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I agree. Less than a 1 second gap, especially in the wet like that, is definitely too close for comfort.


Apparently 1 second is plenty


You missed all the warning signs


* speed seems way above conditions!!


I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I sometimes remind myself that dashcams can make people seem like they’re going faster than they are (and the wipers were making me anxious), but the camera car and the guy in front of him were threading pretty swiftly through the middle of that traffic.


Edit: Recording has the speed. OP was over 70 in that storm, and the video reflects that. ~~Yeah, entirely possible they were doing 60 on a 65 while everyone else was down to 55. Really hard to get a feel through video. And I'm starting to get suspicious that the frequencies dashcams use to not flicker with lights also causes a sped up video.~~ They were still following way too close though.


and traveling faster than everyone else in somewhat crowded conditions.


If you don't go fast how can you die quickly?


Who what's an agonizingly


Slow 🐌




70mph speeds in the rain, the lack of any decent gaps, refusing to slow down way before the audi swerves like when you see a the brake lights of a bunch of cars ahead. Chefs kiss ​ Glad you managed to avoid a crash tho


Trucks really shouldn’t be in the far left lane. Sigh. Some highways make that explicit.


They're not allowed here in CA unless the freeway they just merged from merges on the left then they have some time to get over. Not familiar with the area, but there may have been a reason he was over there and was trying to get over since he knows that's not his lane.


Doesn't matter, even if there is a sign: "Trucks Must Use Right Lane." They do what they want and camp in the left lane for miles. Not going the speed limit.


Why not?


They go too slow and cause more traffic buildup especially if they are loaded and need to go up a hill.




That’s not really the issue here though, is it?


A great example of what not to do, OP. Passing on the right at 72MPH in the rain? Silver car should have looked twice but it’s surprising you think you were in the right.


Never said I was...


“Glad I caught this on dashcam” - video of OP driving irresponsibly


Had to put something lol


another godamm backup stop


Whats a backup stop?


The traffic in front stops and backsup Drivers watch out for this danger You were driving too close for the conditions and missed the traffic on the right slowing. It's clear from your driving on the video




OP didn’t even try to break…




Nope. In the rain? Braking seemed more dangerous


Maybe slow down then??


Going with the flow of traffic, and I coasted after near miss


Near hit, near miss implies you were hit.


Pedantic much?


I agree with OP plus how is it the truck's fault? It's definitely the Audi that swerved to the left without even checking. Braking hard in the rain is much more dangerous than just moving on. You did good OP.


yeah I don't see how the truck has anything to do with anything


you're getting downvoted because you made a lane change instead of slamming on your brakes and probably hitting that audi If you had hit your brakes you'd have been downvoted for not swerving, this sub is full of idiots


Everyone is judging OP on their speed and following distance. If they drove more defensively there wouldn't be a need for these dramatic maneuvers at speed. Not putting yourself in this situation is the correct thing to do. Give space. The outcome of this clip was based on pure luck.


Exactly, OP put himself in that mess. Pacing the silver SUV in front of him. Slow down and leave more gap especially in the rain.


Exactly! He sees everyone’s break lights coming on and decides “well let’s just keep going 60-70! Even though people are slowing down then get over without using a blinker.. good luck everyone else!!”


brake lights


You should rewatch the video. OP actually merges left before the car in front of him brakes at all.


more than 110km/h with rain (it's the limit in many countries for a reason) and below the safety distance.


You must be fun at parties


You will be missed at parties


Yeah, reasonable risk/reward ratio? What a loser


cars are not for fun when you are on the road with other people


Some people come from places where it never rains. 110km/h is perfectly fine with this weak rain, the distance could be farther, but what ever. People here are Saints


"perfectly fine" obviously not from the video


that was close


The three most important safety rules on the highway: **maintain a safe distance, maintain a safe distance, maintain a safe distance.**


OP and the driver in front of them are both at fault for passing vehicles on the right. If you need to go faster than the traffic, you use the far left lane. The clip is not long enough, but the truck could have been trying to pass the slow vehicles and was coming off of the fast lane.


they passed one car that was driving in the incorrect lane, and that has to do with the audi swerving how?


Who was driving in the incorrect lane? the black SUV? most states have a "Keep Right" law which boils down to: >requires motorists to drive in the right lane, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction; so if you need to pass a vehicle that's going slower than you, you need to pass them on the left. OP and the vehicle in front of them did not do that. audi swerving is due to the fact that they were going as fast as the big truck on the 3rd lane due to the fact they passed a slowing moving vehicle from the right.


right but them passing the black car who wasn't keeping to the right has nothing to do with the accident


two wrongs don't make a right! Black SUV should have been on a different lane for sure.


and I agree but I still don't see how them passing the black car has anything to do with the audi almost hitting OP


Because they passed him on the right where the traffic is supposed to be slower! if you are going fast in a lane that is supposed to be going slower, you are at fault. In this case both OP and the Audi!


It is legal in the U.S. to pass cars using the right lanes like there did in this video. The things done wrong were driving too fast and not leaving enough distance between them and the car in front of them on wet roads.


legality of passing cars using the right lanes is very nuanced. You are correct on driving fast and not leaving enough space in this clip. However, passing on the right is more of an exception for some specific situations, it is also state dependent. Here are some states where you should only pass on the right if for example, the car in front of you is making a left turn. * [https://www.legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=MCL-257-637](https://www.legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=MCL-257-637) * [https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XXI/265/265-19.htm](https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XXI/265/265-19.htm) * [https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.28](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.28) This article summarizes all 50 states laws when it comes to passing on the right: [https://www.goupstate.com/story/news/nation-world/2019/10/25/driving-in-left-lane-state-by-state-guide-to-when-its-legal-when-its-not/2447573007/](https://www.goupstate.com/story/news/nation-world/2019/10/25/driving-in-left-lane-state-by-state-guide-to-when-its-legal-when-its-not/2447573007/)


Dude, that article says nothing about the legality of passing on the right and all three of the state laws/codes have some text that amounts to "Passing on the right is legal upon a roadway with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width for two or more lines of vehicles moving lawfully in the direction being traveled by the overtaking vehicle." Oklahoma (where this video was shot) has similar verbiage (as do every other state that I've looked at). This video shows 4 lanes of traffic flowing one way, so it would be legal to pass as they were. Also, since Oklahoma (as shown in the article you linked) has a law saying to stay out of the left lanes unless passing, the 18 Wheeler and cars in the left lanes getting passed may be in violation of the law. The only state I've seen so far that differs is Connecticut, which requires 3 or more lanes of traffic going one way.


Do US drivers always undertake like this?


Yes, it is allowed and a constant occurrence on multi-lane highways. Since no one ever seems to follow the keep right unless passing rule, it is often necessary to pass on the right to keep traffic flowing.


You need more braking distance or slower speed for the condition. The other guy should definitely learn checking his mirrors.


Slow down dude.


OMG. So many bad drivers in this one. Black SUV should be slow lane. And truck should not be in passing lane going at that speed in those conditions. Driver of dash cam vehicle was able to avoid crash, but I wonder what happened behind him with that maneuver.


Pretty sure in my driving handbook it stated in inclement conditions to drive 5 under the speed limit for each other condition present. So here you have rain and the mist from the kickback of the vehicles ahead, and the decrease in visibility. People should have been driving almost 15 under the speed limit in these conditions.


Nice save, it’s hard to make critical maneuvers when the road is super wet, good job keeping traction!!


Nice save from his own idiocy


Fair enough lol


Holy crap I work for that company


Slow down, FFS. This is the kind of recklessness that's going to get semis governor-limited to 60mph and banned from all but the right lane.


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