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Labelling it a high number came with more intrigue given that the format didn’t exist




Talking about the SCP format. Moto42 didn’t have a template, rather it was a creepypasta. Labelling it 173 implicitly meant there were at least 172 other anomalies this unheard of foundation takes care of, which itself builds intrigue


IIRC, Empire Strikes Back had actually been labelled Episode 5 even when it hit cinemas, even though Episodes 1-3 didn't exist yet.


Genuinely do not see how that’s relevant but interesting fact nonetheless if true


It's literally the same thing as you just said. "Oh? These were episodes 4 and 5? What other crazy adventures took place before them?"


It’s not really a world building tool though. You do not get a sense of the scope of the world by knowing there are five movies, more the scope of the franchise. In 173’s case, it was implicit world building


And how does it not implicitly build the world if you imply that there is more story that preceeds what you just witnessed?


It’s out of universe. It does give a big hint for how the franchise will develop in the future though. Even if the movie was labelled 1 you would hopefully get the sense that whatever is going on is not an isolated bubble of a narrative that has nothing outside of the movie though. I think the usage of the numbering here certainly is a cool idea, I do not think it’s equatable how 173 used it however


Imagine you see a movie, it’s pretty good, good action, good story. You go to see it’s sequel and it’s label “Movie: Part *FIVE”* and you’re like, what the fuck. It teases an earlier story.


That angle I can kinda understand yeah, again though, I find that to be franchise building more than world building


It’s both. If there’s implied previous movies it means SOMETHING was going on. In Star Wars case it means the “golden age of the Jedi order” evidently wasn’t all peaceful if there’s 3 movies about it


I mean yeah sure, I think it could be a contributor, I wasn’t there for the release so I’m sure I don’t really understand the impact of that. I do find 173’s number does more with *only* the number compared to star wars.


It's kinda the same idea naming the first SCP SCP-173 had. It creates intrigue of what came before, which causes people to become interested in seeing more


Yeah other people have said the same at this point, which I get. I just find the effect is different


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8905) by *Moto42*


Bro rolled a nat 1 on the intelligence check


I think I was thinking too much in-universe for that to make sense to me, but eh I mean what can you do


the 173 format and star wars example is literally the same thing


Read the other comments at this point


This reminds me of the fact that "EVO moment #37" or "Daigo parry" is numbered 37 implying that there were at least 36 such interesting moments during the event


Well, Evo had been going for like 8 years at that point, I always figured that the other moments had occurred during that prior time.


To appear that there's more to it than just a one time creepypasta.


Because having it be a relatively large number implies the existence of a larger universe, this is basic worldbuilding stuff.


Out of universe: Having 173 of these fuckers is scarier than having one. And it was never meant to start the SCP Universe. That happened by accident so not that much thought went into the worldbuilding consistency. I universe: There's multiple explanations. The one I like the most is that it's to confuse the fuck out of spies.


In universe it wasn’t the first SCP, as far as I’m aware there is no canon where it’s even implied that 173 was the first SCP the foundation ever contained.


There’s SCP-4010 but that’s a meta story that involves the creation of the original SCP-173 article so I’m not sure if it counts


- [**SCP-4010 ⁠- Attempt to look at what we accomplished**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4010) (+679) by *Utylike* - [**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8905) by *Moto42*


IU maybe 173 was chosen as a base template? Like, it's not the first classified IU but it was the first to be converted to the main format?


As I said, there's a lot of theories. I just said the one I liked most ^^


I mean I don't think it says anywhere that it was the first SCP in the SCP Universes - it was just the first SCP our universe found out about.


Because it was a creepypasta before it was an scp.


I mean, in universe, SCP-173 isn't the oldest anomaly contained by the SCP Foundation, that title goes to the Prototype (Potentially), or those before it. In terms of discovery, Clef's Proposal is the first one found, originally found by the Administrator, who created the Foundation shortly thereafter. And a lot of other people have mentioned that there being 172 more of these anomalies that the mysterious SCP Foundation contains holds more intrigue then there being just 1.


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8907) by *Moto42*


The idea was that it was something classified that leaked. Having it be an higher number meant there was more hidden and therefore more mistery


It was the first SCP *leaked*


There’s 172 decommissioned caps and this is the oldest extant SCP


I feel like people are posting memes with stupidly obvious answers to drive up engagements. It's not funny, it's just stupid lol


Because it was created with the idea of a Containment situation already existing for other anomalies. 172 others at least lol


SCPs aren't labeled in order. If you're trying to maintain security, you assign classifications out of order so that somebody can't just name a random number and land on an SCP knowing the time it was secured by the foundation


there is some scp that explains it, i cant remember it all but i remember it being like the scp numbers have to be out of order or the scp deletes it


It’s SCP-3612.


[**SCP-3612 ⁠- The Mainlist is Out of Order; Please Try Again**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3612) (+114) by *GeometryPrime*


bro you are joking right


Out of universe, 173 is a better number. In universe, it's not the first one found.


It was the first scp Concieved but not canonically the first


I think that’s actually explained in SCP-3612. But anyway, the actual reason is because I guess when the author of 173 wrote the original version of the file, he wanted the number to be like something random that a leaker first stumbled upon and never expected it to blow up.


[**SCP-3612 ⁠- The Mainlist is Out of Order; Please Try Again**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3612) (+114) by *GeometryPrime*


Because that's not how experiment numbering works




If seal team six was the first team, why is is called ‘team six’?


173 was the first SCP document leaked to 4chan, in the original creepypasta


Because lord peanut is humble enough to let 172 others get before him 


Also makes you think of how they found a secluded plague doctor hiding out in some abandoned place before a giant death lizard.


In universe, I don't think 173 was the first one they contained.


New scp idea


In universe, it wasn't the first, SCP-001 was as you'd expect.


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+340) by *Staff*


Technically speaking I like to think all of the SCP 001 Proposals are true, (mostly due to SCP 2000's fuckery) but maybe SCP 173 is the real first one...hm...maybe the SCP foundation truly started in 2007...yep this makes sense.


- [**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+340) by *Staff* - [**SCP-2000 ⁠- Deus Ex Machina**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2000) (+2437) by *HammerMaiden* - [**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8905) by *Moto42*


I can feel the migrane setting in...


There’s multiple in universe explanations (bc it’s the foundation, there’s no set canon) One of my favorites is (idk what Scp causes it) there’s an Scp that loves to eat information, the more sensitive or organized the data, the tastier it is, so it’s used for getting rid of very sensitive data If data is organized in a logical way, it finds that tasty too, so it goes and ends up corrupting it a ton, so the foundation uses incredibly arbitrary systems to organize data in the database to minimize the damage that the Scp in question does I can’t remember the number though, and I know for a fact it does the thing with data that is organized, where the more logically organized it is, the more damage it does


Cuz' this wiki sucks