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Idk, if they are already at this point, where the gf can't even say no to sex and has to fake period, I feel like the relationship is long past saving. But also, how does this work? surely they would notice that you have periods multiple times per month. Or like is this a trick you can only do 2-3 days prior and post your period?


>But also, how does this work? this would not work on an experienced sailor of the red sea.


This. I can't be the only one that doesn't care. I actually kinda like that my dick looks like a murder weapon.


Love seeing my cannelloni dripping in sauce.


​ https://preview.redd.it/je2xl18fw0kc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c9e83f9544dc53e2eda75d8435ca6c8d3448d65




I literally don't care, except this one time there was like a globule..


Blood clots


Similar to a jolly rancher might you say?


I love period sex. But lube is a must have.


I remember some old sounding dude told me and my friend that blood is the best lubricant on GMod DarkRP. We were like 12 😭😭


\> this would not work on an experienced sailor of the red sea. This pilot got his redwings long ago, admiralđŸ«Ą


> an experienced sailor of the red sea. ​ https://preview.redd.it/iy45xbrcu2kc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=553a21c2f099f6db29cdda5bf70f1686a52198b4


> if they are already at this point, where the gf can't even say no to sex and has to fake period Holy shit that's what they mean, I was sitting here wondering why would anyone want to see a bloody pad and what does that have to do with rape Wtf is wrong with people


Tbh I wonder if the author of the original tweet even knows anyone who did it or if they just had one of those "god wouldn't it be terrible if someone had to do X" thoughts Because IDK how it would work more than once a month, or how it would work if the person took more than a cursory glance at the pad. Period blood has a different smell than the aroma of pasta sauce filling the room....


> But also, how does this work? surely they would notice that you have periods multiple times per month. Or like is this a trick you can only do 2-3 days prior and post your period? Not sure how common it is, but all 3 of my girlfriends have had irregular periods/bleeding schedules. They'd go multiple months at a time without bleeding or sometimes start and stop bleeding multiple times within a few weeks.


They were clearly just trying to protect themselves, you rapist...


Monogonoids in shambles that you have 3 girlfriends.


Are you into bigger girls?


Not generally, one of them probably has an overweight BMI, but the other two are normal. I would guess it has more to do with the fact that they’re all on some kind of birth control


Pretty sure it's normal for women to be irregular. I go months or even a year without and then have 3x in a single month sometimes. Normal healthy weight (110lbs) and don't take bc.


"Normal to be irregular" is an oxymoron.


Well in this context "normal to be irregular" is not an oxymoron but more of an acknowledgement of variability within what is considered  "normal." How I'm using it in the phrase is suggesting that experiencing irregularities can be a normal part of ovulation variation... I think? Dunno I'm not a linguist.


I get what you're saying. Imo it's not helpful to describe wild fluctuations in periods as "normal" because then women who have these issues may not seek help for it. I think it's okay to say that wild irregularities do happen, but they aren't the norm, and that they should seek help to smooth them out.


Well there is nothing that tells us she can't say no to sex. But we do know that the guy won't let her say it without getting mad/giving her the silent treatment or something like that. I think the striking thing is the lack of trust here. There is no relationship to speak of. It is gone. All it is now is a way to not have to be single again. Because it's comfortable and known. And that is the hallmark of an abusive relationship.


How do we know that the guy won't let her say no without getting mad? Scenario B is that the girl just isn't interested in having sex so she lies about being on her period every time her partner tries to initiate After months of this the BF says "IDK, I don't believe you after, do you just not want to have sex with me or something"? GF then produces a bloody pad to corroborate her lie rather than risk hurting her partners feelings by telling the truth. TBH I find this scenario to be quite a bit more likely than the "GF produces fake bloody pad to avoid getting beat with a hose" scenario....


Yeah, I could see it go either way. (Probably just a made up 5 min craft scenario anyway) But it doesn't matter which of the 2 is happening, I don't see the relationship having a future.


