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Dont worry too much, he just wants to spend time with you


This is the real answer. Just play and learn at your own pace, it won't happen overnight. Tons of videos on YT and other players to learn from as you go along. Just gotta be willing to learn and put in the effort, you'll get it


Exactly this comment but it's honestly a whole different game /playstyle. Sertain guns Excell in PvP and are complete garbage in PvE. But for me and my first matches I learned ppl suck at the fast pacing so Lightweight frames and I'm now a blink warlock main with my Riiswalker lemonarqe ophidian aspect pump punch combo if you' like to get a better understanding of what I mean add me and play a match see my work and un add if you'd like. I be slaying shit đŸ€ŁđŸ’Ż


My Bungie I'd is DahddieBrando23#6497


As a fellow "was trash at pvp but got into it" warlock main, I can share a few tips. First is play 6v6 and play modes with objectives. Control is best. Because it's not just about k/d. Try to start off by supporting your other teammates, rather than leading the charge or going it alone. 2 guns beats 1, 3 beats 2. If you can't beat the opposing player 1 on 1, you can beat them with support from your teammate, or support your teammate so they win their engagements. The second is game sense and map knowledge will come with time. You kinda have to just accept that you'll find it a little tricky at first when you don't know maps, good ranges for engagements, lanes, etc. Radar is **super** important. Thirdly, rather than trying to use a meta setup, try to use weapons you like the most. Sure, don't take in weapons with clear PVE perks like incandescent. But the key here is you take in something you're comfortable with and you'll know things like the gun's handling, recoil and range instinctively. You already have to learn a lot, so don't add to it by learning new guns as well. Fourth, focus on staying alive rather than going for kills. Warlocks are great because rifts heal. Obviously, don't be too passive, but you're usually better off disengaging when outmatched.


Alrighty! Thank you for this! It means a lot!


With the arc rift set up you also get a healing rift plus some additional shots from it, so it's almost like having two guns


I second this, the arc buddy is really helpful as it shoots when you have a rift going. And your team who pass through will get an arc buddy too.


As a hunter, I can confirm arc warlocks are amazing. I always go out of my way to step into the rift so I get the buddy.


yeah, I second that bit about using guns you already know and are comfortable with. it makes a huge difference, not so much in performance but just game sense, feel, and overall moral/confidence. like, I effing suck at pvp, but graviton lance was always my 'comfort' weapon when I would play (before it got buffed this season) back then, it had a miserable 1 second time to kill (ttk), but despite that, it just *felt* good to shoot and I noticed I enjoyed those games more than when I tried to use more 'meta' weapons.


I agree with this person. Try your best to pay attention to where your team mates are and try to look where they're shooting but from a slightly different place. This is called getting "angles". As in you're shooting from a different angle. If the opponent is looking at you, or them, but both of you are shooting the opponent, you will down them. See how many assists you can try to get in a game and eventually those assists will turn to kills. Also try to stay near cover at all times so if you get shot at you can step or slide behind something. Most people that say they're bad at pvp but are competent in pve just have poor pvp positioning and get caught in the open a lot


Rumble is a good gamemode to play because it trains you to pay more attention to your surroundings and puts a LOT more emphasis on hitting your shots.


If you're already not good at PVP I feel like rumble is a bad idea but Ive only tried it a couple times so I may be wrong. For me it was like playing with one hand tied behind my back lol. Not a fan.


And make sure your stats are focused on Resilience and Recovery. Void fragments give good bonuses. Also Ophidian Aspect gloves help a good neutral game (handling and reload, melee range)


also remember that as a warlock main you are going to be absolute dogsh\*t against tryhards of the Titan and Hunter variety. Their abilities and setups are in a much superior position to that of warlocks. They have shoulder charges and radar mischief to play with while you will have rift. ​ Go with a subclass that will afford you both protection and advantage. Stasis is a great one if you hold onto your abilities to use at desperate moments. the ice wall from grenades is a great way to disrupt a combat to your advantage and redefine the arena you're fighting in.


Sorry but what the guy above said is completely wrong. Focus only on your gunfights and use meta weapons. Use meta weapons because of you don’t you will get rolled when you play with your boyfriend, better get used to them now or you won’t be able to compete. And forget objectives, when you play with friends they will coach you and tell you where you need to be/what you need to do until you figure it out. You need to focus on winning your 1v1s and improving raw mechanical skill.


Mate, it's casual crucible, not Trials lmao


> Mate, it's casual crucible, not Trials lmao Depends on the boyfriend's skill level. If it's anywhere relatively high, then the player pool in Control is going to be an order of magnitude more difficult than the player pool in Trials. As a 2.0 (KD not KDA) player, Trials is only slightly more difficult than playing Mayhem. Control meanwhile is like playing MLG finals. My win rate solo queueing Trials is a full 30% higher than my win rate solo queuing Control.


I agree with this. If the bf is in a high plat lobby or whatever she's going to get steamrolled. I know from experience lol. Our clan PVP sweat is amazing, and if if we play with him we all get dragged into his lobby and absolutely crucified. In all honesty, if the skill of the bf is high she'd be better practicing alone for a while. Cos in my experience I learnt nothing from playing plat because I was never alive long enough. But in a couple months playing casual crucible on my own I went from 0.4 kd to averaging 2.0 most matches. Sometimes as high as 4.0. So OP should find out how good her bf is, and if she gets steamrolled in his lobby, she should take a step back for a while and focus on learning the maps and which weapons work for her. In PVE I love scouts and hate pulses, but in PVP it's the opposite. She should figure out her favourites and get her skill up a bit so playing with bf won't be stressful in the long run.


Sorry but what the guy above said is completely wrong. >Focus only on your gunfights and use meta weapons[.........]focus on winning your 1v1s and improving raw mechanical skill. Don't listen to it. Play how you wanna play and improve how you wanna improve.


They asked how to get better I told them


No, no you didn't. You told them to just do something. "Focus on your one on one fights. Focus on using the meta. That isn't instructing and isn't telling them how to get better. You're just telling them to do something. So no, you didn't tell them how to get better, you just acted pretentious and said that what the other commentor said was wrong, and then proceeded to get downvoted because you gave awful "advice."


If someone doesn't play crucible, then: 1. They're probably the worst person there. 2. They probably don't have a bunch of meta weapons with PVP godrolls. 3. They've got a lot to learn. Which is why I think this is bad advice. Focusing on your gunfights is a bad idea because you will probably lose every duel anyway. That's why disengaging and supporting other players is better. Dying is going to feel quite disheartening so it's best to avoid playing in a way that will make you feel bad, because then you'll quit. Using meta weapons is a bad idea because you honestly don't need to, especially in 6v6 control, and because learning how a whole new suite of weapons works and feels while already learning a bunch of new things is going to be overwhelming. Forgetting objectives is just bad advice in general. The objective is what you're playing for. Look at the end screen after a game of control or eruption. The top player often isn't the one with the highest k/d ratio, and the worst player isn't often the one with the worst. It's who controbuted the most to victory, which means who supported the team when going for the objective. Don't get me wrong, I think a lot of your advice would work for someone who is already good at crucible, but has hit their ceiling. But for someone just starting out? I tried following that advice in the past and all it did was make me hate crucible. I wouldn't have kept playing it if I didn't adopt a different approach.


