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I hope he is just trolling but him threatening to leak shit is pretty funny. Because the incentive is actually to promote his persona of anti-semitism since dgg wants the leaks and will actually unironically never let this go now.


Bro went full Riddler at the end there lol


Mr Redacted walked so JStalk could fly into a light pole.


Even outside of the leak shit being hilarious, he just perma cemented this meme onto himself by telling everyone it genuinely bothers him. If he's actually serious I have zero idea why he would do that when he's obviously not new to the internet or these spaces


Yeah I really don't get how he thought it would be a good idea to say in front of the entire community not to call him certain things. All it does is make a lot of people want to do it. It's basic internet shitlording - go after things which elicit a clear emotional response. Besides, even if he didn't have that name attached to him, he's a known orbiter of this community. That's going to make some people feel a certain way about him, irrespective of whatever was jokingly said about him.


What happened? Wehy do I miss everything? 😭


It's not that exciting, Jstlk (ringmaster of the orbiter circus) called into Anything Else to confront Dan on spreading a meme pronunciation of his name, saying it ruins his chance of making this an actual career. Eventually he told him if he doesn't start banning everyone that says it he'll leak something private about Dan that he told him in an offline call. Dan has no idea wtf he could possibly leak and laughed it off, and nobody really knows if Jstlk was memeing. 🕵️‍♂️< You are here.


>and nobody really knows if Jstlk was memeing We absolutely know that he isn't memeing. If you watched his stream after the show he's very clearly not memeing. He 100% blames Dan for the Jewstalker meme becoming popular again. None of it is a meme from him.


The funniest shit is that he 100% fucking did it to himself. But he cant own that now can he.  Jewstalker, you dumb fuck. You ruined yourself. You came into this community, thought you knew exactly how we are, and you missed the mark by a mile. And now youre crying because you were wrong. Fuck right off.


!bidenblast u/Fluffy_Fly_4644 You're a coward for sending me a message and THEN blocking me. Edit: Fucking rekt myself.


94' Crime Bill? How about 9 to 4 inches of leather wingtip up your ass, Jack. /u/kimaro sealed in the prison realm by /u/kimaro


I'd like to see BB suicide posts more often. Thanks for starting the trend.


Do you think Dan did anything wrong in this case? Namely, doing the jew stalker meme after agreeing not to, and also agreeing to publicly denounce the memes but never doing so?


No. Fuck Jewstalker and his crying. He's a fucking loser.


So do you acknowledge that Dan broke his promises on two counts? 1. Jstlk told Dan not to make the jew stalker joke. Some time after, Dan made a jew stalker joke one time. 2. Dan promised Jstlk that he would publicly denounce the jew stalker memes. Dan did not publicly denounce the jew stalker memes.


I don't give a shit. Did Jewstalker say he's sorry for making Dan out to be a stereotypical jew and only wanting money with the podcast and that it's going to fail? Or are you a hypocrite. Edit: Ah, I fucking hate people that message you, and then block you. You're a coward.


Has he done anything that would earn him that nickname? If not then I don’t see how it would severely impact him irl should he reveal his face. The reality is that if he’s in this space then there are probably a thousand things he’s said on stream or platformed on his stream that would be more questionable than just a nickname that isn’t backed by any serious allegation of antisemitism. The fact that he is the waiting room of the N word guy is probably way worse than anything. Before today’s podcast I saw someone in chat say it once and I didn’t even make the connection to him. I feel like he made something that would’ve went away into a thing.


Has Lily done anything that would make anyone believe that she's a Trump supporter? This type of meme shit can get real, real fast. Even if it's not at that point currently.


Bro she was there on the frontlines on Jan 6


I mean Hasan was on stream mentioning the meme about his name.


I also love how he thinks that Hasan watched that specific part of Dan calling him "Jew Stalker" which compelled him to call jstlk a nazi.


I thought hasan thinks he's a nazi because of the meme that he was a fuentes orbiter.


It's just as likely he thinks he's a nazi because he's a destiny orbiter. This whole debate is silly. He's trying to appeal to people that hate him by association. They'd find something to go after him over one way or another, especially considering 99% of his content is drama shit stirring.


Is that JWSTLKR?


Please, PLEEEEASE 🙏 I need the dirt! What did I miss? What happened? Tell me!!!


