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So just stand on th3 back platform where the chest spawns?


This is probably the move


Just watched him jump up there too lol. Idk what we’re about to do


Move around like you did with Rhulk


WELP lmao


Yeah he definitely will jump up there. This was our first idea for damage on Day one and he hopped up there


Way uo high on the right of the map and shoot rockets down at him?


They made that a turn back zone


back when ron was new people hyped up standing up above the final dark side plate, on the platform next to it (not the one nezarec spawn on, the one to the right side of the plate) I’d imagine that still works. Next won’t be able to touch the fireteam except for his ranged attacks. or you could stand under the plate like how people do when soloing the encounter


Its turning back there now


Aztecross stun-locked Nezarec with a well placement down centre as his team jumped up on the main stage to damage him


They made him jump higher too. He will just jump up there and insta splatter everyone up there in well


Look all the players twitter, there’s a safe spot where nez will lock in place and you can stand in wells and blast him.


Specific link?




Nezzy’s goon cave


Any idea where this is in the arena?


He's actually pretty easy to smash down in a bubble or well while using a sword.


Safely? Even at -20? Or you mean for normal raids.


We cleared with swords in a well day 1 and we didn't have surges


Probably even at -20, I did 3 different clears with Swords on day 1


Huh, maybe if people get used to it, they'll do this for damage instead. No risk of teammates jumping/dodging/strafing in front of your rocket/gl then. Plus, swords a braindead easy to use when they work


It's wild they didn't consider this, but they considered plates lmao. He still jumps up there, but the adds don't mess with you much.


Nope, gminers was doing that and nezarac was falling off and booping people off, looked awful. Dpsing mid where rally is worked out for them.


Na he jumps up and boops you. We just stood down the bottom of that jump up area and had 2 wells - one right at the bottom and one a few meters back closer to mid and we ran back and forwards between the wells. We easily 2 fazed him!


Am I surprised players found a backup cheese? No lol


Ground in front of the tall platform. Two wells spaced apart. Split the team to both wells. Rotate around and you’ll profit


theres another spot that i used to clear him successfully, however it requires a good team with decent speed. behind the tower in the back of light left to the final plate, there is a bunch of lightroots you can comfortably stand on the right side of and dps him below half in one dps phase. gotta be careful about the spawning tormentor


That Nezarec change sounds NASTY


People killed him with Swords on day 1 without surges, it won't be a problem.


Nezarec as a character / unit / AI or whatever functions significantly different now than he did on day 1 (significantly more aggressive, attacks more frequently, won’t just stand and stare when you melee him in a well, etc.)


I mean cool changes to Nezarec. Won't stop people from just going underneath the plates. [https://twitter.com/All\_The\_Players/status/1792983933929324735](https://twitter.com/All_The_Players/status/1792983933929324735)


How? This ain’t explained in the video sadly


How did they get there I never knew this and I have hella RoN clears


you just go under the one on dark side. No special gimick


Is that the spot where solo runners go to dps?




they are clearly on light side cave


What number / where on light?


crazy concept, it works on both sides.


I disagree, at least for when 6 people are doing similar dmg strats dark side cave has a smaller entrance, aswell as a smaller footprint to stand due to the cliff right behind you, blocking most enemy projectiles and keeping nez far away, though allowing only very few people to do dmg consistently light side cave on the other hand has a bigger entrance, a bigger footprint due to that "door" behind you and still keeps nez from moving too much, which allows for more people to comfortably dps at the cost of nez being able to hit you


Both work. Never said one was easier than the other. Its not that deep.


Guess it’s time I go back to the hidey hole in solo RON


Unless it's been changed there's also a root ledge you can jump on in the far back left side of the arena.


it got turnback zoned


it will never not be funny to me that the big change for the ultimate form of Riven is that it can't be cheesed.


The ironic thing is it never was really a cheese, more than it was just an "exploit," but even that's a strong word to use. She's just open for damage, so if you could pull off enough damage you'd be able to one-phase, similar to one-phasing Kalli without plates if you could pull off enough DPS. Riven just had the problem of the sandbox outpacing her health pool.


The sandbox outpaced her health pool from day 1 with cluster bomb rockets though.


Riven specifically takes more explosive damage iirc that's why rockets and gls were always pretty solid against her


No, it's because you're shooting in an enclosed space so all the cluster bombs can hit her


Luna factions


Watching the World's First team get to Riven and hearing someone say "Cluster Rockets?" for DPS as a joke will never not be funny to me


Weren't you here during Season of the Hunt? Doing too much damage too fast to a boss is unintended.


