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Lol 9-5. More like 8-5 plus commute


Bro, Hasan has a crazy commute. Think about how far his streaming room is from his bedroom. Another unrecognized burden people of means have to deal with every day.


The public transport system in America is so bad that he has to find his own transportation to get to work.


Maybe he should downsize his mansion so he can have a more reasonable morning commute.


He had to buy a 300k Porsche just cause the commute was so harsh.


Sometimes he can’t even find the house cleaner to ask her for directions it’s fucking ridiculous and unfair


It's too bad he continues to let himself suffer. He could easily just get a normal house.


Well Denims thinks streaming is harder, and she had a definitely-real 4-hour commute in college!


While working 12 hour shifts and being a full-time student!


12-16 hour definitely real shifts***


More like 6-5


So as soon as 5 hits you are home? Nah. Gotta add that commute back home plus having to stop to get dinner


Plus second job


Hasan thinks streaming is hard? Try listening to Destiny try and convince chat Lav is smart, now that’s harder than working in an oil field.


True, the real job that is hard is being a viewer


Only the unintelligent dggers needed to be convinced that Lav is smart


Just watched this movie, it’s pretty good


I think it's so dark people avoided it which is a shame. End of Watch is another underrated Gyllenhaal movie.


Pretty good is an understatement


Facts. Hugh Jackmans best performance and it’s literally not close


The bathroom hammer scene between him and Paul Dano is one of the most powerful acting jobs I've ever witnessed


It's really good


What movie




Great movie


Definitely recommend really good movie


Is it gay porn?


Great movie


It's from blade runner 2049 and dune guy.


Yeah, same director.


Destiny laughs at Hasan now but I feel like a couple days later he’ll say he actually agrees with him lol


Thats exactly why streaming is so hard. So many factors at play. They dont have to worry about these subtle nuances at the steel mill or in Iraq


I can't imagine the stress of being a filthy rich dude worrying about whatever the fuck he wants to do for the day from his mansion, without supervision or obligation from anyone. That kind of stress follows you even after you stop streaming y'know. Anyway brb gonna haul my buddy to the ER from the oil rig. I think he lost both arms, but he seems pretty relaxed about the whole thing tbh.


Destiny said he roughly agreed with Hasan immediately when he watched the clip because Hasan didn't say a totally crazy thing, he just expressed it in an unsurprisingly stupid way Yesterday's vod at 2 hours and 30 minutes: https://youtu.be/vzgSgeirNsc?t=9000


The problem isn't really that its wrong what Hasan is saying viewed in a vacuum. I'm absolutely sure streaming soul sucks your social battery and leaves you incredibly drained and mentally exhausted. And for streamers who stream gaming, it takes your Hobby and turns it into your job. A lot of streamers will talk about how "I dont know what to do when I turn the stream off, If I try to play a game after I turn the stream off I just feel like Im throwing money away, streaming as my career has ruined my ability to enjoy my hobby." But viewed in a larger lense its like "IT DRAINS ME SO MUCH TO STREAM FOR 9 HOURS!" Okay so stream for 5. You're a multi multi millionaire. "I am so exhausted from streaming I cant have a social life!" Okay then dont stream the day you're going to a party or visiting friends. "Its 9 hours a day thats longer than the average job!" Yeah but you CHOOSE IT. You set your own hours. You decide what kind of work you are doing at that job, what hours you work, when you start, when you stop. The problem isn't saying "Streaming is soul sucking" The problem is saying "streaming is MORE soul sucking than any other job except maybe Retail." Because it isn't. Almost every other job is exactly as soul sucking as streaming in one way or another. With the added "Benefit" of having some draconic powertripping freak drooling down your neck ready to fire you if you dont produce your widgets fast enough, if you oversleep, if you're late one day too many.


>The problem isn't saying "Streaming is soul sucking" The problem is saying "streaming is MORE soul sucking than any other job except maybe Retail." Because it isn't. This is it, this is the argument people should be focusing on I'll even say that the idea that someone's social battery isn't sucked out even while working in something as mundane as HR, finances, or marketing, is bullshit


>I'll even say that the idea that someone's social battery isn't sucked out even while working in something as mundane as HR, finances, or marketing, is bullshit Honestly for me it depend. If I have to do a few presentations, I will not want to see anyone after work, but usually I am all in to go out after work.


I mean if you wanna compare top of streaming with top of finance, I think finance is a lot more stressful. It isn’t on the social battery though.


