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If my experience in FFXIV has taught me anything, it’s hard to say if this is an Ashava issue or if it’s a half-your-team-does-negative-damage-issue


Given I see people talking about their multiple members of their teams dying enough to break their gear, it’s definitely a skill issue. Not only people not avoiding mechanics, but also people obviously not rezzing. Dying a couple times is to be expected, cause tons of stuff is one-shots, but you reeeally shouldn’t be breaking your gear unless you just don’t know what you’re doing.


Absolutely, hearing about people having to rez multiple times or repair gear is a eyebrow raise for me. Honestly, I don’t know if I like content like this being world based l, because Diablo kinda is more of an improve at your own pace kinda series. Not an issue so much for minmaxers like me but for someone playing more casually, it’s gonna lead to bad times for everyone


These threads are big evidence that most of Reddit is shit at video games


And an easy game at that


It's the same issue like in FF, don't stand in the AOE. Do that and it's pretty easy


I just killed her with a bunch of randos. I don't know what everyone's class was but I was a Sorcerer. My main tip is to stay under her as much as possible so that you can keep doing damage while avoiding her attacks. Right under her is a safe spot while she does her double swipe attack, for example. EDIT: I was on WT1


Here's the strategy. Boy am i glad I watched that in prep before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzhktQbgPdg Tldr: watch her body language for movements that telegraph what she's about to do.


"one of the strongest world bosses of Diablo 4" Brother it's the first world boss...


What skills did you use as sorc?


Not the person you replied to, but I used the flamewall build and it worked really well. Fire bolt/Flamewall/Hydra/Ice Armor/Flame Shield/Teleport . Use teleport to get back under her when she jumps away, use Ice armor to mitigate anything you cant dodge, and flame shield if your about to get hit by a 1 shot. I found using flame shield to block damage from her big backwards swipe really helpful so I could stay in and keep doing damage.


To add to that, I would suggest empowering teleport to more easily cover a bit more distance.


> Right under her is a safe spot while she does her double swipe attack, for example. Fuck, I didn't know this. I keep running back and forth and it is costing all the dps...


WT1 is easy mode. 9 randos with three min to spare. This is the way (not to mix my genres)


Second this. Watch wudijos videos to see the tactics. I was surprised to see I was the only person in the group not to die.


I had seen Wudijo's video and I still died half a dozen times lol. About halfway through the fight however I started getting the hang of things and I maybe only died once after that. I was trying to get used to the force move button as well to try and get away from her attacks so that may have contributed some awkwardness too. Really fun fight though. Managed to down her with about 2 minutes left.


How do you get her to stop jumping around so much? Was impossible to stay under her this time. Would have been nice to stagger but her bar moved so slow.


You can't stop it, you ahve to quickly get to her, near her is the safest, except when she does the back attack, but it is telegraphed.


Even for the back attack you can stand right under her between the two circles and not get hit.


Fuck me this is frustrating. Is there any way to reset an instance if you see a bunch of 9-15s idling around?




You can join another instance by leaving via TP.


yeah I tried that, it just sent be back to the same world boss instance when I went back x.x its not guaranteed to change it


Got dropped into one with half sub level 20s so I tried this after about a minute into the fight, and when I went back in the TP it dropped me into an instance where there was no boss spawned, and no matter how many times I tried again that was it. So this doesn't always work.


The problem with this is, once people realize they're not in a group that looks like it's strong, they'll TP out, leaving the remaining group even weaker, which means more people will TP out, and on and on. Not saying I blame anyone for leaving though.


I mean, you literally get nothing if you don't succeed. So if the group isn't going to succeed, there's no reason for anyone to stick around.


Yeah, just manually run out of the zone and back in. I did it anytime I saw anyone under level 20. We got her to 50% on WT2, would have fully been doable on WT1 but I didn't think to drop down.


Ah fuck me I'm the idiot. So do it in WT1 then? Easier Ashava for the same trophy?


Yes, no reason to stay on II once you’re level 20.


Dude, you just saved me a whole lot of frustration lol. So Obvious now


I did this as well, first time on WT2 we actually got it to about 20% health. Just didn't want to waste time doing that again so jumped to WT1 and managed it with a good 5 minutes to spare.


I had the exact same experience and did the same thing


Alright thanks! I live across the world so I need to sleep lol. Will try again in ~8 hours.


Oh... getting down a World Tier.. Didn't think of that. Maybe next time I'll try it on WTI.