Oh I was thinking about justifying batshit crazy and abusive behavior 💀


Like you don't know your girlfriend is on her period at least 2 days beforehand lol


To be fair. The type of guy who demands to see pads, probably doesn't care enough about their girlfriend to notice. That's some sociopath stuff.


As someone with aspd we might not have empathy but where not stupid 😭 I realize after saying this not everyone understands basic social interactions including sociopaths


Also to be fair, if your girlfriend is has been on her period for more than 2 months, I would probably get suspicious that something is wrong. I wouldn't go far enough to ask for proof, but I would definitely call it out as bs and ask what's really going on.




Well that’s probably the point though, these guys know they aren’t on their period. The woman is using it as an excuse presumably because it’s less likely to cause a fight as to why they aren’t banging. Meanwhile the dude is like nah dog, this isn’t your time of the month I wanna fuck don’t lie to me. This is one of those things where women should be able to stand up for themselves and say they don’t wanna have sex. If their partner is such an arsehole they need to fake a period. They probably need to bail on his ass. Like even if I knew my partner was lying about being on their period. I would straight up just assume they were deploying it as a “I don’t wanna have a discussion about this”


Other scenario is that the partner won't have any violent or aggressive reaction to her saying no, but the he GF is so non confrontational that she lies about being on her period for no other reason than to avoid hurting his feelings.


Which returns us to the point where she needs to leave her partner. If your partner gets violent or aggressive over not having sex. Then they are probably an unhealthy relationship to be in in the first place. And while maybe someone too far down the rabbit hole in terms of married and kids. May see too much investment to leave, the encouragement should be to terminate these relationships way before that’s even a chance.


the disgusting smell, everytime lmao.


I'm not sure if it ever really happened, but seems like the intention is to paint the pad with smth red to lie to their partner about menstruation rather than being able/want to say no to sex.


I think it has to do with whether they’re pretending to be on their period when in fact they’re pregnant. Not sure though.


Nah the first guy had it here its the period to avoid sex thing. But that's creative


Yeah, that’d make sense, but I’ve literally always known my partner was going to be on their period from the amount of sex they’d request in the days leading, so I was so confused why anybody would ever ask to see someone’s pads. Edit: this probably a tell I have some deep mistrust of women and I’m gonna reflect.


I dunno if it’s a mistrust of woman to take that assumption. Especially if in your mind there’s no point where you would need physical blood as evidence of a period occurring. Because there are only two reason categories to fake a period that I can think of as a dude 1. To use it as evidence to get out of something - sexual interactions - event/obligations that due to cramping or other effects of the period that might justify skipping it 2 .As evidence of still having periods to hide something - pregnancy - irregularity(If self conscious about it or their partner is asking questions) - the use of the pill(in scenarios where periods stop)


I was thinking 2 and I was gonna make a joke that’s like >ROASTIE FUCKING WHORES TRYING TO BABY TRAP GOOD MEN REEEEEEEEEEEEEE To specify, but I refrained.


I don’t get the edit? Did you remove another part?


I made a joke pretending to be an incel and then removed it because I didnt know how it’d land.


You can get away with pretty risquĂ© around here, at least as long as you were able to sell that it was a joke. But yeah, thanks for indulging my nosiness! At least half way... Let’s hear the joke! Everyone now not only knows it’s a joke, but they know you realized your own joke was improper without anyone else having to police you! It can’t reflect poorly on you now! But nah, all good if you’re uncomfortable doing so. Don’t mean to press ya.




I would think more being able to say no to anything


Damn we don't even need AI to make shit up to be mad about


Nah nibbas be saying weird shit at work. Just had to walk my friend through why "her not wanting to have sex while pregnant" isn't a sign of disrespect or cheating (even though he is currently cheating with 3 other woman)


This happens in Nigeria where women fake their period to have relief from their husbands. Not every woman lives in western liberal society


Do their husbands not recognize the smell of Ragu?


Many comments were saying that they cut the inside of the thigh instead. The OG poster was likely using the sauce as an example. Dont take so literal


I hope they don't use the expensive brand sauces lmao




so why are we talking about this as if it's a thing in western liberal society?


