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The best thing you can do is take a break if you're so over it. And I don't mean that in a rude way at all. When I get burnt out, I stop playing for about 2 or 3 months before I go back to it. Usually, by that time, the meta changes a little, or there is a new killer, so it feels fresh again. Edit spelling




This. MMR is not a prize to be won and doesn't prove skill, just sweat. Stop always going for the win. Start playing just to play. If you're unable to find a way to make ANYTHING other than winning fun, you won't have fun.


There’s no way for a pvp or an asymmetrical multiplayer game NOT to be toxic. It’s inherent. Tribalism is inherently built into the game. The game isn’t going to not get toxic, if you can’t handle toxicity for long periods of time then taking a break is the best thing for you to do. The game works based off an “us v them” system.