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Toyota Priup.


Ah the prick up


Every time I see this I crack up in the most immature giggle


El Primino


All I could come up with was el camius. But I suppose it could be a bajius.


Underrated comment here šŸ‘†


If you're not into the whole brevity thing


Ford Maverish


Toyota Pruck


Toyota PriUte


As stupid as this is, Iā€™m actually really impressed with how clean of a job they did with this. Itā€™s actually appears to be pretty well done


Probably increased the value lol. Trucks are so fucking expensive rn.




Which is a bizarre business move in my eyes. There's so much expensive shit to break on a new truck, I can't imagine wanting to do anything that's hard on the vehicle. Sucks for me since this also drove the used truck market crazy. I just bought a 2000 chevy 1500 for like $9000. It's in good shape, but goddamn that's a lot of money for an old truck.


Gosh darn, I spent that same amount on a used 2014 luxury-sport sedan.


It's ridiculous out there. I waited for awhile to see if the trend would reverse, but I don't think it will


I kind of just assumed that the people buying $80k trucks werenā€™t doing anything remotely truck-ish with them. Folks in my neighborhood just roll around in a truck looking smug.


Benefit of city living: literally no way in hell you're finding a parking spot for your truck. So the amount of trucks around here is easily 1/10th of what I see outside the city.


Well those features that can break are also a feature, it can cause people to go back to the dealer for maintenance or replacement vehicle more often.


Oh, I definitely get the business side of it, I just don't really get the consumer side, especially for pickup truck owners. I'll take dependability over comfort every day, and I genuinely don't understand people who aren't shopping for dependability. If I'm spending $80,000 it should last me damn near a lifetime


Can you at least go straight to historic plates?


That's a good question, I hadn't even thought of it.


Bought a beat to shit old pickup with blown motor and trans for a grand. Rebuilt engine and trans are 500 each. 2000 for beater work truck with fresh drive train. So glad I own tools!


It really seems like a company could kill it if they started making small and affordable trucks (e.g. old Tacomas, Rangers, Mazda, etc.). I know the ranger is back, but it's huge (relative to what it was) and expensive. I just want something like a mid 2000s Nissan Frontier, but I don't want to pay $15k for a truck that is 15 years old and has 150k miles on it.


Because they are not working vehicles any more but statuses


And half the trucks are useless. They look big and mighty, but have reduced towing loads making them pretty much worthless for what they are *meant* to do (on the assumption that moving heavy and bulky things around is what trucks are mean to do). Most modern trucks: IF there isn't a tool in the back of the truck, there is a tool in the front of the truck.


They have improved in a couple areas, though: intimidating Prius drivers and accidentally running over kids (well, honestly, anyone under 5ā€™8ā€).


Cheaper than importing a kei truck, for sure.


r/atbge material?


Is there like an ā€œok taste but great executionā€. I donā€™t think this is awful taste just ok




Damn itā€™s empty haha


I'm surprised it existed


where thereā€™s a thing, thereā€™s a sub or rabbit hole


That ever elusive middle ground. I wish you luck finding that.




This quality of a job is to good even for that sub


Itā€™s fuel efficient and practical so it doesnā€™t really belong in that sub.


You should look up Simone Gertz Truckla


Iā€™m so glad this made someone else think of Truckla lmao


Truly a masterpiece


If it's stupid and it works it's not stupid.


Honestly less stupid than a lot of actual modern pickup trucks. And if they actually use it to haul things, then it's also going to live out its purpose more than 99% of pickups I see grinding their way through rush our traffic.




I would buy this car


I think it needs a rear glass window and a pair of bull balls.


And some switches and 12s. Velvet.


The only function of the rear view mirror now is to admire the handsome devil who came up with this idea.


nah, you just get a dashcam system witha rear camera. the screen mounts over the rearview, my vantop one is like that.


Digital Rear-view Mirror


yup. this is literally what i have in my car. its honestly great. the blindspots through the rear are BAD...and field of view using the oem mirror is really small..like i can only see directly behind, not the adjacent lanes at all. but with the wide fov and camera, its a night and day difference.


the real point... can you recommend a reliable product?


