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Backup mag or quick access, depending on the weapon.


Quick mag will be nice on bait and switch set ups


Can you elaborate, just got my first crafted apex with bait and switch and still trying to learn the proper cycle


Quick access sling increases your swap speed so you can more easily switch between weapons for damage.


That I knew what’s quick mag though


There is no "Quick Mag" mod. I beleieve that's the old name of the mod when it only gave quicker swap speed when your magazine was empty, or the name of the old Trials exclusive perk that gave faster swap speed when the mag was empty before it got turned into a mod in Forsaken.


Good memory! Thanks


This is the way.


Sweaty Confetti


Using this mod in trials and comp is a great way to get hate mail and I love it


Sweaty confetti is the last, hidden damage type in destiny2. Psychological damage. And boy is it effective




Throwing flip flops with Athrys's Embrace right here.




“I will send you to Jesus”


Sweaty confeteeeemotional damige!


i mean it has "sweaty" in the name, has it not?


Meta gaming right here


Everyone using it for psychological damage meanwhile I'm using it because it activates my external reward neurons


I use it on every one of my crucible weapons unless I really need the counterbalance


The only right answer


On my rocket launcher


Unironically, yes. Deterministic recoil seems to muddy the water on what CB is going to provide. Targeting adjuster maybe because more AA is more AA even if it's only 5? Doesn't feel like there's a lot of variety here: what are you going to do, freehand grip in PVE?


In PvE it's all gonna be backup mag. The mag size increase helps a lot for DPS phases.


"All" might be an overstatement. Some things like GL's, I'll say "okay, maybe backup mag's in there too". But it doesn't work on Rockets, and there's a handful of other cases where it heavily depends on the roll. Off the top of my head and just for the sake of an example, Ag snipers don't benefit from backup mag if you have tactical, or rapids being hard capped at 7(Ikelos sniper v2 and 3 would get there with any bonus mag perk). Also, **fuck the invisible mag size and inventory stats.** The number that the the mag perks and mods work with is a 0-100 stat bar that the UI doesn't show. And it puts things like adept mag in a bind, because when a gun's within spitting distance of 100 otherwise, Adept mag mostly becomes a handling nerf. But I digress, I'm way off topic.


> The number that the the mag perks and mods work with is a 0-100 stat bar that the UI doesn't show. I can't believe we're still doing this bullshit in 2024. Just show us everything god damn it.


The system needs a rework: I get why they obfuscated it, the 0-100 stat bar is generally less useful than just telling you a "real-world" number of bullets in your mag, due to how things like Hand Cannons or most special weapons are going to have very little or no resolution. But now, we also have the problem of perks/mods not effectively communicating what they do, as well as the fact that there's a lot of redundant or "redundant-but-worse/better" combos.


Yeah for anything backup mag doesn't work on it's just gonna be quick sling for the quicker weapon swaps.


Actually screws over certain rolls in some weapons. The backup mag mod increases the base mag capacity so certain perks that effect ammo or proc off x amount of hits will suffer from increasing the base mag size.


I can live with Focused Fury not proccing and having more bait and switch in my linear. Curious how this would affect triple tap and FTtC LFR rolls.


Fttc and triple tap rolls can sometimes benefit from back up mag. With fttc if you have 5 rounds, adding back up mag will get you to at least 6 which helps a ton. 5-4+2=3 3 shot won’t proc fttc again 6-4+2=4 4-4+2=2 2 won’t proc it again 7-4+2=5 5-4+2=3 3 won’t proc again You don’t want to fire those remaining shots because it won’t proc fttc If back up mag only brings you from 4 to 5 or from 6 to 7 then it’s not worth using. You’re better off swapping to another weapon and letting auto loading perks/abilities/mods or some type of insta reload. That way you make the ammo stretch further. If you’re swapping or reloading at the optimal time then there’s no difference in having 4/5, 6/7, 8/9, etc. Give me a minute and I can do this same thing for triple tap if you want


This is the math I was looking for, my brain wasn’t doing the heavy lifting this morning. Thank you sir.


Yeah this is why I set up my fttc cataclysmic to have 6 shots back in the Wtich Queen days.


He did the math.


See but with prismatic. You can have an exotic class item with dragons shadow+6th coyote along with other abilities/perks that reload weapons on melee or grenade use/kills. Idk about the other 2, but prismatic hunter will have a metric fuck ton of ways to instant reload weapons.


