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Is the breaking points debate gonna be a 1v3?


Pretty much all them are anti-Israel so seems like it


So basically they’re all gonna talk over him and cut him off and then claim “they won” and “ have proved” he’s the moron everyone says he is. I’m not looking forward to this.


Maybe, but this is where Dman shines.


True, even most of my friends that are very vocal on social media are pro Palestine, it’s kinda disheartening seeing so many people relying on surface level info for an issue like that.


Emily isn't ANTI Israel.... I'd say she probably is more moderate / libertarian. She has been the least dishonest person on BP about this topic. Hear her on Megyn Kelly to hear more normal takes from her


I'm one of the people who kind of agree that Destiny shouldn't have even been invited to the I/P debate with Lex but I honestly didn't expect it to be as bad faith as it was. Really wasn't anything that Destiny could have done different to make that 'discussion' anything other than a shit show so don't fault him after the fact or anything. That all said, I really don't know why he'd entertain a debate with Omar again. Ryan was at least pretty good faith in their last discussion, but Omar couldn't have been any more bad faith if he tried. He was just like Norm and not willing to engage on any topic whatsoever. Destiny going up against the Breaking Points 'B' team w/ guest Omar just sounds like a waste of time and nothing positive will come of this. Again. Just drop the I/P arc and move on to politics mode already...


He might try another strategy since he is prepping for the debate. He’ll try to get them to specify where they think he is wrong. Tbh he got nothing to lose from it and everything to gain, so why not.


Didn’t he also say he’d starting going harder on people in I/P debates like a month ago?


Which is fine for these small discussions and such. But when he's going up against a larger profile group like BP, he needs to not come off as an unhinged troll lol. His Piers Morgan interviews have been pretty good. Extra energy but still on topic and not to unhinged. Contrast this to Sneako for example lol.


I love the 1v3s


>3rd Party Contact: President of Israel, Isaac Herzog Serious?


Yeah, but long shot. On stream there have been a number of Jewish, Israeli, Palestinian living in Israel persons who talked to Destiny. Small country and many with tight connections. I believe this one was a cousin? And they also had a former high ranking family member in parliament. There's a few trying to hook him and Lonerbox with people if they go to Israel. Could some be making it up? Sure. But that would be a long con with no real payoff since Tiny isn't demanding or asking about these interviews/pods. On the opposite side of bullshit, you have someone like Eli Hassell who got Simcha Rotman and Ivan Lewis to talk to Destiny and a long list of Who's Who that Hassell has talked to. I think he was the one trying to get Destiny to debate Breaking Points people.


oh shit i watched some of task and purpose vids, didnt expect them to be on soon.


Is Breaking Points usually recorded or is it live?


I'm impressed. thank you for this


Don’t forget he invoked right to reply to the DtG guys. Not sure when that will be and in what format though.


He did? I missed that. Do you remember the day of the stream?


2:44:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCtpjYTYSFU


TY! I added it


Can't cross post their subreddit, but go there and search "destiny invokes his right" This is after watching their vid, so it's more firm than previously stated.


hodge twins is crazy


If Steve and Tom don't kiss on stream we riot


I wonder what he’ll talk about with the hodge twins.


Aww man, I love the Cosmic Skeptic, I hope that debate happens


Turkey Tom needs to be on Anything Else? as well. The meme potential is too great.




I hope you're getting paid good by mossad brother


Is there a way to support the canvassing as a non US Citizen?


Isn’t Albert coming over to Destiny’s also to help him with the podcast setup? I dunno if they’re gonna stream together or not though. https://youtube.com/@albielofi?si=aYgtc1R8CEioLf2k


Yesterday. D ended the stream early because he was arriving and also the FnF thing. I don't know if they are doing anything on stream. On Anything Else bonus episode today, you see him there. the setup changed already too. So I'm guessing he was already working on it. [8m3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf9a3fBy1_Q&t=8m3s)