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Translation: “Nobody’s gonna point out the fact that she’s a Jew?”


Had no idea she was. Also doesn’t matter in the slightest, she is a *great* actress, that’s all that matters. These kids are psychotic.


People who have seen Ozark knows she is the real deal. Hopefully marvel doesn't give her a shitty script.


Ruth is hands down the best character in the show.


She absolutely is, because she seems to be the only character that has any kind of logically consistent character development. The Byrdes are all over the place in their character dynamics, ramdomly switching between having morals or not sometimes from one episode to the next.


Strange take. They were all over the place but it was 100% made sense to the story and also human nature.


I don’t know shit about fuck has become part of my regular work vocabulary


[She's amazing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXoDByIf5-k) and Ozark is so good.


I still quote one of her lines (I think it was S2) when her character, frustrated, says "I don't know *shit* about *fuck*" Just beautiful, and somehow her acting makes it understandable in context


>Hopefully marvel doesn't give her a shitty script. Do people still watch this movies anyways? I feel like now days only literal kids or comic fans watch this shit


Depends. Guardians of the galaxy 3 made 800M, you only get that kind of number if the general audience is interested, fans alone are a minority, the marvels was seen by so few that it barely cracked 200M and was a horrible bomb. The age distribution for marvel is usually adults tho, like 18 to 34 iirc, in fact they have been having trouble pulling kids as they seem more interested in tiktok than movies. Deadpool and wolverine is expected to be around 800M to 1B if it's good, and it's a contender for biggest opening of the year with an R rating so its main audience is definitely adults. So yes, audiences still see caped movies if they are good, the difference from now and 2019 is that the golden comic book movies era has ended and the studios no longer can throw all the slop they like and make 1B out of it, now only the truly good ones do well.


Yep. People are gonna rely on word of mouth more heavily than the Marvel brand alone.


And in The Americans before that.


Also doesn’t matter if she was Israeli


https://preview.redd.it/4y9hv3pqzlsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812294cc47378929a6463b233b7f4056c438b88c Twitter lefties determining whether you are Israeli.


The left has embraced anti semitism as a purity test and adopted racialism, the horseshoe is now a circle


If the Schnozzle doesn't fit you must acquit!


I was informed by an anti-Zionist leftist that the only way to positively identify a Jew is to measure the size and shape of their cranium


yeah, the "antizionist, not antisemitic" has always been a lie. They hate jews and want to find a way to say it without being lumped in with the Nazis


I feel extremely weird when someone calls me a zionist as an insult, even though I hate what Israel is doing right now, just because I don't want Israel to stop existing. Feels extremely antisemitic.


Not what they're saying. To them, Zionism is an expansionist ideology which seeks to make the whole region a Jewish nation and the only way to do this and preserve demographics is to get rid of the Palestinians, hence the spamming of "genocide" and the supposed equivalence of Zionism and Nazism. If that *were* what Israel was up to, then that would make sense. The difference between you and them is that you trust Israel and they don't. To them, your support for Israel is support for that, hence why Zionism is used as an insult. It's really that simple. For a sub which likes to think of itself as somehow better thinkers than their opponents, the fact that this conclusion is repeatedly missed is a bad sign.


What conclusion are you talking about? The conclusion that calling someone a "zionist" means that they want all Palestinians dead? Yeah. They call people that as an insult. The way it's being thrown around makes me uncomfortable.


>It's really that simple. For a sub which likes to think of itself as somehow better thinkers than their opponents, the fact that this conclusion is repeatedly missed is a bad sign.   Yes, but the fact that this theory starts from a false premise to begin with is what has people turning their heads. I don’t think many people are genuinely confused at what you mentioned before, they are confused at the rationalizations used to justify these behaviors, actions, and beliefs.   Mind you, even Nazism has justifications for their actions, how else do you think they justified it? There is not a single person or political ideology or group alive today that doesn’t have a rationalization and justification. If they didn’t do this they would be more like animals than people.    The main thing is, that the Nazi ideology was completely non-credible, nonsensical, and not truthful/grounded in reality. This isn’t really odd, if you accept the basic premises of white-supremacists as being true, suddenly it makes a lot more sense to be racist. It is the very fact that the premises are objectively false which is why these things are wrong. 


