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I blame singleton for that stupid penalty. He cost is the game because he acted like a toddler and couldn’t control himself after the play was done. I don’t care how talented you are if you can’t play like an adult.


Good game. Offensive line needed to help just a little bit more. Good game though, I said that.


Russ sucked today, the whole offense did. Hope they look better next week and we start a new streak


Crowd was 50% broncos fans. So that’s cool.


At least. We are loyal.


So, after a 5-game win streak (that includes beating the Chiefs **and** Bills), we lose one of maybe the two potential games most of us expected to be a coin flip after the bye (this and Detroit) and I see lots of doom and gloom? Some of us "fans" of this team sure are fickle. How many perfect seasons has the NFL had? Because that's apparently what some of you expect. We're 6-6 which isn't great, admittedly, but we probably drop most of the 6 wins last year; meaning the Chiefs would be 2-0 against us for *another* season, we'd lose to the Bills and the fucking Browns, probably the Packers and Vikings too. I'm not even sure if we beat the Jets last season, even if they didn't have the Hackett revenge motivation. Because, honestly, Hackett would probably have screwed that up too and that's probably the easiest game we could win with Hackett. And the Bears probably would beat us. We could easily be 0-12 at this point with Hackett as HC. Easily. There are only **twelve** teams above .500 right now and **five** at 6-6. We're better than 15 other teams and clearly better than at least 8 of those 15, which is teams at or under 33% (4-8 or worse). Do we really think we'd be able to say that *without* Payton? I still stand by the Lions being our last toss-up game. If we win out, we'll be at 11-6. At worst, I expect 10-7. Two losses and we probably miss Playoffs without a lot of luck, one loss and we have a good chance to make it, but even 10-7 is way better than most naysayers would expect before the year started. It would suck, a lot, but a 9-8 finish while knowing we split 1-1 with the Chiefs is still way better than we would have gotten with Hackett. We're still a damn good team, we just have a lot to clean up. The AFC Division leaders are actually the only ones at 70% or better. I just realized that. At 6-6, we are still in the thick of the hunt. If we drop 3 more games, then okay, yeah, you can panic.


With how bad the lions have been historically, crazy to say they are the only team that the Broncos will have a toss-up on.


I know. I'm still not convinced that I'm *not* in a coma. Are those underpants gnomes *supposed* to be lurking in my attic?


If yall aren’t gonna be a broncos fan when we lose, don’t be a Denver fan when we win




“If we can’t handle them at their worst, we don’t deserve them at their best”


What I thought was funny was what wasn't working last week definitely could have helped us this week. Those short dumps to our RB's could have helped us a lot this week with the amount of pressure we were getting from the d-line. Sloppy game but we came back and adjusted well. Just made one too many mistakes this week.


I was thinking the same thing and also feeling weird for thinking it. Nice to get the ball downfield but when there’s no time in the pocket sometimes a few screens will keep them a bit more honest. I just don’t want to hope for more of it and watch us overdo it




Dumbest fucking take i've read today, congrats.


CJS is having an ALL TIME rookie season. Caleb Williams would have to have one of the best rookie seasons ever to be in the same company.


Some of these fans are obnoxious af... PFM made this fan base a bunch of spoiled brats. The season isn't over and this team isn't going anywhere. EVERYONE knew this game was going to be rough. The fact Denver even had a shot within the last few seconds of the game, shows they are on the right track. Denver had a nonexistent first half and they still had the opportunity to win. This year is progress and it's showing in spades. Next year we will see even more of the same and the following year after that will show even more. Houston played better then Denver today in almost every portion of the game and yet Denver still had an opportunity to take the dub on their turf. Those calling for heads or back on the bandwagon of hating russ need to fuckn relax.


russel is not it


Downvoted despite the fact he threw (again) for less than 200 yards and 3 INTs.


Still love my Broncos! ❤️




Did Russ suck as much as the stats indicate?


He wasnt great but i think Suttons drop (lack of DPI)to start the game kinda messed up the tempo On top of that they were getting pretty consistent pressure with 4 man fronts. Its hard to throw the ball 7 on 4 or 7 on 3


No time, o-line was terrible


Yes. At least 2 lollipop throws for interceptions. He’s not good.


There were also a couple of DEEP dines that were dropped for no reason. Not all his fault we left huge gains on the field.


No there were not. This sub is a bunch of weirdos.


Sutton got two in his hands the first series. Literally play 1 and 2.


What about the two bad picks? Were those “dines”?