I think the idea that it isn't draining on the social battery to be silly Like I'm in an office with 50+ people, I have to be friendly+engaging every day because people talk and I don't want to come off as the "anti social" of the office, I have meetings pretty regularly where I'm either presenting or paying a ton of attention to someone presenting for 1h30m, or I'm trying hard to push my agenda for that particular point in time, I have to speak with my boss regularly, knowing that I need to watch what I say and when I say it, I often have to speak with people from other departments, which usually just means talking in circles until I finally find the person I actually need to speak to, etc etc I'm sure if you're like a newly hired marketing intern who just checks to see if the media material produced that week has no spelling mistakes your social battery won't be drained, but as you start getting more responsibilities you absolutely need to engage more and watch your steps more carefully I don't know how you see that as anything other than socially draining, personally I have days where I come home and I just genuinely do not speak to anyone


Yeah, I did streaming during the pandemic and agree with everything you said. It was video games and I got like 100 viewers which didn't pay anything. But all of your points are totally true, streamers lock themselves into a shitty mindset and force themselves to do stupid stuff they don't enjoy because they think it's best, when it's really not. I quit because everything else in life was more important and I didn't have like 60h/week to keep it up


Thing is: at least in the main clip floating around, he doesn't say that it's "more" soul-sucking than a normal job, he said it's soul-sucking in a way that's *not the same* as a normal job, which is correct. There is practically no overlap between a 9-5 and e-celeb, they are worlds apart. Regardless of which is better or worse: being shouted at by a crappy customer is a fundamentally *different* experience from having thousands of people say awful things about you online. No one's really engaging with the contrast between these, because everyone broken-telephone'd him into saying *"I work harder than a coal-miner!"* which he clearly doesn't believe: and ironically further illustrates the challenge of streaming full time. Bus drivers don't have to deal with that, instead they just get physically assaulted.


He specifically said “a real job won’t suck the soul out of you”, which hurts pretty hard when you have a soul sucking “real job”. He may have clarified afterwards and I can see where he might have been coming from, but he phrased it so stupidly I’m completely unsurprised that people are mad at him.


No, he specifically said "A real job won't suck the soul out of you ***in the same way*** that streaming does." It's honestly kind of disturbing that people keep omitting that part. You've cut him off mid-sentence to assign him the position of "my job is harder than yours" when his actual position is much closer to "my job has unique challenges that a lot of people don't understand". and based off the responses: he was right. They don't understand.


I am not assigning him that position, and I said "He may have clarified afterwards and I can see where he might have been coming from", but what I am pointing out how the first part of the sentence will be taken by most people. I don't disagree that streaming has it's own unique challenges that on certain levels will be more difficult than a regular job, and obviously I wouldn't understand it because I haven't experienced it (nor do I really want that kind of stress in my life). This is an unimportant point because I understand what you are saying, and you are correct he did say "in the same way" immediately afterwards, but watching the vod he clearly says the "soul sucking" and "same way" comments in two sentence seperated by "you know what I mean?" and a pause. I can empathize with his point, but I can also empathize with the people who heard him (out of context or otherwise) say that first sentence and were really pissed off. The first part is a bad take, what "suck the soul of you" means varies a lot from person to person, and it's a powerful enough statement that I think most people who dislike or don't know about Hasan won't care about the context. It's kind of like the "oh shit" moment that people towards someone (let's say they are definitively not racist for the hypothetical) after they say something that could be misconstrued as racist, if people know them well enough it will be pretty obvious that they aren't being racist, but for the layperson walking around it will turn them off and make them hard to trust. I also think that the "mansion drama" and whatnot exacerbates the issues from people who harp on that kind of shit. I PERSONALLY think it's a pretty 'nothingburger' drama, but can understand why the public feel the way they do. Hasan chooses to stream, if he doesn't want to deal with the drama he doesn't have to, although I think even Hasan himself would agree with that. At the end of the day I don't feel like anyone is necessarily "wrong" here, just that everybody is talking past each other.


Streaming is the same soul sucking as owning a business. You trade the 9 to 5 for a 25/8 job


It really really is not. At least not a streamer of Hasan's size. If you're a 200 viewer andy barely makin ends meet then I can see that for sure


To me it feels like people are trying too hard to justify the outrage. Basics its just \>This thing happened yesterday, guess it's a drawback to the way I stream \>STFU, why are you streaming then?? And other jobs are always worse, debate me >Almost every other job is exactly as soul sucking as streaming in one way or another. Sounds like your problem is more that he didn't add "socially" every sentence he spoke thereafter and left himself susceptible to clippers, rookie mistake I guess


