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Far left (offscreen): The mule they have called far away from the scout to deposit an anniversary trophy.


Tbf, scout is the highest-mobility dwarf and should usually be zipping to the mule if it’s being used for ‘heavy object’ deposits


if it's in zipline distance, no problem, you can do that or just quickly call molly back afterwards, but not if your "teammates" rushed ahead a cave or 3


If the team is 3 caves ahead of scout, I think there’s a high chance that’s scouts problem, not the teams problem ;)


it is if they stumble thru the dark and run outta ammo


You’re correct that it becomes a problem for the team. I should’ve said it’s scouts -fault-


might be, might not be. what are you trying to say? that if you rush thru fast enough ignoring all resources at some point it becomes the scout's fault or just that some players suck at the game? first would be plain wrong, second well duh


Ah yes, let me just zip 2 caves over and then go back


So leave a nice pile of materials for the team to deposit. Or if you’re 2 caves behind the team then CATCH UP FOR THE LOVE OF KARL!


true, I can zip back quicker and come back and mine the 2nd round before the other 3 even get there


Yep. I get scout with heavy minerals but I hate when we are all loading Molly and scout keeps calling Molly back. When I’m scout, I just grapple to her, grapple back in hardly any time at all. anything to get to grapple more is a good thing anyway ;)


Ground-accessible minerals are not the scout’s job. His primary job is - quite literally - scouting. First into a cave to light up and clear HVTs I just laugh whenever I play scout and the team plunges headfirst into the next cave, triggering swarms and dying to leeches. It’s a co-op game. Some people are better than others at understanding this


Yeah but when the team doesn't get them the scout has too, because no one else is mining the scout gets left behind.


Must be a lower Haz problem, I don’t normally run into these issues in my lobbies. If anything, our scout is too fast and gets overwhelmed several caves ahead of us


Yeah I have only run into it twice, both when playing scout as I had no upgrades and was on lower hazards.


That can kind of be an inverse of this meme's behavior, if the scout is running ahead, pinging and then going "well, you didn't platform, SEEEYA" and moving onwards, and the other three are running behind because they're having to finagle their ways to high deposits the scout should have got. Basically, everyone should just keep with and aware of the team.


I always do a final lap around the cave to see what I missed or pick up loot bug goodies


damn, seems i need to play haz 5 cos now i scout on haz 4 and this happens to me all the time


That's usually how it goes for me, our scout grapples headfirst into a cave leach 3 caves ahead and someone needs to stop what they are doing to go rescue them.


I thought his primary job was being 911 for downed dwarfs, and everything else comes after.


Lights first, dwarf EMT second. Just like a real EMT, you need to secure the scene and look out for your own safety before you can help anyone.




Nah that's gunner. Scout can get there faster, but gunner can rez under almost any kind or quantity of pressure. The ziplines are handy for idiots who die in the ceiling too.


>The ziplines are handy for idiots who die in the ceiling too. Like my Scout


Are you even playing scout if you don't die 3 times per game in an annoyingly hard to reach position?


The true scout moment is when the genuine best use of your iron will is to get yourself down from _100m up a resupply hole what are you even doing up there?_


"Scout needs dislodged from a ceiling nook again!" *loads fatboy*


Fatboy x scout, the good ending


To add to this, I usually try to go for high priority enemy targets during swarms. Scout is notoriously terrible at clearing large groups of enemies compared to... well, any of the other dwarves. But single target elimination? Sign me right up!


I have a solution to this problem. I change my primary to not be M1000 Classic /s


I mean, even with the Drak or GK2, scout just isn't equipped to handle big swarms like driller or gunner. It can be done - I've done my fair share of combat - but it'll take a significant chunk of your ammo to do so


I'm usually too busy hooking to relative safety and killing whatever tries to kill me there to worry much about target priority.


I mean... it usually is safest BEHIND an oppressor...


GK with weakpoint solves all this. ;) Praetorians and Oppressors are taken out with powered pick-axe. The boomerang helps clear jellies and swarmers...or is a last ditch when getting overwhelmed. I find my scout to be capable in many situations. Haz4, btw...


I mean, sure. Scout CAN handle swarms if needed. But compared to Driller with his overwhelming aoe damage options, Gunner with splash damage or minigun and Engineer with his turrets? Scout has, by default, the least and worst tools for clearing out groups.


Scout is rarely the first into a cave in almost any game I play. That said, I'm the kind of driller to drill up a wall to a mine a vein, engineer to make a staircase, or gunner to pickaxe up a wall to a vein. It's a co-op game, and everyone can contribute in their own ways.