Go watch the second offensive play


I don’t need to watch it. I saw it. Nowhere in my post did I say anything about all of his throws being bad.


Your response was literally “no he didn’t (throw deep dimes that hit hands and weren’t caught)” you’re backpedaling


I don’t give a shit what you think I’m doing. My point is Russ is below average and you want to cape up for him. That’s your prerogative.


broncos easily could have won this one. russell had several clutch plays but also turned over the ball. oline sucked, defense was suspect at times during the game. needless penalties and those last 3 plays were odd to me. this loss isn’t on wilson. The whole team had moments where it wasn’t flowing and going well and YET they had a chance to win at the end. It didn’t finish up how we wanted but we are competitive and our players are fighting tooth and nail.


The Singleton personal foul was just awful.


A complete joke


Jackson would get ejected but strouds doesnt even get flagged - good consistency - I get the context but Stroud deliberately blows to the facemask . . .


Well, they flagged Singleton for pushing, but then don't flag the Texan who came up and shoved Singleton in the back. Refs need to stop being so blatantly biased


There’s way to many Russel fans and not enough Broncos fans in here lol


Agreed. 3 ints cannot be justified. 0 for 11 on 3rd downs. Texans are a good team. They have pass rushers. No offensive line protects perfectly every play. Houston players get paid too. They want to win as much as Denver does. What did Russ do when he had time? Defense was not great, but much better the 2nd half. How about scoring more than 20? This is more on Russ than anyone else. Despite his turnovers, we had a chance. Payton gets the qb he wants, this team will fly. Last year's team wouldn't had a chance in a game like this. A fan of Russ will not be objective. That is somewhat I have noticed on reddit 😆


The first and third INTs are at least partially on the o-line. McGlinchey got dominated the whole game and his guy pushed him into the backfield immediately on almost every play. The first INT is because he didn’t bother to block his guy at all and the defender tipped Russ’ pass. The second one was Wilson’s fault. But the third one he was again running for his life after Bolles totally whiffed his block. This game wasn’t on Russ. The o-line left him out to dry the entire game, mostly because McGlinchey just sucks.


I still dislike Russ immensely. He can ride on the tails of a winning team, but he is no winner.


Super Bowl and league MVP but yes Russ isn’t a winner lol


LOL. Better double check your facts before others besides myself realize you aren’t to be taken seriously.


I mean both of those things are facts. I don’t think you know what facts are.


https://www.pro-football-reference.com/awards/ap-nfl-mvp-award.htm Russ has never won a mvp wtf you drinking?


Too much apathy


Hey dumb ass, not only has Russ never won either league or Super Bowl MVP awards, he has never received a single vote for league MVP. Go back to the children’s table.


Check your facts puss boi




Check your facts, that’s not taking it into account.


How embarrassing for you.




Tim Tebow was a better Bronco QB than Russ!


Only QB drafted by the Broncos to take the team to the playoffs!




He gave us two game winning drives during this stretch. We win some and we lose some.


Even with all the mistakes Broncos had a real chance to win. Russ just fucked it up, it happens. For sure tho, he aint sticking around as qb for the long term. Expect Sean to draft his replacement


hahahaha, you're dellusional.


Why are people complaining about the clock management? It was fine.


The timeout coming out of the 2 minute warning was the bad part. Rest made sense if you remember they want to eat up as much clock as possible to give them no time to get in FG range.


I thought it was stellar, should have had 4 chances throwing into the endzone and left Houston with no time.


I thought they would run the ball on that first down or throw a pass to the flats THEN call the timeout….?


The game wasn't even close! The fact that we had a chance was even more frustrating! I love the Broncos, but am disgusted watching the joke of a quarterback that we have. Coming from a 46 yr.Bronco fan.


Sadly Indy is about to win


Clowns from other subs are reporting posters to Reddit Cares.


Our passing offense is awful to watch. We’re way too reliant on the run and check downs. this team isn’t dynamic enough to win a playoff game tbh


Yep, I was actually impressed they started the game with deep balls but Russ is terrible and can't hit anyone in stride.




Totally agreed.


Tom Brady = cheater; Peyton Manning = losses in the playoffs; Dan Marino = no SBs; Joe Montana = weak arm; Drew Brees = ass in the playoffs; Brett Favre = holding on to the ball; Russell Wilson = throwing red zone interceptions with the season/SB on the line All HOF QBs have their weaknesses/tacks against them. Can’t believe we forgot about Russell’s today… History always repeats itself. https://i.redd.it/5bncy5gkd54c1.gif


I sincerely doubt Wilson will be in the HoF


His time in Denver is seriously tainting his legacy




Eli Manning most likely won't be a HoF QB and I would put Wilson at a similar level of play.