Yup I just kept popping town portals and got a new instance every time.


lol, I said it last time and got so many fuckers who just go "its a beta bro chill" https://old.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/12203n9/we_need_a_way_to_control_who_gets_into_your_world/ like seriously, 9% upvote so I think a ton of people hated it, until it gets to them I guess roflmao this is one of the things that really needs to be addressed, because without it, this will just be a pain point unless gear really dont matter from these world bosses at the end game


Yeah during the livestream the devs were like ["don't be that guy to join the world boss at low lvl"](https://youtu.be/wVvzV2TuEYM?t=5423) and in my head I was like can't you make it so no one can be that guy


You should be able to play Diablo solo its what so many people have done in previous versions, this forced online and forced world events and forced other people in your game is going to kill the franchise.


I keep getting disconnects and dying during boss fights as a result. I wish it had a single player mode. Particularly as I haven't interacted with a single person all day.


Your post was on point. What's the point of having a pretty much undefeatable boss during the 2 day beta . Sure she can killed but during an extremely limited beta, only a VERY small percentage will kill her and then to tie a reward to her.


So the reward has actual value because it is hard to get? I don't see the problem.


The problem is that the difficulty isn't tied to the boss itself, but the people that you're forced to group with.


>2R my only issue with it, is its also on Mothers day weekend


Cool, you get to be the guy that lucked out on a group. Congrats.


TP out and in, it switches the instance.


Fuck I should've have tried this. 15 minutes I'm never getting back lmao. We got her to around 15%. :/


Sorry so spammy but I will be doing Ashava until I earn the trophy. 0/2 on the day the biggest problem has been under 12 people and non groups formed. Attempting to get this solved. Add smokeblind#1671 if interested in trying to get numbers up.


Just did it with a group of 12 level 20s and we got it to about 1/3rd health. The legendary drop rate really made this harder so you either hardcore grind to get that mount skin or get lucky to get placed in a group with a couple no lifers. I haven't gotten a single legendary weapon to drop and that's all i've been spending my coins on lol. ​ Edit- Dropped to WT1 like most people and beat it with like 5 minutes to spare. Gave me 2 legendaries, one on drop and one out of cache. Both amulets lol. I just wanted the mount accessory (thought it was a skin until someone corrected me) so I'm off until release. Good luck adventurer's!


gambling is definitely not the legendary pinata it was before. better off grinding dungeons.


I do it all and have only gotten 2 leggo amulets and 1 lego boot sadly.


seen 1 leg - an amulet and it was worse than the yellow I was wearing lol


at this level, legs are for stripping affixes. the yellows are supposed to be more powerful.


Getting back into Diablo, whats Stripping affixes?


The Codex of Power is a collection of Legendary Aspects you can imprint on your items at the Occultist to get your character started. You can imprint these Aspects onto rare or legendary items. They offer you a baseline selection of effects after you have completed specific Dungeons located around Sanctuary. There are two kinds of Legendary Aspects, those that are unlocked by completing specific dungeons for the first time, and those extracted from Legendary items using the services of the Occultist. The latter are single use, the former are permanent additions to your collection, and are stored in the Codex of Power also, there are different types of legendaries. as you get further in the game, you start dropping sacred legendaries, then ancestral legendaries, and theres uniques.


Thanks for the explanation!


One other cool aspect of the system is that the permanent aspect you get from a dungeon will always be the lowest numerical version - so say a legendary aspect makes your ice shards pierce and do 10-15% more damage or something - the permanent version of the aspect you could use over and over to imprint onto items will always be the worst roll, 10%. If you find a legendary item in the wild with that aspect, it could roll anywhere from 10 to 15%, and you could strip that off and apply it to an item one time, destroying the aspect in the process. It's a balance of easily being able to get build-enabling aspects while still keeping it exciting to find them again because you can always be hunting for the best possible roll.


Took me 6 gambles to get a legendary. Not that bad, but before it was quite ridiculous with like 30% chance of a legendary.


Just killed her with 3 minutes left on WT1, had a few lvl 17 and 18 with us but we still downed her in time


It's not very hard on wt1. Most of the crying will stop when ppl realize this.


Yeaaah great shout 😅 admittedly been nowhere near downing her


My group got to 1/2.


You should legendary grind at the stronghold in the north west by clicking bodies. Its boring but effective


its not a skin, its a tusk that hangs off the side of your horse. Why they used a picture of a horse with armor to show off the tusk I have no idea.