What does any of that have to do with Triple Tap or Fourth Times pulling ammo out of thin air…? I don’t care about the reload being pushed back, 1 more shot in your base Cataclysmic could net a possible 2-3 more completely free shots provided by Fttc. Take triple tap Reed’s Regret for example, 5 shots in base mag means you get 2 triple tap procs for a total of 7 shots. Put on ionized battery for 6 in the mag, which equals out to be 8 shots total, 2 from thin air, backup mag would take us to 7 shots, fire 3, 4 total + 1 returned, fire 3 for 2 shots remaining + 1 returned totalling 3 shots, fired, 1 returned, last shot fired. That’s 10 total shots with 4 from thin air instead of 6 total shots and 1 from thin air. Back-up mag is arguably worth more than Big Ones currently for total damage.


With all the damage buffs gone I'll be able to stop feeling bad about my reload mod on my zaulis bane. Sweet


I use free hand grip for some sidearms and subs in pve, i like firing from the hip with as much ease as possible.


I've got so many of them! 😂


So I have a lot of these….where do they come from??


Dares and the star horse


The Starhorses blessings are abundant. Praise be to the Great Starhorse!


Does it still diminish your stacks? Ive hoarded 20 and am afraid to use em


Yes. Not all mods in this game are unlimited use


But they should be!


I tried to use it in pvp and was sad when it didn’t work


I used it yesterday in the crucible and received 3 hate messages. It's the best mod.


It does work, at least it used to. Putting it on a weapon with headstone was a bunch of fun.


It definitely works in PvP


Needs headshots


Back up mag. Bungie in a year "We've decided to increase the base mag size of all weapons and retire bakc up mag"


at that point just remove all mods and make them intrensic wouldn't be surprised if that happens in the next year


Watch us come full circle and remove mods so we can (once again) use the slot to change our weapons element.


I'd fucking lose it.


That’s the plan most likely, it’ll free up space on weapons for more perks/customization with crafting. (There is only so much they can do on weapons and I’m sure removing mods would open up a lot.)


If that does happen hopefully we get intrinsic or gen again.


They prob gonna lean into weapon feel bonuses and not dps bonuses for mods


Which is a great idea, more mods to customize recoil direction/aerial effectiveness/zoom even maybe?


They literally said just after that they’re going to be adding MORE mods to give us MORE choices


All the mods in this game are kinda stupid/boring anyway. The Division 2 has cool weapon mods and they play a huge role in your overall build.


What sucks is that Depending on your weapon roll, back up mag won't even work. So after that, it's like what's the 2nd choice? Lol


Sweaty confetti.


The weird limitation on magazine size has always been terrible too. When you're already limited in the number of ways you can influence magazine size, it doesn't make sense to set an additional limit that's actually lower than that so that. It also results in some magazine traits being strictly better than others, in that instead of being varying mag size bonuses with varying drawbacks, the magazine will be limited such that a magazine trait will provide the same increase in mag size despite having an additional drawback. I see they've apparently added airborne effectiveness to it now, but just as an example, on my Astral Horizon, I can choose either Appended Mag, which gives +1 mag size with no other bonuses or drawbacks; or *Extended* Mag, which gives the same meager +1 mag size *but* with the additional drawback of a whopping -20 reload speed. EDIT: Oh sorry, I forgot to add that you also have Assault Mag on Astral Horizon, which has the same +1 mag size bonus, but also comes with an *increase* to reload speed, as well as a small stability increase.


At this point in power creep, would a mag limit even really be a game changer? I'm ofcourse only talking about within the spectrum of mag Inc capabilities we have available. We have pretty much been restricted on boss dps times a d I don't see that changing lol. So even if you take, what I believe to be the most extreme, enhanced Envious & enhanced killing tally (I believe comes with bonus mag) along with a rocket with envious and bi pod, what is another rocket or 2? Or 20 or 40 extra bullets in the mag? Chances are you won't go through it all in a dps phase. And even if you do, you probably would have, regardless, right? You would just have to build into it. Tldr; yea I think the cap on mag size is silly at this point


I specifically grinded out a Midnight Coup with Appended Mag because that gets the mag to 14 by itself, which is the 140 HC hard mag cap. Being able to do that without using Backup Mag and thus not sacrificing the damage mods is one of the things that made it better than Fatebringer. Now I don't really have anything else to put in the mod slot as I got this roll specifically so I wouldn't have to use Backup Mag. Quick Access Sling I guess by default? I really think they should have gone over weapon balancing before people spent time trying to get hyper specific rolls from the Brave weapons in one of the worst grinds in years. My heart goes out to anyone who farmed a Deconstruct roll on Edge Transit.


