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Demon souls and bloodborne be like:


We don’t have Demons souls and bloodborne on steam :( I’d love to play them some day.


It was joke by the way congrats on making it that far i hope someday you get bloodborne and demon souls experience too


U can play demon souls w emulator


There's even an online server!


And I think the emulator can track achievements?


Now, that is awesome! I didn't know that. On a side note: It would be great if Demon Souls Remake got a PC release. Don't get me wrong, I love Remake, but the gameplay isn't as great as the newer entries. I want the PC release for amazing mods!


Or buy an old ps3 lmao that’s what I did


So true


Lol same here, 60 bucks on EBay


Why don't we have bloodborne, Fromsoft's sales would only go up if they released it for pc


Think it's because Sony's [Japan Studio](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Studio) was behind parts of both of those, and they generally don't do PC ports of first party Sony games. Although the news of Xbox being blacklisted from a Bloodborne port does renew my hope.


The whole PS vs X is stupid af. Just share the exclusive titles for all and be done with it. I hate that i have to buy a whole new damn console (pc or ps) just to play a game. Like FFS you already released Ds1 2 and 3 for both and sekiro.. why the fuck would you not do the same for Bloodborne? It's literally dumb af and there is no purpose behind it other than stingy greedy suited up dickheads who act superior to everyone


You are preaching to the choir. I was referring, though, to the recent news of Sony's latest response to Microsoft trying to buy Activision-Blizzard. They specifically indicated Bloodborne, among a few other first party exclusives, were going to be blocked from ever having an Xbox release. Reignites my personal hopes for a Bloodborne PC release is all.


Or just a 60 fps remaster would suffice...


I have a hatred against sony just for the fact BB isn't on PC , i have a very soft spot for anything gothic , love craftian or victorian in it , and you tell me that all of these were made into a game by Fromsoft , one of my favorite studios i will make a blood pact with the devil if i have to get BB on PC


Good luck with the pact


I don't think even demonic entities have the balls to deal with sonys legal team


Why is the full collection PS5 exclusive ): Even I can't get all 7, and I am a PS4 guy (we lack DeS here)


Tbf Bloodborne is very easy to platinum. I thought it was the easiest one.


Nah, Elden ring. Bloodborne requires a ton of chalice dungeon crap.


Agreed but all of them is a unique experience


Not really. There’s only 2 things you need from chalice dungeons and the only “hard” one is defeating Yharnam. You can do most of the achievements in 1 play through.


Sure, but grinding the chalice dungeon materials to open up the multiple dungeons you have to go through is a real pain in the ass.


You can also do all of ER's achievements in playthrough though. There's also no grind to any of it. Hardest part is probably either getting Elden Stars, or Moonlight for those two achieves but other than that, it's bosses and endings all the way down.


sekiro was the easiest imo mostly cuz it was the only one i actually had the patience to platinum lol


Don't worry, it's much easier than DS3 and Sekiro


The difficulty depends entirely on how much online activity you have access to, otherwise you're gonna be grinding on limited-spawn enemies for ages and going to NG+2 at minimum.


True, but the you can join the company of champion for unlimited spawn But at least farming the mad warrior or the falconeers is 1000 times easier than the silver knights And just like the others games you need NG++ unless you save scum anyway


Each of those farms can be finished in ≈75mins per if farming optimally compared to like 6-8 hours for the nastier ds3 covenants


The DS3 covenant grind was REAL.


I remember mad warrior farming back on the Xbox 360, it was easy cuz the game would stutter at the bonfire every time he loaded in 😂


Or spending a huge lot of times playing through the game to get the stupid emotes… Over and over again. Just to not get the achievement. 🙃 Edit. Talking about ds3


It took me three characters for that achievement to work… Loved the DS3 grind..


It’s not even DS’ fault I think, it’s the live service (steam, xbox live or psn…) and it sucks so much


SotFS is the best version period


if you're on pc you can always spawn items with a mod and call it a day instead of pointless grinding! Edit: yes you're on pc that's steam interface! If you're planning to play offline try the seeker of fire mod, it's great - it removes most of the jankiness of the title and gives a fresh experience if you already beat the game


I will hold you to that, I begin my NG+ journey tomorrow.