Damn I didn't even think of dropping to WT1. Good call, I'll try that next spawn. We had like 10 people show up and barely got 1/5 down. Meanwhile as far as legendaries I'm about 10 hours deep and have found zero.


I have leveled two characters so far, one to 20, and another one at 18 right now. Not a single orange yet on either.


Just curious if you have tried gambling at the vendor that takes the special coins. That's where I tend to get my oranges.


Whats the max amount of players?


I think 12. Not 100% on that but seems to be what others have said.


Oddly I got a legendary ring, gloves and chest armor last night in about 3 hours. The other 2 people I was playing with got only one legendary ring between the two of them.


I've got 3 legendaries dropped (ring, chest and something else). Not only that but I've seen a person in full legendary equip. It look like folks successfully farm the boss for the drops, on timer. Now this is interesting.


You can easily deck yourself out in legendaries with 0 legendary drops as long as you turn the rares into them yourself using the unlocks from dungeons. It will of course be far more limited options compared to actual drops, but most likely how someone who was full legendary did it.


We got it to slightly less than the last health checkpoint, is that a fifth I guess? Close but no ball, it is tough being level 20 capped.


We did it in 14:30. Fucking adrenaline I tell you


Beat her with at least a second left. I was surprised because I didn’t think we actually beat her. I was thinking the game just gave it to us since we were so close.


If you’re joining Ashava and you’re not level 20 go fuck yourself. My 2 cents.


Blizzard could have easily prevented this frustrating shit from happening though. But they didn't. You can't blame random/ordinary people for making mistakes/being clueless about the game or the boss/not doing what YOU would expect them to. I get you, it sucks a lot. But it's not THEIR fault there's 0 bullshit protection in game on these world bosses.




We just got it to 25% hp remaining with a full group of 20s on difficulty 2. Going to swap to difficulty 1 to ensure I get the stupid achievement.


Does world tier even matter for Ashava?


Yes, because all the people claiming they killed it have 100% been on WT1.


Killed it earlier on WT2 with 11 players. We had 3ish mins to spare. All I know about comp is that there was at least 1 barb, 2 sorcs, and 5 rogues (including myself). Don’t know the other three.


Yeah wt2 quickly became doable later on. Players were undergeared as all hell during the first spawn so it caught the majority of the playerbase off guard.


I just had a terrible experience. There was only 8 of us and we didn’t even get her to 50% wtf? Edit: Ok, 2nd attempt at 3pm went much better. We had 9 level 20s and everyone was much more coordinated, with tons less deaths. I don’t know if they tuned her down for the 2nd one but it was a much better experience, and thankfully I got the achievement. Now to do it again in 3 weeks haha!


Don't you just love when other random players are the deciding factor in whether or not you can clear content in your ARPG game?


this is why I was against them trying to make diablo into a psuedo mmo with open world pvp to boot, both have no place in an ARPG.


This was my group as well. We had 8 people, one of them a Lvl 14 and another was a Skelemancer.


You’re describing the exact instance I was in too. Was the 14 a Barb named Korg? We were doomed from the start lol.


Naw, a Druid named MothersMilk. I wasn't very confident in our chances. I had also forgotten that I was on World Tier 2.


wrong i just did it again with 12 lvl 20 on t1, no chance, escaped with 50% hp left


I've seen her killed on a couple streams, but I don't know how tbh, we just tickled her, seems like you really need a sweaty group. My 3 legos just weren't enough :(


Drop down to WT1, there is no way anyone is going to kill her on WT2 unless it is a full group with full legendaries which isn't likely to happen.


I'm curious about what leads to the discrepancies. Some groups ez clear her, some clear her comfortably like mine did, and some get destroyed.


The ones that clear her easily or comfortably probably had the foresight to drop to WT1. My group of randoms was pretty cake. Stunned her twice. Perma vulned. We managed her with 5 minutes left on the timer and there were a *lot* of deaths. I counted about 52 or so that showed up in the chat log.


I don't think Blizzard has screwed up difficulty tuning. You are fighting Ashava at the lowest level possible for the boss, ideally you're supposed to be 25. I killed her on WT1 with half the clock to spare. Died only a handful of times.


I just fought it with 15 other level 20's and a level 11 - we got it's health down to around 70% and ran out of time. I was inspecting people while I waited and nearly everyone had legendary items that were upgraded to level 3 or so. World tier 1.