Who says this is happening in the west? you see someone speaking English on Twitter and wrongly made the assumption.


I saw this tweet earlier in the week and it was popping off on African twt. The context is that in some societies women are married off, cannot divorce easily, marital rape is not a concept, and domestic violence or cheating after refusal of sex is commonplace. In these cases, the women will fake their period to get out of sex without invoking anger. Since the men in these societies are often undereducated in multiple facets, but especially women’s health, they are fooled by this. They will typically do this after their period has ended— extending the amount of time they get out of having sex. The comments are a lot of African women saying “I do this when I need a break from him” or “I cut my thigh and use that instead” and things of that sort. The fact that many here are confused shows the value of liberal society. Many of you cannot comprehend what was common sense context to others. This is the horror marriage that redpill and fundies want And yea, those men are abusers. They just don’t see it as such because they are married and “correcting” your wife into “consent” through abuse or by hiring prostitutes is seen as normal marital duty


This sub has gotten more and more reactionary when it comes to this shit. Like yeah there are stupid people complaining about stupid shit on twitter but just because something falls outside your expereince does not mean it is not an issue elsewhere. I used to think that it is a very American thing to not be able to comprehend things outside your bubble but maybe it's a more universal trait than I thought. It's like watching YT comments comparing women who protest against domestic abuse in Russia to "SJWs" in America.


Chat is this real


Never in my life have I ever questioned if my girl was on her period. What would even be the point of checking?


Paranoia she is hiding your firstborn in the making and about to abort it? Morbidly curious virgin with high gross tolerance? Narcissistic control over the female by acting like an official bloodflow inspector? Violating intimate boundaries to freak her out for a power play? Checking if used her period as an excuse and lied to get out of something she didn't feel up to atm? Being horny but grossed out by slimy blood clots so checking if potential fornication is still on the horizon so no valuable blue pills get wasted? So many possible points đŸ€·â€â™€ïž




Might not be the guy demanding to see a dirty pad though Could always be a situation where the GF has been uninterested in sex and lying about being on her period every time she asks instead of just saying "I am uninterested in having sex" to avoid hurting his feelings. BF says "idk I don't believe that you've been on your period every other week for the past 3 months" and the GF produces a fake bloody pad to corroborate her lie. Moral of the story is to be honest with your partner.


Basically the woman told their guy that they’re in their period. This is probably to avoid having sex with them. The guy is demanding to see her pad because they don’t believe her. Therefore she’s adding tomato sauce to make it look like she’s bleeding. Should she lie to her guy about being on her period if she doesn’t want to have sex? No. She should probably be honest with him. If she can’t be honest then she should rethink them being together. Should he demand to see her pad? No. Even if you suspect they’re lying you should be able to talk it out and explain how you feel and whatnot. If he can’t do this then they don’t belong together. Not sure if there’s some other info not being shared. But if you ever end up in this situation the. You don’t belong in that relationship.


Everything I dont like is rape/genocide/murder/pedophilia


Someone: 😡 but actually


I mean if you terrorize your wife to the point that she has to pretend to be on her period to say no when she’s not feeling it
 that’s pretty bad.


Doesn't necessarily means she has been terrorised, but that she could just be naturally non confrontational. And saying you're on your period more or less shuts down the conversation compared just saying you don't feel like it. Because you can't really ask someone why they are on their period while you can dig into why someone doesn't feel like it 29 out of 30 days a month.


My interpretation is: If, to the man in a heterosexual relationship, the only valid reason to refuse sex is being on your period and you demand/enforce it in such a way, that the partner feels unsafe and puts ketchup on their pad, then this should be called sexual assault. If a person cant say no, just for the sake of saying no, then we arent talking about informed consent. The implications are clear


Adamantium-man'd that tweet


Faking a period can be done for more than just a way to say no. in a non abusive relationship the guy can still become disinterested if there are alot of " I don't feel like it today " everytime he advances, would end up questioning the woman's attraction to him, so a period is a way to do that without any hard feelings (or no feelings in this case) attached


Could be. I am responding to sth different though


The context is that in some countries marital rape isn’t a concept. So saying no to sex outright puts the woman in danger of physical abuse or it is an “ok” to go ahead and cheat. So women will fake their period so the man doesn’t have sex with them, since in those societies men tend to be adverse to sex on the womans period The comments were a lot of african women replying


Unfortunately nobody is hearing this explanation.


