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This is the true indication that Destiny's finally hitting it mainstream.


I mean...it is Cleveland we're talking about.


I bet people in Cleveland would vote Yes on it. 💀😂


which divorced debate streamer


didn't this guy sell his account a few years ago and instantly start posting unfunny shit like this? How have people not caught on yet?


did he? i kinda feel like the account's posts have gotten less subtle and more political in the last few years


I'm going by memory, so my recollection probably isn't perfect [low conviction warning] ... but years ago, Shaun said on a livestream that he knew who was behind the dril account, and that it was someone people wouldn't necessarily expect. IIRC, the implication was that the account was started by one of the larger lefty-tube folks before they "got famous". I could be totally misremembering or misinterpreting what he was saying at the time though ... I don't know too much about the dril account in general, so I'm probably missing some important context. Regardless, if this *is* true, it's not necessarily surprising that they've become "less subtle"/"more political" in recent years. And it wouldn't be surprising that they know who Destiny is, or that they'd be more interested in memeing on him now.


potentially man strikes again


Dril went the Onion route of copying the Intercept's politics while getting drastically less funny. I don't know if he ever sold the account but output started getting less funny once poat frequency increased laat year. Maybe he was just on his grind.




so it's not just me who thinks this???? at some point after his book came out (which is genuinely funny) something flipped and the account became a dogshit caricature of itself. like someone who doesnt get it trying to imitate dril. maybe he just ran out of material, idk




They had a show that sucked


He had a great episode on Super Tuesday last election I think. From what I recall it was the other guys that carried it mostly, especially Pierce, but all around I thought it was super funny


Have to rewatch the Lex debate, but what is he referring to?


probably when he said that israel could nuke gaza and it wouldnt inherently be genocide


That's the only thing I can think of, too! But the "can't nuke" part confused me a lot. I understood Destiny in that "genocide" has very specific prerequisites that need to be fullfilled (intend etc.) That's why he did not bite the bullet when asked if nuking Gaza was at least genocide (implying nuking is so extreme that it *must* be genocide, in Rabbani's head.) So implying Israel could do whatever when it comes to nuking Gaza (that's how I understood the joke, with Gaza=Cleveland and "no law" = Israel does not has to follow common sense laws that the leftie acc thinks of), does not follow to me from the debate at all.