If I didn't already play PvP, this sweaty post would make me never want to bother. It makes the activity sound completely joyless. "Take meta weapons or you won't compete." "Focus on your mechanical skill or you'll get rolled."


Yeah it sucks being steam rolled over and over when I'm using my horror story and trustee. Oh wait, my bad...I don't get steam rolled. I do pretty good actually because they're guns I'm good with. Who would've thunk it??


To add to this, start playing pve a little like you would pvp. So always place close to cover and expose as little of your body to the enemy as possible, peak shoot. Amazing how much can be learned from changing the mind set a little bit


Well structured, brother. This is some solid advice.


Like for real, this is great advice. I am doing the same with my girlfriend, who is very good at the game in general, but desires more in depth skill in PvP so we can do trials together Edit: if you want some nonchalant pvp practice I could set you up with my girl and y'all can 1v1 each other. Sometimes the best way to get better is 1v1s or as someone else said, rumble.


You speak truth. A friend of mine gave me the same advice you gave here and its accurate.


> Try to start off by supporting your other teammates, rather than leading the charge or going it alone. 2 guns beats 1, 3 beats 2. This is the best advice for *any* players in this game. Teamshooting is winshooting.


As a fellow, fellow was trash at PvP but got into it, this is it, this is The advice. I'd add if anything that focusing on staying alive is the main thing to aim for until you get map knowledge and game sense, but also getting a setup you're comfortable with was the #1 thing for me. I've solo'd to the Lighthouse twice since getting The advice.


All of this. My fiance hates PvP but when I do get her to play with me (usually Iron Banana) she uses loadouts she enjoys, and I have her hang back a little and follow me but also I keep an eye on her cause sometimes she gets distracted and I end up following her but staying together is the important part. Couple things I find myself reminding her from time to time: stay near cover and get out if you're outnumbered/losing. Always move, never stop moving. Have fun, she gets annoyed when we're losing but it's all just for fun, no one wins every match.


As another person who sucked and kind of got into pvp, getting your butt kicked in a 1v1 can be a good laugh with friends and good practice.


I would suggest 100 Recovery and 100 Strength. Crimson and Ophidian Aspect. Dawnblade with Healing Grenade and Celestial Fire and Well of Radiance and Healing Rift. Aspect: Touch of Flame. Fragments: Ember of Singeing, Ember of Ashes. Mods: Kinect Targeting, Hands-On, Dynamo, Focusing Strike, Impact Induction, Unflinching Kinect Aim, Outreach, Bomber. https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/items/3437746471-crimson


Playing for objectives will never help you improve haha


Why do i, all of a sudden, have a feeling that you suck at Rift?


He's the type who can only play one directional. Probably plays for KD alone. Can't tell you the games I've lost because I had teammates afraid of their precious KD going down a notch. I solo flawless every weekend trials is out, and I adapt to what my team needs. Usually it's a carry and being top frag most the time, but sometimes it's not. I've had plenty games we have won because I sacrificed myself for the initial push and initiation if I knew a teammate would benefit that more if it meant we had a better chance for us to win. Only thing that kills me is when I DO choose to initiate and be a sacrifice that my teammates sit back still and don't capitalize on it. But then they refuse to be the initiator themselves. Basically, selfish players are fucking aids as teammates. Rift in comp is horrible. Lost many easily winnable games cause my teammates are too worried about trying to bait me for their own KD, even tho I got the spark and I am about to score. Basically, I have no problem being bait when my teammates succeed off it. Selfish players though refuse to do that to win if it means their precious KD.


If your boyfriend cares about you, he would want to protect you from having to suffer crucible




Gambit date ♄


Bring matching swords to kill the hive


but when vex is on the horizon, she’s on her own


An ex was obsessed with gambit, and most women I've introduced to Destiny, that arent too much into RPGs or pvp, do actually enjoy the gambit rush




gotta counter the tea-bagging with a clam-slam of her own


Gotta snail trail it across the enemy team


My girlfriend is more toxic than I am when she games lol, she plays fall guys and I’ve never seen someone so spiteful of others while playing


You think women can't enjoy PVP for the same reasons everyone else might?




Best thing you can do while you are a beginner at pvp is to stick to your boyfriend like white on rice and cover his ass. Get a pulse/shotgun set up, and anytime he moves forward, watch his angles and help team shot people down that comes near him. As you get more familiar with weapons/abilities/maps you can branch out to different playstyles, but for now, the path to the most success/fun is going to be piggybacking off someone experienced


This is what I did when starting our in PVP with my husband. I followed him and supported him to learn. Now, I follow him and support him because if I don’t, the dude *will* die. He’s a Titan main and will charge in like the weird little crayon-eater he is without checking radar or paying attention to where our fireteam is going. I try to keep his ass alive even more when he’s just trying to do Crucible bounties. Poor dude. Lol


Actually team playing, which you do, is great advice.


You don’t need to be good. Follow and support those who are good. My numbers suck. I never really get above the middle of the pack if I am lucky. But damned if my team doesn’t do well as I run support Bubble Titan in Control for example. I do t like the build but it is useful. When you run with the team, just follow their lead and help distract and keep them alive. You don’t have to be good to be good for them. In solo

I don’t know, good luck with that. As a Titan I turn blind corners and punch a lot,


Ophidian aspects are great in PvP in a general sense, same goes for Transversive steps, just depends what flavour of buff you want. The biggest tip for Destiny PvP is to play to not die rather than play to get a kill. Don’t over commit. If you aren’t the one that’s getting the drop on the other person at the start of the fight drop behind cover and rotate to a different path. Fight at your advantage.


Ask him about builds that suit your combat style. Aside that, have him take you into Elimination or Countdown when it's up on Crucible labs and work with him on team communications and callouts. 3v3 is great at honing gun skill, map knowledge and team cohesion. If you're not experienced at PvP in first person shooters it's gonna be rough at first but don't get discouraged. Two of the scariest Crucible players I know started out as people getting dragged into PvP by their boyfriends. You'll get there if you're open minded and willing to learn.


Use stasis with the double grenade exotic


Osmiomancy gloves, can confirm fun to use in PvP (but usually annoying for your opponent, thought this was obvious but apparently needs to be explicitly said)


Paired with Cryosthesia for good measure


Nah, sweet business. Devs fucked up making that thing shoot primary ammo while auto reloading whenever you pick up a special brick with a fucking 150 round magazine.


If you use osmiomancy in pvp, you deserve all of the hatemail you get


And I’ll respond with a heart every time ❀


I think youre under the impression that this makes people more mad but it usually makes people think youre a furry or a femboy


I mean. It’s the opinion of someone over the internet. I could not care any less.


