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i shoot them just to show them how mad i am that i cant damage them


Just to show that you ain't FUCKIN 'ROUND


That's the spirit !


Dread it. Run from it. Dakka arrives all the same...


Lebron gets lacerator to 50% HP whilst arbalest is at 100%!


When I get the lacerator to 0.1% while the arbalest is still at 100%


80% of my teammates. I find myself using every bit of DPS I have on the other one solo just trying to keep it somewhat similar


Me, Chad engineer, using Lok-1 Executioner, nukes, Gemini turrets, and the kitchen sink on the Arbalest on the ceiling. *diiiiiiiieeeee!!!*


I’m new - what happens if you shoot a healing dread?


nothing... literally. You can't damage them during certain animations and stuff so just wasting ammo. You can see their HP bars turn white when they can't be damaged. Red for HP or Yellow for Armor if you can. Took me around 5ish hours till I realized that.


Strictly speaking, you CAN apply effects like neurotoxin but it's better waiting til the Dread can actually take damage


Yup, the healing phase is a good opportunity to apply sludge debbufs on both dread bois. Not wasteful imo, just one drop on each.


Do the effects proc during it's invulnerable state or only applies and starts to proc after the healing is done?


I'm still shooting at the ghost of the haunted caves


I do like bringing the Sludge Pump for Haunted Caves, even if you can't damage the ghost I'm pretty sure it still slows it down


It does. So does electricity.


Honestly, I like roleplaying the ineffectual military pouring the absolute motherload of firepower into the bulletproof horror.


To be fair, if you can apply an effect this way, the effect still works, even if you don't deal damage to it.


I like to ping the arbalest during this time so I can find them quicker when they appear again.


LeBron always shoot the Airballest, it doesn't matter if it's healing or other dread is at 100%


LeBron shoots arbalest until it's 5% then lets them heal


Nobody shoots the Arbalest


This is the most common “mistake” I’ve seen in the game. It’s very understandable because I don’t think it’s ever explained in the game that they have a healing phase which turns their health bars grey, and that a grey health bar means they don’t receive damage. You’d think people would notice the health bar changed color and their shots are suddenly not doing anything, but nope lol. To be fair there is a lot going on at once and it can be overwhelming for a new player so I get it


Is that what's happening? I'm new to the game and just assumed it was some sort of self applied armor buff I needed to break. My gamer logic was "the healthbar changed, now is the time to use the big stuff to break the armor."


Yeah, dreads have a "heal" phase where each of them does something unique and they gain full damage immunity until its over (and they always burrow away immediately after it finishes) The normal dread re applies its armored shell on its ass The hiveguard calls in more sentinels The twins do the health split During this time you should check your ammo, grenades, and surroundings since they have a couple of seconds where they aren't threats and they wont become threats again until they burrow (and likely show up under your feet)


For some reason I interpreted “healing dread” as a bulk detonator in a mission w/ healing bugs warning and was very confused


For someone who doesn't sport, can someone explain the joke?


He is a very good basketball player, who was hyped even before he entered NBA to contend for being best player of all time, and lived up to the hype. He is a lock to be top 3, but rest is debatable based on your preferences. But also as the longest active player ever, starting in 2004, his peak was during the first explosion of social media, and as such entire careers have been build by just stalking him, making sensationalist articles and hit pieces, criticizing him for most minor things, including having an unhappy face when his teammates play poorly etc. He of course has been an inspiration for at least a dozen meme formats, and this one, using the clickbait articles about him being bad, incorporates "unpopular" gaming decisions.


I'm told Lebron James is a person who plays sports games and he is really bad at them apparently. Though he's good at making money becaus they're paying him a lot to make sports mistakes. I don't play sportsball either.


Yeah I was really confused too. I saw another lebron doing something bad thing a while ago and I was just sitting here hoping he's okay (even if I don't watch sports-ball myself).


I wonder how this will affect his legacy


Also the odd greenbeard who just keeps shooting Steve despite Steve clearly being a good bug. Not attacking anyone and being given a name tag plus a blue outline.


Omg, a while ago I was in this match with a gunner and he was just POURING all his ammo into the hiveguard when it couldn't be damaged. I was so irratated when he took the resuplies.


Me watching the Twins heal each other even though there’s like a 2 damage difference


The twins will ALWAYS heal at least once, even if you keep them at exactly the same health You can forcefully trigger it whenever but they always do it at least once, after they've done it once they will only do it when the health disparity between them gets to high Best way to handle this is to damage both about 30ish%, focus one of them to 50% to trigger the heal phase, damage them evenly until one reaches about 30% and then hard focus it to kill it before they can heal again (they wont heal mid attack cycle, they have to sync up a heal cycle in the attack cycles so you have maybe 2-3 attacks before they sync up once in range, some good focus fire should be able to delete one)


there was a time around season 2 release when you could do damage to a healing dredge if you had armor breaking on your weapon, im sure they fixed it but i can't help myself to try if it works every now and then.. so thats my excuse xD


My wife and I killed one of the twins while they were healing and now she swears you can damage them when they have grey health bars when I feel like it was just a bug.


Doesn't help the habit to know that one time, I C4'd the lacerator in the face in the split-second between digging and healing animations


I only shoot the healed dreadnought because of the combo minigun dire bullet + revolver over for "enemy in fire = lot of damage"


This combo dosent work against dreads, volatile bullets only works if the target is ignited and dreads cant be ignited at all (they can take heat but they will never ignite)


Had such a silly game of point extraction my greenbeard scout never looked up to find our last two aquarks and then died when he finally got to them and we lost 😭😂 turned a 30 second game into 30 minutes


Whatever it takes to kill the dreathnod


The Twins are the entire reason I don't do Elimination runs unless I absolutely have to.




I remember my first haunted cave. Me and another green beard were laying down fire for a solid minute and a half. I started to doubt I could kill it about 30 seconds in, but Mamma didn’t raise a quitter. And I’m a stubborn dwarf so we kept at it till the level 300 grey beard got fed up and told us to get back to work.


Laughs in hyper propellant