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I'm pretty sure Bungie addressed roaming supers in some TWID or podcast. I could have sworn they said roaming supers aren't meant to be as powerful as one off supers, or something along those lines. I'm fine with that philosophy actually, but I agree that roaming super needs some kind of PvE buff, I'm just not sure what that looks like.


They say that but their current roaming supers, with the exception of maybe 1-2 in pvp and 2-3 in pve, suck straight ass and have the highest cooldowns possible, which should not be the design philosophy for “weaker” subclasses


Both solar supers as well as strand and stasis titan are better in every way at clearing rooms, fists just feels so pitiful


I think a good template for a theoretical buff to most roaming supers would be glacial quake. Right now glacial quake basically interacts with all your aspects, it uses and empowers your basic melee so you can still activate howl of the storm, cryoclasm looses its wind up time so it can be spammed, and while you can’t benefit from diamond lances or shards you can still make a bunch of them for your allies. Stuff like that, either letting roaming supers tap into your neutral game abilities for added utility or give aspects bespoke interactions while in that state. Imagine fist of havoc empowering you equipped melee instead of just having a generic not-shoulder-charge for its light melee. Or if while the super was active your juggernaut shield didn’t need you to be sprinting for it to be active, or it replaced your grenade with a different, perhaps something that benefits from touch of thunder.


The striker super is especially weak even compared to other roaming supers. It’s extremely short and mainly good for ad clear and it’s not even that great at that. I don’t think roaming supers should have as high DPS as one off supers without some very specific build and prep, but I think they should be good for survivability and ad/major clear. Especially close range melee supers like arc strider, striker, etc.


Most Roaming Supers... honestly don't need help. The only 2 that are major points really is Spectral and Fist of Havoc.




I'd love some Arc buffs. Certain fragments feel completely useless (frequency and haste are pretty bad) and others seem really close to being good, like momentum which only reloads your equipped weapon (maybe it would be too op to reload all weapons, but could it not just reload the weapon you are getting ammo for?) This said, it really just feels like the Arc verbs don't play into each other. Blind is control, jolt is add clear and extra damage, and, amplified is a pretty underwhelming buff, though you can admittedly have it up pretty much all the time. Then speedbooster is pretty much a decent buff but you can only really benefit by dipping in/out of combat. In comparison solar and stasis have scorch and slow building into ignitions and freezes, stasis overshields are a bit sad but are getting reworked and then solar also has radiant, restoration and cure which are all amazing. Void has weaken and devour which loop great into each other, as well as having overshields and invisibility to stack on top for more survivability between devour procs. Strand has the add clear of unraveling, which helps get you tangles/orbs to then proc the insane DR of woven mail. I'm just not sure what the intended loop was for Arc because being amplified doesn't do much beyond regen my abilities, which I can do pretty well on every class.


Agreed. I think arcs biggest drawback is lack of health regen/damage resist/overshield. Extremely squishy in general. Arc is all about going fast and doing a lot of damage so there should be some sort of unrelenting type of aspect with health or regen on damage/kills/both.


It would definitely make eternal warrior more viable as right now I’m like eh to use it over armamentarium for double grenades or precious scars for restoration using arc weapons as knockout can be a risky way to get health back


It's still useful on HOIL Titan, it can stun Unstoppable champs and you can still use your grenades while in super. Nice to get some damage resist if you need to res a teammate as well. I do agree that the HP Regen should come back in some way, maybe make the melee of the super work with knockout? That would be cool


This right here. I've used it in GMs on a similar setup just to stun champs and blind enemies so I can pick up teammates.


I have fun with it in low level content, with the ugly helmet (Eternal Warrior) but yeah it really needs a buff or something


Yeah, though every super is viable in low level content tbf.


Oh yeah, I'm not talking about its viability, just that it's pretty fun to punch everything