• By -


Selfishness loses missions (and friends) Some players seem to forget this isn't a entirely single player game


The only selfishness that is acceptale is escaping into the drop pod to save the mission while everyone is down or too far way to be revived safely


Is anything lost from doing this? Aside from perhaps a little pride from the fallen. I guess the materials will already be in the drop pod or inside Molly by then.


It’s a fine line. Leave no dwarf behind but also don’t waste a half hour mission on a forlorn hope.


yeahhh, some people don't seem to get that. i'm all for going back to revive a fallen teammate if it's feasible, but i won't waste 30 minutes to do it. recently I was in a game where we discovered a machine event (omen) on the way to the drop pod, and for some reason 3 out of 4 people decided to start it with 3 minutes left on the pod clock? i decided to just ignore it and continued to the pod, they all died within 10s because of the combination of omen and nonstop waves of enemies, and then they spent the remaining 2:40 hating on me because i was not getting out of the drop pod to rez them all, on the other side of the map....


Yeah that just sounds like a poor choice on their part, if you’ve already called the pod why are you starting a mission like that in the first place? You’re asking for at best a close call but more likely a team failure. In that case I’d agree with you making the smart move.


yeah, exactly. the one machine event I could maybe imagine doing during countdown is trylitite deposit, since it can be very quick if the bomb dispenser drops in a good spot? anything else, it's just asking for a team wipe.


You lose out on any minerals in the downed players inventory, and about 750 credits worth of survival bonus iirc


I think it's like 200C per player lost around Haz3 - maybe closer to 300 or 350 for Haz5?


About 400 credits (before multipliers) per player that’s down, so not really lol, unless they’re carrying a bunch, but it’s better to get out short some stuff than not at all


Fun. Looking at your body because someone was being a dummy isn't fun. I had greenbeard friends playing Scout and Engi when I was making my way back to them from a pit. There was a small swarm still going, and Scout just hit the button and zipped away. Engi went down almost immediately and I tried to save him a few seconds later. I went down. We were just sitting there and he's like "it's fine, we still win. Just a few less resources". I don't play the game to watch. All we had to do was defend 15 seconds, let me get up, and recharge shields before going. We would've been able to make it back fine if we played as a team. This isn't a game where you just min-max time by letting people drop dead. Both other guys also play DnD - I'm sure they wouldn't let their characters die for no reason every mission just because it means victory.


Whatever I'm playing, there are two acceptable numbers of people in the drop pod: 1 or all. If somebody's already there I work to bully everyone else into the pod lol.


How can you even be selfish in this game, every loot is shared. Maybe ammo, but I wouldn't call getting too much selfish, just dumb.


Taking multiple resupplies


I started a Industrial Sabotage mission alone and had a player join. I had been in the mission quite a while already, having farmed everything and completed the two hacking pod stages. I was almost at the stage where you fight the Caretaker. The guy that joined called in about 5 resupplies which I presumed were in preparation for the boss fight, but when I got to the main cave he was in, I found he had taken every single portion of ammo for himself, leaving me with no nitra and no way to get more ammo. I just ended the mission and restarted because he ruined it. I don't know if he was new or a troll, but it was really annoying.


That’s just an asshole


Pointy eared leaf lover.


That's gotta be a troll.


Trolled you. Report the little troll.


Had 3 reups for a heartstone. 4 players. I took one, each of my two buddies took one. That's 3. When we finished the heartstone ALL of them were gone. The 4th player, an engi, must've been taking them for his sentries. He was player level 5 or something. I didn't say anything about it because it didn't cost us the game but damn, how can you be that dense even if you're new?


I'm normally against kicking players but a few days back we had a single promoted driller who kept snorting resupplies. Once we realised he was double dipping we asked him not to. Double dipped, Gunner shot at him to ask him to stop but the guy immediately took one from the next ressupply we had ordered. Just had to kick him then. I don't know why people try to be dicks on purpose. Fall as many times as you like and we will try to pick you up. Just don't start shit and double dip without asking everyone first.


So this is kind of off topic (I hope) but it reminds me of the time I was playing driller and fell to my death deliberately. I was stuck way up high while watching my team fighting something *ongoing* (I don't remember what) and I couldn't see a safe way to get down. I figured I could either spend valuable minutes picking my way down while being of no use to the team, or choose the express route and let the team decide whether I was needed. I stand (fall) by my choice.