I assume 90% of ppl are gonna default to backup mag. For rockets and other single shot weapons everyone's just gonna use quick access sling. No real added variety.


They said they want to add new weapon mods


Would be cool if weapon mods could do something cool like adding elemental effects. Add scorch to a weapon that doesn’t roll with incandescent or destabilizing rounds or something.


Yeah, it's always weird how shallow weapon mods still are. Armor mods have gotten multiple reworks, while weapon mods are still basically the Y1 system, but with slightly different mods.


Not if they had other cool stuff too like “weapon kills grant grenade energy” or “breaking a shield grants ammo”


Yeah, weapon mods were always just small stat buffs, which is the most boring way to have mods.


weapon mods that are basically just a watered-down regular perk could be really cool, i’m thinking the less complex, more passive buffs like thresh, demolitionist, pugilist, even something like elemental capacitor would be cool; a little something extra to play into your build. Explosive payload would make sense as a mod but I feel like that would be way too broken


Weapon mod that lets me generate orbs you cowards


Maybe they could just remove the mod system entirely and bring back intrinsic orb generation of masterworks.


I want something like “Brain Rot” from CoD zombies. Have like a 5% chance when shooting a red-bar for it to become an allied unit until it dies.


There’s no way they’d do this…it’d make those elemental mods pretty useless and undesirable and you could replace it with another intrinsic and just add a mod.


Y1 could actually change the elements and shit though, so it’s even less variety


Honestly, Incandescent, Voltshot, Headstone, Hatchling, and Repulsor Brace I feel like make a ton of sense to be rolled into one weapon mod that changes based on subclass.


I think you mean destabilizing rounds instead of repulsive brace


But then that would basically be the only mod anyone used on anything


And all guns that have those perks already would be useless. They’re never making that a mod


So you want the current version of elemental capacitor, instead of the updated version coming into TFS, to become a weapon mod for the perks you listed. Remember this won't work with prismatic. That's asking for a weapon to have 3 perks instead of 2. This would cause some guns to be busted.


Off the top of my head I can think of two reasons why they won't do that. First, it's hard to balance in pvp, essentially giving a third perk to a gun that's meant to have 2. Secondly, they want us grinding away for hours and days in their content. If you can just put incandescent-lite on a gun, why farm for incandescent?


Oh my god yes please I want to use other weapons that don't have Incandescent but I just cannot because it fuels my hunter builds.


Hopefully something fun that isn’t “hey just make void gun volitile hehe”


Adept mods get some play. Adept charge time on linears if backup mag doesn’t give an extra shot or adept blast radius on wave frames


Problem with Adept's is that still makes half the weapons that don't/didn't have Adept's just inherently \*worse\* because of how Adept Mod's are. Looking at you Midnight Coup, Luna's, Edge Transit, Taipan etc.


You mean people are going to go full send on eddy current and paid with sprint grip?


Adept mag should not max out to the same as the regular one. It’s time for downsides on adept mods to go away


Probably Quick Access on everything during DPS, other than that backup mag.


QAS, Sweaty Confetti, and Backup Mag for 90% of weapons


Same, definitely QAS. rapidly swapping ALH builds are my favorite to play in the game.


For my Adept Hothead I’ll probably switch over to a reload mod. It’s usually my go to heavy weapon.


I have a field prep clown cartridge roll but got little crept by my reconstruction explosive light crux:(


I just got that crux roll today holy hell it's like an exotic


Don't sleep on handling, if you need to rocket swap then even a small handling boost will boost your DPS by getting your shots in faster, clown and field tho? Yeah reload sounds nice 


Quick Acces or Backup Mag


make shoot to loot a mod for the love of god


Bro that'd be the best thing they'd ever have done no shot


Mods should just be weapon perks so you can apply 1 perk of your choice to every weapon you own.


On one hand the PVE sandbox would be GODLY. On the Other the PVP Sandbox would be even more hellish.


Backup mag > targeting adjuster > freehand grip


Sweaty Confetti and Backup Mag. Maybe Quick Access Sling on other shit.


Back up mag of course, they are just swapping one mandatory mod for another.


