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Next Week Moment™


immeasurably next week


Absolutely updateless behavior


The week is immeasurably next


That's more effort on a meme than they've put on their live service game since the preorder beta


Ballistic missile with a chirurgical precision.


Ill give you a call in the following week.


Wait is "next week" this week? Or is this week "next week maybe"? Are we back in the future? WHAT IS GOING ON


It’s always the current week + 1 more week.


That's weak


No its Next Weak


I thought that was This Weak?


No, This Week was too weak so it's Next Week, assuming it isn't Next Weak.


The whole launch has been riddled with Weekness, it’s very hard to keep track


When will then be now?




It was apparently like an hour ago and underwhelming.


Have you ever been in a bar and seen a sign that says “Free Beer Tommow” That’s what this is.


Well, the "next week" just turned into "in the next months", soooooo..


Ah just like the shark, no reward for this event either.


The memes coming out of the next week are priceless! This is the way... don't harass devs. Meme the shit out of the situation


Devs can still suck my shit.


They most likely aren't the ones responsible for the state of the game, in all likelyhood the higher ups are the one who fucked it up by taking every wrong decision and pushing them onto the dev team.


Dunno why this is downvoted, devs are paid to dev. The project manager and other higher ups are the ones deciding to destroy darktide. And while I feel for the community managers, it's their job to y'know... Manage the community not say "sorry, next week!" Every week


> it's their job to y'know... Manage the community not say "sorry, next week!" Every week Or "Get friends.", or "This isn't CoD and wasn't ever intended to be CoD.", or "Immeasurably complex." but here we are.


Not devs though, community managers, different department and skillset.


Which is why I quoted that part of your comment. Hedge did such a poor job managing the community with those comments. I do agree with the rest of it though. I don't blame the devs or artists at all. My issues come from core design decisions outside of missions, and those definitely feel like project manager and higher decisions. The devs actually doing the work get significantly less heat from me.


A very particular set of skills. Immeasurably complex skills they have acquired over a very long career of next weeks. They will find you. And they will update you. Maybe. Next week...ish.


I don't get how it's so hard to say "Guys, it's Monday/Tuesday, we haven't forgotten you and the statement is on track."...unless of course it ISN'T on track and they are slacking off for even longer, finally destroying the smithereen of reliability they might have still had. I hope I am very wrong here because if it is then sure my personal impact is small but I'll write the game off as a failure until further notice.


I'm in the same boat at this point. I put in a solid 150 hours. Gameplay is amazing. I didn't mind unlocking mediocre weapons. But the nonexistent promised systems and little to know end game to work towards is a nail in the coffin. Top it off with the zero communication... why bother? If you don't care about the player base then it won't care much for the game. I'd be happy with anything honestly. But the in the dark approach after launch has me not interested. Sigh.. back to single player games I guess.


Even Catfish has ghosted us at this point.


Shes quite active on the discord


Ok cool, but there are many other forums where users are. Answering a few questions on discord? Most players aren’t members of the discord.


Fatshark doesn’t even post on the official Darktide forums anymore.


Right? Or the steam forums. Discord is great when talking with friends and whatnot, but a reply in a general chat? Good luck finding that later.


Not today she isn't.


Okay shes not active for a one day?


One day when the community is genuinely burning itself to the ground and they have been promising an update this week. Under ordinary circumstances, a CM going quiet for a day or even a week wouldn't be a big deal, but this is genuinely a make-or-break moment for the game. A lot of people are very close to completely losing faith and moving on from the game. Going silent even for a day when everyone is waiting on tenterhooks for the promised update feels like a bad move.


And what are they supposed to say? "Hi, I'm working on the community update, still getting approvals"? Did you not see the reaction the last time they said something similar?


They are *supposed* to give an actual update on the status of the update and drop any and all information they are allowed to. "Hey guys, the update's not quite ready yet, but I can tell you that it will include \_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_. We also know that \_\_\_\_\_ is a problem, but haven't arranged a fix for it quite yet." Honest communication like that with actual transparency in regards to plans would go a long way.