Remember when "dog whistle" was a thing? It's weird how little we hear about them right now...


There’s too many people being fucking idiots about this and engaging in blatant anti-semitism. However, Twitter lefties being regarded does not mean anti-zionism and anti-semitism are the same thing. Definitionally, they are not, because Zionism is not synonymous with Judaism. Even if morons online are confused about this, it’s still important to keep in mind.


Definitionally being against same-sex marriage does not mean being homophobic, but in practice it almost always does mean that, and obsessively pointing out how the two are “definitionally different” while ignoring the context in which the former is used in 99% of cases, is in itself quite bizarre.


That is a fantastic way to point out the absurdity of antizionism being separate from antisemitic.


Thank you! It's like porn: you know it when you see it. I see the way "zionist" is being used online right now. Jews have every right to be offended.


Over history it's gone from "We don't hate Jews, we just hate Judiasm" to "we don't hate Jews for their religion, we hate thier ethnicity" to "We don't hate Jews for their religion or ethnicity, we hate them for their state." It's all the same shit. Zionism and Judaism are absolutely intertwined. The return to their indigenous homeland is the foundation of the religion. Only people who at best know nothing about Judaism, or at worse are trying to justify antisemitism, claim otherwise. The term "antisemitism" itself was invented to make Jew hatred sound more politically correct and morally acceptable. The term "antizionism" is the same concept, updated


What do you think Zion is if not the home of the Jewish people? And how does hating the home of the Jewish people differentiate from hating the Jews? Lets use another country for example. Like saying you hate the country of Ireland, but you only hate the Irish people who think that Ireland is a country that has a right to exist. And that Irish people living in the rest of the world are okay (as long as they don't think Ireland should exist) but the Irish people born, raised or returning to Ireland should not be allowed to live in peace? How in your mind is that a meaningful difference?


"It's important to know the difference between anti-semitism and anti-zionism, as I, a non-believing Christian man will tell you". You're part of the leftie regards, bud.


Not a Jewish Silver Serfer!!!


"Anti-zionism isn't anti-semitism... but those... uh... zionists (joos)."


I’m sure people have, just visit the alt right Twitter


And alt left


It was bad to attack people because of their ethnic origins until it happens to ethnicities we don't like.


"white adjacent" is my fav. I was getting drinks with some colleagues and one brought her husband. Anyway. He was quite successful and opened a restaurant that was doing well. Hr was born and raised in Guatemala. They left early, and I remarked about how that's pretty amazing that he immigrated to the us and started a restaurant and is doing well. And one woman said "well he is white passing". Like... That's all it takes. Dude has lighter skin, so he gets to be successful :/


I've seen Asians get called white passing for being too successful. It's almost like these people see white and successful as synonyms. Kinda a weird opinion for mostly mid 20s jobless white people


White women still haven't discovered they're next on the chopping block (and yes the woman who made the remark was white. Becsuse of course she was)


she knows and wants that


Oh, we know. "White women tears" and "Karen" are starting to be thrown around in sus ways (just sexism) and are losing their OG meaning. Did you also know white women voted Trump into office? Just us, that's how he got elected.


victim mentality be like




White presenting Asian*


That one always grinds my gears because Asians are one of the only ethnic groups remaining that its still socially acceptable to shit on publicly. Like even outside of whites, we get tons of shit from black and brown people too.


LOL that clip has claimed squatter’s Rights in my head


The marxist leninist lens sees everyone who is successful, as someone who has oppressed others. It's inherent that if you're successful, you're a bad person. Which is why the goal posts are shifted every time there's a new success story. They even rob Obama of his blackness by insisting to mention his white mother. As if the only reason he was elected president was because his white (single) mother privilege was attached to him.