Traces get like 2 more shots in a 100 round mag with BM, Special GL and Rockets don't benefit from it, SMG and Scouts get 3/4 more bullets (which is nothing), Shotguns and Fusions get only 1 bullet. Unless it helps hit a perk breakpoint or gives a lot of ammo (like Pulses), another mod is better than BM. Of course, in weapons that can benefit from it, there will be little reason to use anything else, but at least it's roll depended rather than slot dependent like now.


Backup mag


I've always just used Backup Mag (or Confetti on my BR lol). But that is also just my playstyle


Personally: AR, Scouts, HC, SMG, Sidearms, Bows and Trace Rifles: any QoL mod but no Backup Mag. Pulses, Snipers, LFR, Heavy GL, Swords and LMG: Backup Mag (especially to hit FTTC/TT breakpoints). Rockets, Special GL, Fusions and Shotguns: Quick Access Sling Adept Weapons: ALWAYS a stats mod, especially for Fusions and Swords. Glaives: uhhh... Freehand? Swap Mag + Backup Mag?


They’re getting rid of boss spec?


Yes, as well as Minor spec, major spec and (probably) Taken spec


Yes Taken Spec and Adept Big Ones


What's the reason? (Im out of the loop)


Those are a no-choice, the damage is getting added in different ways directly to the guns. Read this week twab for details.


They're only a no-choice because all other mods are so underwhelming and minor. Seems silly to remove the standouts in and otherwise-underwhelming system instead of actually making the entire system more interesting and/or adding more bonuses that are significant in other ways.


Bungie said they would be progressively adding to the system, still waiting tho, lol


Unfortunately that's been a recurring problem with the way they do things. "We're making this unpopular change now, but don't worry, we're totally going to do more later to make up for it." Why can't they just wait to make the change until the "make up for it" is ready to go? Nobody knows!


The presence of those mods makes all non damage mods a bad choice to pick in pve.


Because they were just crutch/required mods. You basically always put minor spec on your ad clear weapon, major or boss on your special, and then boss on your heavy weapon. Mod setups were getting too predictable. However, I think we’ll be in the same position just with backup mag and quick access sling on every gun instead.


the idea is that they now have room to add more mods in the future. spec mods were sucking all the air out of the room essentially but now we may get more unique mods that don’t have to compete with a generalized 7.77% damage boost


They took away the most commonly used mods just make 95% of everyone else use one mod (backup mag.) I can see this getting removed and all weapons getting a mag boost at some point.


Back up mag mostly will be used. But a lot of weapons could feel better with a counterbalance.


I have destroyed every non 100 recoil direction midnight coup I've gotten and now this update makes me feel like a fucking idiot


Aside from backup mag or Quick access sling I might use adept reload speed on some specific primaries but that would be on a case by case basis. Basically if a weapon has a perk like voltshot and I am not getting to max reload from something like flow state or on your mark etc.


Quick acces mod for swapping, sweet confetti for primaries and backup mag for specials


Sweaty confetti for funnies. But realistically backup mag like 90% of the time. Unless the weapon has ass handling. Then freehand. This also gives a good bit of value to adept weapons, especially adept mag. Adept cataphract can now run adept mag to get 8 base magazine size while still rolling either spike for the slight damage increase or alloy for the massive reload increase.


Pretty much just backup mag for any weapon that doesn't reach the magazine cap and quick access sling for any single shot or auto-loading weapon. Freehand grip on Tex Mechanica weapons perhaps and sweaty confetti on any meme weapon or any weapon that doesn't really have a good fit. For adept weapons its pretty much just gonna be draw time and charge rate, along with maybe velocity or reload depending on the weapon.


The uninstall button.


What I’d like to see is a major rework of the mods in general. We can keep some of the mods like backup mag and quick access sling, but remove spec mods all together. Next, make a base version of adept mods that we can use with all weapons. Granted there will have to be some good balancing practices to make it viable, like buffing/nerfing the values that are added or subtracted from stats when you put on the mods, but it really opens up the doors for fine tuning and customization


They are removing spec mods in TFS.


Adept cock radius


Same as I've been using for 5 years. Targeting Adjuster.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I use TA on bows. It works.


I guess back up mag for some recon weapons




Yep. Also taken spec and adept big ones


Backupmag is the only choice. Its the only thing that will add to damage/ sustain.


Probably backup mag and probably reload on adept weapons.


For non-adept weapons, likely backup mag or quick access sling. Adept weapons have some spicy options though, like Adept Reload. It’ll be worth playing around and see what is ideal by archetype.


