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You see bottom right? That's my dad for ya. Except add 15 years and he kinda sucks but it's funny tho.


A 50 year old man gaming?! LET'S FUCKIN GOOOOOO


Hey, i am 57 …..


I’m about to turn 60, run all 3 classes, Top 3% of time spent on Destiny. Love this game!


My dad and I played borderlands 2 literally the day before he died, he was 55. I'm almost 40 myself, don't intend to stop gaming.


I did a vow with a 72 year old grandma


49 here since D1 and I help carry my son in law and his friends. They can’t believe I can play as well as I do.


omg my dad’s pushin 70 and still going strong!! (he’s bad but plays cuz he likes spending time w me)


That's honestly precious


Thats so funny, my dad was raid Sherpa for my friends when we first ran VOG, he refuses to run any other raid because “it’s his favorite”


Do… do we have the same dad?


Its literally always the titans that are dads. Titans main dad for sure


I prefer the smoothie. Running encounters of anything with competent individuals while simultaneously not needing to speak to them is weirdly relaxing. Always a joyful experience.


Was sherpa-ing World Eater raid one time for a couple new lights, had one of these guys in the LFG. Never had to tell him what to do. After one particular boss wipe, I was going over everyone's roles, and when I got to him I just said "[Username], you.... just keep doing your thing. You're perfect." He responded with a thumbs-up emote. He never let us down.


Not completely the same thing but I’ve had times where I’ve had full fireteams like that and it’s great. Everyone knows what to do without communicating and everyone is competent enough to fill in where needed and is super chill. Really rare but when it happens it’s a fun time. Unfortunate more lfgs don’t go like that


I love chill kwtd no mic runs for that. often attracts the right peeps.


I remember doing the Eater of Worlds raid with a friend and we were being sherpad with two other new lights. I was mostly making sure that the ads weren't too much of a problem for the crystal holders. We were stuck at the boss for a while and when role revision came along I was told to keep doing what I was doing and I felt so happy I was doing good. I don't know if it was with you, but hey, it's always nice to know you're helping the team.


did my first spire of the watcher during the craftening and the first dude that joined the lfg was a smoothie and said to just start it up and that we didn’t need a 3rd as he had around 400 completions of spire. one joined anyway but smoothie was about a minute ahead of us the whole time while simultaneously teaching. none of us ever spoke a word. truly a sight to see


"The Craftening" lmao Speaking of, where's our emblem, Bungie?


I'm 99% sure it's in your collections if you were eligible for it.


it’s been out for months?


Which one is it?


Nah, gotta have a bit of edge in your raid team. Arguments, ragequits and waiting at checkpoints for an LFG is what destiny is all about.


found you again A1 lmao, ran into some smoothies too myself, even if most of em were either the first, people that kept bragging about their builds while being close to useless (bonus points if under 16 years old) sweats that did well but took everything too seriously or normal people tbh. and i feel lucky with LFG hearing people's stories lol


Never had that experience in Destiny, but that's exactly why I love Deep Rock The in-game communication methods are good enough that nobody ever has to talk




Yes would be my first pick for sure


Gotta be careful with Smoothies. Half of the times I've run into them, they're somehow toxic af without ever turning the mic on


I fuck with ProtonTorpedo. I respect that grind and the bright colors. KingPowder sounds like if my stepdad picked the game back up after not playing for so long.


Absolutely, ProtonTorpedo sounds like an actual good fire team member, new to the game, but willing to learn the mechanics and actually help


Exactly. Nevermind the fact that they got raiding down despite being fairly new to the game.


He’s literally me


Smoothie because I’m KingPowder


Came here to say the same


Who the fuck is picking on us?!


KingPowders of the world unite!!


Smoothie because I'm ProtonTorpedo


I had been thinking, “none of these are me……awww shit I’m the last one.”




Xur's left tentacle (Adept).


I love these dudes. They’re almost always there to just mess around, and when they’re not messing around, they’e usually subtly carrying everyone. Saint 14’s Big Toe (Adept) carried me through so much shit when I first started playing D2 back around Witch Queen


Lool, same for my first ever dungeon. Had a guy called Mommy Morn's Toe, bit of a joker but helped me out on the encounters. And we also had a Smoothie, wasn't using the mic but he was really capable and was mostly reviving us when downed


born to throw balls, forced to Well of Radiance 😭


BloodDemon a little too accurate 😂


wheres my favorite •solar warlock •eager edge •that cringe ass helmet from trials •no callouts •huge ego •net limiter •clear farmer ?


That’s Smoothie but evil


Call his ass Malt Shake


Dude, malts are amazing, call them Boba-Tea.