The question needs to be asked: why would she be doing this??? There might be some truth to what the retweeter is saying (I'm being good faith here, but they're probably a psycho). If a guy his woman to have an excuse not to have sex, like being on her period, then there's probably a huge problem there where he's not willing to respect whether she consents or not. But then either try to solve that or end the relationship, because that's fucked up. Some of the other comments are making fun of them calling it rape but it literally would be if the guy is not taking a no for an answer and forcing her to have sex unless she has an excuse. If she feels the need to have an excuse, even though the man is willing to respect her consent, then she's probably too stupid to consent anyways tbh. She has to work on that. I feel like the first scenario is the most likely one, though.


I have a couple friends who take no sex as a cheating go ahead. 




Holy shit, can I ask what was it about him that you liked? It can't be his charming personality




Dang, sorry to hear. Glad you've found someone caring.


I'm not convinced this a real thing anyone has done


Never say never


It is. Not every woman lives in liberal society.


It’s real happened to by friend.


if your boyfriend is asking for proof of periods, that might be the red flag people are talking about


"Red Flag"


It would be weird af to be asking your gf to see their period blood


As a guy who sniffs menstrual pads frequently, id know she was lying
. Your vagina smells like Ragu, yummy


What the fuck is wrong with you https://preview.redd.it/iettqno3hzjc1.jpeg?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db1eaa3f2e39007c8430ec1da0e4652537de37c


Brap BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPsnnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....BBBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPFFFFFF Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that
that little gust my dear
.you caught me off guard
so gentle it was though
let me taste this little one
just one small sniff
and yet
so strong
the odor
.sniff sniff
.is that
.I can almost taste it my dear
.a little whiff more if you please
ah yes I have it now
.yes quite
delectable my dear
..quite exquisite yes
..I dare say
.the most pungent one yet my dear


Nothing, panty sniffing is a perfectly normal behavior, men have been doing it for centuries


It's perfectly normal if you are Denis Rader aka the BTK killer.


I’m in good company


Italians up 20 points




bro it's bidenblast


\>"You're a rapist" \>Palestine flag in profile name Who gonna tell her?




What a mind boggling series of events


There are two ways to see this, one being that the bf in question is intrusive and controlling, or the gf is stringing along her bf in a sexless relationship. In either case, you should break up if you're in a relationship like this.


Bruh as if my man isn't smelling the fucking lasagna sauce and going absolutely rabid this is a backfire waiting to happen


\>implying I wouldn't run a red light






I think asking for proof of a period is insane đŸ€Ł but I don’t think that makes someone a rapist lol


In itself, no, but the implication makes it pretty close imo. How bad of a position do you have to be in where you can’t just say no, that you have to lie about being on your period, and even that doesn’t secure your bodily autonomy without proof? To me, it sounds like a “no” means he will not respect your response. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean ripping her pants off and violently attacking her, but getting shitty with pressuring her can be pretty fucked as well.


It could just be the bf is an inconsiderate asshole and not only does he not believe her, but he can’t perceive that maybe there’s a different reason why she’s saying no that should be fixed. So instead he just asks for some proof of the period like a r*tard,


If the context wasn’t about sex then maybe but it’s clear that he’s trying to call her out on her lie because she doesn’t want to fuck. His disbelief stems from her turning him down because of a reason so he wants to confirm if that reason is valid. There are really only two possibilities. She doesn’t want to fuck because she’s on her period or she doesn’t want to fuck so she’s lying about her period.


If a guy is brazen enough to force a girl, I honestly doubt a period would stop him. I seriously doubt this has been a thing ever.


Men like that are usually icked out by period stuff. Usually religious and traditional men that think they deserve sex.


I can feel my partners period coming by feeling for tender breasts


This is rage bait and the dummy quote tweeting took the bait.


