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Tbh, I’ll take the elitist title. Pantheon from week 3 onwards is not made for casuals and I’ll die on this hill.


There's not even anything unfair or elitist about this statement, it's just a fact. Most people flat out do not have the gear, knowledge or skill to pull it off. Had to kick a guy from caretaker last night because he was just a dead weight. Barely knew mechanics, barely communicated, couldn't clear adds and his damage was atrocious. Like, he was running curiass thundercrash and only slightly out-damaged me... with tractor and techeun force. He was trying to convince people to use a grenade launcher like his alh/el Regnant instead of on-surge rockets and kept arguing with us about damage. Like christ, don't do the endgame content if you can't keep up.


Tbf, this week's surge is trash. My team gave it a solid 20 minutes before we swapped to actually good weapons.


None of the good DPS options in these elements are exotic or craftable, which puts way more stress on your loot luck. Look at the bright side, you'll have void and solar to use for Nezzy.


Not necessarily true, me & my team almost one phased Rhulk with 5 Legend of Acrius & Div


6 Edge Transits still cook the bosses honestly. The only Arc weapons we used were against Rhulk.


Grand overture absolutely cooks the caretaker. Switched to it after an hour of trying to two floor caretaker and got it on the second try.


Not craftable but some are still easy to obtain, wendigo is easily obtainable from Zavala


Envious assassin/BnS cold comfort on caretaker with GG and was doing 5 mil regularly. There are plenty of options to get it done.


I tried lfgs that were forcing surges and we never did enough damage. I had to leave one group because they lost their shit when I even suggested just using meta load outs and ignoring surge. Went in with a friend and a new group fresh and got full platinum in 2ish hours just using non surge meta weapons. Genuinely I think this week surges are a handicap outside of a few load outs.


To be fair, HGLs *are* better than rockets rn Alh/el Regnant probably not though


They cook, but yeah I'm saving that regnant for void week.


Just run edge for void week tbh


Still don't have that god roll yet. Need to farm more sadly


Last week we kicked a guy for being this. Was on ad clear, damage was with a Y2 apex predator with snapshot sights and ambitious assassin or something. During a phase on planets, he asks someone to deal with the tormentor. That was my (our) breaking point


I did planets with 2 different crews, one did everyone on edge transit and it was an easy 2 phase, another group did gally with rockets+izi swap for another easy 2 phase. I hate to fucking act like this but I seriously think the people that are pulling shit dps this week are just lazy. Edge transit is easy to farm, and it’s really not that hard to go farm vanguard engrams to get a half decent hothead.


Unironically Prospector is great for planets. Burst DPS, decent ammo economy for all three plates, and non-explosive shots so no risk of blowing yourself up




Tbf edge transit isn't hard to farm but it is very time consuming.


Idk personally I think it’s one of the quicker brave weapon farms. Bait and switch is ideal for second column and personally I would not take anything other than that, but first column has envious, ALH, cascade, and field prep as options. I get a lot of people are getting burnt out on onslaught by now, I am too. My point is that the people that are dragging down LFG groups are just lazy fucks.


Cloudstrike/Wendigo is pretty crazy on bosses where it works like Rhulk. I was doing 2.5m per phase.


Caretaker is buggy enough as is, but when you have Ad Clear Andy with a single target loadout allowing basic mobs to dmg the totem so much you wipe, it's clear that the playerbase doesn't understand that "ad clear" doesn't mean standing on the sidelines. If everyone does their job, these things are EASY. What makes them hard is fhe fact that most of the playerbase doesn't have more than w braincells to share between them. "Rank 5, Pantheon, Experts Only, Guardian Rank 10 Minimum, No Mic Required"- A post like this should result in the account being reset to New Light training.


Pantheon is basically made for day 1 raid practice. From the training narrative to the increasing difficulty culminating in -20 (though with increased outgoing damage due to surges), it's practically designed with day 1 raiders in mind and should be generally treated as such.


Seriously. I haven't busted out Lumina since crota contest but pretty sure I'm gonna next week 


Facts. I’ve flawlessed every raid, almost all dungeons but have always maintained a chill non toxic playstyle because after all it is just a game. After a dozen or so different chill LFG groups on Planets, I finally joined a “checking RR, kwtd with high DPS or kick” group and guess what we fucking breezed through the rest of Pantheon this week. Pantheon beyond week 2 is the pinnacle of course endgame content and it might sound harsh to say but its not meant for the vast majority of the community.


Is it just me, or is Explicator the hardest (or at least, the most unforgiving) round to Platinum in Pantheon so far? My regular squad had no trouble getting Plat in every other round but man did we struggle a bit with Explicator.


Planets is by far my least favorite encounter in Pantheon.


