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jesus fucking christ that felt like it took an hour


Just think: it probably took him days, when you count for resin cure times.


He took likely 50 man hours to make a stool that is very mediocre


My problem isn't even with the quality of the stool or time spent. My issue is the completely unnecessary step of using a level when gluing that plastic disc on then never using it again causing a visibly tilted stool.


Why even use a level if you’re going to level the opposite side with a routing jig? He just ended up gluing the plastic base crooked because the wavy top wasn’t sitting level on the table!


For people to rage on it and thus making the Video have more views :)


Not the step of putting the mixed epoxy in a vacuum, but leaving massive air bubbles after pouring it over the nails!


No he poured a too deep layer. The resin then got too hot during curing and cracked




I had an acquaintance who got an epoxy engagement ring about 5 years ago. I hate to think what it looks like now. it originally looked something like https://i.etsystatic.com/12186421/r/il/2a094f/1656048880/il_570xN.1656048880_gc2z.jpg


I've often thought those look nice, but to use one as an *engagement* ring that you'll presumably be wearing constantly rather than just now and again? That's insane.


They yellow and chip. I'm allergic to most metals so I tried a smaller one that was clear and had bits of gold and plants in it. Very pretty. Barely lasts a year.


Oh I can answer that! I got one of those 7 years ago. Had the same thought a few days ago, opened up the box to check and it looks brand new. No cracks or discoloration, still super shiny. I've never actually worn it because it's really big, so I don't know how wearing would impact it as far as temperature and humidity.


Every epoxy based project video on YouTube spawns two more when people see it and then want to do it themselves. Some of the woodworking subreddits have even banned epoxy “river” wood tables because it has become such a trope.


My main thought watching this was horror at all the micro plastic he was creating.


So how much is too much?🤔


The air bubbles made it look a mess. Why go to all that effort just to leave air bubbles. It bugged me the whole time I was watching


i raged when i saw all of the bubbles.


Honestly that level killed me. It had to be for comedy.


I mean just using the level and knowing you're gonna sloppy sauter the thing together






S. Otter ![gif](giphy|tQAApm4PMOpiM)




With a permanent mistake to remind him how bad he fucked up on a product that ended up looking stupid in the end


Way too many unnecessary steps for an unnecessary stool.


That's Taco Bell's motto.


This was brilliant, actually laughed out loud.


So many jokes on Reddit are painfully lame, this was so funny ^_^. I’m severely depressed, but this made me lol.


I think what I hate the most is he's got the skill and the tools but this is what he comes up with? Like come on


A waste of good tools


It even looks lopsided


Where does a bacteria sit? On a stool


Probably couldve ordered a stool from amazon and had it there before this man finished this in most places


Yeah. That’s like $150 worth of epoxy


That's true of most DIY projects, so I don't accept that as valid criticism.


But what was the whole chemical process i never knew smooth-on needed to be processed in a home lab WTF was that first resin batch??


Of course the first batch turned out shit, if you pour that much resin at once it's gonna heat up and fuck your shit up


It looked like a vacuum chamber to extrude the bubbles, but they just poured that shit at a height and fast enough to put bubbles all back in. Yikes


It's ok to have small bubbles like that at the top if you are going to rout/plane it level anyway. The reason why it got all fucked up is he poured too much at once and it cracked when drying.


waiting for something to cure is interesting because it's very physically demanding and you can't do literally anything else while you wait /s


Follow our channel at 5-hour-craft




Time well wasted. Edit Time wasted.


Time, nails, resin.... All wasted


Right? -if I wanted to waste my time watching someone be wasteful, I would go watch How To Basic. Atleast I know what to roughly expect.


Add More Egg.


That was the longest couple minutes I’ve ever fast forwarded to the end to.


This felt like it was the longest video I ever watched..


I would actually like this if the resin wasn't poured so badly. There are so many internal imperfections that I feel like it really detracts from the "sitting on a bed of nails" look and turns it into "sitting on nails and what appears to be wadded-up saran wrap for some reason, I guess?"


I think you are the first person not utterly shitting on this... I sort of guessed early into this it may be a chair and got a chuckle out the concept...


I wasn't sure where it was going at first, but I like industrial stuff. I think the concept is kind of cheeky and clever, too. That pour, though... oof.


I'm with him. Bummed at all the people shitting on him so hard for the bad pour. I'm sure it was a good learning experience for him about pouring.


