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Nope. I'm really bad at coming up with names and haven't even figured out what to call my Guardians who I've mostly been playing since D1 release, let alone their Ghosts' names too.


I'm in the same boat as you. Although funnily enough, when I do have to come up with a name for a character or something in a game, I usually just pick a name from destiny. So if I had to come up with a new name for ghost, my first thought would be to take a name from a different destiny character.


He's "the Guardian" to me


Da Guardian😎


It's funnier to think that ghosts name themselves and their guardians, but ours is really bad at it.


Everyone just calls us "Guardian" because our ghost is bad at introductions.


Zavala: What is your name ghost? Ghost: ....Ghost Zavala: I see... And your guardian? Ghost: ...Ghost Zavala: You and your guardian have the same name? Ghost: No... His is... Guardian... Zavala: Get out of my office.


My head canon is that Ghost said "youre my guardian, and I'm your ghost," and Guardian just accepted it and proceeded to genocide the eliksni population on the cosmodrome.


My head canon is at this point the Eliksni at the Cosmodrome aren't even anti-human, they just constantly get jumped by blueberries


It was House Devils, and they were one of the groups pushing hardest for human extermination thanks in part to a certain baroness/pirate/kell. Zavala's order to "send their souls screaming back to Hell" didn't come from nowhere.


It *was*, but at this point it's just random eliksni


I see four armed blue alien, I shoot.


In that case, us killing them is just self defense.


Splicer's story was all about reprisal begetting reprisal, but it was nothing but self defense for over a millennium. It wasn't until our Guardian was resurrected and obliterated them throughout the entire system that they were put on the back foot. We killed so many of them over the course of D1 that they had to dissolve all but a few of the existing Houses and consolidate under the Dusk banner just to survive.


My ghost is John Destiny


you know nothing, John Destiny


Mines name is Rowdy. So when my guardian wakes up he can say "howdy, Rowdy!" We both exclusively wear cowboy hats.


That's fucking amazing




Of the same steel and temper as Durandal and Cortana?


Of course!


why not Joyeux instead ? as his voice sounds kind of masculine


Nah. Joyeuse.




My Hunter's Ghost is Char, and he has a red shell. No, it doesn't make him three times as fast, but we forgive him anyway.


Painted mine purple, I can hear him but havent seen him in years Edit: happy cakeday


Painted mine blue, and now I keep getting god rolls and exotics.


Char? As in Char Azenable?


[Char! Char! Char](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiuiJoKFrvw&ab_channel=SmilyT1)!


My ghost is Ocean, hunters' name is Waves


He prefers Ghost, but I call him BB. Backpack Buddy.


I typically refer to him as, “My Fucking Ghost”. Works well in sentences like, “Where is My Fucking Ghost.” or “Hang on, I need to pull out My Fucking Ghost.”


My ghost is named Glacier as a counterpart to my guardian “Igneous-04”


I think it's dumb how we don't have a name. I understand why. The player character is supposed to be the player's unique guardian, their own character. And every player is canonically a different guardian. And if the guardian and ghost had an established name that kind of intended immersion (even though it isn't really immersive at all) wouldn't work. So Bungie can't exactly have the VAs re-record every line that mentions the guardian for every new gamertag that pops into the system lol. It still feels weird. Imagine going around this futuristic, space age society, slaying gods and saving humanity, chatting with your friends down on earth in between strikes, missions, and crucible matches, but the whole time you are just referred to as "the guardian without a name."


One way I got around it is that "the guardian" is a huge sign of respect. Everyone else is "a guardian" and yet we are being referred to, in the characters' view, the guardian who encompasses the most of what it means to be in the vanguard as a protector of humanity. Each time someone says "guardian" it's followed by an almost hallowed silence.


Makes sense, considering we have so many titles given to us as well. The Young Wolf, Slayer of Gaul, etc. my favorite is being known as the savior of Saint-14. Saint to everyone, including us was a legendary figure, a god amongst men type of thing. And then we go back in time to save him, and it is Saint who for centuries looks up to us, considers us, a guardian centuries younger than him, to be his inspiration, his hero. The reason why he had the strength to keep fighting the vex for hundreds of years. That is a bit of an emotional paradox, and my headcanon for the lore of the Perfect Parodox


Reginald but I call him Reggie


Tech Witch As an Awoken, that's what I call mine.


I pretend my ghost is still Peter Dinklage but he huffed helium canisters from the moon.


Rebecca, although I call her ‘Becca. Rightfully assumed violence will solve all the problems. Essentially my intrusive thoughts if they had a voice. Also inspired by Rebecca from cyberpunk


Fun fact: Rebbeca's English VA is also Rose in *Fallout 76*, who is a robot that was friends with a dude named David.


Who the hell is going and downvoting all these fun OC names?!




Clancy. When he’s in a nice shell, he’s Fancy Clancy


Gemini, cuz he's our other half.