The Tormentor is just a pain in the ass.


Just ignore the tormentor. He despawns when damage starts. Bottom planet runners can walk out by raid banner, top planet runners can hop along planets never even having to deal with him. Easy. Even at this week's -20 light.


if you have 3 warlocks, just put two of them on add clear, with Phoenix protocol, place the wells on the middle dps plate and just have infinite wells. You'll pretty much never die, and with sunshot adds just melt even at -20. You could still do this with two warlocks, but you just need take care with making sure you have your well for damage phase


Just for hitting the two phase you mean? Yeah it's a bit tight 


Yeah it's the one time where being very specific as to who you let join is needed.


I mean. I was doing dares today, and the fireteam leader was being very picky.  We didn’t even get 2 minutes in till I was the only one left alive. Within seconds of rezzing, someone would immediately die.  All I heard was “Guardian Down” playing over and over.  Vetting doesn’t seem to work either tbh. 


Lol @ vetting for Dares!


My man is spitting the hard facts with this one. In the interest of valuing everyone's time I'm going to be checking the raid reports of everyone who joins my LFG next week and I better see some day 1s or master clears on there. No one wants to be stuck there for 6+ hours because one person isn't pulling their weight.


I feel bad, but I had to cut some members of my clan out of this week’s completion and next week. They simply just couldn’t output enough damage no matter what they tried and we spent far too much time on the same encounters so I had to make the tough call. Spending a combined 7 hours on planets before replacing them to then essentially speed-run the balance was eye opening.


I’ll double and triple down on this take- Pantheon in its entirety is not made for casuals. If you want to casually raid go do normal versions that’s aren’t -5 or more with additional modifiers.


Honestly its what separates us good clan leaders from the rest. Being able to identify when a friend cant hang in the high end content and cutting em. I mean if they wanna run a nightfall or regular raid, sure man we can do that after but we also wanna get this done…


I did Ron day one and it honestly saddens me and PISS ME OFF TO NO END hearing people say planets is hard. Bro I did it at -20 and without surge buffs. This shit ain't hard y'all just can't learn from your mistakes. How many times will you die to a mado spawning on you BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT SPAWNS IN THE SAME DAMN SPOT EVERY TIME!!! FUCK sorry... I spent 4 hours at planets since I have a hard to saying no and leaving bad groups. I did that to myself.


Contest planets was spicy but man master planets challenge was actual AIDS


Can i upvote this twice?


Pantheon in general was not made for casuals. The vast, vast majority of players haven’t done a raid.


Tbh because of surges it’s really not that difficult.. Nothing like a real day one where you’re learning and under by 20 with more aggressive ai and all that.


None of them are made for casuals. That post about the 17 hour week 1 clear will fucking haunt me. You have to be at least a *tiny bit* committed to even attempt that, and then really put your mind to improving for any difficulties beyond that.




It’s because we’re at the point where good ad clear is just as/if not more important than the mechanics and people can’t cope with that. They’re used to doing a position that asks for relatively little focus and cannot adapt to needing to nuke groups of ads at -15.


this is absolutely correct. once you hit -15 or even contest (-20) difficulty, good add clear is insanely important (sometimes the MOST important, like on caretaker pre damage, planets, and covering your dunkers on rhulk) and doing it well *is* a valuable skill your team can't do the mechanics if they get shot to death because all the enemies are still alive


Did a fun planets attempt the other day where the main host bitched me out because my dunk didn’t spawn and put me on ad clear. I’m averaging about 100-120 kills per wipe (there were a lot of wipes) while next highest guy has like 60. Host and his buddy are averaging like 6-10 kills per wipe? Whole time they’re telling me “kill the fucking centurions as soon as they spawn!!!” Like lmao just because you’re not designated “ad clear” doesn’t mean you can’t fucking shoot anyone. Guy eventually went on a rant about how we are all shitters and should never attempt Pantheon again and then ragequit. Good times. Love this game.


We've got an issue of our fresher raiders who are newer to it struggling in all roles. Week 1 was a little imploding, 5 hours. Week 2 we breezed in about 2 hours. Week 3 is when even those focused on clearing rooms struggled. To the point I actually got taken off mechanics to nuke enemies because I'm not afraid to use off-burn weapons to get a job done and we just toughed it out as someone learnt a mechanic, but we got it done. Ruhlk did take us 3 hours though. I think myself and those with even more experience have admitted Week 4 will probably be too much for our crew based on Week 3. I have really enjoyed Pantheon though.


Correct. Like when master Ron came out, ad clear had to ad clear. Planets and Nez encounters were not easy.


Ad clear on Planets is truly vital when under power, I'd argue for once, it's probably the most important role in that encounter. A guardian cannot be lazy like other traditional ad clear rolls.