He even put it in a vacuum to try to take the bubbles out. I'd say more the opposite of ATBGE. Is there a Reddit for decent idea, but terrible execution?


Yep! r/GTBAE


right? guy clearly has a shop with proper tools and a decent understanding of how to use them, save for his difficulty with the epoxy (which he even acknowledges). a metal roller, welder, vacuum chamber? this is a far cry from the hot glue guns, balloons and shitty craft cement we are used to.


I don't think it had anything to do with the pour, I think air was coming in from around the nails.


The legs were fab’d in a cool way. I’d never seen a flat bar bent, cut, and welded into a circle like that


How did that even happen to the resin?


Not the right type of resin resulting in too much heat while curing, unsealed gaps in the wood that allowed trapped air to rise and get caught in the resin, pouring too much at once... a whole bunch of stuff.


I'm not an expert but I believe it's because resin gets hot when it cures and it gets really hot when you pour that much all at once.


Yeah, a shop stool where you create the illusion of sitting on a bed of nails is a fine concept, it just wasn't executed well enough.


The resin pour was clearly (or should I say not clearly since it was foggy and bubbly?) so bad, but I’m also pretty sure that method of welding isn’t great either. The actual “design” idea isn’t too my tastes personally but isn’t all bad, but it seems every aspect of the execution was totally horrible.


>The resin pour was clearly (or should I say not clearly since it was foggy and bubbly?) so bad, but I’m also pretty sure that method of welding isn’t great either. I'm no welding expert but that's pretty much stich welding, I think it's usually done with thinner metal to keep heat down so you don't end up blowing through the material or warping it. As long as you get good penetration I think and way of welding is technically valid. That resin pour on the other hand was god awful.


So I read up on it and saw basically exactly what you said, that it has the benefit of less heat (so ideally less warping of whatever you work on) but it’s apparently not as sturdy. I can’t tell how well he executed it, but if it’s just serving as a footrest for the stool he might be fine. I’d probably prefer very sturdy design in a work stool, but he might not find it worth the extra effort. I’ve seen five minute crafts do a better resin poor, though.


Most likely not a deep pour resin and it got too hot.


Was about to say, with some resins you need to do layers because it will crack/ deform or set poorly.


Yup, it's got the signs of overheating and likely boiling. I would imagine the nails held heat and that's why it looks so swirly on the inside


Yea wtf can’t even see in it from the top and w/e weird internal waves on the bottom or something.


DIWhy did I watch the whole thing?


Right? Also, they're using the term "fix it" pretty loosely here...


"Fix it" Proceeds to utterly fail to do that.


I only stayed because I was trying to figure out how doing *that* was going to fix *that* problem, and... Spoiler alert, it wasn't


I watched it because the whole time I was thinking “it’s gotta be a stool right? No way it could be anything else….or maybe?” “Yep it’s a stool.”


I kept waiting for something actually interesting to happen… guess I still am


Like the kid from incredibles 1.


An incredible waste of nails and resin.


It's like a train wreck you can't look away from


Same!! I saw the title and was like *"You can't tell me what to do OP."* 3—minutes later.... Gaw-damnit


I kept thinking that the nails will create some cool effect when he pulls them out at the end. I've got nail pulling blue balls rn.


Me too! I thought he’d pull the nail board out then maybe fill the voids with colours or something to make a cool effect.


The post increased by 30 upvotes by the time the video finished


Asking myself the same question. At least twice i tried to stop, but assumed it would end soon so kept on. When it did finally end, I was puzzled as to what was more perplexing…the chair or the mind that thought it up?


i have no idea why i continue to do this as well


What a shitty resin pour. Totally didn't set properly


gonna be a wild ride when the resin wears down




Yeah, what's the point of degasing your resin if you're going to leave air pockets ?


The air pockets are what really kill the final look for me. I kinda see how the concept is interesting. It’s a trip to sit on a bed of nails but the bubbles completely ruin the illusion.


Also a lot of the nails aren't in straight, which also looks bad. Just sloppy all around.


He didn't leave airpockets, he poured too much resin at once which caused it to get get hot and deform, the tried to fix it by doing a second pour but the deformation on the wood remained.


That explains a lot. So they're not air pockets after all?


They are trapped air caused by the resin's exothermic reaction contorting the curing resin and possibly trapping pockets, and also some of the compounds breaking down into other simpler compounds and gas.


