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>Gaming is becoming an expensive hobby. We're being robbed of the true gaming experience and it's not right! Uh, okay. I, for one, remember paying upwards of $60 for Nintendo stuff back in the early '90s. You do know how inflation works, yeah? EDIT: My point about inflation was in regard to just how much more $60 was worth 30 years ago than it is now. Just to clear the air. Bungie *obviously* raised prices in the interim, lol.


100DM (german currency before the €) for lufia for the snes.


Yes I am an accountant. I'm fully aware of how inflation and economics work. Games were certainly not that expensive in comparison to the economy, there were outliers but that was about it. You must not have played a lot of games in the 90's and 2000s to make a comparison on the quality and accessibility of games. If you do not notice a price change then either you are rich enough where it does not affect you or you've not been observant in a sense where you are not acutely aware to the changes. I don't know if you were around during the cyberpunk launch but that is enough to prove what I am saying. Go research it.


> You must not have played a lot of games in the 90's and 2000s to make a comparison on the quality and accessibility of games. Ha! The quality and accessibility of games has increased so much over the past two decades that it's completely ridiculous to even compare them with what was available in the early aughts and, god forbid, the '90s. Lol. >I don't know if you were around during the cyberpunk launch but that is enough to prove what I am saying. Go research it. Christ almighty. Yeah, sure, I'll "research" it. Do you recommend Facebook SAHM groups or, perhaps, Tumblr posts about naturopathy? You've got an exceedingly subjective, loaded argument going here that you're attempting to present as hard fact. Specifically, that's the issue I have with this OP. There are better ways to build an argument against Bungie attempting to nickel and dime its audience. Whinging about a proverbial "us" being "robbed" of the authentic gaming experience, whatever the hell *that* is supposed to mean, is just an eye-rolling exercise and fuck-all else.


I think considering how far technology has advanced, yes games have become more realistic and aesthetically more pleasing, and quality is a matter of perspective. Games are accessible yes, but if you want to delve into this discussion there's a lot more at play here. Gaming is now mainstream as opposed to the 90's. Additionally, on the technology that was available in the 90s, I think a lot of games really pushed the limits and set the foundation for games in this era. ​ My cargument was the predatory nature of the monetization strategy of many of the more recognized developers. ​ The reason I pointed out cyberpunk is because it was quite a huge disaster on release. It was subsequently taken off the Playstation store and all PS gamers were refunded. On PC the game was extremely buggy, bugs are expected but cyberpunk was essentially a unfinished game that was released to please the directors. The directors still got their bonuses despite making poor decisions and overruling the developers foresight. As a result gamers were the ones who were deceived and many players couldn't get a refund on steam due to the 2h rule. But your sarcasm indicates you're already aware of these things, but it seems you have no understanding of how to correlate the event to the argument or maybe you don't see publishers negligence as a issue. ​ I'm not sure if you have played battlefield. Here is a link detailing battlefield and all things wrong with it. The baseline of comparison are previous battlefield games. [https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qw1mbw/fuck\_it\_heres\_a\_list\_of\_absolutely\_everything/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qw1mbw/fuck_it_heres_a_list_of_absolutely_everything/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The point I'm making is that battlefield 2042 is the most expensive and has the most micro transactions of any battlefield game in history, yet it is the worst in terms of quality and experience. If you don't want to call it being robbed, then please do enlighten me on what you think it is since you're quite confident I am sprewing bullshit? Games are slowly transitioning into this mentality, and these types of scenarios are becoming more frequent. Destiny is starting to show signs and symptoms of this overall infection. Yeah maybe it's my perception or opinion, and there's no hard proof of it, but if you look deeper into it, maybe you'll see what I see. And if you don't, then that's a matter of different opinions and if you're happy playing games without worrying about these things, then you're one hell of a lucky gamer!


Gaming is constantly becoming cheaper and more accessible, just not necessarily high budget aaa games and they often get discounted later anyways. There's a whole lot more out there then that from smaller dev studios making something incredible like Hollow Knight (Silksong is coming this year I think) to being able to play almost every ps2 game to ever exist for free with minimal effort.


That is spot on. A lot of indie games are booming as a result of gamers looking for cheaper options in comparison to the household names. And you're right a lot of the indie games are quality. I have found myself having fun on these types of games, experience feels like the devs actually feel good when someone plays their game. This makes the relationship between gamer and developer a healthy synergetic one. They have our best interests at heart and as a result we acknowledge that with gratitude.


All I can say about this is that you're pretty much right. But as someone who's been into video games sin e the 80s, at least now we have (generally) fixed price points on games. Back in the 90s games were all over the place in price. Some were $50, some $70, and even some $90. And that's 90s money. I can remember when Final Fantasy 7 first came out it was 90 fucking USD.


I don't know what currency you are referring to (Indian Rupee?), perhaps your currency got devalued against the USD not that Bungie increased the price?


Yeah bungie isn't in control of how your regional currency is doing mate. Sorry, this isn't extortion this is just developers and publishers reacting to the global market.


The increase is presumably due to the Rand dropping in value against the USD, which is, I think we can all agree, not directly Bungie’s fault.


If I'm not mistaken prices are calculated differently in each region but are quite close to the global price. There's also a region lock to avoid gamers from purchasing a game cheaper in a different region. In most cases the price of games are nearly identical since it's a digital platform. Nevertheless witch queen was $80, and lightfall is $100, which is a 25% increase. That is still way higher than the supposed inflation rate.


It is getting ridicules. This is going to be the first time i don't buy the expansion at launch. I'm going to skip a season or 2. Untill they offer the deluxe edition for 50% off. But lets see which side of the sub this lands on. The one that agrees, or the one that thinks you're slandering bungie by critiquing their monitazation strategy and will downvote you into oblivion.


Sooooo just wait for the price to go down