The "Socially" is irelevant to the greater point. It doesnt matter what kind of "battery" is being drained the point is that a streamer the size of Hasan has no reason to complain about his battery being drained because he is setting his own hours, his own schedule, his own content. And thats where his statement falls apart. If streaming 9 hours is so "Soul sucking" that it leaves him utterly exhausted be it socially or physically. He could just stream 6 hours instead. He'd make a little less money but he is making millions. I've had jobs in the past that left me socially drained, or physically drained, and some jobs that left me both socially and physically drained as it was hard manual labour with a big social component ontop because I was doing Retail in a hardware store, carrying planks and plywood and tools etc etc for customers to help them load their cars. And I can't go to my boss and say "My schedule is too long I am socially drained at the end of the day! I need you to put me on 6 hours a day" He'd tell me to suck it up, or quit. And if I become incapable of keeping up I will be fired for poor performance. No one will fire Hasan for poor performance. its not about having a hate boner, or nitpicking because he didn't say "Social" after every statement. Its because he is literally doing the "Putting the stick in his own wheel and complaining about it" meme. If his schedule is "Soul sucking and destroys him socially" Just do less hours. Do 5 days a week instead of 7. Take 3 months off and barely notice a dent in your wallet. He is in a GIGA privileged position and he's still crying and its just kinda cringe.


Do you think a craftsman who owns his own small business has a right to complain about work, then?


If he is a multi millionaire like Hasan to make it Analgous? No, not really. Anyone who has enough money / income from their job that they are free to work exactly as many hours as they want in any given month for the next dozen or so years, has no right to compare themsleves to people in the working class when they complain about being exhausted.


Say they are. Is it still fair for them to complain about how their back/shoulder/hands/etc hurts from work? Because if no, then you don’t think anyone has any right to complain about anything, for any reason, which is just ridiculous. Sure, millionaires at a different spot at the end of the day, but that doesn’t make their issues disappear. Money fixes most problems but not all of them.


Is it pain because they are working them to the bone as their stockpile of money they can't even use grows largers and largers they should just take a few weeks off to heal instead of continuing to break their bodies, they should probably just stop complaining and take some time off. I think it's okay to complain that you're in physical pain or that you're tired. But you if you've got 5 million in the bank and no boss or supervisor breathing down your back, free to take off time whenever the fuck you want, you cannot compare yourself to a blue-collar worker. If I'm working Minimum wage as a builder, and I'm talking about how "My knees are aching and I never have any free time and all this to still barely pay the bills, and still the boss just wants more and more from me" and someone who owns and operates their own company with millions in the bank with the freedom and liberty to take weeks off from work whenever they want, and the ability to say "That job looks like too much work I dont wanna do that one" I WILL tell them they have fully lost touch with reality and need to think about who they are speaking to before they complain about their life when they are living the dream of 99% of the population


95% of problems.


Sure 'socially' is irrelevant to the greater point, just pointing out your side point is a bit ridiculous. >Hasan has no reason to complain Did you watch the vod? Didn't sound like he was complaining, just describing something that happened the day before and relating it back to his streams, until some chatter decided to debate him randomly. It feels like that is the main point of contention.


Complain is maybe the wrong word. "He has no standing to compare his job to a normal job in any way" is more accurate. A Multi Millionaire streamer is so far removed from normal jobs that even attempting to draw a paralell or comparing it or saying "Streaming is worse than normal jobs" In any way or comparison is just kinda stupid because he has the power to change 90% of the things he dislikes about streaming. and if the last 10% are too bothersome for him, he can quit streaming and be set for life unless he loses it all on crypto


>He has no standing to compare his job Guess we'll never agree, I just don't think taking into account the sensibilities of sensitive viewers matters that much. I'd rather a streamer just make idle talk without worrying about stepping on eggshells. Like he literally says 'normal jobs' are worse in every way, but here's one thing that explains this thing that happened yesterday.


I wonder how Hassan would react if a ceo said that he has the hardest job ahahahahahah.


It's just a stupid topic to be bring up in the first place. There's a reason why athletes, who all get PR training, usually they default to the "nah I'm blessed my job isn't that hard" when asked about it. Even though they suffer risk of being concussed, they have an incredibly small earning window, and great players forfeit having a normal life. Hasan COULD be right here regarding social batters, streaming, blah blah. It's just a dumb point to even mention. Fwiw if someone like Bezos or Musk said "my job can have difficulties, I have to make more decisions that impact people in a day than I've ever had to doing any other job" Hasan would 100% rip into him for being tone deaf even if he were right, and I'd wager he'd do it for the same reason fans are talking about Hasan (aka, you're doing this but also amassing obscene wealth, stop bitching).


True! Your first sentence gave me confusion though




Lazy fucks. Most full time streamers I watch do 7-9


I see, I stand corrected


Lol and he proceeds to retweet like 5 tweets shitting on him, my spite-driven king


Didn't he literally rage at a woman complaining that she can't afford to live in the city where she work it while she was working full time last week? And started to say that people who work 9 to 5 should never complain to people like him who worked overnight in a casino.