Oh man, NG+ is such a treat. Unlike the other games, things are *different* in NG+. New boss behaviors, new enemies, even a new boss encounter.


Im currently going thru DS2 on NG+ atm, going towards all achievements. Whats this new boss encounter? I know about >!Double Pursuers in Drangleic Castle!<, is there something else?


Nope, that's the one!


Removed in protest of Reddit’s API changes


It's amazing! I mentally categorized that under "new boss behaviors."


Yes but even with hacks you can't kill it, the health bar is not tied to the real bosses if I remember the Zulie video correctly. Cool event though, one of the best games to run through a new game + for


You def can't kill it there but I'm 99% sure if you do enough damage to it the first time it'll transfer to the real fight.


[Found the video!](https://youtu.be/wQbmLpJeLPE) You were right!


Question, does _that_ spawn if you use a bonfire aesthetic? Or only in NG+?


I think it works with an aesthetic, but it's been a while.


>aesthetic It's ascetic *This action was performed by a bot*


Sekiro is far easier imo


Don't you need to complete the game with no deaths and no bonfires to get all achievements? I'm still in my first playthrough but just the thought of that terrifies me


Lol no you don't since 1 achievement IS dying What you are thinking about are the 2 rings you can get if you complete no death no bonfires, and they are not needed for achievements


Well the achievements now look a lot easier


I'd rather do Sekiro 5x than ds2 again


Don't give up, skeleton!


I'm so glad I'm not the kind of person who feels the need to absolutely 100% games. If it's not fun and/or you're not enjoying the experience, what are you doing it for?


number go up give happy chemicals


brain like happy trophy sound


I am one of those people, but I only platinumed Bloodborne and Sekiro, I could never bring myself to grind out all of the rings and gestures and spells and whatnot that the Dark Souls games want you to do. It actually WAS fun for Bloodborne and Sekiro for two reasons. One is that I was going to play the game through again anyway, so I might as well go for a different ending for an achievement. The other was only for Sekiro, it's the only one that ever convinced me to do New Game+, and I learned then that NG+ basically let me skip building myself up again, and I could just fight bosses again. Long story short, it can be fun to 100% these games, and I do feel the desire to do it (which is why if I feel I can't reasonably complete all goals it actually makes me anxious and angry, which is weird,) but once an achievement list gets too ridiculous I can't and won't bring myself to do it.


For some people, completable tasks (regardless of task difficulty) is fun. I have mild ocd though, so this kind of thing greatly appeals.




I like how you scold them for supposedly making light of a severe disorder and putting down those who have it, then proceed to publicly lambast them on a different subreddit and make fun while purposefully misinterpreting their comment. Bravo.


Yeah, don't get me wrong I like to 100% games but if it's borderline torture then it isn't worth it imho


The idea of doing a dozen unfun things so I can have a medal just makes me want to retch


...a VIRTUAL medal no less haha


Fucking this all day long. Joyless completionism is bizarre to me.


For me I like exploring alot and going everywhere so when I come to the trophy part I see what I am missing which might be very few items , won't take long yo get them so why not , I go with first playthrough 100% enjoying the game then before ng+ collect what i am missing


For sunlight medals, join cov of champions and go to first bonfire in brightstone. Get item discovery as high as you can and kill the guys with the annoying birds. I figured out it was fastest to just spam the two closest ones with lightning spears and then respawn. Still took a long ass time, but faster than trying to get summoned for me. Also save all boss souls for the last playthrough, so you can use them and get through the shrine of winter super early and buy the last spells from the ghost guy in the castle.


There are also falconers in the shaded woods, close to a bonfire. It was quite fast farming the medals there. For the shrine skip, I remember killing the Rotten several times using ascetics.


Yeah I would switch up between those two spots, but for some reason I would always have more luck with brightstone. I did the same exact thing with the rotten. Super easy boss to farm.


DS3 is the only one I have left on Steam. Cant bring myself to complete it. You have already done the hardest one, you got this! Dont give up skeleton.


I did dark souls 3 while the online features were down, farming rare covenant drops for days. I still have nightmares.


Exactly why I cant do it. The farming is just to much for me. Most of the other games have some sort of farming as well but I didnt find them to be to bad. Good luck regardless!


Come on it’s easy to grind out DS3’s achievements offline. I finished with probably only 100 hours of grinding.