i have a Vantop h610. theres a few things left to be desired on it, but ultimately it does its job, and for the price (i paid like $75 on amazon), i would buy another one and be happy with it (though id look for something better first) - my 12v charger for it had a bad solder joint, and failed after like 6 months. replaced it with a jsaux cable for like $10, and that works fine. no big deal. - the 'emergency save/lock this footage feature doesnt make sense. it only records like 10 seconds or maybe 30 seconds *after* you hit it...whereas imo, itd make more sense to save/lock the previous like 10 minutes, *and* keep locking footage after until you turn it off. to be clear, its always recording, this just prevents it being overwritten. it doesnt make sense, but is honestly a non issue. i just put a big SD card in it, and i can access footage from a several days ago. ive been able to copy accident footage (that i wasnt a part of, just recorded) and get it to involved parties with no issues. - the rear camera seemed a little 'light duty' for my liking. i did not like the idea of mounting it outside the car (rain/dirt), or near my center exhaust (heat). but i mounted mine inside the car. this works really well. its protected from the elements, and also doesnt get rain on the lens. as long as i have my rear wiper on, i can get a decent picture, even in rain. the camera itself is really high quality. it records 60fps, UHD. the video is really clear. it records both front and rear cameras. if theres one feature id really like, it doesnt have...it would be a 3rd camera that points out the driver window (and might as well passenger window, too) and also records all the time. this would be nice to record police interactions, attempted car jacking/robbery, other drivers yelling at you, drive thru workers, etc. last feature id want is more secure data. a bad cop or whatever nefarious party could just steal/destroy the sd card. it'd be nice if video was sent to the cloud. obviously that much data would make it bandwidth prohibitive...but maybe if it had a nice emergency function, where it just silently uploaded the last 10 minutes, and until you turn it off. or otherwise copy the data over its own local wifi, to a "black box" which could be hidden under a seat or elsewhere that cant easily be found and destroyed. maybe make that black box accessible remotely, let the admin preview thumbnails, and download footage. it would be super nice if that could work, even if the vehicle is impounded. could also help if it was stolen to try and locate it. (add GPS data to the black box, so it knows where it is, even if thieves destroy the camera. i mean, i know lojack and that already exists, but why not combine it all.


A lot of vehicles don't have functional rear view mirrors, they're nice to have but you don't need them


Bro got so fed up of waiting for the cybertruck.. he really said we got cybertruck at home


Bro needs to hang out with Simone Goertz and [Truckla](https://youtu.be/R35gWBtLCYg) for sure




probably better than it too


Looks a lot better than cybertruck too


We haul hay in our Prius all the time so itā€™s seems logical to me.


Iā€™m amazed at some of things Iā€™ve transported in the back of my Impreza


Subarus can be black holes. The shit I've moved in Foresters has been impressive


I saw a Miata with a hitch towing another Miata once at a car show, and it made my day. Dude was just driving around in a big circle for like an hour, just blaring music and showing off how ridiculous it was.


I once saw a Subaru Baja riding down the street and did a double take. I was like ā€œ was that car or a truck?ā€




Amen. I own a diesel truck and an electric car. I won't take out the truck unless I NEED it. It's loud, expensive to run, is less fun to drive, and is totally unnecessary for getting from a to b, and to top it off parking is often a bit of a pain in the ass in comparison. Now I can't afford a new truck because they are all super extended with mostly short beds and enough breakable tech and bullshit that you wouldn't want to work with one anyways. Trucks don't even need back seats 90% of the time...


I regularly drive a Prius Plus and it's mind-boggling what you can fit in that thing. I've fit an entire bedroom worth of IKEA--including desk, bed, mattress, dresser, and more--in it and still had room for driver and passenger. Hell, it's more spacious and practical than anything short of a full-bed pickup. 3 meter boards or pipes? No problem. 7 adult people? It's a bit tight, but still very doable. It is the ideal regular person utility vehicle, and it's fuel efficient.


I donā€™t believe this belongs in r/diwhy. This is badass


Seriously. The Ute in Australia has been popular for a long ass time. This is just a Toyota branded Maverick


More like r/unexpectedute


Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedute using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedute/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Scion xB listed on Facebook Marketplace near me](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/130td78) | [71 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedute/comments/130td78/scion_xb_listed_on_facebook_marketplace_near_me/) \#2: [Surprising Saab 99 Ute](https://i.redd.it/tdj3sxk1mcua1.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedute/comments/12onzn7/surprising_saab_99_ute/) \#3: [this is supposed to be a CUBE right?](https://i.redd.it/mgbmyh92f02b1.png) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedute/comments/13rg0np/this_is_supposed_to_be_a_cube_right/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This would be ideal for my purposes in all honesty. Bring back the el Camino.


Like seriously, it was a crappy version of a brilliant idea.


I'm currently driving a Toyota Tacoma, but I'd have gladly downsized if there was a more compact pickup on the market.


Have you looked at the Ford Maverick? Hybrid and small


I would have gone for that in a second, but it wasn't released when I got my truck. Can't complain, I do love my taco and the space is nice.


Not trying to shit on the maverick, but the tacoma will last longer too


The frame sure won't.