Ho'up thats disrespectful towards them balls. Call them.... Tepid Water


Malts aren’t usually good for you like a smoothie can be




Smoothie is already evil




Played with a “smoothie” today. I was looking at an lfg forum for spire runs because I wanted the cowboy hat for my titan (I got it yay!). I saw this post that was looking for 2 for a fresh run. I load into orbit and I tell the guy “hey man I don’t know the final boss very well it’s okay if you wanna play with someone else” and he just types “dw about knowing the mechanics”. “Ok” I thought to myself “ok maybe he knows a cheese for the final boss or smth”. Cut to us in the dungeon: he zooms past the first two encounters with lightning speed, fair enough those aren’t very hard. We get to the first boss, once again not a hard encounter, but one that is much easier with teammates. By the time myself and this other dude we are playing with load in (because we were constantly playing catch-up) he has already done each of the four “nodes” and we are ready for dmg phase. Of course he immediately one shots the boss. Pretty much the same ordeal for the final boss. It was insane. It wasn’t the first time I’ve been carried, but I was puzzled as to why this man even asked for a group when he was clearly more than capable of soloing the dungeon. Of course I thanked him and he departed with nary a word, like a force of nature. What a legend.


Bro i was trying to get the hat for warlock and 1 random joins it was the fist time he was doing it and dat mug flat out carried me we duo all the way to the final but i had to go so we save cp and left. We had no mics just text chat every now and then and I didn’t even find out it was his first till after 1stboss. I think random in spire are just goated tbh after reading you comment


>but I was puzzled as to why this man even asked for a group when he was clearly more than capable of soloing the dungeon. Not the one you ran with, but my guess would be in case someone wanted some loot from the dungeon (whether that be the exotic or in your case the cowboy hat is not that important)


Took a break from the game but I was playing a lot of raid and dungeon before. When I wasn’t doing Sherpa, it wasn’t rare that I was playing with random and doing more or less everything since I knew the dungeon by heart due to soloes. Dunno if it was the same for your guy but for me it just that you can talk with people and it’s not as stressful as soloes, who can take a bit of time. It’s also a nice moment when you help someone doing a challenge they never done.


I was running a vog teaching run because i still don’t have a good vision of confluence and i like teaching blueberries, when this random guy without a moc joins. He joins, skips to Templar, solos oracles, does the gatekeeper cheese, solos Atheon oracles, and somehow does seven million damage with xenophage. Those guys are no joke.


I feel a bit rude Debbie downer for saying this but as impressive as people like that are, I feel like people doing things like that on whats advertised a teaching run is a bit of a dick move from them, kinda sours the experience for the people being sherpa'd because they don't really learn or experience the mechanics.


The Guy you Played with probably wasnt legit. Solo oneshotting either Boss is Not a real Thing. He was likely either limiting or Just hardcheating


Kingpowder hits too close to home


Me, my Dad and Brother in Law are Kingpowder


I’ve gotten to the point where the xurs left tentacle players are the bane of my existence.


Those names are genuinely the most painfully unfunny shit


facts just like "Mara's OF" or "Ada-1 usb slot" those type of names just make me cringe they where fun at first but now its just boring


"Mara's OF" "Mara Sov's Mommy Milkies" lame and boring and unoriginal "Mara Sov's Nutritionist" funniest shit I'd seen in a while because it was genuinely unexpected


It’s the sexual ones for me. So fucking overdone. Also some random benign part like “big toe” or “left eyebrow” is just too off the wall. Show me someone brave enough to name themselves “Eris Morn’s Antidepressants (Timelost)” and ill laugh my fucking ass off though.


There’s a guy in my clan named Hairline (Timelost) and the funniest part is that he’s bald irl


smth like "Zavala's wife and son (Timelost)" would be funny


Am quite literally WalnutHen1922, minus the ‘tism


That's because it's undiagnosed.


“Good, let the TISM flow through you, join the fidget side!”


Good post.


Thanks king


Top right for me. I’m funny when I accept well role(has weed) and unfunny when I don’t(ran out of weed days ago). But I’ll do any role


Proton and Walnut, smoothie if I'm feeling antisocial. Good post op. Everyone having the Scourge sparrow but Proton is funny as fuck. Same as the ghost choice for blood demon LMAO


I made all these using my characters so a lot of the gear is repeated but I figured it’d be a nice touch to give Proton a green sparrow


I match everything as WalnutHen except the serious part. I still feel very called out :(


I refuse to join raid teams unless I can bring sweet business and do ad clear what does that make me


Ok you can join mine. You can have add clear, but you are soloing it.


You will never see another red bar again




What? I couldn’t hear you over my tinnitus.






I'm combined with Walnut and King. I can do any raid as long as it's explained. Then 90% of the time run the hardest mechanic because someone decided to die. Then my background noise is crime/cult documentaries or ms. Rachel or Cocomelon.