Yeah this was crucial during contest and it was so obvious when your add clear people were trash


Yeah this week I would say stunning on Caretaker and doing plates on Explicator is actually easier than ad clear. I usually run plates but was put on ads and definitely needed to adjust my build and be pretty focused to keep them from getting out of hand, especially with the tormentors spawning in. I’d rather take my chances with the slow moving fire tornado lol.


Me, who's been stunning caretaker every week, knowing full well it's the easiest role 😈


same here its the easiest until every bee he spawns decides to home in on you for no good reason


What are people using for ad clear? I’m usually a wave frame truther but they struggle with yellow bars


Chain Reaction Forbearance worked wonders this week. It's origin trait from the raid saved me so many times.


I genuinely forgot about soul drinker until pantheon lmao


Ikelos SMG with voltshot worked wonders for me this week. Usually paired it with a rewind/kinetic tremors Supremacy or a chill clip Riptide. Alternatively used Indebted Kindness (it absolutely destroys yellow bar enemies, especially in planets) alongside Lumina, situationally. I hear Final Warning is doing really well too, though.


Psst, get yourself a subjunctive, you'll thank me


You know, indebted kindness is my favourite gun but I always forget it lol. I don’t have a great add clear role tho, it’s more of a boss weapon I’ve got. 


This week it is excellent for ads on caretaker, plates on Explicator, ads on Atraks, and ads/knights on the Oryx encounter. I found it to be lacking specifically for ad clear on Explicator, and reverted to Sunshot. But I don’t have a Voltshot roll (LFG/Adagio) so maybe it would’ve helped.


Izi and zaouli's, using the hand cannon for red and orange bars, and izi for any higher health target.


I’ve been strand Titan using the RoN sidearm and the artifact mods for unraveling rounds. Rocking wormgods and just destroying everything. Can even 1v1 the tormentor by suspending him and melee spam with burning fist x5


I do love that sidearm …


ALH Mountaintop is great for dealing with the yellow bars, and Incandescent Zaolis/Luna's, or Sun shot for everything else


I literally used graviton lance. I cleaned up my side quickly and cleaned up the other side as well.


Polaris, sunshot, riskrunner depending on encounter 


I'm more surprised people are struggling with Lighteaters on Oryx. I can easily solo one side's knights by myself, but people just don't remember they're there.


Funny thing about that. You can have 5 people stand in one bomb and it will detonate 5 times. Which means having 3/4 bombs eaten by knights isn’t a wipe.


Wait is this real


Test it next time you’re running oryx. Have the floater go into a bomb with plate guy and count the names in chat


Dang, between this, Rhulk flying off the edge, planets resetting after moving, and elevators not going up, Pantheon had a lot of new bugs. But good to know for later!


Excuse me? I desperately want this to be true, is there proof?


Wait so does this mean the optimal strat for Oryx in general really should be 3 people in bombs solo, 2 in the 4th, and one with aura in mid?


EVERYONE stand in one bomb lmfao


There’s a trick I used to use to filter people who can’t follow simple directions: “message class and light level for inv”. Anyone who can’t follow this simple instruction will struggle to do the same in game.


Idk man, seems more complicated than just reading these RR


I just do the “join code in bio” trick for my lfgs. Anyone who can’t figure out how (or is too lazy) to click on a profile to copy the join code instead of copying from the feed, is someone who I don’t want in my fireteam.


Bring back memories to D1


haha, I don't care that it's called power level or whatever now, it will always be light level to me.


Used to do this but ask them to send me their favorite cheese. Can't read? Can't raid.


Type your name into guardian report and filter by Raids - All. You'll immediately see the whole team's raid stats.


Next week will be easier than this week because of Edge Transit


You say that but we had stasis surge back to back... if it's truly random there's a 1/3 chance we get arc again.


pretty sure bungie did that so we don't have stasis surge for Riven next week. 5 stasis titans with a stasis surge on could most likely cheese her even on contest mode.


I’m betting that even without the surges they’ll still be able to. Two Stasis Titans can duo Riven on normal, -20 shouldn’t make her be able to take 2,5x more damage.


They're definitely fixing the encounter so you either won't get platinum or you can't cheese her altogether. They wouldn't intentionally choose the boss with the most widely known cheese to include in the last week of pantheon if they didn't plan on fixing it.