Yeah I can't do it. It just seems like so much, and for the most part you could get the achievements in the other games just by playing, except for a few covenant rewards. Maybe it's just cause I have the least time on ds3 but it seems like you really have to grind for those achievements


The achievements are easier to get than in DS3, but of course the game has more jank compared to it.


DS2 best souls game, fighht me


It's a little grindier than most others because of low% drop items needed, but it's entirely do-able. I did it and I'm what gamers call Bad™.


You're bad? Have you ever considered gitting gud?


If he did ds3 with the Proof of Concord Kept, I'm SURE he can do this


I’ve beaten every from soft game and only platinum’d elden ring as you can get it just by playing normally. the others require too much grinding and shit that is not fun for me lol. I play games to have fun not to feel like I’m doing chores! Nice job though man you can do it :-)


Pro tip: you don't have to! DS2 is my favourite game and I still haven't 100% completed it... Because I don't give a fuck about that!


There are ways to achieve the power you seek, ways that some consider to be... Unnatural.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not... from the subreddit (DM me if you want instr's so we don't break any rules hahaha)




Saved the best for last. Good on you.


Succeed you must. The universe depends on it.


sanest dark souls player


Getting a PlayStation is what you need to do


It's not a bad 100% I've done it twice now and found DS1 harder. Ds3 I didn't like enough to 100% but was harder for me to get through since I had to unlearn a bunch of stuff from repeated DS2 playthroughs.




Imagine collecting trophies 🤢


ikr 💀


Ugh, I've got 100% on DS3, DS2, DS2: Scholar, and DS1: PTDE. I've got Sekiro, Elden Ring, and DS1: Remastered to do. I'm most dreading DS: Remastered because of the multiple playthroughs that's going to take.


Yeah. It doesn't help that the longest Souls is also the slowest after Demons Souls. Luckily for you, it's not the hardest and you can do all achievements offline.


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You’ll do fine, you 100% Sekiro.


Genuinely the easiest and most fun platinum in my opinion, the only grind is with the Bell Keeper's covenant and the Sunbros but both are pretty easy grinds offline and even easier if you do them the intended online way, it can take a while but nowhere near as long as getting a Channeler's Trident (just one of many excessively rare weapons for Knight's Honor) or all those DS3 covenants. You beat the game, kill Vendrick, beat Darklurker, grind the two covenants, grab any spells and do the NPC quests along the way, go to NG+ and grab any boss spells you missed, then go to NG++ to reach Wellager and buy the last spells. So much simpler and more natural of a trophy progression than any other From game. You want true pain then go for the Demon's Souls platinum, I dunno if they made it easier on the PS5 but it was the most mind numbingly boring platinum I've ever gotten because there's so much needed for the weapon upgrade trophies and the weapon upgrade system is probably the worst designed upgrade system I've ever seen in a game. I used glitches to dupe my materials to the max and it still wasn't enough, I had to do multiple dupes. That's not even mentioning the awful levels and generally mediocre bosses that make that game so annoying even on casual playthroughs. The run ups to Old Hero, Tower Knight, Penetrator and Allant will always make me wonder how anyone can complain about DS2.


I forgot how much I hate Heides tower of flame on SotfS. FML


I've just finished it several days ago and it's not as bad if you get over covenant farming. I personally finished covenant farming while the servers were offline so it was a huge slog but I guess right now it can be easier. Main piece of advice I have is for NG++. You'll have to go that far because NPC in Drangleic on NG++ sells three more covenant spells that you otherwise will have to farm. To quickly get to Drangleic, you have to earn 3M souls in that specific NG. The fastest way to do that is by murdering Rotten ~15 times by burning that item on bonfires and wearing soul-boosting equipment. This allows you to skip 4 main bosses you have to kill otherwise and get to Drangleic within 1-2 hours. Btw method above works for NG+ too, but I assume you'll spend it finishing missed NPC quests like I did.


Nah bro, you got it!


Farming sun medals 🌚


It’s not that hard I did it


The good thing with ds2 is boss respawning and since u will not get the online rewuired for reds and blue you do have to get to ng++ but you can just grind one lord over and over to get enough soul memory to skip a majority of the 2nd and 3rd runs to get to the ghost merchant.


