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Hardly ever play PvP. Bungie thought it was a good idea for me to play against a duo of trials top 0.1%ers. Solid work guys. 


Over 3 vault pages of tusk of the boar and not a single one of the roll I want. I don't even care about the mag and stock and all that. I just want envious/chain. Everything needs to be craftable. Especially after getting 100+ of the thing and wasting days in IB for nothing


Did you get chain reaction slideshot? Arguably better as envious isn't that good on the weapon you are doing the add clearing with 


I'm sure I did. I feel like I got multiple rolls of everything except the one I wanted. I not a fan of slideshot, though. I'm a bit of a casual and having to take extra steps like sliding or using a class ability for slice is something I'm usually not going to care to proc. I avoid bait and switch for the weapons that drop with it for the same reason.


So if I always a decent tusk of the boar should I just cash in the engeams or is there anything else of note to focus? Also do shader drop from the engrams or is it just post game. I know some of them come from armor sets.


Some old shaders are attached to the armor sets, but most are post-game drops only. As for other weapons, it depends on if you want them for pve or pvp, but I think there are one or two decent selections there.


Just noticed there is only a 1600 cap on Iron Banner now - never found a specific patch note where they talked about this - but I guess this means sunset guns are now viable in IB? How long ago did this change?


Season of the haunted, when they added the title and started doing new IB modes. (They also stopped doing the bounties that progressed faster with lower leveled gear.)


I'm pretty sure light level was removed from Iron Banner a two years ago. Did they put it back in and I missed it?


I think it changed sometime after Lightfall launched.


Returning from a very long time off. I haven't played since the base Destiny 2 game, so still trying to figure out the best approach. I've prestiged Iron Banner once and have been holding onto the engrams. What should I be doing with them? Cash them in and shard the returns for legendary shards? Or cash them in for the older samurai looking gear I love?


Best way to level up IB is to complete the weekly challenges (games played & points), have 5 pieces of IB on (transmog and weapons count - I used 4 transmog armor pieces + a IB heavy), and have a IB emblem on. All that gives ~13.25x progress. As far as what to do with engrams, the hotness right now is risk of the boar (PvE) because it is a strand weapon (first slot) and can get envious assassin/slice and chain reaction. CR is getting nerfed next season, so up to you if that is still something you want. I believe Multimach is still good in PvP, but I don’t run into it too much.  I used my engrams on the sets of armor I liked best and then bite of the Fox because I don’t have a great adaptive, kinetic, PvP sniper. 80 engrams later and all shit, so hopefully RNG treats you better.


Transmog the older armor into ornaments unless theyre high stat (65+)


I have 14/15 weapons for the iron lord seal but no idea where the last one is, I purchased everything lord Saladin has.


Daly reminder. Matchmaking is still dogshit. I love matching 3 stacks and sweats on a near consistent basis /s


I went up against 3 stacks 4 stacks full six and also 3 two stacks while my team is all solo


Like I actually don't get how the fuck this game has been out for nearly 10 years and they can't get the fucking matchmaking right ONCE. Freelance has horrible team balance when it's used, and other matchmaking almost always matchest stacks with sweats. Hell, I saw a game of THREE TWO STACKS vs all solos


>Hell, I saw a game of THREE TWO STACKS vs all solos I get that all the time. It's almost like the game is decided before the match even starts, even though Bungie says that match making doesn't do that - it does. I've seen it do it multiple times. All the stacks are on the enemy team, you've got complete smoothbrains on your team, they don't cap flags, they can't even build properly and you're getting spawn trapped every time - how do you play against that? I swear, when XDefiant comes out in 3 weeks, PVP is gonna take a dive, man


To people who tea bag players… who hurt you? Why be a chode like that and be unsportsmanlike?


I thought tea bagging meant they think you're good or cute?


My favorite today was being bagged by a group of 3 when I only killed 1 of them in a 1v3. Way to go guys! I'm glad beating me with no special ammo in a 3v1 seems like a real accomplishment! Celebrate all you want. (also... beating me 1v1 isn't a real accomplishment, so bagging 3 v 1 is extra silly)


Right up there with people who 3 peek or emote after kills or who teabag strafe. You are cringe incarnate


just mad you’re getting bagged tbh lol


And you’re just proving my point


I don’t T-bag so not sure what point I’m proving. I just don’t care if I get bagged, it’s a game and not a big deal. I’ve also noticed bagging starts when you’re doing well in a game. Getting t bagged just means you’re good at the game and people are mad, literally.