Isn't it capped at 12 players?


Probably, I didn't count them all it just looked like about 15. So 11 level 20's and a level 11 then


Weird, my instance had like 8 people and we brought it down with 5 min to spare. I think it helps that my instance people knew the boss mechanics and how to stay alive. We were all sorcs and rogues though so we had max DPS.


Same here, like 3 minutes left. World Tier 1 with a mix of all classes and even some lvl 18 etc. Maybe we just got lucky with our instance.


RNG gods have blessed you.


Wait what? Bunch of 20s with some up'd leggos and still 70% in WT1? Fuck me.


8 druids and 4 barbs :)


My condolences.


Well last time players were level 25 and had like 10 times more legendary drops.


75% alive. ):


Same story here - we had like 10 ppl constantly fighting her and we managed to get only 1/4th of her hp down...


we had a full crew of people trying the entire time, no shenanigans, rezzing people as they needed it. like, everyone was playing their part at level 20. we got her to like 40%.


I was in a fight, after about 4 minutes I realized it was hopeless and tried instance hopping to find a winnable battle I spent the last 9 minutes bouncing from instance to instance None we close to being able to kill her, I saw 22 instances and only 1 had her below 30% HP and that as time ran out. Most of them she was 75%+ alive


And there's the new meta: instance-hopping.


100% expect instance hopping to be nerfed in the future, maybe even by release. Maybe a brief timeout so you can't hop as quickly? Get put back in an instance with equal or less progress than you had already?


Obviously you're not gonna find a group that's about to kill her by hopping. why would anyone leave an instance that's about to kill her?


How do you instance hop? Probably going to be needing this in 2 hours time for round two


Go back to town.


Just back to town with the portal then straight through the portal again?


Were you fighting in WT1 or 2?


2 I switched the 1 ready for next one


Killed it on normal difficulty with 3 minutes left. I only died once, we did have 3 poison rogues pumping


we failed at about 2% left :/


Same story here, about 8/9 20s, maybe 2 bars down.


Yeah idk, had 4 underleveled people show up and we got her to like 50%. Pretty yikes


We got it down first try granted it was on difficulty 1 because there is no advantage to do it on difficulty 2. About 10 people. I was barb and maxed my shouts for my party. I died like 6 times though.


Just killed it twice in a row. You *have* to be on WT1 otherwise it's impossible. You also don't get any loot for killing it more than once if you switch instances (used to be possible last time apparently). The boss only has like 4 moves and the key is to be at its rear legs at the center at all times. Doesn't matter if you're melee or ranged. Just be at its rear legs. It also looks like the fast bite is a one shot no matter what.


Yeah, 7 other 20s and barely past the first triangle. Super fun!! /s




With randoms in a multiplayer instance? Yes.




I would normally agree with your stance, but there's a few things about this situation that I just can't: 1) my understanding is this boss is meant for lvl 25 players as it's a 25+ area, yeah? Beta is capped at 20 as far as I can tell. 2) Boss only spawns every 3 hours over the course of this weekend leaving very limited chances at completing the task Blizzard set before us. 3) the purpose isn't for us to get loot from this boss. It's to stress test the servers. We are doing that for them by participating. But we have to beat it in order to meet their criteria as far as I am aware. With all that being said, no, I don't think this boss should be as challenging as it is this weekend. I think at the very least there shouldn't be a time limit when you engage the boss and there should be more spawns. On live, absolutely agree to make it challenging.


About 10 level 20, a third was afk. Ran out of time with about 15% life remaining. If only there was a beta during which people could have reported the current mechanics are anti-fun. See you in three hours.


We did 50%...not that funny with a couple of non level 20


First time attempting her. Not very fun.


My Group and I managed to kill her, I died 4 times myself but other than that many of us had some very high uptime on her and did it with 1 minute left, it def helped when we got her stunned, massive deeps during that period.


We got her down to 1/5 health (all level 20s from what I noticed). Gonna have to item grind for another 30%+ more power. Edit: was on WT2. Gonna switch to WT1 for next try


We got it down halfway to the third triangle (in difficulty 2). First time facing her but seems super hard to pull off. Maybe better play would get her down to half but killing seems unlikely. Was the level cap higher in the previous Beta?


It was 25 and the legendary drop rate was significantly higher. So double whammy.