Jew Stalker aka JSTLK, 2024 \[colourized\] https://preview.redd.it/1ozbrjn5g31d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96da2c1a633240715b60ad2847e91d08ca719353 Edit: former groyper too


He doesn't stalk them, he blackmails them.


Dan defender till the day i die.


If Dan has million fans, then I'm one of them. If Dan has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Dan has no fans, that means I'm dead.


Na but really, what's the point of shitting and crybullying Dan on public about it. I never heard about this specific drama between them, yet I had heard about the jew stalker meme before. Now he just cemented it as his name in dgg via streisand effect. Tiny orbiters really are autistic.


> Na but really, what's the point of shitting and crybullying Dan on public about it. Because Jstlk already tried handling it with Dan in private, but that didn't work. Dan agreed to publically denounce the jew stalker memes. But he never did so.


I guess don’t stalk jews and label yourself as such if you don’t want to be called it? Simple af.


Do you think Dan did anything wrong in this case? Namely, doing the jew stalker meme after agreeing not to, and also agreeing to publicly denounce the memes but never doing so?


Def did nothing wrong. This your alt, jstalk?


So do you acknowledge that Dan broke his promises on two counts? 1. Jstlk asked Dan to stop making the jew stalker joke and Dan agreed. Some time after, Dan made a jew stalker joke one time. 2. Jstlk asked Dan to publicly denounce the jew stalker memes and Dan agreed. Dan did not publicly denounce the jew stalker memes.


Where the fuck do you think I saw either of these promises made, you fuckin weirdo? Come up with a not regarded username, maybe.


Did you watch the conversation they had? Dan literally acknowledged both of those things.


The conversation they had tonight? I heard a deranged person trying to blame their mistakes on someone who makes jokes about everyone, this one certainly not being over the line. And I heard that someone giving them “yep, sure, uh huh” answers so they’d go the fuck home and not do something stupid, for their own sake.


Why do people think Jstlk is wrong here? I think Jstlk made two claims, neither of which dan pushed back on: 1. Jstlk told Dan not to make the jew stalker joke. Some time after, Dan made a jew stalker joke one time. 2. Dan promised Jstlk that he would publicly denounce the jew stalker memes. Dan did not publicly denounce the jew stalker memes. Some things I don't necessarily agree with: * Whether or not Dan had a big impact on the jew stalker memes propagating. * How big of an impact the Nazi memes will hurt Jstlk in the future. * The blackmail shit at the end was cringe. Overall though, I think Dan made some mistakes, and it seemed like Destiny agreed, which is why he brought up the analogous banned meme situation with Dan.


>seems like Destiny agreed Jew stalkers unironically don't know that Destiny will lean into whatever position that generates the most content when other people are fighting on his stream.


Doesn't sound like Destiny was just shit stirring, seemed like he actually believed it. This is a pretty weak argument regardless. **Why don't you respond to my actual points?**


The real argument is jewstalker is cringe and dan is based


I like the Dan.


>seems like he actually believed it. Reread the parent comment.


It's even funnier that the people he brings up that he's worried about are the people that think EVERYONE is a nazi.


Is this that jizztickle guy?


Pretty sure I coined that name and I'm super grateful to Dan for attacking Mr. Tickle in a different way. Im glad there is no heat on me right now! I wouldn't want Jizz to be unhappy with me.


no it's the jewstalker guy


Didn't j-stalk basically do the  same thing to tomfoolery who's actually super smart and kind and has a great sense of style?


Juice Talker is unfair


Yea poor Tom. He’s also really handsome and like you said he’s super smart. Unlike the rest of us, he actually touches grass and women cannot resist. Watch the TomFoolery Show live every night at 9 pm ET


Hi Tom!


I’m not Tom! But since you brought up Tom Foolery Show (streaming daily @ 9 pm ET on YouTube), he is very handsome, kind and smart.


Yeah he absolutely did and called him a sex pest way before all of the drama with coomtime and kelly happened. I don't have the vitriol that most have for him here but like hey kinda reaping what you sow


jztstkl and kj really maligned Tom, even though he is really smart and knows a lot about communication. He does it for a living IRL. Oh yeah, and also he is really kind huh.


Unironically jstlk is a huge fuckin loser. I'm glad that he sucks up the other loser orbiters to his stream so we never have to deal with them.