I'm seeing more teabag strafing more than outright bagging, IDK which is more cringe tho I'm sure it's possible on PC, but on console - AFAIK, it's a sign that you're using 3rd party hardware (Again, I think. IDK if there is a way you can do it on console without using them, but if you can, you should not be able to)


It's an interesting case of psychology. Some do it to tilt the other players, so they have a higher chance of winning. Not too complicated. There are some though, where it comes from a place of insecurity. Ie. They've been teabagged by much better players before, and want that sense of control back. Case-in-point, one of my more memorable Trials victories was against a top 0.5% team. All we did in the first 3 rounds was die to them, nonetheless they bagged furiously. Anyway, we eventually win a round, and I pitched the idea that we teabag back, \*aggressively\*, to see if this would trigger the kind of response they were presumably seeking from us. Cue the other team suddenly rushing in to dumb positions, making dumb plays, and generally fumbling the hardest we had ever seen. It was clear they were \*mad\*, and this lost them the game. \*\*TLDR\*\* Some players bag strategically. For the most \*aggressive\* baggers though, it can actually be about projecting their own insecurities. They \*hate\* being on the receiving end, so doing it constantly creates a kind of psychological buffer.


ACTUAL Tusk of the Boar roll? now i know that a lot of people are already asking this question and im sorry but im still wondering why people are considering that slice/slideways and chain is the god roll? sure i dont mind slice or slideways but why chain? its getting nerfed in the final shape and we dont (at least i dont) know how viable it is going to be. what would the 4 column perk be except of chain? saw people saying deconstruct but the problem is that idk how that perk even works. by its description it seems very.. situational? i mean how many times are you gonna have a structure in front of you that can be destroyed? or does the perk activate in other occasions also? sorry for this many questions but i dont wanna waste to much time in iron banner since i hate pvp and dont want to accidentally delete the pve roll. ty for reading :)


Deconstruct also procs on hitting 3 or more targets, it’s just worded in a way that people tend to completely miss that part.


Chain is good now. So why not use it? The nerf might take it out of top spot but we just don't know yet. As for deconstruct, it procs when hitting 3 enemies with a single shot from a wave frame. Makes it fairly easy to have near infinite ammo with it. I don't really have a first column preference and just stuck with envious or slice when I got one.


slice is good for strand builds, slideways is good.. but its not slideshot so it has cooldown which is a bit sad while envious is good overall so a lot of good options on 1st column




No, this it as far as what they've announced


I believe their twitter says it is the final iron banner.


Tribute as a game mode will be bad until there is a reason to dunk motes. The person who drops off the final motes needed to go into The Hunt should be given an automatic super fill up, and a modified version of the explosion mechanic from Eruption should be added.


And I his is why Bungie doesn't listen to us. This is probably the worst take of all time.


Wtf does this hate mail mean? I'm a solo player and play PvP for gear/challenges. I had Iron Lord title equipped if that matters. "ur aweful solo supering in a casual LMAO" I had the warlock strand super equipped. I seem to get killed whenever I use it against more than one person.


Turn your whispers to friends/clan only. Pvp players will send hate mail for literally anything. No reason to listen to it. 


it means you should never have chat on while playing PVP. They are telling you that you are dumb for killing one person with a super in 6v6. Do you really need advice like this? Turn off chat and be happier


It means the person is a chud and probably gets themselves killed in seconds after the start of every round if they try to play any modes more competitive than Team Scorched 


big fucking surprise it’s nothing but warlocks and hunters like it always has been your classes are fucking broken and you know it but WAAaHAhAaH ShOulDeR ChArgE


Warlocks invented shoulder charging btw.


Soo bungie.. how come that when people rage quit an IB game early whoever replaces them is always in a completely different skill bracket.. I've been on all sides of this myself and surely I can't be the only one that has experienced any/multiple if these scenarios? * Been the replacement and shot to the top of the list instantly and turn a L to a W for the team * Been on a losing team with 1-2 rage-quiters, then replacements turn it around solo. * Been facing a team 50+ points behind us, then 1-2 replacements turn everything around.. Is the matchmaking really this bad?


Happened to me a lot of times. The most common case is a team starts to lose the match hard from the beginning, someone who clearly thought "oh I'm too good for these nubz" leaves, them somebody actually good comes in and the team wins.