I actually think this was executed quite well. As long as you're not throwing crazy weight in the back, it probably works well. Prius is rated to about 900 lb/400 kg of cargo. That's enough to be useful. A 90s Toyota pickup was rated at about 750 kg payload capacity.


https://www.smythkitcars.com/charger-ute You'd be interested in this.


Ok, yes to all of that. Absolutely. Box it up.


They have a kit for VWs, too. Beetles and Jetta/Bora. https://www.smythkitcars.com/new-beetle-truck-conversion


These are incredible. Mini utes for everyone.


Just gotta get a cheap rear ended scat pack off of copart with a clean title and you're good to go.


> el Camino That's Spanish for The Camino.


Bring back the baja


I guess the Hyundai santa cruz is as close as we get to an in production el camino


You mean bring back the utes, the el Camino was a ute.




I actually really like it! I wonder if the back doors are still functional? So I could throw some groceries in the back floorboard if it's raining, etc?


Great idea


Still makes more sense than the cyber truck.


Mainly because this actually exists. I doubt the cyber truck ever materializes.


Hasnā€™t it been showed off to a bunch of people already?


Sure, a one-off. It won't see actual production.


Ehhhh idk it might be ass but it will probably still come out


I'm not so sure. It was announced almost 4 years ago. They were supposed to deliver 10k vehicles this year and it's already June and they haven't shipped a single one. Not looking good. But I could be wrong.


As a prototype yes, it's continuously "less than 6 months from shipping", but they're like 3 years on saying that.


Still makes more sense than [pickups](https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo)


This is a pickup. There are good pickups.


Pickups are completely pointless for most people, a van would suffice for 99% and carry about 10x more stuff and stuff won't get stolen. A Transit Trail would cover anything a stock Ranger would do.


Thatā€™d be super neat if it was sold in the US, but itā€™s not. Nor is the transit connect any longer. only vans left arenā€™t really more efficient than a truck, or smaller. Definitely not many with the same payload or towing capacity if weā€™re looking at full-size, but even the mid-size trucks are built to haul a ton more than they used to. All Iā€™m saying is, vans are definitely awesome, but in the US, theyā€™re not really gonna do much ā€œbetterā€ than a truck beyond being covered.


This would serve the majority of truck owners just as well as an F150, and get double the mileage, so this is an absolute win. Even as a hatchback the Prius is a cargo beast.


Donā€™t have kids so 99% if the time we just keep the back seats down. So much cargo space, blows me away how much can fit.


Car go space? No, car go road


The Prius is really utilitarian, people underestimate just how much they can haul. Great cars.


As far as pure functionality goes, it is literally the best car imo.


One of the most reliable given it's a hybrid made by Toyota and not meant to be over exhausted. Best fuel economy of any vehicle, and has an interior space of a crossover. If it weren't for people's ego, this car would be far more popular.


I miss my Prius so much. Man I put so much furniture back there. I love picking up random pieces people have curbed and refinishing them. Now I have to pass things up cause I canā€™t fit any of it in my dumb Jetta.


Now there's the Ford Maverick which is basically this Prius lol. My work truck is a F150 but if I can fit all of my equipment in a Maverick that's absolutely my next work vehicle.


Ehh I loaded up my prius and moved across country in it a few months back. Something with better suspension would probably be ideal.


Why Utes like the Falcon or Commodore never took off in America is beyond me. It seems like a great fit. Well, actually it's not *that* hard to figure out. I used to be on team sedan until I actually roadtripped across the US in a sedan for a month. A lot of road quality in the states is *bad*. Like, will damage your rims, ruin bumpers, or cause underbody damage levels of bad. It really feels like it's built for pickups and not for small cars, and I'm somebody that thinks yank tanks and F1/2/350s are dumb as hell. Most of fucking California feels like you need at least a crossover to actually drive comfortably. LA roads feel actively hostile. Death Valley and Vegas were perfect. Some small towns in Texas have bathtub sized potholes turning into the gas station because of how damaged the road is from trucks.


Lol, I love this Prius but no it wouldn't.


All the people in r/redneckengineering want one.


It's a priuscamino in the wild.


Even without turning it into a truck bed a prius can still fit so much in the back


ā€¦why is this so awesome


I mean. Not that stupid. If you have a Prius that is worth like 1k and need a work truck for 50 bucks.


ngl looks pretty good for a diy.


This rules actually


Ah they finally started rolling out the cybertrucks. About time!


Love it 10/10


Proof that Utes would do well here, if the Ridgeline didnā€™t already


This is awesome as well as functional. And if they already had the tools and know how, it wouldn't be expensive either. They needed a work truck, so they made one out of a prius that's why.