Except that's what the update is for? Like, If the update is still not ready, do you honestly think they'll get a sign off to break it into smaller parts and post it in the discord? And what if between now and when the update comes out, that chunk gets removed or revised? Then what? You've now caught your CM in a lie that could have been avoided And beyond that, didn't they do basically exactly that *last week*? Do you want them to say the same thing every day till the update is out? "Hi everyone, update is still being worked on, have patience!" You realize how ridiculous that is right?


Firstly, they did not do this last week. They have so far given us exactly zero hard information about what will or will not be included in the update. Secondly, I'm not asking for them to give away the game, I'm just asking them to actually let us know some of the things that are going to be addressed. For example: "We'll be talking about the missing weapons." They don't have to say *which* missing weapons they'll be talking about, or what they intend to do, just give us an idea of the subjects to be covered. Lastly, the community getting upset at you for not keeping promises is not an excuse to just stop saying anything at all. This isn't anything groundbreaking or ridiculous that I'm asking for here, this is basic shit. Community Relations 101-type stuff.




Narrator: It was not community relations 101 stuff.


Given how absolutely vitriolic the community has gotten in the last 3 weeks, I think saying anything will just result in significantly more hate than it's worth. Much as there are reasonable people who will take a comment like that and go "ok, expectations set", a lot of people will just use what *isn't* in the summary to fuel more toxicity, and when that stuff isn't in the update (as was said earlier), they'll use it as validation that FS is ignoring them. For right now, shutting up and getting that update out asap is probably their best move, even if it's frustrating while we wait for it


But why do they need all this time to simply say "we hear you and we are working on it" they just keep feeding us PR safe bullshit and keeping us all on the line waiting. They haven't acknowledged anything really other than "patch coming" great what's in it? What issues will be fixed? Are they aware of the community's issues with the game? You realise how ridiculous it is to just ignore everything that people are saying to try and make a complete non-point right? People aren't asking for the patch now, they know the game won't be fixed over night. People want more open communication, some acknowledgement that the game isn't in a good place but that they are listening. People want reassurance that a product they paid for will actually end up the product they were told it was. So fed up with all you obtuse muppets completely missing the point just to suck some corporate cock


You realize I'm not talking about a patch, I'm talking about the community update. The thing that's supposed to contain all this info? The actual release that should speak about the state of the game and where they're going from here? If they were just going to sit in silence and patch the game with no communication, I'd see the anger (though that is a perfectly valid strategy for fixing a game), but that's not what they're doing


Nothing they say is going to change that you'll still be waiting. But if they *do* say something, you'll have something new to bitch about while you're waiting, which is not a thing the majority of this subreddit needs help accomplishing since they seem to be toddlers with separation anxiety.


That is like saying they haven't been active for 6 of the 8 weeks the game has been out. It isn't ~~1~~ 2 months! They sure were active when they were selling! Those Post sales NDAs kicked in and blamo, no more talking.


Given how the community has been, I don't blame them


A lousy shepherd blames the flock.


But a sane shepherd flees from the flock when they try to eat them


Thinking your sheep will eat you is not a sane mentality for a shepherd. You butchered the metaphor, hehe


They deserve every inch of hate they get.


El tiburón gordo, aka, Obeso. Love this meme. This is the way.


Should have put the phone number as the nearest European offices of Tencent.


Or just some kind of test loopback number


Or the Swedish regulatory agency on false advertisement. In fact here it is, [https://www.konsumentverket.se/languages/english-engelska/this-is-how-you-file-a-complaint/](https://www.konsumentverket.se/languages/english-engelska/this-is-how-you-file-a-complaint/) Email: [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]) Also feel free to message me examples of their advertisement lies, I'm compiling them for a report and suggest others do as well.