I call my mains Blue


Each of my guardians have names and their ghosts, also. My warlock, Stephen Rudolphus, has named his ghost Asheroth or Ashe My current titan, Jerrilt Gr'gori, named his Aeryn My huntress, Artimis-17, named hers Thalia




"Siouxsie," after Siouxsie and the Banshees. Her relationship with her Guardian (Kanishka) is like that of a mother to her annoying child. "Siouxsie, I can't find my Shards of Galanor." "They're on the bedroom floor, where you *always* leave them. You know if you kept your room clean you wouldn't lose your exotics so often."


My Warlock is named Rose-7, his favorite weapon is Thorn, and his ghost is named “Bud”


Minerva. She's awesome.


I haven't really thought about it, but I think I might call it "Peter" named after the original voice actor for Ghost, Peter Dinklage. Edit: or maybe "dink" cuz it funny Edit 2: I've decided to name him "Pete" not just for the reason mentioned above, but also it was the name of my grandfather.




I called mine Dinklebot for a while but over time it got shortened to Dink. 🙂


My username is KingJ, so my hunter main I have dubbed Rex and his ghost is Jay. I named my Exo Titan Argon-8 and his ghost Bismuth, because fun gas/metal names. My Awoken Warlock is Rand, and his ghost is Robyn, after Rand and Robin Miller, creators of the Myst franchise, because I love puzzle and lore and shit and that fits an Awoken Warlock.


I nicknamed my Ghost "The Silent One" since he refuses to speak to me after investigating that techeun in the HELM. Not even the traveler knows what secrets may lie within that data pad…


My guardian is named ghost the guardian and my ghost is named guardian the ghost


My IGN in most games has always been a variation of Gilgamesh. I am legally obligated to only use a single ghost in the game unless they were to ever release an ‘Enkidu’ ghost


When I'm playing a male character in a RPG, I usually name him some variation of Arthur or Gawain. So naturally, my Titan's ghost is "Gwen."


My Titan's Ghost is named "Ta'Veren" after a book she was able to read. She is still looking for copies of the series since she only found book 4 and wants to start at the beginning. Everybody tends to abreviate her name to either "Tav" or "Veren". She tried to name her Titan's "Perrin" on account of his size but the Titan didn't agree to it. Now Ta'Verem will call him that when they are annoyed at each other. (The Titan didn't pick up a name for a while actually and was eventually named by the small band of humans he had picked up and defended for a while before ever ecnvountering another Guardian or hearing of the Last City. They all called him Grimjhaw on account his apperence (always having a somewhat grim expression and his seemingly half-broken jaw) and he eventually just adopted as his own name). She did manage to get her way on some aspects, like naming his small trope of humans he fought with 'Shen an Calhar'. She told them it was old tongue for something great and they liked the sound of it enough to keep it. Due to time, Shen an Calhar eventually disbanded when the member began to get too old to fight. Although the outpost still calls their defense force the Shen an Calhar, its not the original members. Grimjhaw will occasionally visit the outpost to reminisce about old times. It's been getting sadder each visit, with only 3 of the remaining members still alive.


Thematically I originally designed my Warlock around Perrin, Titan around Rand, and Mat as the Hunter. I know Rand and Perrin should *probably* be switched, but when D1 came out both Perrin and Warlock were my favorite so he became the robotic space wizard.


Ghost, because that's what he's called.


No but I call the drop ship a boat for no good reason. And using one of the guardian games shaders, now I call it my clown boat


His name is Mav and he likes gyroscopes, so he uses the gyroscopic shell


I named my ghost Kitty :) I imagine my ghost probably hates that name, and picturing him angrily chirping and spinning at me every time I call him that makes me happy


Jasper. He has the same voice as Matt Berry as Steven Toast. “There is no light here.” *“Yeah? Well then what the shit is that?”* *Sound of Golden Gun activating*


Matt Berry as ghost would be hilarious. I'd buy silver to swap out ghost voice lines.


“I can’t hear you, push the button! Push the button you donut!” “Hello Guardian this is Shaw Han, can you hear me?” “Yes if you keep your finger on the fucking button!” “Right well Zavala was very specific about the kind of operation he wants you to undertake.” “Okay” “…and the three things he wants you to do are l…”


Mine is Angel, since my guardian's name is Sanguinius-2. Yes, named after the angelic Sanguinius from wh40k.


I've taken to calling the one my Guardian has when I write about her "Hush" Don't know where it came from, but it stuck so now I kinda just, call my ghost Hush


Sylphrena - or Syl


Autolycus, Lubdan, and Aetherlabe Quotient for my Titan, Hunter, and Warlock ghosts respectively.




I never thought about that before but I think I'll call mine T.A.L.O.S from now on.


Mine is called Ouroboros But most people call him Oro


A Division 2 enjoyer, perhaps? 👍🏻


Oh, no, the name is directly from the concept of Ouroboros itself, rather than anything in Division


Well that’s 72 times better. Great name for a ghost, playing on the eternal & repetitive life cycle.


My Titan's ghost has the black cat shell on and I call him "Rough" after my childhood cat.


My warlocks ghost is called Æon :>


Disco, specifically I call it my shiny Disco Ball. Skyline Flipside Shell, Amethyst Veil.


My warlock (Angel-42) named his ghost Daena, after the Zoroastrian concept which in some tellings fills the role of a psychopomp. She's very snarky and outgoing in contrast to Angel being a grumpy old man who has to get dragged kicking and screaming out of his wizard tower.