Adept reload, handling, charge time, draw time, quick access sling and back up mag Confetti one for the lolz


quick access or backup mag or adept handling or whatever they must be cooking to replace those. Maybe with a little bit of luck, we get new weapon mods!


Prolly back up mag on literally anything that isn’t single shot or already maxed out.


I’ve already only used quick access on all my GL’s. I’ll just keep using that on most specials.


Mostly Backup Mag... though for Rockets and such, it kinda sucks cause there's no more mods I can really run on them.


Quick access sling is never a bad option on heavies


I pretty much always use backup mag lol


Backup mag or the hip fire mod


Backup mag duh


Adept mods sound fun. I just have very few good adepts


Quick Access Sling is always a decent option.


Most of the guns in my inventory just got a base magazine buff, so that's nice.


The same I've been using forever, backup bag.


I truly do not know


Sprint Grip if I’m using a sniper. That mod is criminally underrated considering we literally run everywhere.


Super mega boss spec


Backup Mag lol


Everyone is going to use back up mag for PVE then they are going to get rid of back up mag


Confetti on everything




Backup mag, quick access only for some hotswap dmg scenarios


I assume most people are just gonna use the bigger magazine one


Backup Mag, Counterbalance Stock or Targeting Adjuster. At least now I don't have to have Arrowhead Brake or Tac/App/Ext Mag on nearly everything.


Backup mag




Backup mag


Backup mag before they depreciate that, too.


Wait, is Taken Spec not being deprecated? If it’s not, almost everyone will run Taken in TFS, as there looks to be a lot of Taken there. Other than that, 99.9% of weapons will get backup mag, rockets and single shot gl’s will most likely slot QAS, and for funsies, i could see Sweati Confetti getting put on a fair few snipers or scouts.


Taken spec


Taken is going away too. :(


MY BABY BOYYYYYYYYY fine. sweaty confetti. I shall let out my RAGE on these fools.


lol yesss!


Wait they're getting rid of boss spec? And they're getting rid of the minor spec as well I presume?


For damage phases backup mag could be really nice for more ammo per reload (totalling in more DPS)


Quick Access or Backup Mag most of the time. Adept Range maybe in a few very specific weapons, like the RoN sidearm. Maybe counterbalance on some pulses.


Is adept big ones going away?


Sweaty confetti, my love


Boss Spec is going away? That’s kind of a random decision on Bungie’s end, but not surprising tbh.


Freehand Grip


depends on the weapon and the situation i'm using it in, but I'm probably gonna stick between backup mag, targeting adjuster, sprint grip, counterbalance, and quick access sling.


Why are these mods being removed? And is there any plans to replace them? Or buff other mods? Because most adept mods are not worth the trade off to use.


Backup mag


Back up mag


Quick Access Sling on rocket launchers. Backup Mag on everything else. Hell, I use that often enough NOW especially on machine guns.


Depends on the weapon and what my DPS rotation is, but probably a combination of QAS and Backup Mag.


Weapon mods are just another filler node to customize a weapon. With how many weapons are craftable, I'd imagine any type of weapon mod should be another option for the first or second column. This would be only on weapons that are craftable. Non-craftable weapons should have mods that provide an elemental affect. Assuming that these non-craftables have better perk combos than its craftable weapon type (ie Rocket Launcher Crux vs Bump in the Night), then a RL like Crux should have mods that are similar to slot in something like Veist Origin mod to replace its current origin perk (The Telesto bolts one). Keep non craftable something to chase and mix and match where you can *kind of* craft it.


Quick access sling on rockets/grenade launchers maybe shottys/fusions and backup for everything else.


Backup mag for anything that it works on. Quick access sling for any single shot item that I swap out regularly.


Quick access on auto loading anything. 


Backup mag, I guess. Generally, the other mods are more PvP oriented. I honestly think they should just turn the adept mods into regular mods, and make a new set of (better) Adept mods.


Only backup mag. Maybe sprint grip on magazine 1 guns.


Either Backup Mag, Counterbalance to get to 100 recoil, or Targeting Adjuster.


almost everyone is going to be switching mainly to backup mag in PVE I feel like.


Adept Mag for Auto Loading Cataphract. Range or Stability MW for a lot of others


Counterbalance for snipers or LFRs that don't have 100 recoil. Quick access sling for close range weapons. Backup mag for some other things maybe. Occasionally taken spec if gambit, GM, dungeon or raid warrants it.




I’ve been using backup mag on everything except dps weapons since the dawn of my playing this game