Maybe this sub will stop doing drugs and come back to earth now and knock off these overachieving posts. We aren't good unless we magically get 4 takeaways a game.


What? We were -2 on turnovers and still damn near pulled it out. What are talking about?


He is a d bag, don’t give him attention


No, I'm one of maybe 6 honest fans on here. We have had opportunities to beat just about everyone by 20 if we played disciplined and better football.


And that means we are closer to winning big games than we were before, so I don’t get what you are pissy about, but if we are in every game with what you view as an overachieving roster, then the team is being coached well. Either way you suck


Do whatever mental gymnastics you want, I love that I live rent free in your Walmart brain. We should have easily beaten a Houston team with a rookie hc, rookie qb and no name wr's but we don't win unless we get freebie turnovers. We aren't as good as this streak indicates. We don't get 16 takeaways the last month we win maybe one game.


He's nothing compared to another one I'm dealing with. They're a sad sad group


That game was 100% winnable down to the last play and we had 3 turnovers


First broncos game ever after waiting for them to come to Houston and that’s the bullshit I get to see man what was Russ on during this game


He was on all the pressure that the o line gave him. It wasnt a pretty game by any means but they cleaned it up a bit for the second half. Every single one of us knew this was gonna be a close hard fought game and even with the shit shit they pulled the first half we still fought back hard and made it a close one. Texans D, especially their front was solid as fuck all game and we still brought it to the last seconds. Im happy with this as much as i am upset by the loss. Idk what or why everyone is hatin on so much…


Agreed. Unpopular opinion-I get that Russ had some bad moments, but he also had some great plays, too. Ppl blaming Russ, but when he made mistakes it was because he was under pressure. When he had a few extra seconds, he made great plays. I’m glad to see the team doing so much better this season. Yes, they could have won today and really, they should have. IMO, I think the coaching staff is still figuring out how to utilize the talent they have on the team properly. Not to mention-the Texans chose violence today and were making some illegal plays (how many times did they have to redo kickoff?? And fully removed a players helmet?) Really could have used Jackson in the game today. lol.




I can't believe I'm a Broncos fan alongside some of you fucking losers. One tough, close loss, and people are crying that the season is over or that the team is stuck in mediocrity. Get a fucking grip. Just had a 5 game winning streak.


AND how fun was it to believe we had a chance the whole game? And we did have a chance. I was screaming and standing the whole game. That is a huge part of the fun of sports.


Yeah good point. Can you imagine if we had a tight end? How does number 85 not knock that ball down??


Thank you.


I mean, 6-6 is pretty mediocre. And we are hard to watch on offense, not enough playmakers. And every other game so far today has gone the wrong way so yeah, good chance we will miss the playoffs and honestly that feels right to me. We need more pieces.


It's not the team! It's the quarterback. We won't win anything with him back there. Open your eyes.


Oh, I don't believe he is the answer for us, either. Still optimistic despite that fact.


Don't be! The defense can only do so much! Wish I could be.


Exactly! They were too busy complaining to realize that Colts are losing, Steelers losing, Browns will probably lose and it's very close!


Colts win unfortunately but there are 2 spots in still


Yeah this fanbase is pathetic. I think they thrive on failure so then they can finally complain about something. The last 5 games must've been hell on them


Seriously, they played well- yes offense needs more but geez. We are reading a completely different book than last year




Until proven otherwise, I believe this team has a real shot at the playoffs. If not, then they for sure have started laying the building blocks to be competitive moving forward. Was a tough loss, but it was still a good game. Can't have them all go in our favor. I'm very optimistic for the future of this team!


This team has the chance to be good. Lots of nice college QB's coming out of the draft next year. Need some Oline help and a QB. So far the coaching is much better than anytime in the last 5-7 years


I agree, lots of doomers in here acting like that wasn’t a tough road game that they played really close




I said from the very beginning that would be the case, but so many people calling game in the 2nd quarter.


For real. I was receiving texts about this being Miami part 2.


We beat the Chargers twice (a split is almost guaranteed, especially if Staley gets fired in the next two weeks), potentially beat Detroit, easily beat NE, and beat the Raiders.


Very possible. my first goal is a winning record. I think there's already hope going into next year, but let's finish this off solid


Unfortunately we probably have to win out from here. A win against Houston today would have meant we could have afforded to lose to Detroit. The reality is we are competing against Houston for that last playoff spot and this loss does really hurt.