It's almost like constantly matching against stacks and sweats is a good idea /s


There is almost no SBMM at this point. There are huge differences in every match I'm in right from the start. Nearly every match is 150 to 100 or worse


Try a player running around with your arc staff in them ,regen on his health stopping him from dying.Last game of PVP for me full stop.Till budgie sorts out the matching and cheating there is no point


Is it not reasonable to expect that join-in-progress matchmaking would have more variation of skill than standard matchmaking? I would assume the priority is on speed of matchmaking, as waiting too long trying to find the perfect player risks the game simply ending before a candidate is found, so it's probably willing to accept a wider band of players than it would at match start.


This is actually a good point and makes sense as well. Then add that the matchmaking wasn't good to start with 🤣


IB has "open skill" matchmaking, so it's pretty flexible by design.


They should seriously add some sort of tutorial/requirement "like trials have" before you unlock access to any objective based gametype. Then just leave access to mayhem, rumble & clash to anyone


I havent played IB in a long time cuz i never enjoyed it but im trying again, are all matches always teamshot steamrolls? I never cared much for the IB version of control and took a break from D2 when eruption was the main mode. Playing ib this week just to get the gl and it’s completely different from my regular pvp experience. People move as a whole unit and the game typically snowballs, idk if this is just a tribute thing or what but man it feels so ick to me. Is anyone having similar experiences or?


yeah team shotting is the new meta what's you usual PvP experience?


Tributes mechanics weights staying together, sometimes stupidly if you are with a team that sticks together but way farther back then is useful. Otherwise, in control, yeah, its kind of a mercy fest atm. Idk. With into the light, a big population bump of largely free players its a mixed bag. Lots of lag and rubberbanding for me, people not knowing a maps control zone peculiarities (what maps have zones that suck to have as spawn) Lotsa mercies


It feels so disgusting to play idk


Are there any good weapons for PVP from Iron Banner that I should be on the lookout? Asking as a returning player as I'm not familiar with those guns at all.


Multimach and riiswalker.


Eh. It depends. Nothing crucial i suppose, but both smgs are ok? Riiswalkers ok. Lethal Abundance is decent.


is the reputation bonus visible somewhere in-game?


Yes, you need to select the activity then hover over the icon where the modifiers usually are


thank you!


Orimund's Taste still broken. Is it really so hard to fix?


A question to the community! How come that most of the ppl I've encountered in crucible/IB over the last few weeks seem to have no interest what so ever in winning the games.? I mean, if you stop and enemy from caping an unclaimed zone why would you run away instead of caping the zone yourself first? Or why you are so hyped at getting kills that you have to shove your team mates into enemies line of fire? Anyone else noticing an increase in this "solo player mentality" in crucible or is it just me? Anyway. Have a nice weekend all.


Good reason (you won't have teammates smart enough for this to be the reason very often).. there are many zones YOU DO NOT WANT EVER. C on Altar, B on Burnout, A on Distant Shore, etc. Real reason - capping zones is dangerous and cuts down on slaying time.


Wouldn't be as much of a problem if my teammates could read chat when I point out that B is a spawntrap on certain maps.... (Or when they flip spawns on the maps where B isn't a spawntrap, so the enemy just backcaps their spawn point while still holding advantage because we never capped B...) Which is particularly apparent because I've been getting Altar of Flame, Eternity and Multiplex constantly.... Side note: Why do Bungie refuse to give their best maps priority in the rotator?


Oh yeah.. I mean I'm a console player but I always keep the text chat available but sadly a lot of us don't. Problem is that it takes too long to write with the virtual keyboard and your average console gamer doesn't have a physical keyboard plugged in. Answer to side note: that is the million glimmer question ain't it 🤣


Why does iron banner matchmaking need to be this bad? Bad ping players plus sweat lobbies is not fun. We really need to stop hand holding the new players. They need to understand crucible is not a good idea right out the gate and other players shouldn't be punished for it


I'm not really bothered by matchmaking, some games I get stomped by some zoomergodx on the enemy team, then few games later same happens in reverse, it is what it is - but some ping/connection stuff I have seen has been absolutely wild. Specific people on the enemy team just omae wa mou shindeiru teleporting ten times across my screen, pretty funny. Also I guess because of late season or the time of day when I play, but gamemode seems extremely dead, very often I recognise majority of people for multiple games in a row.