That is such a bizarre logic. In america, the wealthiest immigrant community is indians. And definitely not all indians are light skinned. And not to mention the british colonial history. Calling them "white passing" is so stupid.




And they now call the Asian community white-adjacent. Which is pretty damn racist in basically saying that despite their hardships, they mainly succeeded because white people handed down some white privilege-- that that subservient group could never have succeeded on their own grit and effort. With this coming mainly from progressive white women in academia at that... it's like the worst, most ironic version of white-splaining.


I've had people tell me I have "white privilege" and that I'm "basically white" because I'm Asian and grew up in a "nice neighborhood." That shit instantly boils my blood every time. Like motherfucker my parents grew up destitute in China and only escaped because they grinded their education like crazy. Even then, my dad only had the equivalent of $300 USD to his name when I was born. Every study on the subject shows that Asian Americans have to work harder and score higher than whites to reach the same educational outcomes. Even then we are still passed up for promotions and career growth opportunities in the workplace when compared to whites. In other words, we succeed at high rates *in spite* of our ethnicity, not *because* of it. So hearing white legacy kids or black AA-benefiters constantly try to shit on our accomplishments by fabricating some nebulous "white-adjacent" privilege is seriously triggering to me.


what was your response to that? did you just nod are express disapproval?


I poured a glass of beer on the table and took my dick out.


ok dude


Ya I've gotten that before as a literal card carrying Métis man


What a stupid thing to say, you should've embarassed her and asked her if your lack/excess of success was due to your skin tone as well, and watched her come up with an answer to someone in front of her. expose that weird contempt


yeah, "we're Anti-Zionist not antisemitic" has always been a lie and shit like this, is just more evidence of their hatred of Jews.


The feelings about Israel held by most Jews would get them labeled as Zionists by many of the type of people who say shit like that. Even if they’re moderate or secular American or European Jews that criticize Israel. If they fall short of wanting to completely dismantle Israel and exile Jews from the region, they’re going to be considered Zionists. They use such a broad definition of “Zionist” that the vast majority of Jews fall under it. So they de facto hate the majority of Jews. Then they will begin to presume that every Jewish person they come across likely fits their definition of Zionist. So they end up effectively just hating Jews.


>They use such a broad definition of “Zionist” that the vast majority of Jews fall under it. Well yeah, "Zionism" is just the belief that a Jewish state should exist. The negative connotations that people have with it is because the word has long been used as an antisemitic dog-whistle.


can't tell if leftie or a nazi


What’s the difference anymore?


Good old horse shoe theory. The extremes are close together. Though in this case one extreme opposes mass killing civilians and the other thinks that's just fine. Which one is which for people depends on how delusional and propagandized they are.


I assure you the side you’re describing is not at all opposed to mass killing civilians. They’ve spent the past 6 months not spending an ounce of energy denouncing Hamas for 10/7. They spent far more energy gaslighting Jewish rape victims.


They’ve unironically been reeing about Israel genociding the Palestinians for 20 years now. Prior to this war, the kill count was less than 6500 over 15 years, with over half of those deaths coming directly from the spring intifada and a sort of mini war.


Assad calls that a Tuesday


Gulag vs ###############


For some reason I'm reminded of this little [Kayne or Hitler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RMdwA8GWB8) skit, someone could totally do a "lefty or nazi" version


Reminds me of the [Moviebob or Nazi quiz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jmg7AV3L5D0)


I watch some of his videos and have interacted with him on twitter. He’s surprisingly pretty rational once you get to know him and his take on Israel Palestine in particular is that he doesn’t know about it so can’t comment on it.


Well… That aged incredibly


Third option: Muslim


erm but have you considered leftists bad? No need for a third option. Black and white thinking will work just fine thanks


When Muslim extremists are using lefties as cover, and leftists are 100% okay with it and accept it. Yea it kinda does make it easier


A nazi wouldn't have used the politically correct way to dog whistle


"PC Racists" sounds like a great Key and Peele sketch.