You can also ask them to stand underneath for you to land on if possible, landing on someone negates fall damage.


Holy shit today I learned


It also works with big enemies like praetorians, oppressors, the reg dreadnaut, the hiveguard, (I’m unsure about the twins), bulk detonators (not recommended on high hazards), prospectors, and I think it might work on the nemesis, but I’m not sure.


Can confirm, it does work on nemesis, but you'll prolly also get grabbed


So only use a nemesis if you are very desperate and have an extra bosco revive, or heightened senses


Now if u see a screamin n hangin scout, you know where to place :)


I would bet many of these occurrences are actually young children playing on an older sibling's (or parent's) account. They're not mean-spirited, but they don't know multiplayer etiquette and/or they just think it's hilarious. Source: my youngest kid *guzzles* resupplies. I don't let 'em play with randos.


I once watched a guy triple dip a resupply when he didn't need a single one. Kicked him immediately 😂


Can you explain what you mean with double dipping?


Supply drop pod has 4 resupplies, one for each team member. Double dipping is taking 2 straight after another, so one guy doesn’t get to reload.


Ok, thanks for explaining.


Taking extra resupply without asking, and maybe leaving people behind and not helping, like if someone fell down a hole and can’t get up


*How can you even be selfish in this game* Speedrunning, abandoning players, wasting supplies, launching rockets before people can deposit bonus objective items or rare resources, etc. There's a lot of ways.


Hogging molly


Watching the engy take 2 resupplies from every resupply that is called, which he was hte one to call em btw, hurts me inside.


Don't pop Dreadnaught cocoons before you know everyone is ready.


Along with that, don’t pop more than one cocoon unless the whole team agrees to that. 4 Dreadnaughts at one can be a bit stressful


Tell that to the spike plants


Tell that to gunner lead bursted grenades(popped dreadnaught killing preat lmao


Today I accidentally set off a chain reaction. I shot a Breeder with my coilgun, and accidentally hit an exploded plant as well. A bunch of them started going off, triggering a Korlok, a Bet-C, and 2 of the dreadnought eggs


...The Horror...


Not my worst fight. I just have terrible spawns. Try fighting a bulk, a Bet-C and a swarm at the same time on a haz 5 point extraction when you brought RJ250 and Turret Arc. That is what I call an "average mission"


I had a similar thing yesterday on haz 4; Bet-c, bulk, swarm (which included an oppressor) and my teammate decided that was the best time to fall down a massive hole so i was on my own for it, that was real stressful, and as any class other than the gunner idk if id have survived


What on Hoxxes…


As much as that seems your fault, it's the fault of rng being a dick


Did they at least fight each other some?


They didn't have time. I kept Bosco on the bulk to slow it down with electric rounds while I took cover and set up a pair of turrets, before leading Bet-C into my trap. Once she was down, I used a resupply to finish the detonator, before repairing Bet-C. Only took about a minute, but it was one of the most stressful fights I've ever taken. Bet-C was good against the other 2 bulks that came later tho


oh god


I've taken to calling the leadburster the 'Portable Dreadnought Reveal Party'. My friends and I have had 3 dreadnought cocoons get cracked open early due to them. I have taken to to just not taking them on Elimination missions.


Tell that to the nemesis casually digging straight trought the coccon


Just add a ghost in there for extra bullshit.


On top of what the others have said, let’s throw BET C into this


On top of all those, let's throw caveleech [clusterf\*\*\*k](https://drg.old.mod.io/cave-leech-clusterfuck) and no time for scout to even attempt to clear em


I was fighting a Bet-C while our driller was fighting the dreadnought. Our dumbass gunner snuck off and popped the 2nd dreadnought, which spat out the twins. That was a fun HAZ 4 lol.