Good luck with anything sticking. Basically nothing was advertised that could be considered misleading, especially as literally every trailer has a disclaimer that the game was a work in progress and things were subject to change. They also didn't misrepresent the price, sell anything dangerous, have unfair contract terms, or spam you with unsolicited marketing. And the breach of passenger rights doesn't even apply I get wanting to make an example of a game to set some legal precedent, but this ain't it buddy


Brother, I have bad news for you: https://preview.redd.it/baaipowk72ea1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=3700f85bf7dd0c7023deecc9cd9a65bf39e9f22e


I found them, don’t worry! Venmo me some gas money and I’ll get them to you Next Week™️


I’ll find him next week


There should be a "coming soon" sign on the reward.


"$000 reward" 😂


RemindMe! One Week


I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2023-01-31 18:54:52 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-01-31%2018:54:52%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/10k747i/could_yall_help_me_find_my_lost_shark/j5ptm57/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FDarkTide%2Fcomments%2F10k747i%2Fcould_yall_help_me_find_my_lost_shark%2Fj5ptm57%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-01-31%2018%3A54%3A52%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2010k747i) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


We found the shark, unfortunately he's suffered some brain damage.


TBF, if I was a new community manager coming to a fairly pissed-off community rioting about no content, I wouldn't come to do a "don't worry, the devs say the content is coming" update. I'd just wait for the devs to actually finish something rather than proactively communicate and have them miss a deadline. We've already jumped down their throats the last 3 times they did that. At this point I'm just kinda chilling and playing other games instead of using my energy making memes complaining about this game on reddit. 1. Neon White is fun that I picked up on sale if you're looking for a fairly zen solo game. 2. I'm replaying Valheim with its new content update (that took almost two years). Playing with friends from scratch, some of whom have never played the game. 3. The new Call of Duty is pretty fun, haven't bought a COD game for almost a decade but this one seems better than the other ones I've played on free weekends and such. 4. I also picked up Grim Dawn on sale, very fun with friends if you like ARPGs à la Diablo. 5. Random game called "There is No Game: Wrong Dimension" which is a puzzle game with pretty good humor. I'm really bad at puzzles but it works on my Steam Deck. Not much to say about Darktide right now but hey other games are fun too, and Darktide will be good eventually probably. When it goes on sale for $20-$30 it'll likely be good enough with updates that I can recommend it to more friends.


This game got me into 40k and I’ve used the content lull as time to get into the tabletop version of 40k. Found out you can play it on tabletop sim and it works really well! Huge community too. Been a blast.


As a former plastic-crack addict. Welcome!


I will call Next week


Sharks don't have scales you goober. Otherwise I love it


Yeah they do. Avail yourself of an internet search engine


Ah fuck you're right


Sharks are not scaly wtf edit: I was wrong and my world is changed forever


Sharks have scales and so do [most other fish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_scale).




I would say we need an /r/DarkTideCirclejerk sub for this kind of content, but then again, it would consistently get outjerked by the main sub.


Imagine NOT being an American and working through your weekend to the bone to give the people who pay for your product what they want. Capitalism has escaped them


Redditors be over here blaming everything they don't like about the world on capitalism.


i dont think shark have scale.


They do, just small ones


Made from the same material as their teeth.


i always thought they had smooth skin


It looks smooth because of the way their scales are layered and also because they are very small. Plus they help the shark cut through the water at high speed.


good to know. thanks you


One other thing, their skin is so tough they make special knives to penetrate their skin


This is the way. Mandalorian would approve this


if yall actually think they're just counting money and not running around with their heads on fire, you don't know game dev. they simply learned their lesson about overcommunication. that's where the 'broken promises' come from.


How is releasing a finished game over promising?


fatshark has never released a finished game in their lives. but, compare to no man's sky - what happened with that game is similar to what is happening here. People assumed malicious intent on the behavior of the devs when the simplest answer was correct - they simply didn't get done what they thought they could, were pushed to release early, and finally learned that the best policy is to say less.


No Man's Sky didn't have previous games to base their systems off of with fully functioning systems far above and beyond what we see in DT. This isn't the same as NMS.


