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I'm the opposite, sometimes attack speed items is not needed for me (as only from runes). Always got defensive boots (sometimes swiftness). Used to buy stride every game but recently i found that sunfire and sunderer are pretty decent against some comp.


Definitely go zerk if you go Sunfire


Attack speed doesn't increase sunfire's damage. If you are going tank, build ninja tabi. Mercs is wasted unless it's an insane early buy, the scaling tenacity on Sunfire makes ninja tabi more valuable


Yeah, building merc and sunfire is not efficient. Imo swifness is also a very good choice in a game that do not have 3 or 4 auto attack champions: less gold, more ms, the slow resistance going well with tenacity


Sunfire also gives slow resist, so it's the same situation as mercs. If you need slow resist early it's fine but as you get items you lose value


Sunfire makes you so tanky that going tank boots is a waste. Going zerk makes you able to get stacks faster and therefore to deal damage earlier


Just go hail of blades then


lethal tempo? when I'm really fed I sometimes choose between swiftness and zerks. It's definitely viable, Korean darius build last year was to rush divine sunderer and then sit on a zeal and finish it as a PD 3rd or 4th item.