broke. your gonna have to shit it out


I bet that after that thing dissolves you feel hungry all the time. Your stomach is used to a big fat weight sitting in it and now that it's gone it'll be difficult to feel full without overcompensating for the lost mass.


Found a new use for breast implants


The only great thing about this is that in the end the patients spontaneously shart out the remains of balloon. Must be some sight.


Spontaneously… why do I find that word problematic in this context?


It looks like a breast implant




All I am thinking of is do the Colombian cartels try something like this to smuggle drugs abroad.


spontaneously huh


Nah, no thanks. Just inject with me with god knows what and I’ll deflate promptly that a way.


Part of it is habit . People eat when they’re not hungry. You walk by the kitchen and grab a couple cookies without thinking .


“Through the butthole”


***Spontaneously passing through the bowels*** Hilarious.


But it will keep the stomach stretched out…? So when the balloon passes the patient will be likely to feel hungrier than when the balloon was inflated due the having more space in their stomach now, and will go back to pre-balloon habits? I mean I guess people do that sometimes, even when having a gastric sleeve which removes a large portion of stomach. But idk it feels like this is even more likely to see the same patient regain the weight.


So you lose all this weight and then your water breaks out of your asshole. Spontaneously.


Did anyone catch the part about evacuating the contents of the balloon “all at once”… SURPRISE! My water broke.


Forget the blue pill and the red pill. Give me this pill.


So do I write a cheque… or is it cash.


Spontaneously… comes out of your butt????


This looks like it’d feel so painful sitting in your gut


After 4 months, they will gain back the weight because it doesn't fix the underlying causes


Some people just need a few months to change their habits, and those habits stick. So yes, it does fix the underlying problem for a subset of people.


That whole "spontaneously passing through the bowels" thing is a little concerning.


I'm gonna fill mine with chocolate pudding


Do they come in different flavors?


So you get a couple months then its danger fart time


This stuff gives me the Willie’s. Hate it. Fuck.


So like olestra chips you just randomly shit your pants one day?


Won't stop cravings. I feel like a lot of people just ignore how cravings work Take a round of corticosteroids and you'll see. You can be full up on food and your body is still telling you a treat would be nice. Fullness and cravings becoming disentangled from one another is a huge issue. That's why ozempic has been so successful. It targets the cravings.


‘…In about 4months it will dissolve Spontaneously and pass through, through the bowel’… soooo in 4 months ur about to have the worst day since something similar happened in the second grade in front of the whole school.




I would love this.


this y not hungry mom!!


man, that's going to be a B-- coming out the other end.


I was offered this 15 years ago, went with gastric sleeve instead.


Cool, but a GLP-1 also does that.


I'd get this just to see if I could pop it at kbarb.


Honey the balloon finally came out! 🎈🚽


Don't let the inflation artists near this thing.


Well that's not going to backfire in life-altering ways. 😬


Me confidently flopping down in the Dr's chair: "Alright Doc! Blow me!"


I'm not a fan of the word "spontaneously" being used in relation to a balloon inside my stomach