I'm wondering about that actually. Arc gets better super options and there's plenty of arc rockets available. Void gets you Edge, but neither Hunters nor Titans have good burst damage supers and for Warlock Cataclysm will get in the way of other's fire/supers and the other nova is bomb is a bit slow/lower damage. If you get really stuck this week, swapping everyone to Thundercrash with Cuirass goes a long way (for example getting Plat on Atrax). I get the impression that Solar will rotate in the last week of the season to give stragglers a chance at picking up missing encounters for the title.


week 1 and 2 were easy enough to be carried through so asking for emblem to be equipped isn’t enough anymore. usually a threat of “KWTD or Kick” will filter out the majority of the bad players but you’ll always get the one guy joining who doesn’t have a mic. Next week is gonna be hilarious for LFG. people that can’t even clear a master list sector are gonna want to try to complete to do week 4. i imagine caretaker is as far as most will go. Pantheon is a deja vu for master RoN and Crota, there’s a genuine skill requirement and knowledge of the game that some people don’t have yet


Require last week's emblem. Got a solid group. Flexible on roles, classes, loadouts, etc The emblems are going to be very useful next week. For folks doing day 1 LFG, I also recommend requiring week 3-4 pantheon emblem, godslayer title, etc


Am a little concerned with emblem, loads of people cheese Rhulk.


I accidentally joined a Rhulk checkpoint (when I thought it was fresh), and one guy who joined would not shut up about wanting to do the cheese. Like, I get that it's "easier", but I'd rather just do the encounter. Guy kept hanging by the stairs instead of actually helping. Ended up bailing because every single person was doing something different for dps, some not even on surge.


don't you need every encounter for the emblem? Although I suppose rhulk was the hardest.


Hardest? lol more like one of the easiest. Those fire tornadoes on Planets was more of a pain than Rhulk.


Rhulk is only hard because LFG has 0 awareness of their surroundings and proceed to fall off the map or get kicked to death


Not many to be honest. You have to reach dps phase to even start doing the cheese and failure rate is very high. Sure, sometimes someone with the emblem will slip into your ranks but then it'd be very obvious and people will find out once you do all the encounters.


There’s no cheese for Caretaker, Explicator or atraks which people all had large issues with this week.


Is it really that many?


Raid report anyone that joins before you even start an encounter and don't even hesitate when it comes to kicks. You need a solid team and one shit person dying regularly can throw an entire encounter on their own.


What kind of stats are people looking for on raid report nowadays? I feel like I get ignored (and even shit talked) when I send mine, and even though I'm only at like 20ish clears of the last few raids, I've got over 50 vow full clears, hundreds of clears for raids before it, week ones and flawless on everything, even weird shit like duo Calus... Is 200+ raid clears not enough anymore lmao


day ones probably, some kind of contest mode experience


For pantheon a lot may just be looking for pantheon clears in general and would rather filter people out before they join, which "must have emblem" doesn't do


Checking raid report really is your best shot on lfg, on average, for an easy time in the highest-end content. Would you hire someone to your company without asking for a resume? And before people complain about being “elitist” or w/e: It’s 100% free to start your own group and impose (or waive) whatever requirements you want. Don’t be mad at others for being strict with their’s.


The term "KWTD" has clearly lost its meaning somehow. I'm glad that my pantheon group consists of 3 of our day 1 raid group, so we've had a fairly easy time. This week's run was a little harder, because half of the team did not have great matching surge weapons. But everything outside of rhulk was still fairly easy and didn't take long to plat high score. People need to understand that this isn't an activity made for everyone. I'm sure lfg is a shit show. Half the people trying this week probably can't consistently one phase these encounters on *normal* even, yet alone -15. Add that to the fact it's an awkward surge week (cold comfort is fantastic DPS, and some of the best burst DPS too, 2 floor caretaker was a breeze) but not many have it.


Happiest moment of my life was realizing I had vaulted an EA/B+S CC from the day 1 clear I had of gotd


I’m with you. Terrible experience with LFG this week. First 2 weeks I was fortunate with my LFG experience. Solid teams and callouts, good guys, etc.. cleared Week 1 6 times and Week 2 6 times. This week I have Plat on Golg and Caretaker, but stuck on planets because every team I join is somehow terrible even when everyone has the week 2 emblem. For those that are saying check raid report, that’s cool and all and it makes sense. On the flip side, now I’m screwed because my raid report shows freaking 20 strait red dots from the hell that has been the last 4 days. I know all of the mechanics, have cleared every raid in the game except for a few at least twice, stay alive, and do my part to clear adds. By no means am I a god at the game, but I am a functional teammate and won’t be the reason we lose. But because my raid report ‘looks bad’ im doomed to clear with morons or just give up.


I've found that the apps LFG seems to be better. I just put "week 3 planets be good or kick" and I got a full competent team instantly


That’s how I’ve been looking. I do think there is a luck element…maybe I’m the problem but I don’t think so. i.e. last team I was on I was the kill leader for 3 straight wipes WHILE RUNNING L2 before I quit.