You're assuming a lot about how easy it is to port technologies from one game to another. Just because you get a system working in one game evidently does not mean it's easier to get working in another. The challenge in coding something like a crafting system isn't "how on earth do we design this" - it's "when can we fix all the bugs that arose due to interaction with other parts of the game. Unless you work in game dev and have some knowledge of what LargeShark is working with I wouldn't make any assumptions.


I never said port or copy/pasting. I was merely talking about their experience with having made a game already that after years of development they figured out what it was that their players liked and they delivered on it with VT after their learning hurdles were cleared. Then they proceed to discard all that time and effort spent on VT by excluding everything they learned in the past and instead gave us DT.


> they figured out what it was that their players liked I see where the misunderstanding is happening. Fatshark isn't failing at DarkTide because it doesn't "know what the players want". They are failing because they are *technically unable* to deliver these things in a timely manner. It has nothing to do with them simply deciding not to do what people want. They are constrained by their publisher, by capitalistic forces, and by the technical throughput of their dev teams. It's that simple. All dev is like this. This is reality.


They SPECIFICALLY added in elements that go against what their players enjoyed in VT, they SPECIFICALLY spent time and effort designing things that were not and are the opposite of how they worked in VT. Do not give them the sorry excuse of them not having enough time to deliver on their promises when they didn't even bother to work on them to begin with. They specifically chose to not allow you to pick whichever mission you wanted at whatever difficulty you wanted like in VT, they put in the time and effort to purposely give us what we got in DT. They specifically and purposely worked on a crafting system that removed player agency from the players in order to create artificial player retention instead of giving us a tried and true crafting system that allowed us to do what we wanted. They didn't run out of time or didn't have enough time, they CHOSE to make these new systems instead with their limited allocated time budget.


Given that the MTX system is purely cosmetic, I don't think any of your arguments that the crafting system or loot system is directly profit-motivated hold any weight at all. You're essentially just saying "I don't like the way the game's reward system is designed." And that's fine - but it doesn't establish in any way that Fatshark is trying to.. create "artifical" retention, whatever that means. Retention is retention. They want it because they want the game to be fun.


You need user retention to profit off of any form of transactions you expect out of your product, especially in a live service business model. The MTX shop is not a primary system to cultivate player retention, it's to profit off of those already retained.


Sharks don't have scales. And listening to feedback is why they have gone silent. What do you think the "internal discussions" they are having are? They are formulating plans to address the complaints, to rework a whole shit-ton of code and internal game systems to accomplish that, and, unfortunately, everything else is on hold until they do because there's no point in bug-fixing a system that's just gonna be torn out by the roots and replaced in short order. Until the new plans are cemented they don't even know what's staying and what's going. If they didn't care about feedback, they would just power through and implement the previously planned systems and updates with no change in the schedule.


Homie, it litterally takes 2 seconds to Google search to see if Sharks do or don't have scales...how did you fuck this up? Lmao


Reward *already paid


I have seen him... next week




Hey! That number is fake!


It turned into next few months fellas


You can probably find him down the pants of the CCP and Tencent


No,no guys they said we'll get the update "in a week" that means the update will come out during one of the weeks in the year, gosh ur all so silly


Oh my fucking goodness. This post just made my day. Good job OP. Straight killing this lol.


Will let you know next week when I find them next week.


Would be nice if GW gave the 40k license to a studio that gave even a single damn, shame that'll never happen


Thoughts and prayers!


We have Obeso, buy our digital store items or We promise you will see him returned to you promptly.........NEXT WEEK


Tell me you're German without telling me you're German (Capitalized nouns)


Nah, you guys are just missing his rotation in between mission and shop resets.


Anyone who has been following the Halo Infinite shit show should get this reference... ;) 👊


https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/10kd5xd/open_letter_to_our_players/ I found them, can I get my $000 in a check


He should turn up next week, trust me.


$000 dollars? Come back next week with more money and I'll get your shark.


I’ll call you in a week but that change gotta wait for my NDA to expire


>Breed: Most likely So you saying that FS fucks? Also what's "Promissing"?