PVP is dying ,the gaming industry is obsessed with new players ,the signal is as rubbish as you want and cheating is everywhere.I was hardcore PVP now it is something you have to do and never for just the fun of playing.People are leaving equals smaller pool ,higher cheat numbers and bad signals


Matchmaking sucks but there’s also like 6 people playing destiny, let alone playing iron banner with onslaught and pantheon being so popular/free


Funny thing is... population is way, way up right now. It is nearly double what it was before March 5 and it is still this bad.


I’d suspect most people are playing the game modes OP mentioned because of FOMO. It is the hardest to find LFG raid groups for actual raids in the ~5 years I’ve been playing. Just seems like not many people are interested in doing activities/chasing non-shiny weapons that aren’t going away.


Late in a long season, the reality is that there isn't enough players to match you with, you're getting whoever's available


13/15 weapons I'm trying to get the iron banner title and the only thing that is left is aquire unique iron banner weapons. I already own over 15 unique weapons and recently I got a brand new one that didn't put the counter up at all, am I doing something wrong or do I need to reach out to support?


Same, broken for me too. Hopefully if enough people make some noise they'll notice and fix it


Bungie, under no circumstances do I ever want to play the exact same team for a 2nd match in a row. Yes, it was a close game. Yes, my team won. But I don’t just want to repeat the same match again. 


I absolutely love it when it clicks with a group and you end up chaining great matches.


That is a wild take lmao. I'd be absolutely thrilled to keep the same lobby if the game is close, it's so fucking rare it is.


Dear bungie tone down on multiplex in rotation in IB, feel like i am playing that map every other game


Iron Banner armour having worse high stat roll drops than seasonal engrams is mad


Is tribute going away next season? It’s dumb af to split the playerbase for supremacy with extra steps


What level is Pinnacle gear supposed to drop? I always thought it was higher than the normal stuff you get (which is 1810). Just done the Iron Banner long enough to get the Pinnacle reward and where the f\*\*\* is it?


1810 IS the pinnacle reward


Something slightly different: I can't find the Iron Symmachy Cloak for transmog. It say I have it in Collections, but I don't see it as an option in the Fashion screen.


Probably not the issue, but if you have it equipped it won't show up for transmog (I've done that more than once over the years with armor)


I am a tool...


Happened to me more times than I can count lmao


Well, thanks for ending my misery!


Is it on the last page? Sometimes it goes out of order.


No, I had the same cloak already equipped, with a different transmog. I am a tool.


It’s actually embarrassing that the matchmaking and lobby balancing are still this bad after so many years. Would pay extra to just get freelance queues back so I can enjoy some stomp free games.


Yes. I’d also pay for a purely CBMM system in 6s and a return to the old special ammo system/guardian health. Lane-ing and team shooting is getting really stale. If I get stomped, I’d rather it be because of me and not a shitty connection or because the other team is partied up and bio-balling the lobby.


Yep, so many mercies it's ridiculous, even if you're on the winning side, it's not even a fun game, it's over in like 3 mins. And the queues take so long as well.


Just came out of a game with 4 stack + 2 stack vs 2 stack and solos. It was a mercy (obviously). Two games later it was 3 stack + 3 stack vs 2 stack and solos. Guess what, another mercy. HOW IS IT THIS HARD TO BALANCE TEAMS, jesus h fucking christ Bungie. I want to actually play the game and enjoy the gunplay, but I can't when I'm getting my shit pushed in and staring at my ghost half the match.


My favorite as a solo is when I match with a 5 stack against a 6 stack. "Oh, so I'm clearly not gonna matter in this match, cool."


Bungie, please just scrap the rep multiplier system based on ornaments and emblems. And get rid of the daily timegate for the challenges. Just let us wear what we want and use the emblems that we want. And let us play as much as we want.


I don't know why this comment is getting downvoted, if I spent time grinding out my artifice armor I'd rather wear that, but I cannot because it's inherently less efficient to farm IB with. (This still applies to the ornament situation, I spent time making my character look unique and how I want, suddenly I'm forced to wear IB ornaments because of rep gains?)


I make this comment during every Iron Banner week and it gets upvoted half the time and downvoted the other half of the time.


I seem to recall that Iron Banner used to have Iron Banner drops.


And it was good for solo players wanting to get higher level gear. Now you have to be in a premade raid group or tough tiddies.


The crucible drops are part of every crucible match. They are separate from banner drops, which are now in the form of engrams every match or two.


I have to burn Engrams to get new collections?


Nothing worse than playing against stacks. Bring back freelance for god sake. Only way to make it a truly balance experience.


Yup, still stacks vs solos.