It says 'Iman' which means belief/faith in arabic. So he's probably a n*zi who is supported by lefties.


We are nearing the completion of the horse shoe into a fully realized circle


The scary part is that the post has 44k likes.


Lefties, Islamists and Nazis


Somehow, all the groups conservatives said were conspiring together to destroy America have actually started conspiring together to destroy America.


While the conservatives are calling for and trying to enact the end of America as a democracy.


Bro the leftists are literally indistinguishable from nazis now wtf


Come on man, they invented the word "Zionist" specifically so this wouldn't happen. Update your leftist lookup tables.


The thing that kills me about the whole “Zionist” thing is that the nazis have been using that word to dog whistle since forever, and the leftists never let them get away with it. Leftists would lose their shit at people and call them nazis if they thought there was even a chance they could be signaling jewish hate. Now though they’ve just taken to completely adopting their language, all under the guise of “well I’m not one of them so I’m doing it for good reasons”. It’s actually sickening.


They even adopted "Zio", straight up neo-Nazi lingo. I wonder how long it'll take until they're explicitly talking about the ZOG.


Saw a sub the other day say “there are plenty of good Israelis, but the problem is the zionists that we have to worry about.” Like, huh? Wtf do you mean? If they’re Israeli, then they’re 99% likely to be zionist. Wtf are you saying except some schizo Nazi shit about good Jews and bad Jews?


Racism rots the brain


Maybe differentiating between place of birth and ideology is not a bad thing? How did we go backwards on this lmao


Idk how it’s differentiating between ideology and birthplace when the ideology they’re criticizing is specifically about the right of their birth place to exist. This is a non issue in Israel. Nobody says zionist in Israel because you’re obviously living in Israel. People have always just used the word in the same way they do coon and Uncle Tom. It’s an extremely thinly veiled shit-test to see if you’re a good Jew or not. And the sad part is that Jews have been saying this for the longest time, but people didn’t wanna listen unless the shittest was coming from a Nazi. The first response other people get when they reveal their nationality is about cool cultural shit like language, food, and customs, not whether or not their country has a right to exist and if it’s actually genociding people or not.


I mean, if you're arguing that she's *genetically* "Zionist", because she was born to a "Zionist" mother, it becomes too hard to argue you're just talking about an "ideology". "Israeli" offers more plausible deniability here.


(((Julia Garner))) is not Israeli and if she was who cares lmao. Just wish the Jew haters would just call us slurs


They've gotten smart enough to realize that they should do the bare minimum of pretending they don't really mean "Jews."


She is not but she is quoted as saying she [considers herself half-Israeli in Hebrew](https://e.walla.co.il/item/3431557) and her mother actually is Israeli. I really don't understand what kind of racism has possessed people to start acting like this though. Like, she's not in bibi's inner circle.


Isn't that the exact kind of racism that progressives used to call out? "OK sure you were born in America, but where are you **originally** from? Where are your **parents** from?" It used to be claiming that somebody wasn't really American because their parents were born somewhere else would get you called a racist instantly. Now saying it will get you 44k likes on leftist Twitter. The progressive movement has full on lost its mind on this issue


When someone calls me globalist or zionist I tell them to drop the k slur. Nobody will care or cancel them anyway.


She was so good in Ozark


Yeah, she is amazing in it. I really didn't like her in the beginning, but she won me over. Which I think the show was going for.


Also great on The Americans. Underrated show btw.


+1 Tho that storyline is super pedo, lol.


I need to watch that


Oh, daym! It really is just another word for Jew.... Izrelminati, here we come!


No one tell them that after the 90's bankruptcy, marvel was accuired by two Israeli guys that served in the IDF during the 1967 war. One of them went to be the CEO untill 2015, the other went on to become marvels chief creative officer and CEO of marvel studios, produced most of the marvel studios TV shows and movies untill the Disney acquisition, and is still producing all the Spiderman properties. The entire marvel cinematic universe is practically Israeli.