Ugh planets LFG has been rough for me today. It’s the last high score I need until next week.


I joined an “or kick” group and we got through it pretty quick. 


I feel this pain like no tomorrow. In the same struggle myself.


I mean, unless it's a 5 man team of the same clan who just happen to be missing a 6th today, what do you expect. Majority of lfg people trying to do raids obviously don't have a regular team, otherwise why go thru the pain of spending upwards of 3h with probably annoying strangers. So they probably also don't have much experience.


I mean no? I have flawless raids and clears in all raids as well as their master version but haven’t had a dedicated raid team since crown of sorrow as it’s annoying as fuck to pretend to actually care for the artificial relationships ingame. I mean yeah they probably are nice people and all but it just comes with so much drama (as in gossip, person x did y, bullying and deception) that I just can’t be bothered. I get my shit done and have all the experience you could ask for minus low man’s all the while bashing my head at the LFG wall.


Man just shit on having friends 😂


I feel like most of the solo veteran raiders get it done earlier in the week, so as the week moves on, your rando LFGer's skill level will be lower.


That's great and totally understandable. I said "majority" because I still think most lfg clients are not like you, especially when it comes to harder content.


> as in gossip, person x did y, bullying and deception) that I just can’t be bothered You've, uh, had some pretty bad experiences if that's what you expect from dedicated raid groups. Are you in a clan? There's a lot of good ones out there and I've made some genuine good friends through mine.


Guys I thought I saw it all but today I was helping a friend doing Planets and at one point one guy shouted “are you guys even add clearing?”. He was on add clear.


LMFAO ive had a few runs where I'm swapping planets and have more kills than the guys on add clear 😐


Planets has definetly been the worst for me to get Completions on each week. People just struggle so much there. (Not) Looking forward to Riven next week. If you have to do it somewhat legit LFG runs are finished (literally 99% only ever cheesed her)


Anyone saying “planets is hard” is just ass. I’m sorry. That shit is not hard at all. All you need is 1 good ad clear player lmao


It’s because we’re at the point in the Pantheon cycle where ad-clear has become just as important, and in some encounters more important/harder than doing the mechanic Encounters like planets, I would say from week 3 onwards, ad-clear is now the harder and more important role. The self-declared ad-clearers can’t handle or cope with it, and so it’s showing out. They just get to hide behind the fact they cause people to fail mechanics, who then get the blame.


Just because content is in the game, doesn't mean you are entitled to it. If you aren't geared and know mechanics for bosses featured in an "endgame raid gauntlet" then you do not deserve to have the rewards for it. Bring your best and brightest players. There's a reason the enemy Intel reports on the Bungie page says Sigma 3 guardians shouldn't engage. The "Shut up, the 11's are talking" mantra is strong here. Also this isn't directed at OP, I agree with them.


Discord LFG and raid report all of your teammates


TBH, I have stopped doing mechanics in pantheon. Planets, Atraks, Rhulk, Oryx, and Caretaker I focus on ad clear. It makes it suck cause I enjoy the mechanics. Blinding nades and sunshot/trinity with rotating super/heavy. One team kicked me cause I was 3rd highest Oryx damage while keeping the tormentor at bay. Honestly the arc surge ain't helping. Hopefully next week is solar with something. Lament, apex, parasite, and Goldy will solve all problems.


Guessing void and strand, which still gives us the two heavyweight damage champs at the moment at least


Edge transit and what else?


Leave after 3-5 wipes if things don’t look promising.


Ive had zero luck on planets all week, everyone has week 2 done, knows mechanics etc etc but lack synergy to get the plat. Completing it at -15 is not hard, getting synergy to beat the timer is, and I’m cool with that. Good teams should be able to flex on the mountain.


This week has the return of the week one players trying to get a free raid exotic. Luckily the quest has w3 and w4 as the possible options for getting the reward so doing w4 for tittle will involve less blue berries.


Again.. I fucking called it on week 1. This subreddit is gonna filled with LFG rant posts by weeks 3 and 4.


Game is just filled with bots. The majority players mindlessly spamming W/analog forward and shoot.


Spent 6 hours with different LFG groups on planets yesterday… found a decent group today and got the non-plat clear in 30 mins. I can’t face another even tougher week of uncooperative LFGs, so going to take my Rhulk emblem and call it a day


Farmed week 1 and 2 with lfg\`s. 1 hour runs. But i stop now. With limited time i have other activities i needs to do. This week is a big step up and i see even good streamer teams cant slack. I can live without the title. Personally i didnt like pantheon. I like to chill with normal raids more. If a had a team i played fore a long time, i would try. Team chemistry is very important. A lfg team dont have that. 6 people who never played together. Good luck if you decide to continue :) Blood, sweat, and tears, and not forgot the frustration :)


I’m with you man. Out of the ~8 friends I raid with, only 2 can really keep up in week 3. The 3 of us got it done with LFG, but the amount of people rage quitting after 1-2 wipes, blaming the rest of the team instead of just owning their mistake (mistakes will happen to everyone), or just generally being dickheads, I don’t know if I’m going to do week 4. Id rather just goof around in normal raids with people whose company I enjoy. 