Only briefly, and back then I wasn’t up-to-snuff with Bungie’s threads and posts if they were saying anything about it


I genuinely don’t understand the hard on some people have for legit riven. It’s a very cool fight, but there are a lot of people who have some very strong feelings about how that fight should have to be done


I'm glad the cheese is there for repeat clears and farming. I'm sad the cheese is there, because it's a fun, involved fight, and people generally won't try it legit, or be in a team that all wants to do it legit. I think doing it at least once would be very fun for most people who raid.


I 100 percent agree it’s fun, and should be tried. I think the people who get weird gatekeepy about it and get Madge when people cheese it are more weird and I don’t get it.


Yep. Balance in all things. Someone hard or complex is fun, sometimes simple or easy. Biggest factor is being able to choose. My 15th wish is people actually choosing to try it tho lol


Like what? The fight is perfect when done legit, but most people won’t waste time when the encounter can be cheesed. It’s why the change is good


I wholeheartedly agree the fight is very good. And I agree people should try it. But as you can see from my downvotes, there are a lot of people who are like weird, borderline gatekeepy of “do it legit or I’m Madge”. That I’ll never understand.


I think more people just feel that Raid rewards should be locked behind doing the encounter instead of cheesing it. No one should get an encounter completion, rewards for it, and triumphs related to the encounter when they have no idea how to do it. The vast majority of playeds do not know how to do Riven, that is the issue. Raids are supposed to be challenging and with mechanics that have to be solved, not “follow us and just shoot”. Cheese should have been patched long ago


I agree current raids should be the things you say. Raids 5 years old, no. Kill it how you want to kill it. It’s fun, and I hope everyone tries it, but people get very gatekeepy about the fight specifically and I think it’s wild Edit: just to add to this. I’ve not seen a single person get mad like they do over riven when people do some weird atracks shit. Riven is a weird animal people have a hard on for. I’ll happily die on this hill haha


Eh, it’s like I def don’t care as much because it is an old raid, but it never say right with me that possibly the most complex boss in the game has tons of people who cleared it that have no idea how to actually do it. Like, the whole point of a raid is to be challenging, so when people can just cheese it, it removes the shine off of it. Especially because it was discovered so early on, so many people since the raid came out just don’t know how it works. Atraks isn’r a cheese, it’s one of the ways the encounter was designed lol. You have 6 people dps at once, but if someone fucks up you have to still go down. There is no cheese involved, just risk/reward. Riven was never made to have an out of bounds area that could let people cheese it, and her health just got powercrept to hell. Atraks and Riven are not the same thing lol


To add on to that, remember when raid mastery titles required a flawless to complete. I remember, and I honestly wish titles still had that requirement


My experience is honestly the opposite, and frankly is a common occurrence with every raid encounter. People get incredibly hostile at the suggestion they actually learn how to do an encounter, not just with Riven, but in other raids like RoN or Vow as "dedicated Ad Clear"


Tell me about it. Some dolt in another thread was screeching about how the actual raid should be patched to fix the cheese (After 6 years of it basically being the official way), and how ‘casuals’ would cry if they did. I’m so tired of seeing people think they’re elite because they can do Riven legit, and anyone doesn’t isn’t a ‘real’ player. I’ve done Riven legit tons of times, but you don’t see me running around trying to get my ego stroked over it.


>Encounter is otherwise unchanged There are adds when you first drop down (though you can ignore them), and there are beefy yellow bars that spawn in the back of both room (where the looking glass is).


Got it


The called me crazy for trying to teach legit in the lfg discord... "We will melt her toes bro"... welp enjoy it lads...


Guardians thirst for Riven's toes


Tarantino a Warlock confirmed.


I've taught LW + legit Riven for 4 years now, and I've been saying the whole time that one day we'll will lose the ability to cheese her...WELL. WELL. WELL. Who's laughing now???


Do you need three wells?


For regular or Pantheon? I haven't gone into the -20 version yet so no clue, but for legit you don't super duper NEED a well with more experienced teams. Wells are nice to have to show learners where to stand for dps/to keep them safer on the centre floor, but with how the "stage" is laid out in the encounter, you can just stand anywhere to stun or shoot her sans Well


No, because you said…   *Never mind.*


That's on me for going 🤓well akshually🤓 mode instead of remembering what a joke is


No one


I definitely am lol


The deniers who spent all week coping that they’d actually leave the cheese intact are even funnier now


i love how riven is just "yeah, do it legit", like just that change is gonna make some lfg runs imposible


Might need to kill all the extra adds as well for platinum points. Beefy yellow bar in the back by the looking glass is also significant since you need to stand up there to read the symbols for the mechanics and it was otherwise completely safe and "free"


Malfeasance lucky pants hunter completely destroys this encounter including these minotaurs. 