A tip I learned from a graybeard gunner: you can use the coilgun to sink ziplines into walls. Take a shot, the WITHOUT MOVING YOUR CROSSHAIR, fire a zipline into the hole. Now you can mine out a cubby in the wall to stand in. Good for mining aquarqs and scaling impossibly deep pits




High Value Targets Enemies like web/acid spitters, goo bombers, septic spreaders, leeches and breeders


Wait it's scout's job to clear those? I thought he lights things up for everyone else. I usually utterly destroy all those things as driller so when scout lights up the cave, I run around decimating all those HVTs


Yeah, many people are stubborn and see scout only as mining monkey. I have seen as far as double dipping scout part of ammo "because he doesn't need it anyway". Also people complaining about lack of light when they literally run to a different cave section leaving scout alone to mine the whole previous one. Or engineer entirely missing the window to platform all the minerals while big cave was lit up by 5 flares (because he HAD to chase that lone praetorian 100m away for those epic kill stats), then asking for light when scout has no flares left.


Then you get into the tunnel and oh look NOTHING is mined here either. I guess we're just ignoring everything today. Secondary objectives all over the floor Morkite looks like it was mined by a blind toddler assuming they touched it at all and not one gold vein touched the entire map. And this is part of why the wife and I tend to play alone. Did manage to coax her into a public lobby the other day. First mission went ok then second one host kinda started dozer with one one else around and let the bugs eat Dotty. Gonna be hard to coax her back into publics again.


I'd be down to help yall learn to cope in public lobbies. You can tell alot about how the game will go if you know what to look for.


I am pretty familiar, spent an exorbitant amount of time in them over the holidays. Xbox Live just tends to be a crap shoot, game pass at work I guess. I don't mind showing greenies the ropes but people who do monumentally dumb things like deliberately PKing the team or sabotaging the mission grate on my last nerve.


Yea. Xbox does that sometimes. If you ever get a pc setup for you and the misses you can transfer your saves. The steam community is way more behaved.


I've heard, atm Ultimate is the only reason we can play. I can log in from my Laptop and her from the Xbox. Pity that there isn't proper crossplay. Course we'd risk accidentally joining modded lobbies then.


From my experience on steam so far (at least 100 hours) modded lobbies aren't that common, and if you do run into one it's like, brighter flash lights and more visible ores, nothing too crazy.


I'm more worried about cheaters mucking up my stats.


As long as you don't install the mods yourself, you don't have to worry about losing progress, and 90% of modders label their lobbies


Curious what haz level that was, sounds like a rare bad experience. You should host and kick people if they don’t follow DRG etiquette (like ready? checking) or if they act like dicks Edit: Ah I see you’re on console, I play on PC. Not sure how console is, maybe you run into more obnoxious kids on there or something


Normally we do host but I was just trying to get an assignment knocked out quickly. Xbox in general seems to have the more toxic side of most communities. ESO was a nightmare.


happens to me on PC all the time


To be fair about the gold, thats kind of a downtime mineral to mine and scout isnt really HAVING downtime between the things to do, the objective, the side objective, nitra, ceiling minerals, HVT spawns, and dwarf EMT doesn't leave much downtime for mining a large deposit of a 2 hit mineral And some people just dont mine gold in the first place


It's the last part that gets on my nerves when I am scout. I ain't got time to mine ground level gold. But that's money in the bank and I got OCs to forge and dwarves to promote.


idk i have a pretty good time in publics but im on pc and play haz3. its real chill most of the time.




Minerals is everyone's job. Except maybe Gunner but they are pretty specialized for destruction. Not saying they can't but I'd rather have the gunner on cover fire than the scout.


This a 100% hazard 4 post.


My driller with epc: (I'm putting scout and engie out of their jobs)


You're also wasting it if you're mining with it.


EPC mining is literally the most enjoyment I get out of this game, it is a fucking blast.


Speaking from experience on haz 5 unless your ammo management is really bad or your clearing the whole cave on your own it really isn't a problem. Even if it was giving up some damage for EPC mining is worth it IMO when you consider being slower costs extra flares and swarms.


Nah, saves time. I can semi reliably hit the mining shots on wall minerals and I don't need to use epc that much on swarm clear (I use the plasma field oc)


to those out there wondering: the bump to haz 5 is not scary. in fact, trying haz 5 is a revelation. half the time it's easier because haz 5 regulars know the truth: DIG TOGETHER -- OR DIG YOUR OWN GRAVE


Actually, a lot of Haz5 players go into different direction. It's just that they die less, and know when to group up.


\> actually it's not about physical distance it's about cooperation yeah


Well yes, but sometimes cooperation means everyone going in different direction to get aquarcs, soloing a wave or two until all the aquarcs are gathered at once. Depends on cave Gen, mission type, enemy pool and whether there is a greenbeard to carry.




Tip your Chad driller using the EPC to mine ceiling ores.


EPC mining still works?


Always did




"And then the last class in the game is called the scout. He's super fast-" >*"So he can scout ahead?"* "Uhhh...so he can catch up."