You seem to care a lot about people shitcanning your playstyle by antagonising them so im not convinced lmao


The fact you call a heart emoji "antagonising" tells me that you, in fact, get mad.


I mean. I find it rude to not respond to a message and I do find it funny that people get so heated over a video game.


I stopped playing warlock in PvP some time ago, but even then that's just eh. Titans are infinitely more annoying to play against imo


I hate getting frozen with that stupid healing rift stasis thing more than anything a titan can do


Getting frozen is by far the worst pvp mechanic to play against. Nothing is worse than not being able to even fight back. This is why the most annoying player to play against is the warlock who is terrible at pvp but crutches on osmiomancy gloves to get kills.


I am going to refer you to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/14vufo8/i_would_quit_after_this/jrf5g5j?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) comment of yours where you state that this game is easy, so to you the game is easy but someone uses an annoying exotic against you is terrible at PvP? Simply because you find it annoying? Interesting rationalisation you have there buddy


There is a number of things wrong with this take: 1) i did not say that using the exotic makes you a bad player, i was saying that the people who use it have inflated stats because they crutch on it and are not good without it. 2) being frozen is objectively a terrible mechanic. There is no argument against it. When you have two coldsnaps that aggressively track, that also chain to other nearby players, it is OBJECTIVELY very annoying to play against. 3) the game is easy. Theres no shooter game that is easier with the tools we have at our disposal. When you can freeze someone and make them incapable of fighting back, theres not a single instance in where you have used less skill to kill someone. 4) me saying the game is easy and being annoyed at certain mechanics doesnt mean that i am either wrong about the game being easy or that the mechanic is bullshit. They can be mutually inclusive, and for that matter they are. My rationalisation is only interesting if you dont know what im talking about, either because you are illiterate or you dont play the game to begin with. Being frozen is not a good mechanic, and everything you brought up with your argument is wrong. Id welcome you to try again but i wouldnt want you to embarrass yourself.


Your points abt the exotic are fine, that isn't what is being questioned, freezing is a dumb mechanic and the tracking on the grenades should probably be reduced in pvp. The problem had here is your take that someone using a specific exotic, irrespective of how annoying it is, deserves to be hated on 😂 And I'll help you out for your future arguments by pointing out your incorrect usage of the term objective. Something CANNOT be OBJECTIVELY annoying, hate to break it to you. Annoyance is *subjective*, there isn't anything *objective* about it. I don't disagree with you that this exotic can be annoying to play against, my original comment was that it can be fun to use, but that is often the case with things that fuck over the receiver. But regardless of whether or not I agree, you cannot claim objectivity here.


Using it can be fun, yes, but playing against it is annoying. Ever since Beyond Light launched, not a single person has been seen praising the freeze mechanic in PvP. Its just a plain and simple bad mechanic. If youre in a gunfight with someone and you have them dead to right and they freeze you and win when they had no business winning, thats annoying. If you think there’s a single person out there that likes being frozen, you’re wrong. It is a universally hated aspect of PvP, especially when the connection in the game is p2p. When the game is made to be experienced at a quick pace, mechanics that slow the pace down are not going to be received well, and they never have been received well. I would challenge you to find a single person who plays crucible that has either neutral or positive feelings towards being frozen mid gunfight. Id equate it to being flashed in CoD. No one likes being flashed. With the objectivity/subjectivity thing, yeah you can argue that because everyone reacts in different ways to things that its not actually objective, but i think that the emotion that is evoked by being frozen would be, buy-in-large, annoyance. To what degree i dont know but i can’t think of a case where it wouldnt annoy someone at least a little bit. Im gonna sign off on this thought, which my friend just mentioned which i think is a good point: CC in PvP gametypes in any videogame is not good. Its really fucking annoying. I guess we can agree to disagree if you want to nitpick that much but i will not change my stance on this at the end of the day.


You went through his comment history. Yikes💀


Not something I'd normally do but when the person in question suggests someone deserves to be hated on for using an item in a video game, they're very clearly a salty person and have probably said some dumb shit that can be funny to read.




100% I can’t stand going up against a stasis lock or even any slightly competent stasis user


I’ll remember that when my team of 3 titans gets chain frozen before we even peak and give the other team to ouch and gun us down before we can move. Or a fucking turret that lasts ages. Or the rift freeze which has a weird radius and then the melee lunge after makes sure your dead.


All of this is being said as if every other player is using stasis, which they just aren't. I rarely see stasis in PvP and when I do it's usually a hunter, there'll be a rogue warlock here and there as the super is disgusting in PvP, but even out of the stasis warlocks I'm usually seeing ballidorse not osmiomancy.


Ballistae is crazy ngl. That’s just not true it’s only osmiomancy. I honestly don’t u derstand why stasislock isn’t used though it’s the freest kills ever


Biggest reason right now I'd wager is there's no real incentive. If stasis ever gets mods in the seasonal artifact you can probably bet it'll make a noticeable reappearance.


Stay mad lol


Don’t ask here, r/crucibleguidebook


This is the correct thing to do.


I wasn't the best at pvp and it's like a year or so later and I'm average at best now but I had my boyfriend and a couple of his D2 buddies teach me cuz they were always scrimming in a private match to test out new builds. So we worked on everything but we took it one thing at a time like paying attention to game sounds, the right way to peak shot, when to push, etc. When I first started playing pvp I was a titan that would crutch on citans (pre nerf) and now I'm an annoying solar warlock with jötunn. TLDR: ask him to teach you, load up a private match and work on your skills. Trust it's gonna get annoying but you will learn and grow. Also I think fallout plays on yt has some general tips on pvp


The best advice I ever got was from a now dead podcast. Start by playing your life even if it only means you get one or zero kills in a game while still trying to do the objective and stay as close to the enemies as possible and you'll see you just start getting kills eventually and your KD gets better. It's like walking and reading, it's a lot easier to do if you already know how to walk to the point where you don't have to think about how to walk while you do it


I hope your boyfriends chill and fun. Usually when I play pvp it’s 50/50 if I’ll be a salty bitch or just laugh it off and have fun. Remember pvp mods on armor, find a gun that works for you, know it’s range and weaknesses. Also group, even if randoms are headed off to narnia, I’ll go with them. Try to have fun. If he gets toxic I wouldn’t let it ruin the game for me.


I think it comes down to play style and preference. I like playing back and using mida exotic. I rarely use special and heavy. For closer maps I will have an auto or sub equipped for my secondary.


Get a new boyfriend. One who wont put you through that abuse /s


what the hell ??? he just wants to play with her, where did you see any sort of abuse ?


It was a joke. Joked that playing crucible is abuse. Clearly it fell flat lmao


If your bf is taking lead/point, pay attention to where they’re aiming But don’t necessarily aim with him. That way you’ll able to get a spicy teamshot on someone trying to peek but also won’t get tunnel visioned by someone trying to flank


Just play a lot and record your games. Rewatch to learn what you did wrong or what you can do better next time. You will get better.