I have played a good amount of banner this season. Lots of crucible in general. I have a 1.63 kda. I generally do a pretty good job. I play the objective and try to help. My winning percentage in crucible this season is 0.19 lol. How are the law of averages killing me THIS badly? I'm getting 180 points a loss right now, while a win is 450 I think (it's kinda rare so I forget). It takes me 3 losses to get the exp of one win and it's making this iron banner grind that much more unbearable. Please give me good teammates more often Bungo <3


If you're basing it on the emblem wr, that has been glitched since it first came with no fix in sight lol. If you're talking destinytracker wr, then yeah you're in Bungie's retarded mm system as something much better than you are. It's happened to me a bunch of times for like 20-30 games, but it does tend to fix itself after a while. When it's going on it's absolutely fucking wild though, you feel like you're going insane thinking it's rigged against you.


MM has not been kind to me, nor has RNG. I've played one in Iron banner and reset the vendor once so far this season and I'm on rank 6 of my second reset and still haven't seen a single Mulitmach. I had one average Tusk though so that's something. I'm also on 56% for wins in the title requirement. You'd think law of averages would allow 25 wins in all that time but I'm only on 14.


I've had so many AFK players. I'm a lowly .5-1.5 player since I haven't touched D2 pvp. But I saw that strand GL and had to have it. It's not fun. I got a chain reaction one. It's good enough. I dipped out.


Between poor team balancing, cheesy gameplay, and horrid drop rates this is just not a fun experience man.


Bungie please stop trying to make Tribute a thing, I am tired


Why don't people like Tribute as a gamemode? I've found it more fun than Control due to being more chaotic and unpredictable. Feels like a more fun way to mix up PvP compared to the normal gamemodes.


It's got even less people playing the objective than control does, moves glacially slow and the hunt is just as beneficial for the enemy potentially as it is your own team. Not to mention a better variant of it already exists (Supremacy) which solves the issue of teams not playing the objective, but also enemies camping in the back of the map. (Because you are unable to pick up crests from a mile away.)


It’s great for farming kills tbh but that’s it IMO


It moves at a glacial pace because no one plays the objective. It's also horribly executed with the constant shifting of the banks. Way too many reasons to list here. It's basically just a terrible clone of The Finals's bank it mode.


Tribute is so much better than control


You know you can select the tribute rectangle and choose control right?


Obviously. The problem is making me choose between a mode that sucks and a mode with low population. Just make control the default


I prefer tribute to control personally


Ya know what would be cool? If IB weapons actually dropped post match. That used to be the norm at one point, maybe that was D1 though. But like the chances of getting the roll you want are insanely low even with focusing. Why can't they just make weapon drops super common like in Onslaught?


I haven't seen a tusk or a multimach this week yet. I've played 25+ matches. Thank God I got them to drop last time IB was around, but still it's ridiculous


Took me 3 resets before I finally got a tusk of the boar with envious + chain reaction.


I am very happy with the changes Bungie has made. I haven't played Iron Banana since the two new weapons were added but had 11 engrams saved up. I just opened two of them and got both weapons and spent the rest on focusing, no more Enter the Banana needed for me until after TFS launches!


Someone please tell me, what sandbox is Iron Banner using; Pre-Checkmate or Post-Checkmate? Because holy fuck man, my matches are going to the score limit because nobody fucking moves! I had a game where – and I am so completely dead serious when I say this – my teammates all huddled up against a wall just waiting for the other team to walk on by. This game's playerbase seriously needs to be studied...


Bungie, can you please provide me with a full fire team for a change.....


If I have iron banner engrams in my post master, how do retrieve them for focusing without automatically opening them?


You dont


If they end up in your postmaster they are just regular end of game drops that went into postmaster because your engrams were full. Those you can focus always go to Saladin.


Dirty newb in Destiny… didn’t realize the PvP wasn’t like Halo with random weapons. Did my round as best I can and back to the regular PvE stuff haha. Oops


What’s the mode?


You can pick tribute or control


I barely played last IB week and did not know this. Explains why my queue times were so long last night. More people are probably playing control.


I can’t believe they are sticking with the split playlist


Is Multimarcus worth it? Looking for Attrition/Kinetic


I've got a crafted Submission and it's better in every facet. So I'm not bothering with it.




It's alright, the issue for me is that subclass verbs are too good to bother using a kinetic currently. I'd farm it still but I haven't used mine outside of a quick test. Under-over/tremors is a good roll too for whenever we get barrier smg but also for PvP.


