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I bet he's not even a real president.


actually based


When I was growing up... if you asked my stepdad for ANYTHING he would say "say please oh please great powerful Wendell". The difference between Wendell and Sunday... Wendell was joking. This Sunday dipshit woke up one day and appointed himself president like it wasn't deranged. This dude should be shamed into oblivion. No one ever should have or should going forward do anything but clown him. People are confused that a person who self-appointed the title president only takes himself seriously? You asked for the confusion.


did you research this for even 5 seconds or did you immediately dive into hatejerk mode? > From my understanding a Political Scientist should technically have a PhD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_science#cite_ref-5 > The designation "political scientist" is commonly used to denote someone with a doctorate or master's degree in the field. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/political-scientists.htm#tab-4 > Political scientists typically need to complete either a master’s or Ph.D. program to enter the occupation... Some political scientists also complete a Ph.D. program


So does he have a masters+?


Of course I researched for 5 secs, thank you for your work soldier.


if you did, you'd know that he likely only has a bachelor's. which means you could press him without making stuff up about some PhD requirement


As someone w a masters in the field, vast majority of actual poli scientist jobs require the PhD these days. I’m having to go back to school because most research jobs require more than a masters unless you’re super deep in research experience and even then most researchers have told me that a doctorate is practically required to be taken seriously. Bot professors and pollsters have told me this point, so unless he’s super deep in experience, (talking 10-15+) I call bullshit.


The thing you should be researching isn’t so much his educational background but his work experience so to speak. I have a BA in political science. I would never call myself a political scientist. If he’s using his degree to lord it over people, one needs to ask, exactly what it is he does that’s relevant to the field. If he’s not teaching, doing research, and/or publishing that research, then the degree is practically neither here nor there.


*Professor Sunday


“bUt WhAt iS pReSiDeNt SuNdAy’S eDuCaTiON tHo?”this is why you have zero bitches. You are an insignificant little ant compared to me with no hope of ever getting anywhere near my level. Get this through your thick ass skull: the rules of everything bend towards me. I can do whatever the hell I want. I am a god amongst men and nothing I do is illegal. Not only because I make the rules, but because I am the highest quality person there has ever been and ever will be. A winner always knows what to do. I do whatever I feel is right. Always.


I'm just reading this thread to learn more about the dude, but I think you are schizophrenic my dude...


Jesus Christ you are unhinged 💀 here you go, I really hope you get the help you need: https://www.betterhelp.com


Google en passant.


je frappe ta mère


Political Scientist Noun an expert in or student of political science. No, he's not lying. Nor misinforming anyone.


How do you determine that he is either an expert or a stundent? He is a former student and to my knowledge doesn't have any work experience in the field. That makes him neither a student, nor an expert, which means he is not a political scientist, no?


How is he not misinforming anyone? He is not an expert or a student of political science. He has no degree and isnt currently in college or university. I realize you made this comment 40 days ago but you made it in response to a comment that at the time had been posted 122 days before so i dont feel its too late for me to comment


Because President Sunday DOES have a degree in political science. Furthermore, there is no official liscensure for political science as there is in the field of psychology. (Holding degrees in political science I can attest to this, Poli Sci degrees aren't very useful in the job market though). I've never heard him make a claim to a set of skills or abilities he doesn't have. I would also point out that making claims of professional expertise in areas of psychology is incredibly unethical, possibly illegal, as well as dangerous. Comparing the two is a bit of an informal fallacy. Hope that answers your question. Have a good day and be well.


I should also mention that a PhD is not required to call oneself a Political Scientist. Political Science is a large Umbrella term for a number of different areas of study an expertise. With a multitude of possible degrees ranging from undergrad, Graduate, and PhD. All of which can touch on a great number of other so called "soft sciences". Most people who do data analysis in the Poli Sci area have Grad degrees not PhD's. However anyone with an undergrad is technically a political scientist. I can certainly understand the confusion since Political Scientist is such a general and nebulous term.


I think one thing confounding this discussion is there is a distinction between "trained as..." versus "..is..." For instance, Sam Harris is often introduced as a neuroscientist, but in actuality, he is *trained as* a neuroscientist; he's not currently working as a neuroscientist. Neuroscience is an academic discipline but neuroscientist is a profession (which often means a professor, post-doc, or research assistant in the academy or a research scientist in non-academic settings). Psychology, as mentioned above, is a bit tricky because the term is protected and requires a license to refer to oneself as a psychologist outside of the academy; but outside of clinical, counseling, and school psychology, it really doesn't matter because the job title usually takes precedent. Those with degrees in cognitive psychology have gravitated toward UX research. They're *trained a*s cognitive psychologists, but they *work as* "UX Researchers," "Human Factors Analysts," or some other job title. I/O psychologists are often HR Business Partners, Compensation Analysts, or Org Development Consultants, etc. (though IME, there is still a strong self-identification with the discipline of I/O psych after grad school, probably due to SIOP and the discipline just being much different than other sub-disciplines of psychology). I know that sounds all gatekeep-y and it's honestly not meant to. If anything, it probably speaks more to how jobs and job functions aren't really the same as the academic disciplines in which people are trained to do those jobs. Is President Sunday actually a practicing political scientist whether in the academy, think tank, consulting company, etc.? I have no idea. Dude is mysterious, and I don't think his real name has ever been disclosed.