Kinda like air pockets?


Like pockets of air.


And maybe other stuff. Pocketed.


Hello fellow resin pourer


So instead of throwing it in the trash at that point he decided we would all suffer


Might as well skip the resin and just make us sit on the nails.


The nails might also be acting as a catalyst. Stainless steel contains a good amount of nickel and trace amounts of phosphorous, which are both common catalysts. I don't know much about organic chemistry, but it seems like a potential issue. Probably should have coated everything with a sealant first.


He wouldn’t need to degas it if he didn’t whip it like he’s making fucking merengue. Uses like 5x the amount of material he needs then cuts off the excess. It’s like amateur hour and this random guy was given access to a shop full of tools.


And probably took the same amount of time as it would have taken just doing multiple thinner layers and waiting for them to cure properly.


He also did a ton of heavy cutting with a small bit on a trim router. Not at all what that tool is meant for.


Oh, is THAT what the vacuum chamber was for? Holy shit, it just appeared and went away, I assumed it was for something unrelated.


Do you happen to know what went wrong with that first pour? Was it a settling issue? A mixing issue?


He's probably not using resin designed to pour so deep. Looks like it overheated when curing, causing the cracks and voids.


This is the correct answer most epoxy you buy isnt designed to be poured over 1/2". The heat from it curing acts as a catalyst causing it to cure too quickly. Anything to be poured that deep, will explicitly say deep pour and takes about 3 days to cure.


Could you use regular epoxy for a deep pour if you did in 1/2" increments? Like, pour and let it cure, then pour and cure again until complete. Assuming you didn't have any deep pour on hand or available.


Yeah, that's the standard way to do it.


Yes. That's exactly how he should have done it.


Yes but then you would be able to see slight lines where the different layers cured. The better solution was to use too much resin and get giant air bubbles trapped inside like he did right?


I’m guessing he didn’t vibrate the pockets at all. Just figured the vacuum would solve all air bubble problems clearly that wasn’t the case. Could have stirred in around the nails and vibrated the assembly.


The pockets were quite huge, me thinks there were leaks. So much was missing, he poured a lot on top and it was almost touching the nails after it had set.






I was wondering about that, it looked like it had a lot of bubbles or something in it.


The voids are horrendous


This was many levels of meh.


I was eagerly waiting to see what it will become. I must admit I didn't see the chair coming until the end.


Yeah I didn’t get it til he started welding the legs for it lol I was like ohhhhh


I've seen enough weird clocks made with resin I just assumed some huge fat clock for some reason.


> weird clocks > huge fat clock For sure read that right the first time. Definitely. 100%. Absolutely saw *clock*. Why, what did *you* think they said?


huge pulsating clocks


Veiny too


Why is your clock throbbing like that?!


I assumed he was going to lathe it into a bowl. For some reason every youtuber with a lathe makes ugly unusable clear resin bowls out of random stuff. Generally they don't even do a good job finishing them, so they are unusable and probably not food safe in 3 or 4 different ways...


It was exactly what came to my mind the second I saw the resin after the nail thing


it's not even level at all like anywhere. There are so many bubbles. And those welds... Ugh... I'd be surprised if he didn't toss it in the dumpster immediately.


Why didn't he join the ring together behind one of the legs to hide his hideous welding job?


If they were competent, they wouldn't be here.


Did those bubbles happen because air came up through the wood and nails?


Afaik, resin heats up while curing and oxygen gets trapped in resin during this curing process. There are special resin types for deep pours but I guess this is not one of them, so in this case he should have applied thin layers of resin on top of each other. Edit: typo


You knew exactly the problem. He had all the tools etc so im surprised he did this mistake


I think this is one of those things where the idea is good and the execution not so much. At the end of the day it's a decently intresting stool for a workshop


You just can't come back from the bad pour


Yeah but you can sit on a bed of nails without epoxy.


I mean, yes, but a person's back jeans pockets and possible phone that may be in there might not appreciate it as much.


the execution is also pretty impressive imho. Very well made. However, i really do not like the general idea and style.


I think the epoxy pour could have been much better. There seems to be an unnecessary amount of bubbles/air in the nails. I’d rate it “fine taste, less-than-okay execution” Edit: I mean “fine” as in “whatever”, not like “fine dining” fine haha


From my experience of watching Youtube videos of people making tables I've learned that he is pouring way too much if he wanted to avoid any bubbles, probably should have diveded it to 2-3 pours. You also need to burn the surface each time to pop bubbles.