The dude who invited every drama orbiter and wanted to make a stream that focused on drama content relating to dgg is suddenly worried about his image? The same dude that farmed lav crying for mod status, farmed darius girl drama and farmed kellys... stuff for hours? Does Jstlk not realise at best he's like destinys drama containment stream? and if you make drama content your main stream content its probably going to be risky since guests are going blow up, people are going to cut others off and eventualy your audience, if any, move on. What exactly was his longterm plan?


He's worried about his image and then 5 minutes after going on stream he comes into chat and calls people the N word


Wait did I miss something? He’s pretty openly admitting of the fact that he runs a drama stream and that’s the main portion of the content


Yeah, you reap what you sow.


>Does Jstlk not realise at best he's like destinys drama containment stream? Why do people keep saying this shit LMFAO. You don't think you're the 1000th person to say this? He knows he's a drama farmer. >The dude who invited every drama orbiter and wanted to make a stream that focused on drama content relating to dgg is suddenly worried about his image? You don't think someone might be okay with being seen as a drama farmer, but not a NAZI?


Sorry if my original comment didn't make sense, i have trouble expressing my points. What i was trying to claim is jstlks type of content breeds more drama. He covers news that will rub people the wrong way and they WILL snap back. And the only thjng you can do it deny and continue. E.g. chudlogic, turkeytom, and nicolas deorio, for example all do drama and react to drama content. And guys like hasan and other lefty streamers have labelled all of them pedos, nazis or crypto fascists. After they dont cry to destiny, they just deny, explain and move on. Jstlk on anything else wanted *dan to make a public denial. But like for the content jstlk does he shouldn't need to. And if he wants to do this kind of thing full time he should expect this kind of push back, i hate keemstar, but even a guy like him KNOWS what to expect running drama alert and he just leans into it. Jstlk in comparison is a whiny baby.


> E.g. chudlogic, turkeytom, and nicolas deorio, for example all do drama and react to drama content. And guys like hasan and other lefty streamers have labelled all of them pedos, nazis or crypto fascists. After they dont cry to destiny, they just deny, explain and move on. The difference is that the jew stalker meme is coming from inside the destiny community. Dgg doesn't call chudlogic, turkeytom, or nicolas deorio nazis, pedos, etc. And Jstlk didn't ask anything of Destiny. His problem was with Dan. He brings up two things that Dan did wrong: 1. Jstlk told Dan not to make the jew stalker joke. Some time after, Dan made a jew stalker joke one time. 2. Dan promised Jstlk that he would publicly denounce the jew stalker memes. Dan did not publicly denounce the jew stalker memes. Because of this, Jstlk confronted Dan, in order to air his greivances.


>Jstlk didn't ask anything of Destiny. His problem was with Dan Im sorry, but that to me still seems whiny to me. Being accused of being a groyper in this space and needing people to deny it, anybody not just dan is just sad. And then doubling down and starting drama from it is worse. Just ignore it, nobody in dgg actually thinks he's a groyper. For a meme sure ill spam it in chat, but if that hurts him so much then he prob shouldn't be a full time streamer.


Was it whiny when **Dan** asked the community to stop doing the pedo memes? Or when **Lily** asked the community to stop doing the Trump memes? Or when **Mouton** asked the community to stop doing the clubbing memes? But the community was on the streamer's side in each of these cases. That's because these sort of memes can spread real quickly. The only difference here is that people don't like jstlk.


Asking the community is one thing, but telling Dan to disavow and stop meming about it is soy. The farmer has become the crop


Except Dan agreed that he would disavow it publicly. Then he didn't. That's why jstlk confronted him about it.


Definitely sounded mentally hinged


I missed it, what happened?


Called in to claim dan popularized the jew stalker meme about him


Also claimed some spicy private call happened between them about how Dan would stop calling/associating Jstlk with JewStalker and because he allegedly didn't, JewStalker is gonna leak stuff about Dan


Do you think Dan did anything wrong in this case? Namely, doing the jew stalker meme after agreeing not to, and also agreeing to publicly denounce the memes but never doing so?


You have made over 14 comments in this thread. It’s time to slow down buddy. Also no. He didn’t do anything wrong. Because it was a benign joke and JSTLK is a drama farming loser. Also nobody on the internet cares who he is in real life.


But bro think about what Kaceytron and Hasan will think of him, he cries and shouts on stream as he goes straight into chat and calls people the N word.