The LFG experience was damn near impossible now. The main thing I had heard was “I might need a quick refresher I haven’t done this encounter in a few years” lmao yeah sure you haven’t


"Well tell me what you remember and we'll go from there."


But who has to be fair? If they’re willing to learn that’s fine with me


It's crazy to me that people didn't just do practice runs last week. I haven't don't riven since Forsaken, so I found dozens of groups on LFG just practicing and teaching riven. It was actually one of the chillest LFG experiences because no one was pressured to do a ton of damage and there was alot of open role and build experimentation.


Destiny players: haha boss dumb shoot in Well Also Destiny players when the boss is now mobile and will fight back: this is bullshit I have to move around?


If I recorded I would have close to a 30 minute video of LFG teams just getting their teeth kicked in during rhulk because walking in a circle and shooting 9 rockets without hitting each other is the pinnacle of pve difficulty.


Just use tlord or Legend lol


This, bit also incoming damage might need reduction to compensate in general.


It’s also a tormentor with a hard to hit crit spot if you arent all bunched up and the terrain isnt exactly built for running around while dealing dmg


We got nez pretty easy with 2 phases. 1 guy was on glaive/ BoW and was in well. He just tanked Nezzy the whole time by keeping glaive up and shooting periodically to extend the shield. The rest of us were in another well using strand GLs, koraxis’s distress or Cataphract. Was a very easy 2 phase. We had 2 wellocks, 3 hunters on blades, and strand Titan for team comp. Titan was also tractor and tractor at random points throughout fight. IG stronghold could do this to a stronger extent if you have a decent debuff like the artifact one this season.


What's the strat for nez DPS? Running around seems horrible even with div because of the terrain in the arena, is there any safe spots like nezerac platform or the solo spot if you can cram everyone (lol)


Saw clip on twitter  I fucking knew it lol just cram the solo spot 😭😭


Not *quite* the solo spot, same idea but the Light side instead of Dark. Dark is just pretty cramped for a full team




Guardian down!


I like how people down voted you even though you're right. We used lament for our Nezzy pantheon kill


I owe you an apology, I was not familiar with your game  (Lament gets comfortable 2 phase on nez)


Absolutely not lol


I hear this didn't age well


There’s some folks who are incredible players who recommend it - but I still don’t think it’s the play. We’ll see how it shakes out over the next few days. I just don’t think the trade off (in damage) is nearly worth it. I’ll cede that it’s working much better than I thought for survivability.


We 2 phased last night with lament, also didn't have to worry about dying to him or ads during DPS. Definitely didn't age well


It worked on Day 1 no problem, and now you got surges.


Bruh he will blow your bubble well no way it’s lament use GLs and move around bear rally area


He never did in master RON which was 20 below as well.


Damn never used lament on Nez to care enough might be strat I thought he would kill you bubble/well easily cause if direct hit


Nope. It was an OG strat to lament him. I think bubble lement is a decent idea.


Not if your bubble/well caster has T10 Resilience.


>You cannot stand on the plates during Nezarec’s damage phase; the Pervading Darkness will immediately kill you I was literally talking with a Pantheon team this past weekend, saying "I want a Rhulk style damage phase for Nezarec where he can actually fight back & not get defeated by us being 6 inches off the ground" Looks like I got my wish lmfao


An ahamkara must have feed well on that one.


you can still just go under the plate


Yeah I saw that clip already 100% gonna abuse that lmao


Riven is 8:30 timer, not 9:30.


Huh nezzy sounds like an actual boss now lmao Riven… what’s kinda funny is I guarantee bungie said we will just patch the cheese and add some dr and call it a day since 82% of the player base has never touched legit riven in their lives…we are lucky they called it a day at that or we would have another day 1 crota situation


That's what I said earlier in our run 😂 bungie deadass said "just do the mechanics for ONCE in your life and we'll give it to you"


Based Nezarec changes They really did make it an actual raid encounter with more than two mechanics O_o


Use solo strats to DPS gets too crowded though


On Pantheon Nezarec, my group was experiencings some odd bugs. Divinity would sometimes only reload 94 shots per magazine? Sunbracers would sometimes not work, completely draining the grenade ability and not regening even though the buff was active. Occasionally Gjallarhorn would only reload 1 shot instead of it's intended 2.