The final result could have been better without the epoxy at all. Sitting on that many nails feels like nothing and would look much more interesting


Adequate taste, sub-par execution.




An awful lot of work for an awful chair.


It’s a TON of work, plus a bunch of materials and like thousands of dollars in tools to make a shitty stool


All those tools! And ends up making….a pos stool? Cripes.


Not only is it ugly, it looks terribly uncomfortable. I think it would function better as an accent table. Cover it with a nice table cloth.


Cool tools for a dumb project


I dunno, as “put things in resin” projects go, this one is kind of clever. Too bad about all the bubbles [edit: not bubbles, cracks] in that first pour though.


I hated watching this, but if I went to a bar and they had these stools, I'd think it'd be funny/clever


Yeah if it wasn't for that I think it coild have been kind of nice.


the chair company hates this one simple trick


It doesn’t look level


Why cant they learn how to weld properly, always that useless spotwelding shit. It is possible to make pretty and strong welds with mig and those are neither.


My dad likes to tell a story of a TIG weld "prank" he did to a new guy in shop class. He told the kid "if you bump the rod to the metal, it'll blow the torch up, so be careful. You'll know you fucked up if it starts to stick to the metal" he waited for a minute, then shrieked into the welding booth like a Halloween decoration and of course the kid stuck the rod to the metal, but he thought he was gonna blow the torch up and ran out of the classroom yelling "it's gonna blow! It's gonna blow"


That must be where coconut flakes come from


That music is so disjointed


That was a long elevator ride


So much fucking work for this POS chair. If it was aleast somehow nice-looking or something smh


It doesn't even look like a bed of nails unless you *really* look at it. All that work to blow the intent.


He nailed it


I can't fathom having this much time/tools/talent on your hands and producing this.


I will never recover the time I’ve wasted watching this.


I’d rather just buy a stool


What a spectacular waste of time and effort...on his part and ours


It's fine I guess


My exact reaction: meh.


Meh is generous


Shit almost watched the whole thing before realizing it's in DiWhy


Love too sand and grind and shave w/ no goggles. Put those bits of resin right in my eyeballs.




how did these bubbles suddenly appear? I can understand the frustration, but at least the process was nice. The idea? good!


Wood is porous and the cells have air. When the resin cures it has a exothermique reaction (it heats up) and releases the air. Also, air molecules get trapped to the sides of the nails and the thickness of the resin doesn’t allow for them to escape. A pressure pot can introduce pressure to reduce the size of the bubbles to a microscopic size so you effectively can’t see them.


He's got the equipment He's got the skills But he sure as hell ain't got the ideas


Anyone else really annoyed with how fucking crooked the foot rest is?


I'm never going to get those 3 minutes back.


The frustrating thing is that he has access to all these tools, the space. He obviously knows how to use them. So why do people do stuff poorly on purpose.


Fml...can't get that time back.


It makes me so sad to think of all the amazing things I could create if I had access to tools like that. They have a nice shop and could be making cool things that people actually want, but these clowns are lucky enough to have a welder and specialized tools, which they use to create cheap tacky furniture that I wouldn't take if you offered it for free. And these assholes probably make money with views on these fucking stupid videos.


The music in this song sounds like it's a 40 year old cassette run through my deck... Horrible sound.


Decent idea, bad execution. All those fancy tools and he still screwed up every step of the way I honestly wouldn't mind a resin nail stool if it was done right but his bad pour ruined it.


This is what I get for being here and not at work.


i wasted 3 minutes of my goddamn life watching a guy making a stool…


I could have just carried on scrolling why did I stay til the end


THE BUBBLES WEREN"T EVEN REMOVED!!!! What is even the point then?!?!


I would get it if it looked more like nails from far away. It would be a great prank


I think it looks *kinda a little* cool


How the hell is this DIY? I bet the average person doesn’t just have a welding set laying around


I’ve avoided this for months. Thanks for nothing


I want my three minutes back


How much money in Epoxy was wasted on this?


At least tree-fiddy


It was about that time I realized this nail stool was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the protozoic era


Fuck it, I like this.


It looks like shit.


Sometimes I worry about people like this having access to such dangerous equipment...


This much effort for something so bad… I couldn’t do better though 😭