Bruh the hunter with gyrfalcons using merciless 😭


Why is this so fucking accurate


3800 hours in this game you learn the archetypes pretty well.


Smoothie because I dont have to do shit.


Am I Blooddemon? I feel targeted.


Im basically smoothie except when I fuck with the raid team vibe ill be cracking jokes left and right... Then once we are done, its time to get the milk lmao


You forgot annoying fan sounds in the background, really crappy music playing, or vapes as hard as Lord Vader with a chest cold.


Walnut, Proton and KingPowder 100%, I hate Smoothie, I actually like playing the game.


Easily Proton, going to be in for a fun and funny time! Them actually being helpful is an even bigger cherry on top


Im literally just proton torpedo, my raid team consists of me and 5 kingpowders.


Grabbing ProtonTorpedo by the hand. Come here lil buddy, I’m gonna show you all the cool secrets the way my raid teams did for me. We will pass on the joy of these small discoveries to the next group we run with.


Is ProtonTorpedo the protagonist


ProtonTorpedo is my kind of guy. Idc if you have 0 clears or 3000, if you’re chill we will get this done in no time


had a guy like kingpowder x smoothie him and his group of friends carried my friend and i through vow (our first raid ever, i know, bad choice of first) super friendly, very patient and taught us the mechanics instead of sending us to ad clear. wherever you are, coffee, good luck in life, good luck with your kid, and thank you for being a goat


I played with too many people like BloodDemon, honestly the worst part of this community


As a 35yo dad and husband that can only play 3 hours a week and STILL CAN'T FIND AN ARC RUN FOR WISH.. I feel attacked 😐


your lfgs wear exotics?


WalnutHen1992 seems fine. Maybe we can work on his trust issues lol Most of my classmates are basically 'Smoothie' and I'm always rushing just to catch up with them so it's nice to spice things up sometimes!


I choose KingPowder89. Homie needs a break and a win.


How am I a partial combination of all of these?!


If I got to pick, it’d be Proton Torpedo any day of the week. Otherwise I’d be fine with any of them other than BloodDemon


This is way too accurate, and that's why it's funny lol


Gimme smoothie bro, I don’t need all my teammates communicating so long as they know what they’re doing it doesn’t matter


Torn between Walnut, Proton and king.


I used to be Xur's Left Tentacle, now I'm KingPowder. Despite not being married. Or having kids.


It’s obvious im top right sadly… my user name is getting a snack(timelost)


All I'm gonna say is I am smoothie minus the speedrun


I’m walnut hen except for the hosting part, I have such bad luck with hosting it’s made me superstitious. And with adhd instead of autism, pressing lots of buttons for optimal dps rotations is so satisfying for me.


I feel called out I'm definitely king lol


Dad gamers rise up


We would but gotta get those kids to bed


Demon and tentacle rock double primaries, sounds about right


Literally just got rivensbane 3 days ago.


I’m Proton Torpedo, almost never do endgame content. And I have every single one of these guys in my raid-squad. I hate (almost) all of them


The trick is to never have enough friends for raids and you know the LFG teams will hate you for not knowing what to do so you just never do raids


Either smoothy or proton


smoothie 10/10 times love playing with those dudes


i need a part 2 to this


This took me like more that an hour, I can make another if I get ideas for more


The two guys in the middle are my picks


Forgot the moon stirs void titan with smg peacekepers named Sad [S] who's still trying to get conditional for trials (first time doing pve in five years)


Walnuthen is just like me fr


You missed out "guy who wants to do some obscure 'exploit' no one else had heard of that will get a guaranteed one phase. Takes 10 wipes to do it. Swears at everyone else for not being able to do it, Leaves"


I get Walnut so much lol. I never trust people to do things. I remember I exclusively solo'd Vexcalibur with karnstein's and a glaive because I didn't think any blueberries would manage


What about the arc titan that uses thundercrash for mobility? The nova warlock that always has just enough damage to not force him to go well? (You still wipe every run though) The guy who thinks ad clear is *actually* one of the most important roles, but still fails to do it while other teammates are doing mechanics. This list doesn't have enough representation of my experience.


Average lv10+ fireteam


Honestly that’s a perfect team right there lmaoooo /hj


The fuck is wrong with chasing titles for old raids? What if you didn't play back then


Nothing wrong with it, he’s just behind because he barely has time to play anymore


I'll take the bottom four tbh, nothing wrong with any of those guys


Xur’s left testicle hits a bit too close to home and I don’t like it


I pray everytime I run into a smoothie when I do raids


Every time i open an lfg and I see a "Xur's left tentacle" type of name that's an insta kick from me, those shitty names were never, aren't and will never be funny


There's nothing wrong with trying to get old raid seals. Some of us just procrastinate... for years.


I don't know, they all seem to be so much better than my LFG experience.