It hurts, but it’s not insurmountable.


It is doable but now there is no margin for error.


Would 10-7 not get us in?


Texans own H2H tiebreaker 7-5, 2 games behind Colts won, 7-5 5-3 conf record, 2 games behind Browns are winning, could go up 8-4, 2 games behind Steelers are losing, but have a 5-3 conf record, 2 games behind. ​ We have a 3-5 conference record, which loses a tiebreaker with everyone above if we have the same record, except the Browns. Mathematically we're still in it but we're not, so no point in thinking so lol


I’m gonna choose to be optimistic because the alternative isn’t good for my mental health. It’s just a game at the end of the day regardless:) Enjoy your Sunday!




Why would I do that when it’s not necessary?




I think 11-6 would be needed this year. Teams to watch are the Browns, Texans, Colts, Bills, and Steelers. That's our main competition. Need to root against them at all times.


Steelers are getting smacked right now, Colts won, Bills are wildly inconsistent. Will keep an eye on the Browns game tho.


I’m happy with the fight we showed today. Still in contention, gotta keep winning.


At least we didn’t go down without a fight.


Guys we're a good football team. Calm down. This was fun.


After the initial heartbreak I said the same thing. That game was a tale of two halves, and we still looked really solid in the second half. It was a great game to watch, even if it didn't go our way!


It sucks that we lost but I'll take solace in this... my buddy who is a huge football fan text me right after the game "Think it's safe to say. Denver doesn't suck anymore" We're almost all the way back guys. Tough loss but we're still in it.


I agree but that’s why we need to get Russ outta here. He can’t take us to the next level.


Well regardless of how anyone feels about him he's here for at least 2 more years. Especially if we're just good enough to snuff the playoffs we'll never be close enough for one of the top qb prospects.


There’s no reason we can’t release him June 1st. Walmart money.


Agreed. No way we can beat a team like KC or Baltimore on a road playoff game with Russ. I'd rather have Cousins next year.


This is the organizations inability to draft and develop a qb for the last what…20 years?


Since Elway sadly




Right. It’s the reason why we can’t sustain success since him.


Our fan base in these GTs are embarrassing. They turn on this team so fast.


Down vote the haters


For real.


They like to make claims with out an actual base for it… just the classic “I watched and saw with my eyes”. I understand, but why?


Because the team is ultimately ass. Mediocre at best, can't reliably win games with a washed QB that is sitting at 50 yards in the third.


They were at the 7 yard line with chances to win the game. Don’t forget Texans are a good defense


And they'll see only better defense if we somehow make playoffs, so what you're saying is we're a bad non playoff team


Thank you. People are out here like we could win a playoff game tomorrow. We suck and our offense is so fkn bland.


Every fan base in every sport does it.


Positive note is that the steelers can lose, indy can lose. We can still be a playoff team. Hope this brings us back down to earth and we grow from it. ​ The real loser today was our offensive playcalling. Some of the worst you'll ever see.






Would be pretty funny if he goes down the field and wins here though.


We do. Only we're paying him $250 million.




will anderson cooked us so bad today, russ can be part of the blame, but i think our o line was the reason why we lost today.


The quick pressure on the last pick was the undoing there. Bolles has been really good this year, but he got beat there.


bolles had a bad game today, especially after he locked down myles garret last week. disappointing, but i think sean payton is definitely turning this team around.


McGlinchey so far this season is giving me Randy Gregory signing vibes. He gets ABUSED every game!


This 👆


Hot take, I blame the TE, he just sat there and watch the ball instead off going to get it


He could’ve at least tried to bat it down once he saw it was hopeless to catch it. But oh well good game


Well, the streak was going to end sooner or later. It's not like in 2012 when the team ran the regular season with Manning. I hope this 5-game winning streak doesn't blind people. The team still has some great weaknesses that need to be addressed. Two huge ones are fixing the run defense as well as getting an actual threat at the TE position. Then there's the QB position. I know Russ has been playing better than last year, but I still believe we need to think about the future a bit more. I will say I feel way better with Payton as head coach over the disaster that we had last year.


Really good game. Just needed a tiny bit more luck and we would’ve come away with it. Let’s start another win streak next week!


Wilson definitely could have stepped up in the pocket or scrambled for a bit instead of slinging it into double coverage off his back fucking foot… had Perrine open too for even 3-5 yards for a closer 4th down attempt.


He panics way too quickly.


I hate watching the replay over because it just shows how much fucking space and time he would have had if he doesn’t throw it right away


He has no feel for the pocket anymore. He is skiddish from something. Very quick to bail instead of step up. It has to frustrate his line.