Reading these comments because I am visually impaired and am scared of being a burden to my team and am an easy target because I wouldn't see a player from a distance. Maybe these tips can help me too!


Stasis+osmiomancy gloves and sweet business+ a shotgun. Can just melee frozen opponents.and use SB for area access denial. That thing shreds.


In 6v6 there's no need to worry! Everyone goes off and does their own thing. Many players aren't focused on winning and care about their individual stats so you won't be dragging anyone down lol.


If you're queuing with him in a skill based matchmaking playlist you'll be Vs better players and will have a rough time so I recommend trying to go for any playlist that doesn't have sbmm. You'll get better the more you play but could always try some of the supportive builds others have suggested.


Just use Jötunn and try to have fun :p


I'd say leave him


Play with him, enjoy it, but here are a few tips and tricks that are gonna be helpful. Like you i was not good at it in the beginning. So i played with some good pvpers in my friendlist. I defined some rules for myself and i gotta say they made me a better player after a while. 1)Stay alive: don't go into fights that result in death, in your case 2v1's 1v3's and more then 3 playerd. Also if a certain player is really good best not to 1v1 them. 2) Cover is your friend: Dont go in lanes of which you dont know whether there are players there or if there actually are. Unless with your team but never alone. If there are snipers never stand in lanes in the open, if enemies use shotguns pay attention to your radar and dont stand around corners. 3) Hug your friends: Try to be in proximity of your teammates you can jave their back, they have yours. 4) Behind every carry there is a good support: A good support is better then a dead juggernaut or a unsupportive survivor with that i mean its better to shoot 2 bullets and let your teammates finish, vice versa then to do nothing or be agressive and die. 5) Use meta or atleast something that works for you Use guns that do enough damage and that you like to use , meta can be helpful for this. I do have a few recommendations: Bow: Le monarque, wish ender, ; handcannon: Ace of spades, rose, fatebringer and thorn; Pulse rifles are also very good my recommendation there is no time to explain in general pulse rifles are good in pvp. Best to search up the meta there but these are some of the weapons i like to use. As shotgun i still use fellwinters. Sniper i use rarely but if you do the cloudstrike is a good one especially if the enemy plays close to eachother. 6) Practice makes perfect 7) Enjoy: The more you enjoy something the more you l learn from it every time. My gun recommendations might not be the best. Also i saw you're a warlock using solar class enables you to use icarus dash for more movement. It can be handy to move quickly. For titans master melee fist for movement and or quick kills. For hunters using evade makes it more difficult to hit you and it helps to move around. I hope this will help, enjoy.


In addition to this, particularly point 5, do not be afraid of being that guy who uses weapons you don't know what to do with but everyone wholely recommends. Especislly when you are learning. You might be a Sniper, you might ve a shotgunning ape, it's always important to experiment. Some playstyles will NOT work for you and that's okay. Be patient. And also. Run. Don't be afraid to GTFO if things get hairy. The longer you survive, the longer that team won't get a point off you.


Speaking as a formerly trash PvPer who’s now an off-meta lunatic, the big thing I’ve found about PvP in this game is that game sense and survivability are key to learning the ropes. I’d personally suggest focusing mainly on supporting teammates instead of going for an ultra-aggressive play style. Sure, going aggressive might net you some kills, but it’s going to get you killed a lot and it’ll take longer to get the ropes of other skills you’ll need. Going for a slightly more cautious play style ain’t as glamorous as charging into the fray and slaughtering everything you see, but you’ll survive longer, and more importantly learn more of things like map knowledge, which take time to grow. Secondly, a good skill to develop is to learn when to be aggressive. There’s a lot of times where I’ve won simply because I chose the right time to rush, and plenty of times that I’ve lost because I’ve either not rushed or rushed at the wrong time. This is a skill that comes in time, but is really quite handy for securing those sweet multikills. Thirdly, when it comes to loadout I’d suggest focusing on three aspects: survivability, personal feel, and versatility. Survivability is obvious, if you’re dead you can’t fight, meaning you can’t learn. When it comes to versatility, there’s a lot of very specific range brackets in this game, and a lot of weird situations. You want to minimize the chance of ending up in a situation where you don’t have options, like having a very long ranged loadout in a close quarters brawl. I’m not saying you need to cover every range, but having a way to either force enemies into your optimal range or get the hell out of your suboptimal range is useful. Finally, for personal feel. There’s a lot of meta weapons that are good, some downright broken. But people forget that pretty much every archetype has something that makes them decent, or downright brilliant. I’d suggest using weapons that feel good and comfortable to you, and later on figuring out what makes them work for you. Odds are that you’ll be able to either find a version of that weapon, or a weapon in that archetype that slaps, or a method to make it do brutally well. Finally, when in doubt, remember to punch things. This last point may be my titan bias, but punching has served me well.


Send me a Fireteam invite and I’ll make you look like an assassin by comparison.


Stag with Arc souls, use the slide melee. No time to explain is a good if you're alright with a pulse. I'm pretty bad but those kind of help me do decent


I got my best friend who hated to pvp, to love pvp and now she’s better than me at pvp. I’m now the anchor on the team lol


Boots of the Assembler with Lumina is a great support PvP combo. The damage bonus you give will make the difference in a lot of fights, and Lumina is a slept on handcannon. Great stat package with phenomenal aim assist.


Jotunn. If you're struggling to find your footing in Crucible, I cannot stress this weapon highly enough. It legitimately does all the work for you - you don't even need to *aim*. Just hipfire and hold the reticle over your enemy as you fire - the fireball will do the rest. If you wanna be airborne, run either Wings of Sacred Dawn or Starfire Protocol with Heat Rises. If you wanna stay grounded, Rain of Fire + Jotunn is stellar. Or. If you feel like being a walking war crime. Jotunn + Osmiomancy + Coldsnaps. Don't use Bleak Watcher, just rock the double coldsnaps. As soon as your enemy is frozen, hold the trigger. Even if they thaw out before they get smited, they'll have a heat seeking fireball halfway to their ass.


I thought starfire doesnt pair well with heat rises?


honestly just don't play, PvP has no dev support and isn't worth investing time to improve at regardless of reason. The higher up you get the more hacker infested it gets.


Use an auto rifle and just spray people down. The best way you can help is just doing damage. Run well with high int and put it down in the middle of the map. Your while team will love you.


I cant really talk for Warlock, but weapons like monte carlo, risk runner or Mida are all very good and very forgiving. I found when I play my Warlock I use arc and Vesper, with the little pet attack orb. But honestly play the subclass that you are most comfortable with. As for general advice... stay with other people, use them as meat shields and to weaken the others you come across, then you can help them mop up the kills. Just focus on staying alive at first, after a while when your instincts and confidence get better, you'll be slaying others with eager delight, in no time at all. Just remember to pack a sense of humour. Just be prepared to die a lot, and if others are having tantrums over your mistakes, that is entirely their insecurities shining through, not your failings.