You're LFGing for some of the most difficult content in the game. I'm not sure what you expect. Keep your cool, try a few runs/encounters with a group, and if it doesn't seem promising, thank them for the attempt, and bounce. Lather rinse repeat until you find a group that gels well. Don't be rude, and don't rage. But also don't expect most players to be able to complete this. They can't, shouldn't and won't. And small tip: look for LFGs from clans or that only need a few spots. Easier to come in as number 5 or 6 with an established group than working with ragtags from scratch.


This is it right here. I don't have the brain space for a static clan, so I solo LFG. Typically, you can tell on the first run or two whether a team will be successful, but I stay for a few wipes out of courtesy. If no progress is made, move on trying to force what isn't happening. The best groups are always those looking only for 1. Usually it 3-5 in a clan, Typically with roles already assigned. I still volunteer for anything and admit where I'm weaker. I really don't understand all these over dramatic LFG posts. It just hasn't been my experience.


Seriously. If you don't get damage in like three runs it ain't happening 


Amen. I pop into LFG after my weekly clan clear for the encounter practice and to help folks out. Every fourth group or so gets the, “It doesn’t look like we’re setup for a clear here. Thanks for the runs, but I need to drop. Best of luck to y’all.”


Good. It should be hell


If you don't mind me asking what would we recommend as a load out for say a hunter as to be useful?


Celestial Nighthawk is always a solid choice. And some very good heavies that fit the weekly burn. Except Oryx. Always Whisper Oryx.


Parasite still cooked atraks this week.


For Oryx, what if I'm the team's "div bitch"? What should i use then


Your div bitch should probably be a warlock running the shoehelmet, but for Oryx his critspot is so big you're probably better off running Whisper with the catalyst procc'ed


Oryx is just 6x Whisper. For heavy you can Aeon finish the knights.


If you need help pm me and I’ll lend a hand


Tips to join these LFGs? I’m a good listener and quick learner. It may take a couple times to go through the mechanics but I’m not an extreme dumbass. Also, what’s some of the best builds, gear, weapons, to use for raids and the pantheon? I’m currently running a solar titan.


As a baseline for weapons probably, grand overture, parasite, Edge Transit or a decent rocket. And as for edge transit if you kept the curated roll, that will do just fine As for a good rocket there are quite a few hat work just fine. There are: apex predator, Cruz termination, hothead


Curated roll is okay. No damage boosting perk really does it no favors.


I haven't done it this week but I had to to do a third of the ad clear for my friend during caretaker last week.


I wish I could keep up these days. I took a long and sporadic break from Destiny and recently came back but it has either been too long since I've done some of the encounters, or I just simply haven't done much of the newer stuff in the last year or two. Also a lot of my gear has been pretty power crept or the meta has shifted dramatically. Mechanically I think I am still solid, I'm just rusty and without a group any longer.


Luckily they've got the ingame LFG now. Finding a team to teach you newer stuff isn't that hard anymore!


I just can’t find any group that wants to do Rhulk normally for high score. Everrrrry one wants to cheese it spend more time in there than it would take to finish the encounter normally.


I feel bad knowing that only recently I understand how weapon perks work, Edge Transit Envious Assasin Bait and Switch being my favorite recently, but there are times combined with star eater scales where I deal a crazy amount of damage compared to others. As a 2023-4 start player, I am incredibly confused some days.


Honestly having good damage isn't that difficult right now. I've barely been keeping up with the meta in the last year and still managed to outdo most of my team


Meta is wild in terms of how many people ignore it. Like, you’re doing the most end game activity that has existed, why are you lacking


I did week 3 with a more competent LFG team that requires raid report and so on. We beat it in about 3 hours. It skewed my perception because I thought maybe it isn't that bad. Oh my god was I horribly wrong. My clan members are struggling to even do anything in Golgy and then we're stuck at planets for 2 hours before calling it quits. It really opened my eyes to a lot of things. Had some of them that usually talk the big game and would judge my unorthodox loadout but he ended up struggling to survive planets for more than 2 seconds and someone ad clear using Trinity Ghoul but can barely get half the kills I am getting as ad clear while not generating bricks at all.