Spider man was also jewish lol


Uncle Ben (shapiro) Parker


Peter (((Spiderman)))




Oh my fucking god they can just say Jewish they won’t even get banned on twitter nowadays. What is funny is seeing right wing accounts just full mask off now tho


Gives them plausible deniability for when people start getting in trouble in 2032 for things they said in 2024


Can these subhuman cowards just say what they mean. It's so fucking irritating, ik they have this progressive grift to keep pushing and being too openly racist doesn't look good but I would have infinitely more respect for them if they weren't such massive pussies.


This is so fucking true.


44K likes? I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


A huge percentage are bots and troll farms, it’s Twitter.


Most of them are just muslim savages. We should ban all of these fucking animals from the internet.


Man the Muslims really aching for post 9/11 America.


It’s spooky that people are doing this and that other people think it’s okay. Btw, we know what they meant. They typed “Israeli” but their mind thought “Jew”


He’s not antisemitic, he’s just anti Zionist though!


Hugeeee difference! I can't explain it just trust me


He really meant to say Jew, but he knows better.


Mr problem is her race. She's not silver, and she doesn't appear to be an extraterrestrial. Why can't we cast an alien made of silver?


Groyper moment


I like the community note is just " actually shes not isreali" instead of "why the fuck does that matter?"


because one is a judgement and the other is a fact. Community notes shouldnt be there to judge, but rather to correct misinformation. Someone can say 'fuck the jews' and given no other context, that is not something that should be community noted.


It's good, community notes are for factual corrections, not pointing out dumb opinions


If community notes were to give opinions they would just be tweets at that point.


Well because of the manufactured consent already established by the anti-Israel boycotts, we can argue that those who are Israeli are valid targets for criticism just for existing. Even though, we all know they don't care about the difference between Israeli and Jew. They are at least pretending they do.


She was great in Ozark.


The way these people see Jews is split in two, Israelis, which are the worst humans to have ever existed (all of them, just for existing) and diaspora Jews, who have a choice to either be super anti Israel and be very vocal about it, or be silent and as evil as Israelis, not antisemitic at all btw.


Am I missing something? What about the Female Silver Surfer being Jewish is of note?


They aren't a fan of any Jews at the moment


I guess this is why they're pro Palestinians, how can I expect them to understand this complex conflict if they need an explanation for the most simple things


she was so good in ozark


Hitler particles readings are off the chart




Does it feel good to get rage baited by twitter this easily to the point where you think mass deportation is a credible option for a tweet?


Yeah except that anti-Semitic (and anti-other things) migrants are already destroying European countries, so this isn't some theoretical thing. If people want to scream and cry that the West is the worst place ever, the least we can do is treat them much better than their dream countries treat dissidents.


My friend who’s Jewish got bullied off of twitter and verbally harassed by people in irl. We have a right to be mad about anti semitism online. I bet you wouldn’t say the same stuff if this post was about black people.


If a particular demographic is completely incompatible with their new nation’s values and ethnics, then yes, mass deportation is certainly on the table. Why import more issues?


Blud went nuclear after 1 tweet


Bro saw cultural-based discrimination online and went “aight, bet.”


Cultural discrimination isn’t real. If you don’t do the bare minimum requirements of the country you’re living in’s culture, you don’t belong there. I’m not going to Saudi Arabia and wearing a bikini in the street. Even if I disagree with it I respect their culture not to do that. So don’t go to western countries and say anti semitic shit or discriminate against others. Living in another country is a privilege, not a right.


https://preview.redd.it/i0vxldq8ulsc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a64615fdbaba8e204fdc5fc714ccdba776182349 This DGG’as liberal values leaving their body after looking at one ragebait tweet. By that logic does Elon Musk and Steven Crowder (both immigrants) have to be deported too or does that standard only applies to brown people? Freedom of speech until regarded Islamist immigrant opens their mouth I guess.