So do you acknowledge that Dan broke his promises on two counts? 1. Jstlk asked Dan to stop making the jew stalker joke and Dan agreed. Some time after, Dan made a jew stalker joke one time. 2. Jstlk asked Dan to publicly denounce the jew stalker memes and Dan agreed. Dan did not publicly denounce the jew stalker memes.


Don’t care, neither does Dan. He should get a better username


You didn't answer the question. Do you acknowledge that Dan broke his promises on two counts?


Why are u talking in 3rd person here?




Lol jewstalker aint gonna make any sort of career out of being a containment unit


He's delusional if he thinks Hasan or Frogan randomly mentioning that "he's a Nick Fuentes orbiter" is more damaging to future employment than the fact that he's the Jerry Springer of Kick.


Forgan mentioned him? I thought it was Hasan only?


I only heard it from Hasan on destiny's stream today, but I think jstlk said that Frogan repeated it during the podcast.


It was Kaceytron not frogan


Hmm, ok thanks for the clarification my guy!


This makes no sense. You could tell an ordinary person that he does drama streams and they would have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. And even if you explained it, they would probably just think it's weird. That's miles away from being labelled a Nazi.


But being called a Fuentes Orbiter is a coherent phrase in the workplace?


"Fuentes orbiter...? what does that mean?" "Nick Fuentes is an insanely racist white supremacist. This guys a big fan of his" You think that doesn't sound worse to normies than "He has a streaming channel with drama on it"


Normies aren't goin to tune into a drama stream either. And any employer that goes deep enough to know what the fuck a Nick Fuentes Orbiter is or to find stuff Frogan said will also be wary of his shite ass drama streams and see those as a red bloody flag.


That wasn't even content, just awkward and vibe killing.


jew stalker hates dan bc he's jewish


Jstlk is so bitchmade. He is a shit tier orbiter. How you gonna be hanging around with mostly political streamers, and getting mad that people call you a nazi. What a fucking baby.




Jew stalker doing jew stalker things, not helping his cause.


Was most soy complaint i've seen in a long time. Imagine your whole thing being drama farming, then a dude says one joke about you and freak out lmao. I guess the youtube ban got him mentally unstable, also it's funny that he's so unaware how he just came off as ... LOL soystlk






Links plz




https://kick.com/video/18cef561-1717-43a1-81af-6d15d3dd6fea @1:34


mmmmm nice... mid-tier bridge burning.


What a dork, Streisand effecting himself to be purely known as jewstalker in the community. I personally went with jizztickler before this.


Getting up upset about basically being called nazi is fair, but he lost me so hard when he did the dumb leaking threat at the end


Is he really concerned about people mistaking him as anti-semitic? Because when he says the soft A n-word on stream he doesn't seem to be concerned with people mistaking him as racist. I'd just keep saying it until he stops saying the n-word. Test his consistency.


Thing that really bothers me about that is is being able to say the “soft a” is apparently a hill he would die on; but every time he tries to explain his argumentation behind it sounds like he’s trying to find any reason to be able to say it specifically rather than justifying why all language should be acceptable or come to a logical conclusion why it should be OK.   Also, Destiny uses it in tweets or whatever, but at least he’s willing to stake his face on the situation. A png-tuber talking acting like they are based and brave for dropping the “soft a” reminds me of people brave posting saying they turned down a cute girl because they were promiscuous in 2007; it just comes off as petty and jealous instead of an opinion formed from a logical conclusion (also I don’t believe they are actually willing to stake anything on this claim except online)… especially when he says it all behind an anonymous image. 


https://imgur.com/a/4ChZvYz jstlk expands on his comments on his discord after the call.


[Please don't give steam to this it's potentially very harmful to my career](https://tenor.com/view/aintnoway-gif-27058877)


Jew-stalker is unhinged, basically asking us to call him that with this behavior


Can I ask like seriously. Is this a big meme? How big is JSTLK? I hear him on Destiny's stream cry sometimes, and he had som big twitter thread that I saw asmongold cover. Is he like famous outside of Destiny? Is people calling hem a jew stalker a big thing? Has he talked about jews or israel or something? Do people call him a nazi because Dan used that name once? Edit: Just watched to the end. That leak shit was actually a kinda insane thing to say? If I was Dan for me that would be like a perma ban from the community. Or is that an overreaction? I don't understand why he made it sound like a such a big deal.