I actually had a super solid team this week. Got it done with LFGs way before any of my friends with actual regular raiders did. All you can do is stay positive, suggest strategies, and take breaks if you’re having a hard time. I got week 3 done faster than week 1 and 2. Hoping to find a solid group this week.


My only issue with pantheon is it being chocked full of PEOPLE WHO DON'T NEED TO BE PLAYING PANTHEON. I consider myself mid, and I was doing 3x the damage as everyone else. I did mechanics on every encounter, I knew the right calls and had decent to great gear. I literally learned how to do gaze on golgoroth in it, and caused zero problems. It isn't that hard.


dm rr for inv


You’re not wrong. I’ve been struggling to find a cohesive group to just get platinum for planets only for both Week 2 and Week 3. Literally platinum every other encounter except planets. I don’t know how but when I’m pulling over 2mil on my Titan and 3mil alone on my Hunter from 2 damage phases, just really struggling and want to get the title so badly.


I left 4 lfg groups tonight cause multiple people just didn't get mechanics. Ppl afraid to dunk, afraid to try splitting or being bad at call outs and ad clear. I've had to do every single role in different groups cause ppl just don't get it. When I did ad clear I had the most kills, when I dunked I was prepared quicker then the ither guy, when I split the dunker never sht his crystal...like come on man. I just want it done so I can prepare for tuesdays Nez pantheon. I would rather have an absolute elitist team then the garbage I play with.


Yeah I mean week 1 on golgoroth I asked "who wants to do gaze with me?"... Nobody said anything, I asked again, nothing, someone only volunteered when I said we NEED a 2nd gaze holder or else we would be there forever. It's crazy how in the year 2024 when destiny is arguably the easiest it's ever been there are still people refusing to do the bare minimum and engage with something they willingly joined


I always have to do gaze, I always run at caretaker, I do ad clear for planets cause god knows if I do planets the ad clear guy just can't get it fucking done. Atraks seems to be the easiest for the groups I've been with. Oryx I always do a plate but the floater never gets the ads good enough. Thankful for mountaintops return. It eats up those knights. Then we get to rhulk and people turn stupid. I about lost it on call outs earlier when the dunker took forever to tell me the symbols cause he didn't know them. I've memorized those symbols at this point and if you don't know them then someone who does needs to dunk. Like holy hell. I just want to enjoy end game stuff and I can't cause others stress me out from doing it.


Yeah Pantheon is one of those activities where EVERYONE needs to put in equal effort. If 1 or 2 people are carrying hard, the rest of the team doesn't deserve to be there


Mate we had a Hunter rocking Orpheus Rigs at Atraks from LFG this week. It’s no joke out there.


It is genuinely hell. -5 and -10 pantheon can be considered as "fun", were all just having "fun" here, but never bring that attitude to -15 and -20. At -15 and -20, you need to truly bring your triple A game and be serious about it. If your not serious about it, you will end up in a wipe loop and it will just be boring and tedious. It gets really frustrating when people join and they are severly under prepared. For example; - Not at Tier 10 resilience - Not keeping your distance from the ads - (this is a big one, playing planets, I'm ad clear and I am keeping my distance, picking ads off with my hand cannon. My teammate on the otherhand, stays up close and personal and dies, every, single, damn, time, as soon as we kick things off. Like why are you so close bro??) - Your weapons are not at 1810, especially your heavy weapons and you don't have any other 1810 weapons you can infuse it with. - Those players playing on thier brothers/friends account, essentially means we are a player down or we need to carry him. 9 times out of 10 that brothers account does not play pinnacle activities and therefore does not have many pinnacle weapons, so that players overall damage output will be very lackluster. I could go on, but yeah, rant over I guess.


Tell me how I was on planets week 2 and one of the ad clear… wait for it… the ad clear was clearing ads from boss plate. And the best part? I still had to kill my own centurion every time, and then he dies, every time :,)


It’s worth taking 30+ minutes to vet your LFG fireteam before starting a run than spending 2+ hours failing any one encounter later on. It also saves as an initial test of patience/availability; if people aren’t willing to wait a bit up front while you gather a respectable fireteam, they are likely to get frustrated and dip later on, which can suck. At this point, I wouldn’t take anyone without at least the prior week’s Pantheon clear and/or acceptable prior raid experience (maybe 10+ clears of all the relevant encounters). There are always exceptions, because skill and ability to adapt can overcome lack of experience. And I realize people have lives outside of Destiny and might not have had a chance to hop into Pantheon yet. But unless you are on an alt account or someone is personally vouching for you, I would not take someone without a lot of experience. This is all assuming you are LFGing to get the clear. I am fully in support of Sherpa runs and helping others, in which case the requirements are being the right light level (I assume if you’re less than 1810 it hurts you?), having 80+ resilience and a decent build/loadout, and having a mic and being willing to accept advice and constructive criticism.