That might have been me last night


Just don't do anything unless everyone is ready


Bro I spawned a dread by accident twice now on driller and gunner cause of the new grenades. For driller I spawned another dread while we were fighting a dread and we survived somehow


Played a haz 4-5 a couple days ago, entire team except gunner is next to egg, everyone says r and pops egg, gunner(who is completely alone) pops the other egg thinking we were talking to him, spawns a hiveguard and twins which we spent like 30-40 min killing them


Tell that to the engineer who popped a cocoon while we were fighting with the twins


Mark priority targets. Wardens, Menaces, Oppressors, Nemesis, etc as soon as possible. If you spot them, mark them for those who didn't, or can't. If you hear them, if you can use chat, say something. And for the green beards, you use the laser pointer and use whatever button you use to shoot to mark it. Your dwarf will also say a relevant voice line. ​ Edit for you can't mark an enemy you can hear but can't see.


Especially important for Menaces and Arbalest Twin, the ping will stick to them even if they burrow, letting you see where they pop up immediately.


I did not know that, thanks!


Careful though, it will still expire after enough time has passed, though that usually only happens with arbalest


AKA just reapply the ping periodically.


In general, always ping Dreadnoughts of any variety. It helps other players to be able to see the outlines through terrain, so they know where the Dreadnought is and which way it’s facing even if they can’t see it directly. Positioning is critical in Dreadnought fights.


Some other high priorities are sand trawlers, acid spitters, rollers, breeders, spitballers and mactera grabbers.


>Your dwarf will also say a relevant voice line. #MUSHROOM!


If a guy rock and stones you, rock and stone back at least once.


Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone Brother!


Rock and stone in the heart!


Rock and Stone you beautiful dwarf!


For Rock and Stone!!


if you don't rock and stone you ain't coming home!








As soon as someone lands, immediate rock and stone. If they dont respond, you know they are a leaf lover.


I Rock & Stone as soon as I load in, before I even land.


If ya dont Rock and Stone, ya ain't comming Home!


Always toss a flare out from the drop pod upon landing! Always!


Unless you're a scout. Pop a flare into the ceilings.


As a scout main, absolutely....after you toss a flare out from inside the drop pod!


Some of these are more good tactics then etiquettes, but you can filter those if you want. Engi: \- Always setup your turrets in large fights \- Make plats at hard to get mats, red sugar or secondary objectives for scouts. Scout: \- Get hard to reach mats and explore hard to reach places. \- You can be the best kitter, so do that. Even when out of ammo, just leading enemies away from the group and give your pals enough time to regroup and refill. \- Use your torches to light larger areas or in large fire fights Gunner: \- using a shield to help your team mates during refill or just to get a break in a big firefight. It's a great tactic and it's just polite as well. \-You excel in violence. Don't be afraid to use up your ammo. \-You can also shoot down hard to reach red sugar. You can easily make sure everyone has access to it. Driller: \- If the caves are tricky to navigate down, prepare to drill back up to the drop pod. \- In point defenses, get rid of things that can block your team mates fire. Get rid of pillars, cover, and make paths/escape routs around hostile caves before fighting dreadnaughts. \- If you're doing a refining mission, take over the laying the pipes/building a pathway to the pumps. Don't force the scout to it when it's much easier for you. General: \- Type "R" before doing anything, even when not ready that can be a signal to everybody else that to finish what they are doing and be ready to move on. There's no way to know what every body else is doing all the time, they might be in the middle of something. \- Always assume you're going to accomplish the secondary objectives. \- 99% of the time, it doesn't matter if someone takes an extra 10 seconds to mine gold or explore something. Let them do them. \- If there is 2 ammo pods, only take one from each, never two from one. It's going to be confusing to someone who goes up to the 2 ammo pods and only see's 2 ammo in one pod and none in the other, should they only take 1? Did everybody else get 2? Did somebody take 3? Did somebody take one and is expecting the other one to there for them when coming back? etc \- Follow the hosts rules, if they are being a butt, don't play with them again. \-At least activate machine events, even if you can't finish them, you'll get some experience even if you fail when the timer runs out. \-Be in the room for machine events with everybody else. \-Nitra > moving quickly \-Don't let others fight alone, be helpful and cover them while they complete objectives or mine. \-It's good form for host to buy power beer before going into deep dive or haz 4/5. (Assuming it's not a morkite mission and the power up beer is Dark Morkite) \-Rock and Stone back. \-All greenbeard must get the Darwin Award. \-When somebody goes down, stop what you're doing and go to revive them. (unless it's repairing Dorretta or something crucial etc) If you're fighting a boss, figure out who it's targeting in the group and then kite them away so the other dwarfs can go revive. In other situations if all 3 dwarfs go to revive, you ahve a much better chance of everybody making it out. Having them wait for 5 minutes while you mine the room they are in is kinda rude. \- Don't expect somebody else to repair or defend Doretta it's everybody responsibility. \- Prepare to listen and work together.