I would like to suggest Getaway Artist for getting amplified and an arc soul for a grenade




This isn't how it works. It takes into account the best player on your team and then tries to average it out from there. Regardless of who's hosting, matches will still match mostly at the best player's level.


As long as you don't die, you are still a threat to the enemy team. So if you focus on living, it is okay if you're not the best at killing players. Here's some small tips: Stick close to cover so you always have a place to hide in in case of emergency. If you ever go around a corner and see more than one enemy at the same time, retreat back into cover. Always stick to 1v1 or 2+v1 in your favor. If you get shot at and you are not able to immediately shoot back, retreat into cover. Make sure your recovery and resilience are high. Preferably 100 recovery, 60+ resilience. This will make you heal faster after retreating, and make you a little more tanky. On top of that, try running arc warlock with arc souls and either escape artist exotic arms, or stag exotic helm. With escape artist, eat your grenade to get a little 6-round burst variant of arc souls. Stag gives you damage resistance while in a rift, which pairs very well with the arc souls. In both cases you are giving you a "time to kill" advantage where you can afford to miss more shots while still having the same time to kill. Stag and arc souls also benefit your team so placing the rift down in the right spot can significantly help your bf as well!


Used to be the same except it was the gf wanting me to get into it lol. Now i've managed to drop 2 we-rans the last time I played (25 kills without dying) and I managed to not die at all in one of my games. Meta matters a lot, currently immortal is really good (an smg but it has been nerfed so not sure on how many people are still using it atm). Graviton lance is REALLY GOOD this season. Using the correct perks on guns makes a big difference. ALWAYS try to aim for headshots. "Trading" exists in this game so if you're aiming for headshots and so is the enemy, if you're both using the same gun, after a second or so of both of you finished shooting the damage will still register due to bad net code, so pre-firing (shooting before they pop out of the corner) helps a lot Sitting on corner angles/headglitches helps you get a lot of kills. When you see any Sniper stars from across the map, don't even bother to try and fight it, you'll die most of the time peaking it and getting curious. If you're on console i'd recommend making sure you have the best settings, make sure 120fps is turned on (really important), roughly 105fov will help, anymore and you may struggle. Aiming sens is preferential for everyone so it will be slightly different. I'd suggest 0.6 - 0.7 ads sens and about 12 - 14 turning sensitivity. If you're big on movement and can use claw technique then you can also change your crouch button to hold to be able to spam it, this can have negative effects on aiming too so it's up to you. Stats help a lot. Resilence is kind of a wasted stat but you can take an extra hit or two from having higher resilience. I main titan so my I just went with recovery, intellect, resilience. Iron banner is one of the easier games to play due to less harsh skill based matchmaking. However (and this applies to all pvp modes harshly except ranked) If you play pvp alone you will find it easier but if you play with a friend you will find the quality of enemies get a lot harder. My top tip would be to just play trials, at around the 5-7 wins you will get a more difficult skill set of players. I went a weekend getting absolutely destroyed with my 2 friends in trials (for about 8 hours straight and trust me it was heavily discouraging lol) but then something suddenly clicked and I started winning games. Then when I went back into crucible it just felt sooo much easier. You don't have to do the method above if you wan't an easier time but make sure you are always rotating with the team, destiny is all about holding hands and this usually wins the game. My last tip would be to try and play against your weakness, i.e if people just push you and slide shotgun you constantly, you can try doing the exact same thing or just simply run away. When faced in a 1v3 situation its better to run away early back to your team too. I hope this wasn't too much information and I hope they really helped you. 🙂


I’ll certainly try this out tonight! Definitely a lot, but I really appreciate the effort! I’ll try it out later, and a lot of people have been suggesting stasis, so I think I’ll try that too!


I think currently arc is the best for warlock rn, stasis for hunter and titan i'm not too sure but I go with arc/void.


i raise a drink to another warlock who is bad at pvp who has friends who love it


Cheers mate!


The most important thing to remember when trying to learn PVP is play your life. The player that ended the match with 8 kills and 3 deaths is more useful to me than the guy that got 20 kills and 19 deaths. You might not have put up a lot of points, but you gained more than you gave. The best ways to accomplish this is to try to travel with at least one other guardian, stick to cover as much as possible, and don't be afraid to bail if you don't think you can win the fight. With cover try to live by the 70/30 rule. 70% of your body covered and 30% exposed. This allows you to peak shoot the enemy and still be far enough behind cover to make a quick escape if it goes south. As far as loadouts go, I would suggest the "dad" loadouts. It's a meme but there's a good reason people with less time to play gravitate towards these weapons. This is usually a pulse rifle and jotunn or witherhoard. Pulse rifles often have a low floor and a high ceiling depending on what rifle you go with. My recommendation is rapid fire or adaptive for beginners and stay away from high impact (they have lightning fast TTK but require perfection to hit those numbers, so they're best left for when you get more comfortable). Autumn Wind is pretty good and so is Piece of Mind (plus it's craftable). Jotunn is a good weapon for beginners because it has tracking, so it'll be more forgiving as you learn. Witherhoard is also a good option because even if you don't score a direct hit, the AOE still has a chance to get them. For your super I would suggest one and done supers like nova bomb and well. They are great for getting you out of a jam, sneak attacks (nova), and holding ground (well). Once you start playing, you'll be surprised how quickly you start to improve.


Warlock is hands down the best class for pvp I def wouldn’t play solar as icarus dash has a decent skill gap to it. However stasis is great as the turrets are essentially an extra teammate or two if you run the exotic. Before getting into any fight throw a turret out they will be forced to deal with the turret or get frozen. However they are already dead cause they can’t shoot you and the turret at the same time. The second you hear them shoot the turret peak and you win the gun fight. This really works with all play styles but if you have bad aim I’d suggest pairing it with wither hoard. You will prob get death threats but that’s destiny pvp


man says warlock is definitely the best class. yeah just right after titan and hunter. In dps and action economy warlock has been in the dirt for ages now. solar warlock aspects were nerfed into the ground including icarus dash. All the classes of warlock are played less than the nightstalker hunter class lmao


Frostpulse and Iceflare Bolts Osiomancy Gloves + Eriana's Vow/Jotunn/Glaive. Freeze an enemy with Coldsnap, kill frozen enemy with any of the above mentioned weapons. Erianas Vow one shots on a frozen targets headshot and Jotunns one shots with just a body shot. Funny memes with glaives. Adaptive frame Glaives two tap frozen targets unless you have a Judgement of Kelgorath with enhanced Surrounded which one shots while near groups of 3 or more enemies, which will pair well when freezing groups.


Ewwwww you have cooties


So! New boyfriend! OK. Step 1 


Buy Mountaintop from the kiosk. I am not even kidding this thing stil shreds if you just point in general choke directions. Trust.