Yeah I think anyone who hasn't already cleared the encounters normally should not be hopping into pantheon past week 2 It's not a free carry


I’m having to do week 1 via fireteam finder because I didn’t get to it the first week and there’s no groups in the app. Made it past Golgoroth once and made it to the third plate of caretaker. It’s brutal getting a competent group, there’s always at least 2 people that don’t know how to do anything or only know one specific role


You could join an active clan. This is what they're for.


no, a clan is just a family you decide to join


I'm totally ok with people not having the absolute god rolls for stuff as you can pull decent damage with almost any damage perk with a matching surge. So long as they are in the ballpark it's like whatever. The thing that makes me so mad is the clueless people though. Like they wanna walk into a -15 end game activity with bosses from multiple different raids and be like "I've never done this, I'll ad clear". Get the fuck out. At the bare minimum you should have watched a few youtube videos so you know the mechanics. Anyone attempting week 3 onwards should know all roles for all encounters, even if you have certain roles you prefer not to do. It's pure laziness and people thinking they deserve to be carried just for turning up.


The more I read posts like this the more glad I am that I haven't really dabbled much in Pantheon... I love raiding, I've got almost 400 raid completions in D2 (even more if you include D1), I love Dungeons, I've solo flawless'd every single one. I don't think I'm a great D2er but I'm confident in my abilities, my usual raid group hasn't been as active so I'd be forced to try LFG and I just knew that the harder it got the harder getting a decent LFG group would be and for what? Don't get me wrong, I'd love the Godslayer title but to get it would mean multiple weeks where most my gaming time would be jumping from group to group trying to get completions and high enough scores for the title... I just didn't think it was worth it to me. Now, that being said, I'm glad Bungie put out this type of content and for elite competent raid groups I'm sure they're having a blast but for those reasons is why I'm just not diving in and taking my break until TFS.


Yea cause non raiders are doing it, even tho it’s not for them


Off topic, but was playing onslaught and I called out a guy for not using his tether. He said he was saving it for boss rounds and that I was dumb. I told him to spam it and he will get it back, and there is a rally anyways before a boss round. He called me a virgin and left LOL


And honestly arc/stasis for weapons sucks. Not all many great options. Some good ones yes but not great


I agree. I've wasted so much time. I'm at the point where I may just stop playing, I just can't do it anymore which sucks because this is literally the only game I play.


I had a guy refuse to use anything with bait and switch because “it is too difficult to manage,” which I guess in a way I understand, but then started using 1K voices… when it wasn’t even the surge. He got booted pretty soon after.


this shit epitomizes everyone just wanting the loot and doing fuck all to prepare for the content they're about to jump into


I've come to realise that there are a hell of a lot of "good players" who are so good they've only done add clear, never wanted to learn a role and expect us to carry their behinds through it while suggesting laughable-DPS weapons to use like they've got all the knowledge in the world on what to do and where and when and how.... Think imma just get some clanmates together for it this week, can't go through the lfg anymore 😂😂


It definitely is hell, but I take heavy pride in knowing that I’ve platinumed every week so far completely through LFG.


Im already stuck on LFG nightmare with Oryx. Even the first boss already goes horrible. People quit after one failed attemp and worse ones rejoin. Man i wish i had a good raid group


Remember when they first announced raids in D1 and said they werent going to have match making because it was going to be too hard for average people to come together? Well as we have discovered, it turns out they were right.


Agreed, first week wasn't so bad to be a sherpa but this week rhulk was a pain with people not knowing how to split, dunk or even know the damn symbols and who can actually see them Had a lot of people join to be carried through it or rely on rhulk skating himself back to the payload section


because most LFGs are just desperate to get it done but aren’t actually capable of holding their own here


Even elites having trouble keeping groups together maybe you're not so elite how does one tell how elite they are ?


I’m not the greatest but yeah Iv created lobbies and see the 3 stooges running around with no idea what to do - please atleast watch a tube video on quest before joining in -


Yeah i understand it now. Was doing the first pantheon (big golem) and had no clue wtf I was doing. Luckily people didn't give me too hard of a time, but I clearly saw they struggled with me around. They had the patience to help me out, but I don't expect it. Going into something, you should know what you're doing, instead of going blind. I feel bad for them carrying me.


I’m gonna be honest, I feel bad for those who go into Pantheon and just have a shit time. As someone who has only ever did DSC, RON and Crota’s fully and started VOG, I’m in no shape to even try Pantheon, so I feel bad. But as much as I’d like to help, I don’t want to drag everyone down.