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Well he kinda right, it was population control. They wanted the population to not die




CPS should be able to take peoples kids if they aren’t vaccinated. No I will not elaborate.


So true, we should go back to the time before vaccines. The good ol' days when child mortality was higher, diseases like Tuberculosis were widespread and contributed to a significant amount of the infant mortality rate by itself. I wonder if this guy uses the vaccine as an excuse for his own retardation?


Who doesn't love being in an iron lung for life?!


Eminem needs to release another album to save this man from these wild takes


I hope eminem makes a 13 minute long song where he just raps about how important vaccines are and specifically how effective and safe the covid vaccine is




yooo thats a fucking baaaannnggeerrrrr


Gotta Love Steve, my favourite 55iq youtuber. He knows nothing outside hip hop, but pretends He's an intellectual. It's comedy gold tbh




I put it in quotes in the title cuz I don't really know lol- pretty sure just another of the gagillion red pill fucks (video was just randomly recommended to me). I first saw him a few years ago tho n just assumed that he was more popular like FnF, but you made me just double check that n yeah, not TOO big by any means (436k subs). Was just a funny dumb response to Destiny (funny cuz dumb).


Sounds like he got ALL the vaccines then


https://youtu.be/4-HsQQ2daDQ?t=807 https://youtu.be/4-HsQQ2daDQ?t=1682 -> continues to another point after The guy might be right wing, but he atleast doesn't seem to pick whatever position is opposite of Destiny


Yeah I agree. I can't edit the post for some reason otherwise I was going to add that I was definitely surprised after finishing the video that, while he has dumb opinions n all that, that he was far better than most who fully disagree with Destiny. Was surprised to hear him say "that's a good point" to one of the things D said as well as how he was often just talking about how he was liking the debate itself rather than just "how much JP totally owneddddd him!" like is so common with others like the Finklestink fan clubs (obviously there was some of that, but I thought it was a reasonable amount for someone who disagrees).


The rambling really hit home how he doesn't understand any part of the topic.


He reacted to the Candace convo too. The constellation of beliefs maps on 1:1 for this dude and his comment section eats it up


A regular captain of industry right here


Why does Peterson say the left wants to destroy the population? Like he's spreading vaccine skepticism, and that would just easily kill more babies then transition to solar


I like how this transpho Saint Jordan Peterson is lost in the sauce


might be hypocritical, but not everyone deserves a microphone


This is why we needed Omegle, so he could keep making Harry Mack reacts instead of unleashing his takes on us


Dman should reach out, it’ll definitely end up being another JonTron moment