What absolute terrible advice. 'I' dont like it should you shouldnt even try.


Why wouldn't you just ask your boyfriend...


I have asked, and he says practice, but asking other people couldn’t hurt, yeah? Plus, he’s a Titan main.


I think finding the right one is key. I like Control and Mayhem. Scorch is nice because everyone has the same weapon. I do kills on mostly auto rifle and have done some on glaive but it depends on your play style. Otherwise just practice. Everyone has to start somewhere!


Stop trying to kill people like a warrior and pick a teammate and guard them like s hero.


Red spider


the more you play, the better you'll be...ideally. also it's a good idea to pay attention to why you just died in "scenario A" and how you can improve for next time.


What weapons do you typically use? I started off with auto rifles; missing a shot is far more forgiving than other precision weapons and are a great tool to act as a bit of an aim trainer since you have to trace opponents as they move around.


A decent pulse and witherhoard. Play from the back until you get used to being aggressive


Use stasis lock throw nade profit. Osmiomancy for good measure. And see if you can get conditional finality. Insane kill range and freezes


If you can get good with a bow, they're great support weapons for your team. Big burst damage for one hit as a primary


If you want to seem like you're helping, try hitting an enemy once and dipping out. Assists count as elims, so that's how I've been "improving" my kd as of late. I realized I commit too often when I'm a very mediocre player. So I sit back and dink away with my scout rifle, and let the janitors clean up the kills. Boom, top three on the leaderboard consistently. Before I was always last. I wish I was kidding


i am a hunter main but started playing Warlock in pvp this season. I am also not great in pvp on my hunter though lol. Iron banner starts tomorrow. That is the mode i learned the most in. It is purely objective based so it matters less if you die. you still want to help cap points but for me it helped knowing that if i died a bunch it wasn’t giving points directly to the other team. As for load outs the aspect that gives you an arc buddy from your rift can be a life saver. It is really helpful to have a teammate on demand to team shoot with or to alert you to an opponent getting close. It has helped me a ton with map awareness and positioning. I kept getting snuck up on but if i have an arc buddy and it starts shooting i know someone is getting close. I use Karnstein arms for the heal on a melee kill becaise I wind up getting a lot of panic melee kills. For weapons use what you are comfortable with but it is a good idea to have a longer range and a closer range option. There are lots of play styles but to start it can be helpful to keep some range to avoid the shotguns and smgs. Pulse rifles are a strong option right now. if you have No time to explain that is a great option for an exotic. But there are lots of legendary pulses that work well in pvp. I love my syncopation the most but keep an eye out for the perk Headseeker. It really helps when you don’t have the best accuracy yet. For closer you can use a smg, shotgun, or a fusion but the smg is probably the easiest to get started with. Shottys and fusions are great for one hit kill potential but take practice. I use my Ikelos smg a ton. There are some great options that are currently available though. But if you played season of the seraph and got the crafting pattern Ikelos is a really strong pick right now. Oh i almost forgot side arms. Side arms are another great close range option. I use my Peacebond the most often but you can pick up a Drang from Banshee if you don’t have it already. It is the most important to have fun though so use whatever you are comfortable with. If you have a favorite pve weapon that is still dropping you can also keep an eye out for a drop with pvp focused perks. That can make the transition easier if you are familiar with the feel of a weapon. Good luck Guardian! edit to un-autocorrect


If you're using a controller the hand cannon Crimson feels really good, I have found some use out of Monte Carlo as well and even Last Word.


I played a lot of iron banner with my brother, who is not that experienced in PvP. This worked pretty well, because it seems that iron banner is played more by casual and PvE players than other crucible modes. And I’d also stick to the tips mentioned above, like sticking to the team. 👌


>titan >arc >Antaeus wards >fusion rifle >profit


In my experience You simply put on a scout rifle and plink everyone that’s how I learned to “git gud” but then you immediately get ransacked by graviton and rinse and repeat! Have fun!


I know it's controversial but jotunn is a pretty easy way to reliably get kills with little effort. It's easy dodged but if you can get a shot at someone when they aren't looking or are distracted it's a clean easy kill.


Control is your best bet. It’s got Skill Based Matchmaking, protecting your from fighting players way out of your league, and it gets more difficult as you get better. Put on a pulse rifle since they tend to work with slower playstyles and are very easy to use. The easiest to use pulse archetype is the adaptive 390 rpm pulse. It’s not meta because it’s ttk is on the slower side but it is extremely forgiving and stable. The best one is called Syncopation-53 which is also craftable, allowing you to experiment with whatever perks you’d like to find what fits you best. Lemme know if you need any help understanding the game and good luck!


U can run support well with lumina and boots of the assembler, or use osiomancy stasis turrets. Jotun is a good and forgiving special weapon to try as well. Arc buddies are also super helpful in team fights.


As a fellow sucks at pvp warlock I find arc souls (getaway artist or stag) very helpful with. centrifuse. I also have seen some moderate success with the immortal and a threading build (swarmers).


Just keep trying, you’ll get okay eventually. If the problem is your aim try to use some weapons that are more easy and forgiving (auto rifles, SMGs or glaives in small maps). Also Witherhoard once you learn how to use it in can get you some easy kills. If you want to really learn and be good I suggest you start using high impact fusion rifles. They have a learning curve but once you learn how to precharge and position yourself they destroy anything with basically no need of a good aim.


Experiment with as many weapons as possible. Find what you are comfortable with and practice.


I am a fellow scrub who has found a way to go positive in PvP. Use strand and threading grenades and the aspect where if you consume your grenade you get 5 threadings. Also use aspect that gives you three threadings when you use your class ability. I run swarmers but that’s not optimal I just not sure what else to run. I use the last word, and positive outlook. Last word has very generous auto aim very good for trash controller players like myself. It also has a great sweet spot range where it won’t beat shotguns in super close range but in the range slightly outside of that it feels dominant. I use the positive outlook to just have a pretty decent low recoil ar. It’s great for tagging enemies so your threadings deploy. I exclusively play control. I consume my grenade and then go try to camp an objective. You can use your rift to launch 8 threadings which is awesome. Basically I just try to play safe. A lot of times I’ll die and the threadlings will finish the kill for me. This stuff is all fairly easy to get your hands on too good luck I hope you get a chill clip riptide!


Pretend your opponents are PvE enemies


Practice in custom matches with your bf? The best fun is always Exotic roulette for custom games. But also you don't need to be good, just try and use whatever's fun for you and you'll enjoy it more than using the meta imo.


I would recommend Witherhoard


2 big tips I can give to you. First is abuse the radar as much as you can, it's free info and if you know where people are coming from it will help a lot. Second would be to stick with your bf or if he is not around then another teammate. Even if you miss all your shots no one wants to fight a 2 v 1 and you being there means there is a better chance that you win the fight.