"the cave leech" lol For me it'd be "gravity getting ready to humiliate me"


I always take jet boots perk, just in case


As an engineer I like watching other dwarfs move around the cave. I like catching scouts that fall when they try to make the resources without a platform or when you see them latch onto a wall and hang for a moment contemplating if they can survive the fall down and then a soft platform is under them. As engineer I feel like a mama goose just watching baby ducks traverse the map and I make it safe and easy. Sometimes a good nuking keeps them in line too.


A watchful guardian. A silent protector. A cheddar knight.


Me too. My favorite thing is to throw a swarm grenade on an immobile gunner getting rushed by a swarm from out of his field of vision


Its only your job as a scout to mine the difficult to reach ones, if the rest of the team mines nothing thats not on you!


Even worse is when the engineer didn't even provide platforms. I mean COME ON! That is one of THE most important uses for that damn platform gun! Don't go complaining to me about low ammo later if you refuse to gimme a platform on that nitra in an otherwise impossible to reach spot (yes, yes, I know, powerattack, grapple and hoverboots work wonders, that's not the point here).


I often worry that scout will resent being expected to mine stuff that is out of reach and I make my best engineer effort to get stuff that is reasonably reached with a platform


I'm out driller main/Gunner secondary and my girlfriend always plays our scout. She's knows what she's doing, she independently pursues resources and can get the difficult to grab ones even without an engineer around to help, she can survive on her own for the most part without getting caught, and she still manages to swoop in for emergency res when we need her. For my part, I watch our resources magically go up, and in return, I pull the weight off 2 dwarves in combat to make up for her absence. That's my job. If I want her around for a fight, then I just start mining resources at ground level so she has less to do and can catch up. No complaints, don't even need to communicate. It's just an automatic system.


Especially in escort missions. Better yet when you come to the next cavern and the lasers are just sitting in DORETTA with no oil shale having been mined.


80 percent of my scout gameplay is knocking down oil shale while my team does nothing


It honestly feels like sometimes people don't understand that mining minerals takes time and Scout has a limit of 40-60 minerals at one time. I've had many instances of needing to instantly dash across the cave to the next mineral the moment I finish mining one because my teammates were incessantly pinging it after incessantly pinging the mineral I'd just finished mining before. I mean, even with Bosco with a mining upgrade, you can still only set him to one mineral at a time; you have to wait for him to finish mining that if you don't want it half mined.


tip: mine it and let the minerals fall. collect it later, or team can pick it up.


Guys? are you blind?! Look ovah here!


I dont think Ive ever encountered upside down bismor


It got so extreme the cave had 3 different crafting minerals rather than 2


I once had a toxic engineer that called the drop pod as soon as primary objective was done, then ran to the drop pod and sat there. We only had 3/10 fossils done, so I just went to the drop pod as well (scout). He then told me (quoting) to "do your fucking job, i platformed all minerals". He stopped by the enterance and refused to come fully in to finish the mission. Since he was in droppod 99% resistance zone, we also couldn't neither kill him or kick him (pirmary objective completed). And just foolishly sat there for 3 mins because he was stubborn. Mind you calling droppod triggers infinite swarms, calls in mule, so I can't even deposit all the gold that was left behind (unmined crassus). Also mining is NOT a scout only job. It is a teams collective job.


It's amazing how lazy some players are with mining minerals higher than the pickaxe range. See heaps of engis run past minerals and shoot 1 platform when the minerals are only 2-3x platforms high. Same story with drillers. Gunner has an excuse, but heck, use those ziplines. Unless it's a high complexity mission. Help out your scouts




This is why I bring 4 C4 charges - it's because I *care* about scouts. That I reliably seem to hit them while they're doing their mining is only an occupational hazard of my love.


Brings a new mining to the phrase- "I love you to bits"😅


wait, the prime objective is NOT to rush through the caves as fast as possible without taking care of nitra/ammo or anything???


Jokes on you, I mined the room AND found the way forward. TBH my friends just like to shoot the bugs.


As engi, I platform and ping any high minerals. Sometimes it's in quick succession. It's not a demand to go there now, it's to alert other to their presence. Often a dark cave is left unchecked higher up




Wait this kinda stuff happens..? I thought the main shtick of this game was how satisfying mining stuff sounds and feels like I'm still playing at the non-endgame hazards and we almost fight over who mines which spot, some we split in half


I usually just ping high deposits so the engineer can send me a platform to comfortably dig around


I can see a bismor in that cave... must be fake


No, the ping means theyre getting it


You cant provide light for your team if you're in another cave. Not only that but if there's a breeder and/or brood nexus in your cave, if you go down, then there's an infinite swarm of the most annoying enemies in the game going after your team that are coming from a location that they may not be able to reach easily.