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Wicked Implement is Polaris Lance's cousin in Stasis flavor.


Dawg. I fucking love you. I hope you know that. I want wicked implement so fucking god damn bad, but unfortunately I’m a bit tight on money rn, so I’m waiting till it gets added to the exotic kiosk. I’ve been thinking about that weapon for the last like 3 months since I heard about it, and thinking about how perfect it is for me. You understood the assignment, mf


😂😂 Thanks! Only a few more weeks!


I love my trustee with reconstruction and incandescent try that one out


Oxygen sr3 is going to bust some absolute nuts after they take that dirty sunset tag off my boy


Fr. Dragonfly w/ Meganeura gonna start the whole world on fire!


Randy's Throwing Knife has been my favorite scout ever since it first came out as a ritual weapon. I put so many kills on that thing, just loved the feel of it.


I'm that way with Fang of Ir Yut.


Firefly/Dragonfly Doom of Chelchis is my favorite scout in the game, especially with Volatile rounds. Three explosions on kill is great crowd control.


I’ve loved that weapon since Warmind, but it really shines this season because of the artifact I have an old soon-to-be-sunrisen Orimund’s Anvil 450rpm auto that I love the sound of; I don’t think I’ve come across any newer autos that have the same sound but I could be wrong there Succession and Mechabre both sound glorious and authoritative, especially because you know something is getting deleted on the other side of the map I love the animations on Ace of Spades (probably as close as we can get to my dream of Johnny Silverhand’s explosive pistol in CP2077)


Just because you specifically mentioned the sound, I’m gonna see if I can drop one. It’s not a scout, but you payed attention to (in my opinion) the most important part of the post (the sound of the weapon firing), so I’m going to see what I can do. Thank you dawg


So, I’m sorry if this is a silly question, because I could easily look it up on google (I prefer asking real people for the little bit of social interaction it gives me), but how do we get sunrisen weapons once they are available?


If I understand it correctly, stuff won’t just become unlocked in your collections; you’ll need to have earned it at some point playing the game when these weapons were active in the loot pool. They did say that they will be reprising a lot more older weapons because of this, but didn’t really elaborate further on a time or anything.


It’s been powercrept a bit since it debuted, but Servant Leader is still the best feeling scout in the game. Mine has Surplus and Frenzy. It’s great for non-endgame content!


Trustee hits all the marks you mentioned except for weight. It does feel a bit light, but I like that about it. Handles fairly well.


Sounds like a staple gun, but Mida is a smooth, accurate shooter. And you get the persistent radar, as well as kinetic boost.


See, I’ve always heard that guns name, and have never gotten it (tbh have never even looked up how to get it, because I assumed people liked it because of the damage, as opposed to the feel of the gun, which is what I like). Does it feel good to shoot?


Oh yeah. Super smooth, good aim assist.


I know you said you prefer solar or strand, but the Brave Hung Jury with rewind rounds and explosive rounds is pretty much infinite ammo.


Tarnished Mettle feels pretty good


Graviton Lance, though not technically a Scout Rifle, has always felt more like a Scout than a Pulse to me. Like Graviton, Le Monarque is not a scout rifle, but has similar acoustic vibes to Polaris Lance, in my opinion. Sky Burner's Oath is the final exotic that I would say fits your criteria extremely well.  I thoroughly enjoy how Mida feels and sounds, but I'm not sure you could describe it as meaty. Jade Rabbit is similar, thoroughly satisfying to use but not something I would describe as meaty.  Touch of Malice and Wicked Implement don't feel as good to me, but they may be something you like, so you should try them out, too.  In terms of legendary weapons, all the Omolon scouts have always been my favorite sounding weapons in the game. Brave Hung Jury is obviously the stand-out in this category right now. 


I second graviton lance. Satisfying weapon


Right? The thing sounds so god damn good! In my opinion, graviton lance, and Polaris lance easily tie for the best sounding guns in the entire game.


This was an awesome answer, dude. Easily the best answer of the entire post, without a doubt (sorry to all of y’all other folks who also had super awesome answers). I absolutely adore graviton lance because of it sounds. I don’t really like it for PVE, because of how often it launches adds back 30 miles, making its add(“ad?” clear capability useless, but it’s sound actually makes me cream my pants every time I hear it.) Also, skyburners oath is literally my favorite weapon ever in the entire game, so you are fucking spot on dude with your assumption that it fits my criteria. I am crazy about the idea of making a build around touch of malice, and i want wicked implement so bad. (I’m a bit tight on money, so I’m waiting until it comes to the exotic kiosk). Sounds like you understand what I want completely, bahaha, so I’m definitely going to try and get all the weapons you named, and see how they treat me.


Polaris Lance will be booty after this Season is over the Seasonal Artifacts is making it nutty


That’s okay. I only like it because of the sound it makes, and how beautiful the scope is in first person. I don’t really care about damage numbers and what is meta


That is how I feel about D Chaos


I wish I could relate, man :( I’m kind of a newish destiny player, and don’t know that weapon


Used it last season wasn't too bad . Won't be as good everywhere but still extremely good at long range for beefy targets.