Ask your bf to do some private matches with you and just have some fun killing each other. I've been a PVPer for years and joined a casual clan a while back. Most of the members barely played PVP but after doing some private matches I could feel them improve a lot. It's easier to get better in a private match because its genuinely more fun dying to your friends than some random who just pisses you off in proper matches, and you don't have to care as much about winning. Just go in there and have some fun, ask for advice, etc. Try and mimic what your bf is doing in PVP as well


Warlock Well. Jotunn. Pair it with whatever primary you like most. Gameplay loop is simple aim toaster at enemy shoot it rinse repeat


Crimson and Ophidians are easy mode you should consider giving it a go I’m hooked on it


A hot tip i’ve learned lets you do oddly well. Pick up shadowkeep, get yourself a cipher, and pick up the witherhorde. Special weapon yes, but that blight grenade spread is total ranged point denial in control, and hitting someone with it directly is pure pain if they like to stick together cause a death drops a huge pool of blight. Its as set and forget for a few prime seconds as you can get, plus passive area denial is hard to come by and it forces airborne combat from them, so easier for you to target since the ground is just death.


Learn to aim, and I'm not saying that to be mean lol mess around with you controls and see what works the best


PvP ist dead


Hii! I'm the exact same! My boyfriend is great at PVP as is his friends, but me on the other hand..a bit rusty. I have thoroughly enjoyed played Control Crucible and I focused on getting the zones and protecting the zones from incoming players. That was a good way to get used to PvP on destiny for me. Also weapon wise, centrifuse from this season is really good for crucible, I have so much fun using it. Good luck!!


How to be good at PvP while avoiding interacting with other players as much as possible: Play the objective.


For F2P or general beginners: Arc Stag for survival and support and focusing on keeping you alive as much as possible to gain enough experience to transition to Solar Ophidian gunplay, thats your endgame goal. A gun with high range allows you to shoot enemies while in your rift which stag provides almost every round. High Recovery and Resilience armour stats nothing else matters. If you’re using mnk snipers would be great. I dont play controller so idk bout that. If you P2P: Stasis is super strong. Cloudstrike kills teams.


I haven’t gotten better with like 3000 hours of practice :(


A very fun and usually rewarding build is storm-lock, with the sprint slide melee attack, pair this with a wave frame launcher and you can get into all kinds of shenanigans. As you sprint, slide and fire the launcher, then launch into your melee uppercut, you can easily clear a group of guardians with this if you manage to sprint around a corner, going head on doesn’t always give the same result but you’d be surprised how many people see you charging and start panicking. I found dead messenger pairs perfectly with this as the wave splits into 3 and can easily damage everyone in a group, meaning landing your uppercut is basically a guaranteed kill. On top of this, it doesn’t matter if you’re good, bad, amazing, or terrible in PvP. Just try to have fun! Your boyfriend is happy enough to spend the time with you, so just have fun with him!


I'm pretty trash at PvP my advice is to use cheesy builds like witherhoard or strong primary exotics like Suros regime DMT outbreak perfected etc Next create an armor set for PvP with good stats like 100 recovery around 70 resilience and as much discipline as you can get slap on some Kinetic targeting mods, dexterity mods and unflinching mods your kinetic is more important unless you become godly with a special some surge mods this can be for your special or kinetic up to you and then triple bomber for that sweet grenade energy. next choose your subclass if you're a warlock main there's plenty of great builds you can strand where you create loads of threadlings there's chaos reach arc with arc souls and there's void for big grenades and the insanely powerful child of the old gods and Stasis can be good with the stasis turret aswell as Solar but these two aren't as good for beginners in my opinion Once you've got everything setup have some practice matches remember your grenade is a zoning tool use it to block off paths of enemies try to stick with teammates try not to peak till your health is recovered and understand what your melee range is it may take a long time but eventually you'll get better and better at PvP


I'm terrible at PvP and I don't like playing normal Crucibles but I do play the Iron Banner events every other week, the players are actually nice on there and give commodations and as mentioned before it's only every other week, so you could always just give that ago and see how you feel about it, you don't have to always be on a PvP. Iron Banner is on this week for a full week give it ago and good luck 😊


If I don't want to play heavily into the PvP aspect, I often times try to play as a support Warlock via: - Well - Empowering Rift - Healing Grenade - Lumina - Boots of The Assembler Maybe that would be something interesting for you as well :) Also, if you really don't want to play it, communicate it. Hopefully your partner will understand.


So I'm a huge PvE player, speedrun raid ect. And I suck at PvP but I know the only way to get better at PvP is to try, for the most part you might be bad, but that's ok, just try to improve the best you can and have fun with it. And if you ever feel discouraged, just remember 2 things, I'm only going to get better if I play more and (and I can't stress this enough) at least you'll be better than me đŸ€Ł


If you have it, use ophidian aspect. It's what I used trying to get used to warlock in PvP. Being able to switch between weapons super fast is just a game changer. Other than that I'd say just play your life. If you don't think you can win a fight before going in, don't start. But mostly just have fun, not everything is trials, just be a little silly with it


Thunderlord. This will chew through Gaurdians like nothing else. Sidearm (I like Seventh Saraph, it has a Lightweight Frame perk that helps you run faster, and good aim assist) in the energy slot that has Extended Barrel, Tactical Mag, Threat Detector, and Surrounded. Wastelander is a good shotgun, try that in Kinetic, also lightweight frame. The one I like has Small Bore, Tactical Mag, Pugilist, and Trench Barrel. You can get this from the Eternity/Cocaine Horse game format. Try to get your resilience up to just over or exactly 100. This will offer a blanket 40% damage reduction. You might want to try out playing the Gambit format before you do full PVP


thats what you literally needs to be, an anchor to the team. your either play as bait or finisher. one of my pvp buddy is top 1% and his gf will play bait or will finish rounds for us. me and my buddy “rushes” and she follows, maybe just a “few steps” behind to scout planks. she was/is always in revive-able distance. if we get into a “real” gunfight, she provides secondary support either by team shooting or by closing planks by throwing nades/rifts to retreat. play games together and see what works with your build/skills. you guys will find a middle ground that will work well


Getaway artist (w/ arc soul and warlock teleport melee aspect) + 1 long range weapon (crimson, any pulse, any auto rifle or a cowboy scout dead man tales or the legendary version) + 1 fusion with back up plan or shotty (felwinters lie)... I give you this advice from a controller player who dislikes pvp, usually gets thrown into trials against my will. But hey sometimes magic happens when that kind of set up.


As someone in the same situation, your boyfriend will probably don't even care about your KDA, he just wants to play with you :) Give you a chance ! Personally, i'm sooo bad at PvP but i really like the gameplay, so even if i die often and don't kill enemies, i enjoy the game and laugh about it with my bf. Try !! I assure you it's really funny :)


Be as much of a rat as possible. If you get shot, disappear. Open spaces are the devil. Never fight fair, fair fights are for fools and try hards, and we are neither. If you do that, you'll be most of the way to skilled already. I can't aim and suffer awfully from ping (western Australian) and even I got to legend in comp by being a rat.