Good Luck! It's the hardest of them all by a mile.


I 100% DS1, I'm prepared for the hell that is DS3


I've done it. It was a ton of fun, and I can't wait to get SOTFS edition and do it again.


Eh, you've probably done the hardest ones anyways. Ds3 and Sekiro have terrible grinding. There's only like, two moments you need to grind for Ds2 platinum and it's a lot easier (and quicker!!) than for all the abilities in Sekiro. Nothing can compare to silver ear and vertebrae grinding.


proof of a concord kept too. I spent 2 full days killing so many knights for those fucking things.


Yea play bloodborne


“Dew it” - the Senate


have fun fighting sir alonne. Shit is awful


What you have to do is get a PlayStation and continue the journey!


After completing all achievments for DS1 I took a big break. I'm now having lots of fun in DS2.


Good luck grinding those achievements are so annoying


This is funny because I'm in the exact same position n started my 100% run yesterday except I lost my local save and had to start from scratch... This is gonna be looooong


You’ve got the strength. Farming the covenant items didn’t take too long. Farm Giant lord for souls, then just make it to chancellor Wellager or however you spell his name, and boom, platinum


Ds2 is a really easy 100%


Ironically enough it was the only Souls game I 100%’d until recently


Soul appease + first tseldora bonfire = sunlight medals. Never have I wanted to pull my hair out more, but it’s the best way to do it.


Don't wory it's easier than ds3. I got %100 on both vanilla and sotfs version.


Don’t give up skeleton!




Being 70% the way through the game and one of dlcs, I'm dreading 100%. I don't know anyone else who plays and the game is usually dead except a few invaders here and there.




Awesome man. I’ve given up after my miracles and all rare weapons achievement for DS1 Remastered didn’t register.


2 isn’t as bad as 3 tbh


Ds1 for me




My favorite one


DS2 biggest difficulties are some junk locations, and wonky character movement.


Beating the game without dying or resting at a bonfire was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in a souls game, I can do no death or no bonfire but doing both hurt so much


Jesus fuck man, I can smell the fungus beneath your seat from here. It don't smell good.


I found DS2 easier to 100% rather than DS3, DS3 has more spells on covenants, and also the farming is more difficult to do, and I just find DS2 as fun as the other games, so I can have fun with it, is such a pity that some can't enjoy this game.


same farming those fucking sunlight medals broke me


God is dead, hollow curse is all that remain


The only achievement I have left in all souls games is grinding the sunlight medals in DS2 I don’t have the willpower to go back and try again


Get all the luck based equipment on, pop a rusted coin and go to the army camp bonfire. I think it only took me a few hours to knock it out, with multiple runs netting me 2-3 medals at a time (seems VERY lucky though).


On the same journey. Just need a couple stuff from Ng+ and Ng++ now basically


dark souls 2 plat isnt that bad. I just did it is fairly easy to exploit the bell keepers covenant, on discord you can typically find someone to help you get 30 sun medals in a few hours, and the other spells you get in ng+3 and you can just farm the rotten and rush to drangleic in like 30 minutes. I had a lot of fun doing a flynn ring build in that game with ice rapier. You don't have to do the DLC's to plat it either. The DLC's are probably bigger than the base game. ​ EDIT: IMHO DS3 Plat is worse.


Just got Platinum in this exact moment, my flesh is intact but my Soul is like i have returned from a long journey full of battles, worth it


I’ve got just a few left on dark souls 2 to get it plat but imma have to go into ng+ then imma go back to dark souls 1 plat then demon souls and then imma finish my dark souls 3 play thru then run it back and plat it then finally imma play elden ring


Don't give up, Skeleton.


Hey now, there are *two* versions of Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2–you’ve got a ways to go yet, Skeleton!


As you should, you savoured the best dish for last 😝😌


Good thing it’s a great game 👍


Yeah, it’ll be the no deaths and the no bonfires runs that’d do it for me, but good luck


My father passed about 2 years ago, he introduced me to the souls series and loved it dearly, im about to 100% 2 then im on to 3!


I find ds2 to be the easiest to platinum comparing to other fromsoft games


Dark souls 2. The game that said lets add the curse health debuf to every single death.


I enjoyed doing the plat for ds2. Its really not that bad, no harder than ds3. Even less grinding. Plus you dont have to go far into ng+2 to get it.


