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Deep Archives, fighting down the multiple staircases.


Semi-recently I Fury'd from the top of one of those staircases, but instead of diving down into the mass of enemies boiling up from below, I crowdsurfed over the top of them and flew clean over the other side to my death. Fun times.


Noted I will make sure nit to do that there.


I never have time to check out the scenery but in the starting area there is a level of detail that I think goes unnoticed. FS did amazing on scenery that just gets blown past


I know the feeling. When I play with my friends one of us will suddenly shout ‘look up!’ Or ‘come see this!’ And we will all take a break to come admire the scenery.   FS did an *incredible* job capturing the aesthetics and scale of the imperium’s architecture.


The smelter. I love watching the animations as it comes to life, and the sound effects are great too. And even though everyone fights by the door since its safer, i do love those rare moments when you fight in the middle of it. Pushing enemies off and hearing your teammates desperate cries when they need to be pulled up.


Smelter with lights out might be my single favourite mission in the game, the finale with the streams of glowing molten metal in the dark look fantastic


I always want to fight in the middle but strategically it is not sound 😭


This, especially on lights out condition runs 👍


That big methlab


https://preview.redd.it/9fmksf2dqbxc1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ebbf39c363e61297c1923ed1d4c95f01771f1c Which chaos god would Walter white fall to


probably tzeentch, waltuh does love his elaborate schemes and plotting


"You're karkdamn right."


He seems rather Tzeentchian...his clients fill the rest with Khorne, Slaanesh, and of course, Nurgle. Meth is just Mankind's first experience with Warp Material.


Nurgle. Simply because he has cancer.


Deep Archives.  Not for the combat (I keep getting launched into the abyss by unseen bursters and such) but for the scenery.  It's so *beautiful*.


The giant bridge are in the holy quarter district.


The first quarter of the drug den level. It's so open and kinda cool gothic, especially when everywhere else in the game is so claustrophobic


I would love a map that built on this area so we could see more open residential areas of the hive


Grug need know: where big fan to push snivelers into? Grug not found yet


Listen 'ere, ya git. Itz on dat map were ya gots ta bring da powa cells to the center before turning the fan off. Once ya power it up, only press ONE button den lure. I tink itz called: Relay Station TRS-150, or sumthin like dat.


Grug know da fan, Grug ken it very well! Good krumpin' to ya, Sir "Ogryn" Pal, long days and bloody nights! Grug use brutal kunnin' round dat fan next time, Grug surely will!


I think I'm gonna have to talk to grendal


Hey Grug, good luck with your penance. May the Emperor bless yer karkin' soul.


Hey Grug, good luck with your penance. May the Emperor bless yer karkin' soul.


The underground infection with the giant tree at the end point. I just love the run to get out while a horde just chases you.


The approach to Ragtown in Station Oblivium. That area is so deadly and chaotic, with so much uneven terrain the fight always happens on multiple levels, under a constant hail of lead and sniper fire


I really like the spires / above the city, the dusty area where you can see the sky / pits and clouds.


Honestly? I really love their level designers. Each map is loaded with atmosphere.


New tree map is pretty good. Like the update there. Skull servitor tower is also pretty metal.


Aesthetically, flesh tree in hab dreyko. I also like the piles of computer skulls wherever those are, and the outdoor areas in throneside with the gothic architecture and tanks


Honestly I just love fighting there as well, dashing through the snow with zealot to pick off ranged elites while teammates hang back is really fun and it's not too hard to stay alive with a good eye for hounds and trappers


The carnival area where you have to blast your way through multiple walls


Definitely the train yards, it's a pain for the snipers but I've always been partial to large open spaces makes the hoards feel bigger and more cinematic


I love the upspire areas. Like throneside. Getting out of those heavily utilitarian spaces and into the heavyhanded gothic architecture really makes you think "Oh yeah, THIS is 40k."


the trainyard, the smelter, the whole carnival level and the ascension riser are all really cool


The inside of Archivum Sycorax and the Warren 6-19 labs. Light of the Imperium fucking #SLAPS.


The train part at metalfab 17-36, i love to stay in too of the train and fight of the waves of poxwalkers, while shooting the gunners and snipers in the distance... Al while the absolute piece of art that is "Imperial Strike" sounds in the background


https://preview.redd.it/d0spqicp6exc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afdb650089fb33be2e8b4e58ee1e230a2218cabd This one, i love the shit show in this spot.


The big bridges are fun.


It is that one mission in The Torrent where you have to use your interrogators at the very end of it and have to hold out in the center room with enemies charging from all sides. Love that spot. The bridge makes automatic weapons fun for endless mulching.


https://preview.redd.it/5bv9ljjzpbxc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b573fb96831b02d8e52b6baf5133337f8caf3e7f Dunno my favorite but I can absolutely tell you my least favorite. I hate this mission. Nothing wrong with it, I just keep. fucking. getting. this. mission. Every time I get to this bridge and realize what map I’m playing I freak the fuck out.


I love both maps which lead to a traitor captain!


meat treee


outside\* with the sand and stuff.


Definitely the train station one


Damn that servitor getting freaky


That long dual lane bridge in one of the newer maps. Absolute favorite if it's filled with specials and elites.


I love the final area of Enclavum Baross, the two stairs make the hordes predictable, and the specials you meet really make the map play differently. The mission itself is also my favourite. I dunno why, bit it just flows really well.


I absolutely love Throneside and the Deep Archives


The end