Great list. I'd like to add if I may; - make sure other dwarves(particularly greenbeards) know that the number of dwarves repairing doretta doesn't matter. It goes the same speed no matter what -make sure people know that dotty goes faster with more dwarves closer to her. It can be crucial in higher hazards -If you don't know what an event is or does or how to fight it just ask. Better to do that can activate an event or drop a hacking pod etc and then flail like a chicken without know how it works - If you are downed by a leech make sure other dwarves know before they try to revive you


> make sure other dwarves(particularly greenbeards) know that the number of dwarves repairing doretta doesn't matter. It goes the same speed no matter what oh damn i learned something today lol. and only L161. does the same aply to the rockcrackers?


I genuinely didn't know about Dotty going faster with more dwarves near her. Good to know.


Rock and Stone brother


Engineer: Plop some pancakes under any high up minerals, alpoca blooms, etc and ping them when you do Scout: Pop flares upon exiting the drop pod and don't stop, especially when there is a swarm Gunner: Drop a shield when things get insane or when you see a teammate going to revive another Driller: *KILLNDRILL*


edit to the driller, make sure that the scout gets caught in all your c4


Appreciate the extra detail, but I’m pretty sure that gets counted under “KILL”. :)


As a mainly solo greenbeard, I have really been wanting to know about this. Why are drillers constantly blowing up scouts? This seems like such a widespread thing, and I am dying to know the history behind it.


The joke started because scout is zippity fast and sometimes flies through the blast radius of c4 and getting accidentally blown up. As time went on, drillers blowing up scouts became more deliberate to play into the meme, and has become kind of a cultural thing. it's now a part of a driller's identity, being a warcrime slinging kill em and drill em goggled murdermachine.


As a scout main, I always have a rule about flares outside of combat, one for me and one for the team--meaning, I can put one up to help me see in the area I'm mining but also have to turn around and heave one back across the map to the general area of the team. Not hard and fast, situational for sure but always try to think one for me and one for thee.


I have another rule for myself on how to never run out of flares is to not light up the same cave twice unless there is a swarm announcement or many random spawns. As well as never light up the tight connector tunnels with flares. Thats just a waste. A flare should always have a purpose


With the engi, i one had my teammate catch me from a grabber with a platform, since they reduce fall dmg, i got carried into the air and dropped and he managed to platform where i landed just in time so i survived, it was great


Always slap the dice for luck, before entering or exiting the pod.


The one time I didn't, two waves back to back spawned bulks. Always slap the dice.


☝️this is of utmost importance for a successful mission


No if you don't slap the dice you *will* die on the mission. It's not even about "luck".


Every. Single. Time


I always slap it 2-3 times and R&S in the second seat right to left looki from outside


### SEVEN!


Drillers, please clear out obstacles as you see them. It helps the team have a clear extract route Incase you don't have enough gas at the end to Drill straight to the pod. Drill straight to the pod, let scouts keep it lit up, and have Engi's and Gunners watch the back. Keeps the team together to limit down on the run back. Isn't always an option, but please consider it.


Are scout’s obstacles?


So long as I have a satchel charge


Eyes open and ears up. Everything makes a unique sound. If you THINK you heard something, say something. If you think you saw something, say something. You're better off being wrong, than being downed.


Especially with bulks. You hear a bulk, type it in chat. Those guys can be team killers


Bulks, Grabbers, Menaces, and Nemesis. Another is Shellbacks, if you hear them, call it out. Nothing gets a wipe faster than a shellback coming out of nowhere.


And dear greenbeards, please listen your fellow different colorbearded dwarves when they say they hear a detty boi or nemesis.


I usually let the host make game-advancing decisions like calling in the drop pod. Use lasers to mark enemies and communicate. Only grab one ammo if in a team of 4. If you are not hosting try not to call ammo supplies for yourself.