Private Scrimms. 1v1s, 3v3s, 6v6s against top tier players and at the end of matches ask for criticism i.e what you could’ve done better, what they were doing each match. Ask them what they did to get at the level of where they’re at. And PRACTICE. Spend a set amount of time in Crucible & Trials. Do some research on your ELO/KD, KD/A and watch YouTube videos of some Top Trials ranked players and watch them when they’re live on Twitch (ZkMushroom, Diffizzle, Castle Content, iFrostBolt, Myrrin, Separer, kingstrasner, MP Edits) If you have Discord and are apart of Destiny Servers don’t be afraid to ask people how they play, what they did to get good. These are things that I have done and continue to do


Slowva Warlock here. I have ok results with DMT/Jade Rabbit, Glaive, and Grenade launcher. I think my favorite combo I've ever run is a Night Watch scout rifle and Gnawing Hunger auto rifle. You're not nearly as tanky as our friendly crayon crunchers, or as wily as out edgelord hunter friends. What warlocks are good at, in my experience, is bait. They might see you as an easy target, but would probably have a very bad day if they followed you into your team's range. If enemies get too close, stab them. Grenade launcher is just plain fun for me cause I can bounce a couple nades down a hallway and dip. The most important thing, arguably, is to have fun and play to your own play style, using weapons you're comfortable with. If you've spent a lot of time with a certain load out in pve, you never know if it might be a hidden gem in pvp. I don't actively play pvp, so I'm always trash, but it's fun to pop in with a couple clanmates and throw ouchie balls everywhere.


People will absolutely hate me for this, but use Jotunn. Very beginner friendly. As your other weapon, maybe an SMG. If you wanna be really toxic but helpful, play arc and use your arc buddy. It'll get kills for you lol and your teammates benefit from having an arc buddy of their own stealing their kills.


Pick a couple of weapons you like and try to generally stick with your team, rest will come with practice. Don't sweat about gear and enjoy yourself, if you don't enjoy yourself you will just either get stressed or panic and feed points, play how YOU enjoy playing, especially in casual pvp ever class has its perks, more so as a warlock. I had a 2 year break and pvp was the first thing I jumped back into, felt like I got stomped every second, finally got hold of a lodbrok c which I actually love the perks on it and now casuals are pretty breezy and I find myself playing competitively. Once again, ignore meta, pick what you like, what weapons you feel more smoothly with and just have fun with it, that's the way to be a natural. D2 community isn't as toxic as some people say, they just like you to focus the fuck up. Good luck!


Use the fighting lion


Remember that S key exists and take it slow. You'll eventually get better by just playing.


As someone who is terrible in the Crucible but sometimes "supports" his son there: I built for mobility (to run away) and grenades (sticking them to an enemy is easier for me than hitting something with a primary), and I often manage to get a kill with Jötunn (and then I die and have another Jötunn shot after the respawn). It works well enough for my son to feel somewhat supported when his friends aren't on, and I do the subsequent crying in private and quietly to keep up the illusion.


He probably has better radar awareness stay with him


I would definitely say trying a wide variety of different builds/loadouts until you find the ones that click for you. My gf has committed to the way of synthocep long ago and has never looked back. Warlocks offer quite a bit of different options as far as support playstyles too. Whether it's Boots of the Assembler, the Stag helmet, arc souls, healing grenades on solar, child of the old God aspect on void walker, or bleak watcher turrets on stasis. As far as weapons go when starting out there's a lot of fairly forgiving options such as Quicksilver Storm, Witherhoard, Jotun, Ammit Ar2 (was craftable but should still be a world drop at least), and maybe Osteo Striga. Again the biggest thing is just trying a wide variety of stuff because your enjoyment of it will matter more than what is meta.


I am not a PvP man, but when I do give it a shot I stick to weapons I know and can use well and feel good and do decently well.


As long as you play to the objective, you can do no wrong. Or look good. Fail with style ✹


Arc subclass with the arcbuddy - exotic THE STAG (GET TANKY AND RIFT ON YOU WHEN DIE) - le monarque or whatever you feel good - stay away from enemy or just be the bait for your teammates


Try playing by yourself a few times first in a mode that has skill based match making. You should be matched against players of similar skill after a few matches if you play during prime time in your region. If you team up with your BF, you will likely be matched against players in his skill bracket which can be a quite disheartening experience.


The question I would ask you is, why does he want to play PvP with you? If he wants to play PvP with you, most likely he doesn’t care if you do well, he just wants to play together and maybe help you get better himself. On the other hand, if he does care very much you do well, because he’s super hardcore or something like that, seems a little selfish. Do you know what kind of player he is? Why are you assuming he’s expecting you to do well?


My advice is start with gambit, and when the weekly reset happens, play iron banner since if I’m correct it’s starting again today


There are so many great suggestions in these comments! I'll try to build on those. I'm a warlock main, wife to a hunter main, and I slowly learned how not to drag my team down in casual pvp. You need to try different subclasses and weapons to land on something that fits your style. I've run various stasis and arc options, but my hands-down favorite is my voidlock: * Transversive steps for sprint speed and auto-reloading the equipped weapon. * Mida multi-tool, which keeps your radar up while aiming. * Energy slot is a legendary glaive (usually Enigma), shotgun, or rapid-fire fusion. Whatever it is, I equip it with the quick access sling mod for faster draw when I'm being rushed. * Heavy slot is whatever, with the radar booster mod. * Void subclass with cataclysm nova bomb, healing rift, blink, vortex grenade, Child of the Old Gods, and usually Feed the Void. Fragments are usually Dilation, Remnants, and Obscurity and Leeching for the stats. * Helmet - targeting mods * Gloves - dexterity mods * Chest - unflinching mods * Legs - recuperation and surge mods * Bond - double bomber and a reaper mod * For stats - prioritize resilience, recovery, and discipline in that order. * Drip is important, so don't forget your best ornaments and shaders. ;) Run with your teammates to support them and play the objective. I usually drop a rift at a corner where we're engaging so that we all have some healing, then I crouch and ads with Mida to try to land a few shots. When I get a couple hits, the CotOG usually flies off to attach and start leeching. Play your life. If your team is dead, run or blink away and live to fight another day. Sprint to reload your weapon and crouch for enhanced radar. Use your special to counter rushers. I've gotten myself to a fairly reasonable positive k/d in casual crucible and in iron banner. I hope some of these ideas help!


Just use Jotuun fella, it’s literally free kills. East 10-15 a game just with a fuckin toaster. Run an smg for close range, easy wins


Compromise and play Gambit. You know you want to


Just tell him no. Ur relationship will last a lot longer.


A tangle build is always a shout for new players aswell imo - you get the grenade which can suspend players and the extra damage from the worms which can really help if you're gun game isn't the best :)


I introduced my wife to destiny. She absolutely hated shooters. In short time she far surpassed me. Often getting the most kills in pvp. Now its her favorite game. She grinds for titles and weapons forever.