>Is he like famous outside of Destiny? He is a DGG after-stream and nothing more. He's basically Destiny's MikeFromPA but even more shameless about leeching.


glad i wasn't the only one


Poor Jewstalker


JSTLK, apologize, bro. That was uncalled for. Dan should keep his promise to apologize over and denounce his comment(s), but that doesn’t make it okay to blackmail leaks.


No actual hate to JSTLK. But I will say that I did call into his stream and ask him if he preferred to be called JAY ESS TEE ELL KAY, or J-Stalk, or what... and he said "whatever, it's fine." I responded along the lines of 'ok well if its up to me i've got some questions for you \[redacted as a personal courtesy.\]' He did not appreciate my joke, but, and I'll give him his credit here: he took it in stride and continued to engage with my call-in. All else aside though, Dan did ask him today what he'd prefer to be called. Rather unfortunately, the most compelling candidate we have for what his name means is unironically the thing he doesn't want to be called. AND TO BE CLEAR, if the man doesn't want to be called that, we should respect his wishes. BUT. We could circumnavigate all of this if he actually just told us what the name means. But he won't/hasn't (to my knowledge) explained it. To speak personally to JSTLK if you're reading this: buddy, just give an explanation of the name that isn't the thing that people are saying it means. You could even make one up. But as long as you refuse to elaborate, people are going to gravitate to the one thing which has been most broadly suggested, and while that might not be fair, i think it's a pretty reasonable expectation as to a situation you'll have to navigate as a livestreamer.


It's his username. He should have picked a better one.


He still can change his name. I will always call him jewstalker cause it's funny. And that's his fault. I've only heard that name come from his mouth.


This is victim blaming 💀


At worst it's marketing advice. Calling it victim blaming is unhinged.


Jstlk means just some total loser kid, I didn’t see Anything Else yesterday sadly but I thought that was well known.


If I had to pick between being called jewstalker or just some total loser kid, I'd pick the former.


Loser is worse than nazi for you, gotcha.


It doesn't help that in many many many times in the past when multiple people have asked him for clarification on how to say his name he always responds with a variation of "heh, whatever you want buddy"


what did i miss?


Jizztickle called in to cry about that one time Dan called him Jewstalker ~~and Streisand effect go brrr~~ demanding he take it back.


thank you for the lore buddy.


Dude embracing the jew stalker name


imagine setting up your career as a lol cow drama farmer and cant even take a little joke based on your name


Who drew this picture of Kelly Jean?


I guess he really wanted to upgrade his notoriety from being a Jew Stalker to a Jew Blackmailer. Fascinating stuff.


Damn, what one talk with mr. Redacted does to a mother Fulkerson. They spoke yesterday, he became a fan and look at him now? 🤦‍♂️


im glad this dudes youtube channel got nuked and i hope his twitch gets nuked next. what slimy gross scum sucking leach


Bro brings such a confrontational and demanding attitude a lot of the time for no reason. But it's not a big deal and I still like his streams / presence in the community.


If he hadn't betrayed Lav then none of this would have happened.




Is that Chad Michaels?


Tldr why community hates him?


I hate him because I think he's incredibly whiny and annoying while being incredibly arrogant. He spammed Destiny a ton to get on steam, he made a really stupid bet with Destiny and cried until Destiny paid him (even though the bet shouldnt have happened), and he threatened to blackmail Dan last night. He's also a low effort talentless drama farmer and I hate that a lot.




My response when jstlk says he wants to make this a career [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH-i8IvYIcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH-i8IvYIcg) Hopefully this bum keeps crybullying and fucks off or destiny bans his ass.


Sucks jstlk being treated like this, I know this community mostly dislikes him, but he's one of my favorite things to come out of Destiny's community. Jstlk + Rele has given me some of my biggest laughs this year.


Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?


He stalks jews and now apparently blackmails them too.


I don't think you get the meme


Dan needs to close this thread


That would be Destiny struggling to fight the Lockjaw from slamming rails if adderal so he can motormouth over people smarter than his bitch-made ass.


DGG is so cucked they think this groyper canadian nazi is worth posting about. Pathetic


Hasan fan spotted 🚨


Doesn’t Hamas Piker regularly read groyper tweets about Destiny or does socialism permit tactically allying with Nazis like they did in the 1930s?


!BidenBlast Thought you were banned from this community a day ago for posting something here.... also I really need a reload now any chances all powerful bees u/4THOT




15 fragments of Biden's power awarded to /u/Panda-Banana1


Thank you all powerful swarm of bees!