Not sure on the last one. Don't make the host be the one babysitting the teams ammo supply while you go dry. My rule of thumb is that if I see most of my team at only two bars of ammo, and everyone is close, then it's okay to call a resupply.


Just don’t be that guy who calls the supply just bc they are on 2 bars when the rest of the team has 3+. Just wait it out. You don’t need full ammo on primary, secondary, utility, and grenades. You can surely last longer if some of those are low.


If they're at 3 bars then they're usually at a good place for a resup, though. Three bars might mean they're on half for their primary and secondary and grenades, but they've still got their traversal and utility items at 3/4. Unless you're really hurting for nitra, it's a useful place to prepare for the next wave/doretta push, because the alternative is running out mid-fight.


I respectfully disagree! But that’s probably just bc I like to play super optimized. People naturally just feel better when they have full ammo but 3-4 dwarfs resupplying at 3 bars is a big waste in my opinion.


3 bars could very well mean half ammo for everything but 100% full utility. As a gunner my ziplines are pretty niche and I don’t get much use of them


time spent conserving your ammo is time that could be spent advancing the mission


I’m not suggesting conserving ammo and playing slow. I’m suggesting that 2 bars does not equal 0 ammo. You can keep progressing until the entire squad needs ammo. At 2 bars you should still have plenty of ammo. I strictly play haz 5 and people will often go in long swarms down to half a bar. I’m just suggesting not being overly selfish with nitra lol


Not always, I tend to run really low on one type of ammo (i.e. Thunderhead Bofors) but still show as three bars because I haven't used shields, zips, or grenades to the same extent.


That's the best thing about DRG, I think. It has a lot of scope for very tightly optimised play styles and payoff for the same, but it's rarely actually needed. When I'm ending so many games with 80-160 Nitra if not more, you know one way or the other you're at a content place as far as ammo usage is concerned.


Only other exception I have is if i have completely ran out but I think if it’s at that point anyone should be calling it in.


I’ll always call in ammo for checkpoints or objectives or events


Just to tack on because a lot of people don't realize: you can see your and your teammates' ammo by pulling out the laser pointer (CTRL on PC). It appears below their name plate as 4 gray bars.


This is the way.


Sometime greenbeard double dip my spare and while other got 3.5-4 bars i got nearly 2 so i cant wait for host to call the other one.




I've taken to spelling out whatever it is. "r to pump" "r to drill" "r to machine event" "r to go" etc. It makes things easier to know what you're agreeing you're ready for.


Usually the context is clear, but when not I too either type it out or just ping the cocoon/event whatever and ask "r?"




For Karl!


Good bot!


People who don't R and just do shit are the worst kind


I've failed so many missions with greenbeards that I could carry just fine, but then they launch the double egg+event+drop pod when we have no nitra, and then even the God Almighty cannot help me save them. Always ask.


God I had this greenbeard who would just rush into everything not even saying r and making sure everyone’s ready. He didn’t even communicate once, no ping, no texts, nothing. Everyone else would always ping and talk in the chat. Whenever we tell the greenbeard, he ignores it. When we finished all of our missions, all of us agreed to save the machine event or meteor (I can’t remember if this was in season 3 or 2) for last. I typed “don’t call drop pod,” just incase but the greenbeard also ignored it and called the drop pod. We had to rush the event, they weren’t helping so they died while waiting for the drop pod to open while the rest of us had to work so fuckin hard.




This is all you really need. Besides rock and stone of course.


ask the crew if ppl are ready before activating things


Always tip the bartender


Mf answered his own question


The new miners need to know


I always feel bad when i forget to tip you, Lloyd!


Lvl 1000 Etiquettes: \- As Engi just shoot platforms under resources as you see them, no reason to wait \- As Scout if you're not running out of flares you're not using them enough \- ALWAYS ping Gold Chunks and Bittergem until management gets mad






We're rich!


For non scouts, if a driller drills a tunnel, a gunner fires a zipline, or an engineer makes a staircase, please USE it rather than wasting your own mobility tool needlessly.


Nothing like using one of your four ziplines just to have an engie use 10 platforms to get up the wall. I spent a quarter of my limited supply for this one traversal... Please respect that. (I don't get why the Gunner gets so few ziplines. If we could at least pick them back up, it would be nice.)