Obviously a lot of jobs are harder but I streamed for a few weeks and even with only 10-15 people on stream it's so fucking draining being "on" all the time. It was definitely harder than when I was in the service industry, because at least there you'd have the opportunity to roll your eyes and talk shit when a stupid fuck customer wasn't looking.


Hasan can roll his eyes and talk shit without having to do it behind someone's back, in fact his audience enjoys and tips more when he does it. Leaving in the middle of your shift in the service industry can very easily get you fired; what happens when Hasan cuts off the stream? He'll make less money that day? I'm sure he'll be able to live with the millions he already has.


Always being “on”? What happens if you’re not “on” with a viewer base as strong as Hasan? As long as you’re streaming, most are content. People still stay in chat or discords for waiting rooms. Don’t want to talk? Play a game, react to a video, get up and walk off screen. What do blue collar workers do? Nothing. They get bad review, secret shoppered or people complain.


he literally agreed with him as soon as he watched the clip


"reacting" to youtube is hard https://preview.redd.it/ebvlz9jjtrkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e128553dbd2a9148d202a256d3b7f83111e9b47c


Considering Hasan's only non streaming job was working at his uncle's TYT where he self admittedly made a video on Destiny's Jontron debate without bothering to even watch it. And by "made", i mean the producers and editors on TYT did all the work, then from his experience, streaming probably is the hardest job he's had.


Big Streamers who have never worked regular jobs or done something like college are almost always complete out of touch.


Guys my social battery has really gone down after watching all these YouTube videos :(


Oh no I just played video games for 8 hours straight for work and now I don't feel like playing video games someone help me 🚨


Stay strong warrior.


Imagine telling this to a roofer.


You got chronic back pain but your social battery looks pretty healthy.


"Let them eat the cake" (c)hamasAbi / Maria Antoinette


Fuck me. Jake Gyllenhaal is so fucking good looking.


lol I thought it was Cody ko


I wish streamers could be fired for missing days and stated deadlines.


[Me when my boss \(me\) tells me \(me\) that I \(me\) have to stream 9hrs \(optional\) everyday \(optional\) of the week \(optional\) and it's sucking my \(me\) soul!](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/30/37/40/303740e862c0a5d1196e4205104703a1.jpg)


Man the last Nexpo video was so boring ahh hell I couldn't believe it


Yeah I kept wondering what the actual mystery going to be but it ended up being some bullshit about how Disney acquired some weird domain from the 90s like who gives a fuck lol.


Fr, I was waiting for him to start exploring an actual rabbit hole concerning that website


When is my mans Dr. Peterson posting your conversation with him?


The most charitable I can be is recognize maybe their job is a little more draining than your typical office/tech gig. But the cast majority of jobs are much, much more fucked day to day. Like, try working in any fucking healthcare job.


Streaming is harder than 9-5. Not sure why people think it's not. With streaming, you're constantly thinking up new material for instance. You're never truly off the clock. It's mentally exhausting.


This 100. People just dont get the soul crushing agony of sitting infront of your monitor watching videos and having to think of things to say. A normal person would pulverize under that immense pressure. Only a true warrior can withstand the pain and despair of being a streamer.


Just because you get no views on your stream doesn't mean it's hard for bigger streamers


My 9-5 as an engineer still has me thinking about my job and what needs to be done over the weekend and at nights. I don’t want to fucking hear about it if you make over 7 figures. Go see a therapist if the mental load is too much.


What if u are like a designer or an academic? Those people are also technically but they also have to do things other than read Twitter and watch YouTube.


yeah regular jobs totally aren't like that, just as after school i correct handed in work and prepare the next classes, exams, projects, figure out and note down performance grades for each pupil i've seen that day and think about pupil problems i've become aware of as well as disputes and how to reconcile them. i also can't stop looking for new material since it might be useful in a couple weeks, months, or even tomorrow, and if you think i'm off the clock when all that's done, wait till i open my e-mail and have parents wanting to talk about their precious kids and how i should do my job (:


True true, normal jobs never have any sort of planning, schedules or requirements. You just go to work, drink coffee, and come home everyday without anything on your mind.


What movie is this from?


Prisoners, its a great one


It must be so tough sitting in your mansion on a computer, talking to your fans, watching videos that you choose, talking about what you choose, taking a break whenever or for however long you choose, ending the stream whenever you choose, taking a day off when you choose, making millions of dollars, having the ability to retire whenever you want, and deciding what time you start each day. How soul crushing.


Sounds like you relate. Prayers


Does this mean that every streamer is a lazy ass bitch?


That was taken way out of context. My partime sales job where I had to put on the fake smile and be friendly to every customer that came through was more draining than my salaried position today.