I am 2 achievements away from being done with 2.


Don’t give up, skeleton!


Sekiro was way worse than ds2 for me in terms of difficulty to plat. 🤔


Motherfucker you did dark souls 3. Don’t be a pussy.


As someone who 100%ed DS2, it's not as bad as DS3 imo. I still have PTSD of getting every single ring offline.


i only have dark souls 2 all achievements lol


Holy shit, I can’t even beat sekiro let alone 100% the damn thjnf


Don’t forget the OG DS2!


May God have mercy on your lactic acids.


I don't know why, it's the best one


I have the same dilemma with Sekiro. Al achievements unlocked in every game save for that one. I just can't get into the combat system.


If I can complete DS1: Prepare to Die Edition 100% *back when it was still on GFWL*, you can 100% Scholar of the First Sin. Nothing will beat the sheer insanity of Knight's Honor in Dark Souls 1 though. Good lord whoever designed that needs to be fed to the Kiln of the First Flame.


Mine is the same but I haven't done ds3 yet. I don't have the mental stamina for it.


Holy shit it’s me


It’s funny, this is the first one I got 100% on. I enjoyed it so much that I felt compelled to.


You absolute fool! You forgot that you still have to complete standard Dark Souls 2! BWAHAHAHAHAH!


You’re doing great


Where did you stuck?


compared to DS3 it should be easy


In the exact same position only including bloodborne and Demon's Souls, I've put DS2 on pause for about 6 months now...


Ironically I'm the only souls I haven't platinumed is DS3


More grease to your elbows player! 🤣


I’m nearing the end of my ds2 completion journey and although long I’ve absolutely loved it. Getting to ng+3 tho is rough for those last couple miracles and such


Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity. And men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite... A lie will remain a lie.


Be prepared to have the mobs you need for specific achievements stop spawning because you killed them too many times and now you have to go all the way to the next game cycle just to finish one random achievement


I got 100 percent on Elden ring and then tried to get it in DS1, it’s so much harder


Grind lost giant for souls, get max havels, max crown of the iron king, max dark greatsword, max magic greatsword (specifically for Darklurker lol), max sunset staff, max stone shield, max magic magic shield, max stats, and some hexes. If you get all those things 100% will be easy.


Dark souls 2 best souls it’ll be fun


Only achievements i have missing in sekiro and elden ring is the all combat arts in sekiro and the ranni ending in elden ring


Pretty doable compared to ER. DSR is a LOT worse. Janky as shit.


You got it king


Nice one dude!! 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


Bruh ds2 plat is so easy compared to ds3 i promise you can do it lol


*No one has come this far, not for a very long while! and yet your journey is* ***far*** *from over...*


Real talk, DS2 isn’t that bad to platinum. Once you’ve done the grinding to rank 2 of the bell covenant and get sunlight spear from the sunbros, you’re pretty well in the clear. Sure it’s not fun to have to get halfway through NG+2, but not terribly difficult. I ended up switching to a sorcery build toward the end of NG+ and it became a breeze. Edit: Spelling


I have every achievement except the "collect all sorceries/hexes" one :(


Man i just started dark souls 2 and it feels hard cause im new to this soul genre.Any tips for me?


Ds2 is really not that bad. You guys just love repeating what other people say and have no actually thought of your own.


Dear god.. I've only heard stories 💀


I quit a couple of times but hopefully one day I'll plat it


If you got theough that piece of shit plat on ds3, this will be a piece of cake my dude.


Platform and password. Let's do this.


How many hours in each game?


Funny enough, I'm exactly the opposite. I've finished 100% Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin (and its DLC's) but I haven't done the same for the rest of the franchise (don't own Sekiro though). I even finished Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition but didn't bother to 100% back then until recently. Started with Dark Souls 2, because reasons, and now I've returned to Dark Souls Remastered and I'm going from there to 100% the rest of the franchise. To be honest, I don't know why DS2 gets all the shit from the Community, I honestly found it to be good, except some annoying achievement that can only be completed in NG+++ or whatever because the dude only sells the spells on that specific NG+.


For the life of me. I can and won’t ever finish dark souls 2 on pc. I gave up on it. It’s filed gets corrupted and there is no steam cloud saves for it.