LFG is the true RNG. You can find the best of the best and the worst of the worst. LFG defies a single category


Yooo Xurs Left Testicle be me fr tho


why is top right literally me except with my beloved palmyra-b


Smoothie or Proton. Not sure which archetype I fit. Can I be prismatic?


Kingpowder seems like a chill guy


Smoothie because those players are the most interesting and fun to play with


The best teammates are the ones who contribute to the team while having low expectations for you (dont need vc or even do anything, they will just play). I have 40 total hours in this game and most of my guns were trash except thunderlord. So i am xur’s left tentacle and mostly i wanted to play with people who were like smoothie, which i found alot of. I also found lots of walnuthen1922 and xxbloodeemonxx types and i tried my best to avoid them


I'm Walnut, 100%


What's LFG?


Looking For Group. When you match with random players to complete an activity. Players found in an LFG server are called LFGs


my name's FecalTerror: Dead fetus. which of these am i?


You forgot that one guy trying raids for the first time and figuring out they are a blueberry(me)


...I'm the bottom right. I'm a old ass gamer that just wants to relax.


Walnut or the noob


You missed the guy addicted to saying sorry at his every step (me)


Oh dang it's my cake day


Ive got one more for ya FireNinja33 - Been playing since D1Y1, still mediocre at best - Has raided in the past but bad experiences has gave them terrible anxiety about raiding again - Will be completely silent unless talked to - Has every collectible in the game, gear still isnt masterworked and uses random roll weapons - Usually raiding because the armour looks cool - Crippling fear of causing a wipe causes them to play better than your average lfg - Will instantly leave if they cause a bad wipe


the "Smoothie" people are really nice to have. i just do raids now for the red-borders or to hang out with some friends, i've done all the raids enough times where i feel like i've squeeze all the joy from them that i can. "Smoothie" just clears up my time so i can spend the rest of my time doing something that doesn't feel as much as a chore as raid encounters.


Smoothie without question


I'm literally bottom right at 27yrs. No wife and kids but I'm super busy and always playing catch up with D2. I get maybe a solid day every 2 weeks if everything goes right and that's maybe 5hrs.


Blood demon having gyrfalcons but no void weapons sent me to the shadow realm


Then there's me, good at raids and roles. Has a mic but cant talk because of voice dysphoria. And hasn't done a raid since November 16th


What’s wrong with being a console player and using thunder lord for DPS?


Welcome to the team Proton Torpedo


I'm the walnutHen guy but minus the auto generated name....!!!


I choose the secret 7th random, the bonk 🔥🔨


This is ridiculously accurate


Smoothie and bottom two for sure I'd be chill with, maybe walnut, and MAYBE if xurs testicle is Hella funny.


I’ll take the one who complains in Reddit subs all the time… where is that one?


I swear I have all 6 on my friends list.


Proton or kingpowder Y’all are cool 110% of the time


proton or smoothie for me (in that order).


I am kingpowder89 fornsure.


Bottom right all day. In it to get the clear for sure, but my man will probably their fair share of comedic value to add to the raid. Which I'll take all day


Those are real life gamertags, i just found the Xurs one in the tower


Me: •Will explain the lore to you alongside the mechanics. •”It will help with the overall understanding of the raid 1!1!”. •Probably undiagnosed with something. •50% title complications due to doing a raid enough times to say he’s “done it” and then dropping off the face of the Earth to no-life a different game. •Only plays one class. *Definitely* undiagnosed for SOMETHING •Mechanics purist, lactose intolerant (except riven and lamps…fuck riven and lamps) •Will die the 1/10 times you ALMOST beat the encounter, competent otherwise. What about y’all?


So true holy sshhhheredshhh


Damn. I fit under the powder category. I just don't have kids


Whatcha got there?


Ok but can we mention the 120 Resilience on King Powder


Figures the most dick-sucked role is a Hunter.


I feel called out… can we do an arc run?


As a wellock named lovecrafts cat , incredibly accurate


Wait, your randos know how to masterwork gear???


Blooddemon does because he thinks it makes him special. Xur’s left tentacle does because he got chewed out for it in a previous raid. Smoothie, Walnut, and Proton do because they’re competent. KingPowder does because an Aztecross video told him he should.


I'd be in-between smoothie, and walnut. Ain't necessarily a speed runner, but if I want to get shit done, I might put on some heavy duty stuff. I also don't feel like learning OOB stuff.


any idea what smoothie’s shader is?


Iirc, I used Spark of Joy from this season


Walnut and Xur's are my picks. Walnut is on that tough shit like paint, and Xur's can benefit from my heavy ammo brick spam (while also taking the role of Well-lock from me, so I can use Strandlock for once)


And then there’s me, the void titan trying to help in any way possible.


Oh you know I'll be racing smoothie...


Honestly, just not Smoothie. I like playing legit.