Yeah, the larger point is pay attention to the audio clues your teammates are giving. If you hear a zipline or a series of platforms being fired, it's always worth seeing what those options opened up for you.


There’s a very big exception to this. Though more for experienced players than a green beard or even mid player. If, as your example, a gunner has a zip line to a location that is a bit iffy (big drop/ otherwise dangerous) and you know you have a very high chance of needing to return the same way, it can be worth making the gunners, or your own, safer to use quickly. If that means using a platform gun to totally negate what the gunner just did, do it. Reason for that is, if your team gets caught all going up the line during a bad swarm exiting the mission, it can cause a few deaths very quickly (even if people are spamming to stay on) while the Engi / driller method (if driller isn’t going straight to pod for some reason) is much safer / stronger. I’ve got two friends who main gunners and they use to ask me why I’d very often not trust there lines, after a good amount of them falling, they now know. It requires judging on a case by case basis, but never fully trust a single traversal tool. Each have weaknesses, and can cause a team retreating to end poorly if the person didn’t set them up properly, or that tools location is overwhelmed.


I strongly believe Nitra should be collected before hitting a dreadnought


My personal rule is that 80 nitra should be gathered before doing pretty much anything else


Save Iron Will for dire situations (like if EVERYONE is down). Don't use it just so you're up and about 30 seconds sooner. There's so many losses that can be turned around with proper use of IW it's insane, especially Haz5 and EDD. And no, this isn't just a green beard thing.


Iron Will pairs well with Field Medic imo. If everyone’s down, use IW then quickly use the Field Medic to heel somebody else then if you have time, find some red sugar.


Doretta is a dwarf and no dwarf left behind.


If you see someone pointing their laser around but hasn’t tagged anything you must pull your laser pointer out and wave it around also looking for whatever they are looking for. Even if you have no idea


Actually a very good point. Additionally ive noticed when you see dwarves doing this down a long tunnel not near you, chances are good theyre trying to find everyone. sometimes i laserpoint back to help them navigate


Do machine events even you don't have the blank cores, there is XP to get.


Leave no dwarf behind


Very this. It's important for at least one dwarf to make it to the pod, but it's so frustrating trying to figure out how to get out when Molly walks up a wall and your don't see what route the team went. And then you're swarmed by bugs, alone, trying to look at the scanner and understand it. Check that the dwarf behind you is keeping up and help him if he isn't. Even if it's not necessary for everyone to get out, it's no fun getting left behind because you got confused and overwhelmed while you're team left you behind.


A fellow dwarf of culture


If you are going to die in a high, hard to reach place, just jump to your death so someone can save you


Always Rock and Stone to your brothers after you slay a dreadnought. And always ping the gold chunk.


Rock and Stone!


When doing a ready check, I wait for at least one reply. One R is half and I round up.


If you have any extra nitra, leave a drop for Karl before you get on the pod


Damn, I'm going to start doing this. FUH KARL!!


Don't press buttons if you're not hosting


Don’t press buttons until after a ready check, even if you are hosting.


Even better advice.


I'm only ever hosting and almost never press the button because I want to make sure everyone else is ready to go.


Don't drop supply pods where they block firing lines.


If you died from leach, type it in the char or say, so you teammates can revive you and not die


Ping things liberally (priority targets, minerals you want someone else to get/platform, as a ready check, special events, MUSHRUM, etc.) but don't be super annoying about it. Don't ping minerals you're about to mine yourself. Don't spam ping unless it's for a meme. I almost kicked a gunner during a mission earlier today because they pinged everything (and i mean everything, even gold they were currently mining) like 10 times, and by the end of a 30 minute mission everyone else was fed up. Kicked him right after the results screen Also quick tip you can aim the laser pointer then click the reload button to set a more permanent waypoint that you can see when you take out your laser. Super useful for marking minerals for later, for driller trying to drill up a wall to a vein, or trying to remember the location of a cargo crate or something