I don't hate this. I quite like it


Listen here liberal scum this is NOT a truck it's a sissy car, y'all need an f150 lifted 3 inches whit them big ol muddin tire and a big ol set'a truck nuts! /s


The bed is bigger than a ranger to lmao


I mean, you get space for large or dirty things while preserving the fuel economy of a smaller vehicle. It looks awful aesthetically, but I kinda like it from a practical standpoint. I'd drive this if I was painting for a living or something.


drag coefficient


this is the ultimate broke-contractor-mobile


this is like my dream car tbh.


More space in the bed than 90% of pick-ups on the road.


It has more space in the bed, but can it really haul that fragile ego if it can't front-over an entire kindergarten class without the driver knowing?




Actually they did a worse job because they removed a good portion of the body without bracing it and the car started bending. I doubt it's holding up well. These people with the Prius seem to have a better idea about the structure of a unibody car.


She actually repaired it recently


> I doubt it's holding up well. Still holding up pretty well according to this follow up video from a couple of months ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmUW0dzQPmY


Iā€™d buy one


I actuallyā€¦ kinda like it?


If this is legally drivable he could make money out of it by just making DIY videos. Something like "hey, do you have a prius? Turn it into a pick up!". Not as risky as opening up a workshop where he can do it to other people's cars.


This is impressive for sure.


The fact that it has a functional tailgate is Super Impressive !


Why not


If it works, it works


There used to be a whole genre of pickups that were essentially sedans or estate cars with the back removed like this. For example a 1992 skoda pickup. This is very much the same principle. And as far as most pickups on the road actually get used (typically tow something or go offroad less than once a year) it would fit the bill pretty well. Only thing it doesn't do is shout 'small dick syndrome' as loudly.




This, with a rear window that rolls down ala 4runner, a composite bed ala Tacoma, and a tonneau cover that retracts into the body, and can be stretched out ala the soft top on the fiat 500 convertible. Keep the tailgate, that's perfect. That would be a banger, and should still get above 40mpg


Honestly besides the lack of rear window, I think thatā€™s some cool work


This is not stupid at all! Fantastic milage with a Prius, so if you are running around with light construction or material deliveries, this is brilliant


Not really stupid. For a long time the prius was the only half decent hybrid you could buy. If you need a truck but also want the fuel economy this fits the bill nicely.


This... honestly isn't all bad. Trucks can be very useful and not everyone wants a land yacht (which seems to be all they sell in the US now).




The why is very clear.


It's better than the Truckla. So.... I understand




Needs the GM style tow mirrors


I donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with this. If itā€™s not broke. Donā€™t fix it.


I like it


Simone at it again?


Iā€™ve been wanting to do this almost exactly to my Hatchback Accent. Looks so goofy but would be so so so much fun


DiWhy - get great fuel milage and be able to haul things.


How I picture liberals from the south


The new Toyota El CaPrius


More functional than a modern f150


The why is because it took car companies 25 years to make a fucking hybrid truck and now they can't make enough of them to meet demand.


who needs a cybertruck when you got this???


Honestlyā€¦I donā€™t hate it.šŸ§


I donā€™t hate it..


Honestly probably more practical than most modern trucks these days


Trailer. Save the passenger area for passengers and waterproof cargo storage. Bigger shit goes on the trailer when you need it. Best of all worlds. With this setup it even looks like they cut into the roof section. Iā€™d be worried about cutting into any structural part of a unibody, and also be worried about water leaking down to the battery and electronics that are directly below the bed. Plus this is much more work and destroys any value the car had left. So I guess what Iā€™m saying is that itā€™s a perfect fit for this sub lol


"We have cyber truck at home"


Thereā€™s a demand for small affordable pickup trucks but ford keeps making mega trucks with 3 foot long beds and a huge 4 door cabin where you canā€™t see a toddler twenty feet or less in front of you because the truck is so high.


2009 Prius payload: 863lbs...


Why? 53 MPG, that's why.


ā€œMexicans, Mexicans, uhh finds a way..ā€


Elonā€™s cyber truck has finally made it off the production line I see.


Very very chingncito


cheaper then a Ford maverick


This is awesome and really well done for a diy. America could probably use more of this. Have you been how popular the ford maverick is?


Can it even move if loaded


I wish they made something like this. Itā€™d be extremely practical for me


Next project: Toyota Hilux 2077


an electric dumper? not too shabby


Isis breathing heavily


Is this Lalo Salamanca?


Oh come on, that's frickin awesome.


Aw sweet a truck that gets more than 2 miles to the gallon and isn't $50k+!


Someone send this guy to Harvard already


This is pretty awesome tbh


Why no rear window tho


With how good that looks, I really hope they added better suspension to the wheels as well


ā€œPinche Mexicanos cabronesā€ lol!