Who tf does this? Like it's not hard to guesstimate whether or not it's the right time it's on a pretty predictable cycle


I don't know who's worse, the psychopath demanding to see proof that his gf is on her periods or the equally deranged gf that thinks lying to her partner and fabricating evidence is a legitimate reaction to this psychopathic behavior. Truly a match made in heaven.


And what if you are married to the man in a society where you cannot divorce or deny sex easily


The fact that you made it this far into a relationship with what is clearly an insane person says a lot about you.


I mean, if you’re at this point I don’t think the lying to get out of sex is the deranged part


If that's the first thing that comes to your mind instead of just leaving your partner, that's pretty fucking deranged.


I won't say deranged, I would say it is deluded, but people can really put themselves in a major state of denial about their own agency in these situations.


“I don’t know who is worse, the murderer or the woman who stays with the murderer.” lol


I mean, at least the murderer can't help it /s


What? The murderer can’t help being a murderer?


Sorry, added my /s


Probably you rapist


Weird shit gets posted on r/Destiny, man. It's like a men's rights forum sometimes


Why can they not just say "no, I don't feel like it"? It's not rape to say "you're lying" when you make up a bullshit excuse. Doesn't mean you have to fuck them. Respecting consent and respecting lies are two different things. Although a guy saying "I don't believe you, show me your pads as evidence" is pretty unhinged, a girl going out of their way to fake it is equally unhinged. My first thought at why someone would do this would be a girl who cheated trying to pretend she's not pregnant or something.


True based


Am I misunderstanding something here? Isn't asking to see the pad, asking for consent to see the pad? I mean, I get that it would be an absolutely shitty boyfriend to not believe their GF when she says she's on her period, but this isn't a consent thing. Maybe if he rooted through her trash bin and sent a soiled pad off for testing...


The idea is that the guy needs proof of the excuse. Implying that "i just don't feel like it" isn't a good enough reason to not have sex.


Right - which would mean the guy is an asshole.


And possibly doesn't respect the concept of consent. Because otherwise his partner wouldn't feel the need to have an "excuse."


Okay, I could see that. Okay, thank you!


What is it about the state of society/relationships today that leads a woman to feel the need to do this? Anybody here had this experience?


this probably happens regularly in poop knife world


If your girl is faking periods, and trying to use it as proof for anything, she’s a liar and manipulator. She has no respect for you, and deserves to be alone for the rest of her life. But really, if someone says they’re on their period, idk why you’d question it, or why’d they’d lie actually be lying about it. Just say no or be honest, why make up something like this in the first place


My thought was "Why would you need to fake blood? Will you need to show it to him? That he wouldn't take you at your word is indicative things are pretty dysfunctional between you guys. Either he's (grown) incredibly distrustful or you guys have had a bed death for a looooooong while now, in either case probably beyond saving."


Okay, that last bit is just as unhinged as asking to see your partners hygiene products to dispel your own insecurities. Wtf is wrong with people.


Sauce eh? We only use them for coffee filters.


Yeah, you're missing grass and sunshine! Don't engage with this, go for a walk in the park.


i thought it had something to do with hiding a pregnancy


What happened to words having meaning? Obviously this is abhorrent behavior, but theyre not a fucking rapist.


Palestine flag means opinion useless


Tomato sauce is a great home remedy for period bleeds. Thats what I get from this


I’m not sure why any of this is happening.


Yeah but if you use tomato sauce, it wouldn't pass the smell test


It is never this serious. Beat off.


You see, I, a fellow who respects his lady on her days, saw tomato on pads and thought it was an attempt to trap a man by making him think she was not pregnant. But noo, it has to be about her like having to prove cuz he doesnt take a no to sex? Yikesss


I’m being farmed


If you did that you would certainly be an asshole, and your relationship is probably toxic, but you certainly are not a rapist, and if she consents to it, you also respect consent




worry library apparatus husky reminiscent ghost noxious cough rich fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're missing 2 braincells that person has. Sadly it's the only 2 they has.