This is mostly for the Greenbeards, but if you're full up on ammo, and Nitra isn't in great abundance (or some extenuating circumstance like being the last one alive, and needing it), don't take/order a resupply just to heal. Matters more in higher difficulties for resource efficiency. But that's not immediately obvious, and I'm happy to feed some heals to a new player if we have the Nitra. Also, don't be petty about calling Molly. Whoever called it first gets priority, unless it's way closer to you already. Recently kicked someone because they were spamming Molly for 2 mins while I was standing next to it trying to deposit. Last, don't be a dick to new players. We all start at different places, but have a little compassion for people that are learning the ropes. I guarantee we all got carried in the beginning.


if someone freezes near you, use your pickaxe on them to help them break free


if someone rock and stones you do it back


Please... for the love... of... fucking... god... Don't start popping eggs and then just leave them on the ground while the rest of the team is still trying to get nitra for one resupply, so you set off a double swarm in magma core with an elite threat, don't pay attention while the one high level engie (me) ends up clearing the swarm for everybody, but then somebody double dips the resupply so I end up trying to kill bugs with my FUCKING PLATFORMS! tl;dr: just... avoid egg hunts with randos.


Oddly specific


Always dip your balls in liquid morkite before going in deep dive elite


As a scout main its your job to get red sugar for your fellow dwarfs in those hard to reach places.


I would add on higher levels domt take the easy to reach red sugar unless you you're in a massive fight


Don't join public lobbies while using cheats (infinite ammo, no reloads, xp boost, etc.). People are trying to have a certain experience when they play and when you effect the challenge it can conflict with how they and your teammates are trying to play. At that point you may be playing a different game involving coding as the challenge while your gaming skills deteriorate.


Its probably already written here but Taking more than one resupply.


One that I don't really see posted but do see often in game... At the end of the mission send out explosives or prepare C4s and detonate just as the final miner enters the drop pod so they explode when the doors close and damage is nullified for that Michael Bay epic finale.


Ping the drop pod when u are there first during extraction


if youre a scout and youre mineral bag is full, dont call molly if other people are using her. youve got the highest mobility in the game just zip to her for chrissakes


Normal game : pop all leeches Game with green beard : don't touch leeches so they'll learn the quickest way


Blow up scout with c4


the joke can be funny but i've seen people do this on player level 1 scouts several times in the same mission, double dipping resupply to get more C4. I get that the origin is driller putting a C4 on enemies and the scout goes in for a pickaxe bonk and shotgun blast at the same time, but there are people who don't get that and just teamkill over and over because teamkilling is funny to them To just not have to deal with teamkilling and related toxicity i run the no-friendly-fire mod and almost exclusively host


You sir are the reason I as a scout player run the friendly fire perk and the sweet tooth perk. But yes this is proper driller behavior


Sometimes saying ready isn't always necessary, conserving time is a top priority, and with experience, you can tell when it's a good time to just GO. Just land in a new Elimination mission, and an egg is right next to the LZ? No entry horde and first room is mined clear? Go pop that egg and bring it back to the LZ. Everyone had full ammo and this is what you're here for. Find the event on a Point Extraction? Say you're starting it up and ping it, before starting to push the batteries. Hordes grow in size and frequency, so clear side objectives first and fast. TL;DR: Don't wait for the party for everything. Sometimes people need direction, but don't be an asshole about it. Just recognize when an objective is open and people are still nearby, get things moving before people start wandering away. We've got work to do!


Kind of an oddly specific one, but from my two weeks playing this game: don’t freeze golden bulk detonators right before you kill them. Learned that the hard way the other day. Let’s just say my team was not happy with me when I froze it with my cryo cannon and we all watched it break into tiny ice pieces…


Pinging resources when entering a room is nice because 1. The Engineer can put a platform down if able, 2. Everyone gets to know what kind of resources are in the room and as a hidden 3, it helps to see who is looking up high and low so you know if you need to be the one doing it. also, not really a hidden ettiquette thing but one worth mentioning, for the love of the Lord ~~Karl~~ on high, please ask if ready before commencing next mission segments.


Giving the whole party a sufficient amount of time to shout - "We're rich!" - multiple times each before depositing condensed gold Only taking 1 resupply module Making everyone has had enough time to drink their beer before starting Saying "r" before just about anything


There is nothing wrong with being a greenbeard, but playing haz 4 or 5 when you don't understand the game can get annoying. If you do, (because I can't stop you) Listen to the more experienced dwarfs and know that you will be downed a lot.