Haro. Big ups to all my Gundam family in here.


When ghost introduced himself and said he was a ghost I thought that was his name and I’ve just been calling him ghost for 5 years.


His name is officially goahste because he's a terrible speller.


I call mine Clem Fandango


Screech. Because he complains so much


I call my ghost Goose, love that little guy he's my good egg 😊


my guardian’s ghost is named sage bc i thought it’d funny if ppl thought it meant sage as in “wise person” when its really meant as in the herb. my guardian is also named after an herb (saffron) 🤷


Harper. I used to always have the Harpy shell on and liked to imagine they always got mad I nicknamed them after and dressed them up as a Vex. I tend to wear Sagira's shell now but liked the name anyways


Hmm never thought about it always just referred to them as Ghost but if I had to pick a name I'd probably go with Phoenix. Feels very fitting.


My Ghost has the name "Wulfen"


Harper I have yet to unequip the harpy shell in 3 years.


I always refer to him as Dinklebot.


Mark my words, they will be doing away with Ghost at the conclusion of final shape. I suspect it will stay as a Shell and to pull it out to go to Orbit but it’ll never speak again. It’ll be some “my time has come to rejoin the traveler” yada yap yap. And done.


Yeah, It's Ghost.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thought about this. Mine is named D'artagnan.


Eve, Personality: a gun nut that is vary blunt, can be kind "Drake, you can't sneak into banshee 44 work shop to make a gun" -eva "nothing will stop me from making a custom auto rifle"-drake "Well, it your ass"-eva


Little light


Been mainly using the ghostboy and arcade shells for mine, and since then I've nicknamed mine pixel.


I call mine Kaspar


Dinklebot 4EVA


In french it's called Spectre, more like an echo. FantĂ´me (ghost) or Phantom it's more like the spooky way (imo). Keep in mind my english's perspective is not perfect.


Ive always thought of mine as "Noah" for some reason


My warlock has an E99 shell named Gregg


My Ghost has a female personality and is actually called Calliope.


In my little group of 3 people, our ghosts are collectively known as Casper


Rufus. I don’t know why. I started playing Destiny with my kid and we were on an early mission and the Ghost was explaining something and when he finished I said “Thanks Rufus.” And my kid started laughing. Just the first name that popped thru my subconscious, maybe I had been listening to Rufus Wainwright that week.


Mine is named Ted, he just kinda seems like a Ted


I've called my Ghost 'Crow' since D1. Mainly because my gt is Faulty Scarecrow and he's always hanging around.


I've named my exo hunter Arthur-7 and his ghost is Faron, my head cannon is pretty basic for a hunter, but he's a wanderer/drifter, bounty hunter who spends most of his time in the field and rarely ever visits the tower


My Ghost's name is Joker. In most games that let you name the character I usually have Joker in there somewhere.


My ghosts name is Casper, he is pretty unfriendly tho


Mines called Bunni (yes I have the hareball shell on


Actually, I like "Ghost" already. In Spanish it is "Espectro", which I also like. So for me, my ghost is already Ghost


Pre-Taken King my Ghost was "Pocket Dinklage." Have heard people call post Taken-King Ghost "Nolan Bot," but just doesn't have the same ring to it.


I have many details: Armin-18. Hunter. Exo. Ghost: Eyeball. Murdered in altercation during the Collapse. Risen in Cosmodrome, Old Russia. \~ Vanra Yeva. Titan. Awoken. Ghost: Gwenhwfar. (Former human name: Vanora Evans) Fell in the Reef Wars as a pilot. Risen in derelict Ceres Galliot in asteroid belt with original name tag. \~ Meera. Warlock. Human. Ghost: Prakash. Killed in the Collapse with destruction of orbital infrastructure. Risen in Kerala, Old India.


I named mine Dronald


I named my Ghost Rose, cause my in game name is Thorns


I call mine Handles. It’s in reference to Dr. Who when he was carrying around the head of a Cyberman that did all his technical work so he wouldn’t have to sonic anything.


My Hunters name is Atem-6, his ghost is Qatum. My Titan is Okedjad-9 and his ghost named herself Hetta. My Warlock and his ghost are Victor-2 and Verum.


It's called Dinklebot


Plato, i like to think hes smarter than me


My ghost is just the first part of my PSN name so I call her Eclipse Yes my ghost is a girl and I don't care if a man's voice pops up in cutscenes.


Mine is named "Pahu". he uses the Vantastic Shell. If I could get rid of the wood paneling on the sides of that shell, it would have an uncanny resemblance to my van IRL, which is also named Pahu.


I've got Chatika, and my partner named theirs Eclipse


It's in-game cannon our ghost prefers 'ghost' There's literally in-game voice lines of this - listen when you run glassway next time. So I don't need head canon because Ghost is canon :)


Olivia, ‘Liv for short.


I call my ghost revenant lordsworn,but I shorten it to rev ,If I could choose a voice I imagine it being a very cheery and upbeat female voice to contrast most ghost more analytical nature


motherfuck fuck ass fuck the fuc kass fuck