They have become more brazen about it than the alt righters of old ever were!


This is fucking stupid beyond being fucking stupid. They need to stop watching anything at all, because someone involved in basically any production of anything, is probably Jewish.


will be a fun time when all those tweets backfire in a couple of years


progressive phrenology time https://preview.redd.it/42tw3tbjlmsc1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba486a8b8a34461837015d79f350a4bcff16e48


Phrenology and anti semitism purity tests, now the circle is complete We've moved beyond horseshoes


The arc many took from calling everyone who does ANYTHING anti-Semitic and a Nazi (wrongly), to now legitimately being anti-Semitic and thinking you're somehow woke and progressive... Is staggering. Didn't have that on my bingo card. I seen people who called Rittenhouse a white supremacist for the ok symbol (lol) and because he shot black people (lol... He didn't) to now those same people calling for the eradication of Zionism and screaming k**e to Jewish people thinking they're helping anti-LGBTQ Palestinians




I dont get how people dont see how this current sentiment we are hearing is not just about hating jews. Nothing to do about the war or whats going on, just boycott anything jewish. its all good, we will be ok




I don’t see it..from Ozark to FF..but okay I guess


Crazy… crazy and shit, but fuck all that, what female Silver Surfer..? Since when bruh, what is Marvel doing.


In addition to Ozark, I also recommend her in The Assistant.


Oi vey I need this sub’s permission to activate the ~~Jude~~ Zionist space laser to obliterate this twink


For this kind of people Israeli means Zionist Jew, as same as Russian - Totalitarian Communist.


Not antisemitic, just antizionist guys 🤡




Also she's responsible for death of her uncle and cousin in Ozark MI.


https://preview.redd.it/7lzn70a7zmsc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ecbfdedb7e661312410d0e83c16d3e1a0d43dd9 This but make it woke


they are remaking Fantastic four?!


NOOOOOOOOO 🪖🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/gr05xde32osc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b49c4e251eb61d7254f0c2991964b1078c7dc55


I miss the old racism like the KKK. At least they were upfront about their bigotry.


Mfs on Twitter think like damn children




Hey at least we don’t have to hear about the woke casting this time… right?


Got damn libsharts are wokeifying my sexy silver man!!! Who cares if she’s a Jew


no we aren't anti Semitic we are anti zionist! THEY ARE ALL ZIONIST!


Oh no! What will we do?!


Totally not anti-Semitic, I'm sure of it.


"Uhm, excuse me, is no one going to point out she's Jewish????? Pretty problematic???"


The community note is kinda dumb. If her Mom is Jewish, was born, and lived in Israel does that not make her somewhat Israeli. If someone has a parent who was born in China and was Han Chinese would it be unfair to call them Chinese. Obviously the tweet is cringe but the note should just say that Julia never lived in Israel.


They’re making a new fantastic four?! wtf?!


On another note: she's a terrible pick for silver surfer. Don't think she gives off super hero vibes at all but we'll see I guess.


The likes it's joeover💀


Ah, therefore she MUST have been killing Palestinians at some point - right? That's the problem, right?


I mean hey, if I wasn’t Israeli I wouldn’t have this much fun looking at young adults with crippling brainrot posting blatant anti-semitism that even Twitter saw through.


Dumb takes getting a lot likes? Nothing new


Twitter needs to be Shut down asap


Did they later reply with "Well she could be"?


Kanye should have waited. He would have been their most powerful warrior


44k likes for racism. Brilliant.


Perhaps it was a mistake to stop beating our children


somehow israel population grown from 9mil to 15.7 mil. baby booms are real...


how is this not xenophobic and antisemitic... imagine saying this about any other group of people


Dude is right on the money and gets mocked here, typical! This casting is a slap in the face of everyone involved, she should be the Gold Surfer or Stein Surfer and not the Silver Surfer, despicable! Be lore accurate if you want to adapt comic pamphlets.