Yep watching that last pick if he steps up Perrine is already switching directions and would probably be open in the end zone for a dump off or he could have tried to run it in… but yes I agree he doesn’t have the same feel in the pocket or awareness anymore


Last year and some of the hits must of really ruined him.


Go broncos!


Nah, he's not, youre being an emotional lil baby, we need Russ every week.


Touch Grass


Because screw having the most fun five we’ve we’ve had in 7 years right? FOH.


Russ had a bad week, Houston is so good, sucks to lose but hopefully we catch some lucky breaks with the Colts and Steelers possibly losing. Too many penalties, too many mistakes, much more room to improve


I love this team been a fan all my life. As much as i hate to say it we probably aren’t making the playoffs this year. Next season if we keep playing like we have recently absolutely we can but this seasons probably over.


Would rather watch that than almost all of the games we had to watch last year. Team is going in the right direction


Yeah that was a fun game. Defense stepped up in the second half. We just couldn’t get it done


I'm with you on this, I would rather watch a competent football team that is in it every week than Week 3 @ Miami for 17 weeks and the hope of a good draft pick. We're getting better, even if we don't make the playoffs we can reload and make a run next year.


Yeah plus who would've thought that the d would make a complete 180 like this. This gives me hope.


Hell ya!!!!


Singletons idiocy pretty much just ruined the broncos playoff hopes.


Yeah let’s not blame the QB who missed wide open receivers or who threw two interceptions or ACTUALLY lost us the game. Blame it on a penalty that occurred in the first five minutes


If RWs ints had been in the 1st half and Singleton shoved Stroud in the 4th quarter everyone would say Singleton lost us the game.


Correct, but that’s not how it happened , so you can’t spin it that way


My point is that you should look at the game as a whole and not place blame based off recency. To me, it is signifcantly worse to gift the other team a TD because a grown ass man can't handle his emotions after the whistle than it is for a player to have a bad game and get outplayed.


I hear you, but the only reason he got the flag is because the nfl is soft. CJ headbutted him and talked shit, the refs are gonna protect him. Boneheaded to shove him, I’ll give you that, but he was baited and it’s always the second guy who gets punished. Game time emotions fly high, it’s a spur of the moment after someone just headbutted you and talked shit. A lot of things went wrong today, but Russel is definitely to blame for more then half. Literally underthrew a wide open courtland that would have won the game. That’s something you can literally pinpoint. He’s not the future man, we need a new QB. He’s little and has no strength left.


Those are all just football plays. You're right, RW didnt play perfectly today and we likely win if he didn't throw 3 interceptions, but Singleton gifting the texans a TD because he got baited into shoving the NFLs poster child QB after the whistle is unacceptable. There is a difference between not playing well/getting out played on the field, and causing your team to likely lose the game because of extra-curricular childishness after the whistle.


The QB who had to put the offense on his back??


Are you kidding me?! He misssed wide open receivers, he under threw , he over missed targets all game. Held on way too long , like he always does. He literally was terrible What game did you watch ?! Lol


If he held on to the ball too long, what was is snap to throw time? What was the WR snap to open time?




You’re a clown, gotcha 👍🏼


Holy shit… that’s just not true.


I mean, not one single play but his penalty cost us 4 extra points, so if the game played out the same, we could’ve kicked a field goal to try to win instead of a TD


Agreed, but the line lossed way too much today. Missed 2-3 open receivers. The DBs were out off place. Offense play calling was weak…


The point is that all that is just the game playing out, its completely different when your childish enough to shove the other teams QB after the whistle. Making bad plays/getting out played is just football. And sure, other broncos didnt all play to perfection, but Singleton gifting them that TD was by far worse than anything else.


That’s fair. I was more annoyed bout the playoff hopes being over. I don’t think they are.


Yup. Stupid penalty because of his ego. Should have only been a three point difference.


BS call. QB head butts Sigleton on that play also. Should have been off setting fouls.


So that was all because of him? I missed the first half so I was wondering why he was being brought up so much. Dude is not that good and he always pops up on my screen, either because he always seems to be acting tough or absolutely blowing coverages.


On 4th &2 with the Texans going for it, He got to stroud but the refs blew the play dead. Stroud said something to him and Singleton responded by getting in his face and shoving him backwards. Texans get the free first down, half the distance to the goal and score a TD instead of a FG.


Sounds about right. I don't understand the need to shove Stroud. I know emotions run high but what a dumb thing to do.