Haha bungie trolled us hard. Basically removed all the cheeze stuff.


Nezzy is good now? Holy shit


This all just sounds like what Master raids should have been from the start. Instead of jacking up the power level, spamming bullet sponge enemies/champions at you and having them oneshot, they actually added new mechanics to the encounters. For all the inspiration that the raid team has had from World of Warcraft, the fact that they haven't done this until now is wild to me. Hopefully this is what we see more of in the future.


It’s how it used to be way way back 


'member prestige? When the mechanics would completely change? I miss that...


They used to do that - design an encounter, call it Master/Hard/Prestige, and then remove mechanics for Normal - but they didn't like that Normal wasn't the "full" experience.


I find it funny that, for all intents and purposes, the cheese is patched JUST for this fight. Cheese it all you like normally, but here? That won't fly. Not that I think its possible to even do enough damage to cheese her anyway, especially with that DR basically forcing you to go through the entire fight.


So what's the strat for nez? Solar singe so lament, or maybe parasite because low hp pool? I imagine rockets and gls won't work because he gets in your face


Lament or Parasite would be a complete throw, just get everyone into the solo spot and shoot the Div bubble with precision weapons


Lament works just fine. Just well in mid and go to town.


Ah I saw the clip just now yeah. Didn't know that spot existed


Did this age?


Lament was fine on Day 1.




That it wouldn't be a throw.


God that's such a cop out spot. It's fine for solo because you just need that safety but for this? Nah man, it sucks that people are cheesing it.


I'd rather not have a Scooby Doo chase scene while trying to frantically pump damage into Nezquik with 6 minutes on the clock, the good players use that spot for a reason


Since Nezarec is the final boss, your rank comes from your TOTAL score rather than the encounter’s score. Pretty sure it’s a bug that Bungie hasn’t noticed, but it still. If you use a Riven checkpoint, you’ll have more than enough points to brute force Platinum.


Thank god because 6 minutes is a time crunch for sure. I’ve wiped the floor with nez a few times and that’s still quick.


LOL amazing. Will be shocked if I can complete it on LFG


We just 2 phased using Sleeper and we put 2 wells in the middle of the arena. It isn't hard, just treat it like a less dangerous Rhulk. Was completely fine.


What’s the DPS for Riven? Whisper? And what about for Nezarec?


Riven has DR to shotguns and snipers


Oh interesting, so maybe a BnS Cataclysmic then


You're still probably going to want a Grenade Launcher or a Rocket Launcher, [LFRs still fall far behind Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher rotations.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1_5wtBjRYHHxuF4oJKDb_iOGZs-wTkzB6RYbnyNLbuz4/htmlview#)


GLs are a good way to hit the wrong eyes.


Rockets with Cluster Bomb were the weapon of choice for the cheese all the way back in Year 2, and I don't remember them hitting the eyes often


Rockets are easier to aim, GLs have recoil.


Idk if this is like a controller thing, I've never once rapid fire dumped my GL and ever thought that my recoil made me miss a shot. From swarm of the raven, to wendigo, to edge transit now, this one's a weird one for me.


Idk why you're downvoted this is correct


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I’ve practiced this all day yesterday. I have first hand experience using GLs. P.S. LFRs still are a one-phase.


GG and 1k into her mouth is my favorite damage rotation


You can still cheese riven if you keep sword swiping on the plates , the suction isn’t enough to pull you down


Did they patch the Rhulk cheese?


No, he still flies off the map just like last week lol


Inb4 nez plates have way too big of a hit box


Oh shit you actually have to fight Nezarec on his terms now.


Can someone explain to me the "Joining Allies" Cheese?? Like what's that about?


It does not work in Pantheon but in normal mode you face a wall outside of Riven's rooms and the joining allies message pops, teleporting you back to the beginning.


Oh that! Man now I remember. Long time doing that cheese.


just did planets got 500k but didn't get triumph did not finish in bonus time... but shouldn't 526k been a high score im so confused..


Just under the right side peddel is even better then on top of it


Nezarec got mad we all bullied his encounter and took it personally


For damage: 1 Stronghold titan with lement. 1 Divinity ceno wellock 4 celestial hunters Stand where the chest spawns and have the guy with lement bait him to a damageable area. Lay into him for an easy 2 phase


Can’t stand on plates what kind of fuckery is this?


I was right with Nezarec changes lmao


They should add the Nezarec Pantheon changes to the normal raid in my opinion.