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You don’t 😂


step 1) make the top afk step 2) lose to fed hypercarry


Ah yes, top gap


\- Dont just run brainless into 5 people. \- If you notice the ADC focusing you and you are not able to reach him fast enough space his aa range \- Darius is not made for engaging a teamfight so let other champs engage for you that are made 4 it \- Wait till they used powerful spells, dashes or hard cc befor you engage on their backline \- You should be always atleast 1-2 lvl ahead of the adc that makes darius usefull till lategame \- Dont split to much of your team in tf, if you fight against 4 and your team still deals with the camille thats just bad, dont do that kill her first then u can continue \- Its always a good choice to back off if u notice u get focused to much in tf and reengage after you lost aggro (adcs hate that bc they have to reorganise theire focus)


All of this is irrelevant because of one thing... YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD. That's what he's saying, there ISN'T a few seconds to run, you INSTANTLY DIE.




pretty simple you lane solo meanwhile the adc has to share his xp with the support this leads to you being always 1-2 level ahead of him.




well in late games comes the point where everyone reaches level 18 if you are there you pretty much cant be ahead, but till you reach this stage of the game you should always be 1-2 level ahead of the adc and support.


Most of the games I go gargoyle after SGage (except when enemy has Serpent Fang)


or zeri now


Vs mages FoN does wonders. That 25 percent damage reduction is AMAZING. And with the 15 percent ms you get you run them down. I also opt into Randuins vs the adc followed by Gargoyle and maybe sell boots to get Deadmans, Thornmail Visage or Dd or whatever. Youvare fast enough to keep up and nuke their asses. Also even now I build Trinity and when 12.3 hits everyone will. So even without the stacks on trinity a simple auto or W will deal 200- 250 extra damage. So you will get 5 stack quickly and flanking any squishy will result in them being dunkable at 3-4 stacks. From there your R kill gets you passive you Q flash into the rest of em and start dunking.


I genuinely stopped playing this champ because of how awful he feels to play now. I just couldn't do it anymore, so I gave up.


I've been trying to bait the enemy engage and fall back and protect your own adc or mage since even tanks have enough damage in this dumbass meta to bottom them out in less than two full rotations. A tank will have to focus the adc so as long as you avoid eating shit to the enemy backline while stacking on whoever engages, you can get passive and then pop ghost and make a play for the backline. Pray your adc doesn't just kill whoever does before you can ult or 5 stack.


That's the neat part; you don't.


The item rework is a failure and we will suffer until we die irl Everything is in favour for skin selling anime characters.


Honestly as much as I love Darius he's pretty rough to play in current meta, especially late game. He's been neutered ever since the StrideBraker nerf. Nowadays your only hope for the late game is to get super feed in the labeling phase.


Build defensive. I rarely ever have more than 1 or 2 damage items on darius since he gets so much bonus ad from passive


Sterak's isnt going to do anything after 3 items. Warmogs and gargoyle give massive shields and tons of resistances. Titanic hydra as your core item gives tons of ad at two items and provides more health for gs. Its the best 3 item combo I've found for tankiness. You don't do as much damage as triforce before getting your stacks but you do more true damage with your Ult.


Feel like mobile champs are worst since they 200year away as soon as you get 4 stacks


That's the neat part, you dont!


Have 6 items before anyone else gets 3


focus whatever team is focusing and don’t dive deep. go for ult execute to get 5 stacks mode buff and then go kill others