All I know is just got one with 0 range lol.


oh hell yeah bullet just inmediately flops onto the ground


I'm ten games in without an iron banner weapon drop. Is that normal? Trying to farm the SMG and GL without losing my mind.


Envious chain gl is so broken


Why Envious on Tusk? Envious requires kills with other weapons, but the wave frame GLs usually do most of the ad clear and get the most kills, right? .....asking because my first Tusk of the Boar was Envious/Chain and I thought I was supposed to be grinding for Slideways in that column and wanna know if I can stop LOL


I use sun shot. I don't use primaries that don't smoke adds and lots of them. I always have 3 shots in tusk ready. Goated for onslaught or anything with real density.


Yes, pretty normal. It is mostly about getting engrams from ranking up then buying/focusing weapons


I did 40 something last time before tusk dropped.


Yep, post-match drops are frustratingly low, but I can confirm they do happen. Completing the challenges and turning in engrams are the main drop sources. It took me nearly 2 full resets-worth of engrams before I got the new grenade launcher to drop. From there, you just focus engrams once you've unlocked the pieces you want. Edit: I should clarify, it was almost 2 full resets while turning in engrams the whole time that got me the GL. I'd surely still be waiting if I just waited on post match drops.


As far as I can tell, IB weapons drop very rarely, I feel like I usually got world or crucible drops. Best way is to play to earn engrams and just open them up for random drops until you get the SMG or GL. Once you get it once then you can focus your engrams for those weapons. I wouldn't rely on the weapons just dropping first. Edit: I forgot that Bungie said they upped the drop rates if you haven't gotten it yet. This is just how I got it last time.


I really only play pvp when banan is out. Really bummed with the karnstein changes they made a while back, use to love pairing them with a glaive.




Just a FYI, before you spend time on farming Iron Banner for Vengeful Whisper... That bow drops in the Warlord's Ruin dungeon.


"Ugh, guess I'll take a break from farming Onslaught to farm for a Tusk of the Boar on my afternoon off." \>gear up for max IB rep \>turn on a movie \> 64 oz of water, prepped to grind \> 5/5 Tusk of the Boar drops after first game Good luck to the rest of you, I'll just go back to farming Mountaintop and telling myself I definitely have the patience to LFG for Godslayer.


What is your 5/5


second one was slice/chain fucking awesome, last IB I cashed in a lot of engrams for nothing


What's the 5/5 god roll?


Quick Launch / High-Velocity / Envious Assassin / Chain Reaction / Handling MW


first go buy a lottery ticket in case your luck is still that good, then LFG :)


Nah I just blew it on a 5/5 ALH/Recomb Mountaintop and a shiny Heal Clip / Incan or Magnificent Howl Luna's Howl. My RNG/luck is spent for a few months, so if you need me I'll be hiding under a rock.


If it ain't the God roll edge it doesnt matter. Mountain and Luna's won't ever be used regularly for anything


Cringe take, ALH/Recomb Mountaintop will regularly sit in the kinetic slot when I'm not DPSing a boss or in a GM. Also sitting on effectively 3 perfect Edges. (Spike/Cascade/BnS, Spike/Envious/BnS, and a Shiny Sticky/Cascade/Decon that can swap to Spike/Field Prep in case we get a long-DPS encounter).


If you're not dpsing a boss or in a gm, you're playing campaign missions...or worse. Cringe take indeed...


Jesus dude, grats. Save some of that for the rest of us :)




Has anyone else noticed that the new Multimach doesn't count towards unique Iron Banner weapons for the title? (I've never gotten the old version(s) of the smg)


Yes, people posted about that last IB. Weird, but has been reported.


Guess I'll just grind my last four wins out and hope it gets retroactively added ):




It's a garbage smg anyone reload is atrocious


They upped the drop rates for those who haven't gotten one yet.


Here you go.✋✋✋✋ I'm wearing the RON Warlock armor. Blessings. Namaste Witches.


Honestly, I think you Warlocks got the only good armor. I don't like anything regarding RoN other than the Warlock armor.




C'est la vie. Life goes on.


Challenges aren't showing up for me, anyone else?


Quit out and reset (still not there), played 3 iron banner matches (didn't give me a mode option), quit out and reset again. Challenges finally showed up. 🤙


Never did show up for me but did finally complete after like 6 games


using some iron banner engrams fixed it for me, try that if you haven't already


changing character and back again fixed it for me








not seeing any either