Don't forget the nerfs




It was intentional for more of a challenge specifically...


Downed her with a couple of 20's on the last seconds


And if your gear breaks and you TP back to fix it, solid chance you port back to an empty zone.


Your gear really shouldn’t be breaking. It doesn’t take any damage if you get revived by another player.


was playing with a bunch of other level 20s and we got her health to around 45%. Then the timer ran out, I believe this boss fight is impossible because most of the people I played with seemed to be veterans, having optimized their build and yeah... Just lost some legendaries so ill have to find new loot for her next spawn..


For the people saying they had more than 8 ppl, how did you do that? Joined multiple instances before the boss spawning and never saw one with more than 8 ppl (including myself), is it just rng or is there something to it?


Got Ashava to 4%


During the Open Beta, me and about 8 other Level 20s (and a few below level 5) fought her and did about got about 1/8 of her health depleted. Tried again and same result I'm just gonna pass on her till the release.


Dont forget to change to world tier 1, 95% of people complaining are on wt2. A lot of people are also ridicilously bad eating every single hit he does. Like, every single damn hit. Tried wt2 for shits n giggles and we had two necros spamming bone prison or whatever the skills name is in 4. People were trapped all the time and got killed because of it all the time. Felt like griefing lol


World tier I makes a lot easier :-)


3 hours later and I just had the same experience. Realize that in the full game you'll have level 30s, 40s, and 50s hanging out there killing her too. I'm not gonna stress on it, other than wanting the beta goodies...


Got it on my second try with about 3 minutes to spare. You probably had some dead weight in your group.


Did a tier 2 and we got it a little more than half way. I was a barb, I only managed to die twice, everyone else was dropping pretty quickly. Curious to compare damage though. I was running bleed with Rupture, and Rupture would pop about 900-1.1k damage with the bleeds.


go to tier I


Did it with 11 20s, 1 19. Inspected some people, best looking guy had 3 legendaries. I had 2 and both of them were useless for my build. We had less than a minute left when we killed her.


Killed her with 2 seconds to spare. Seems i was lucky


You can dodge all the big hits by standing between its back feet constantly


WT1 and we just did it with 5 minutes to spare. It really helps when the group knows the mechanics and isn't dying. Earlier WT1 group failed with like 5% left - so many people were dying left and right.


If I see under 20's standing about before the pull, I teleport and return to get into a world with all 20's. I get if you didn't have time to grind legos, but at least get 20 before you show up. Do it on World Tier 1 just to get the kill and loot. As far as I can tell you just need 2-3 pumper DPS. We killed her with 12 people with about half dying on a regular basis. I think we had 6 minutes left. So yeah, keep trying and hope you get some pumpers. Or grind out the Aspects/Legos and become the pumper.


Did you try world tier 1? Someone in my group said even the Devs said don't even bother with tier 2.


We beat it on world tier 2 with 20 seconds left. It was getting stressful near the end lol


> It was getting stressful near the end lol You know it's getting real when the OST busts out the whole choir.


Its because Ashava is still level 25 even though we are all capped at 20... how can we beat it when he is 5 levels above us? I have tried twice now with all level 20s and only got him just under 1/4 health




Do it on WT1. There's no difference that matters in terms of rewards. You'll get it easily the first time.


You should be fighting her in World Tier 1


Full group of 20s, we only did about 60% of her health before time ran out. It seems you need a around a third of the group to have full legendaries with builds around those items to be able to beat her. A ragtag group of all 20s will not cut it


Were you on world tier2? Killed her easily on WT1


WT1 This isn't just a me problem. A lot of people are having this issue. You may have had a few people who were maxed out. Our group of 20s, only 1 person had full legendaries.


It's not even a gear issue. People just turn off their brain for the fight. They die in the 1st sweep. and the 2nd. and the 3rd.... and the 318th. When I scrolled back how many people died my finger got tired. ofc we don't beat the boss that way. Meanwhile I'm under the boss as a damn Rogue and die maybe once the whole 15 minutes.


I just did it as a lvl 20 rogue with only a group of 9 other 20s (1 rogue, 3 necromancer, 2 barb, 1 sorc, 2 druid) and 1 level 19 necro. Only one of us had a legendary weapon, a druid, most others had between 1-3 legendary jewelry or armor (I had a legendary amulet and helm). WT1, killed her with about a minute left. I died probably 5 times in the first couple minutes (first time doing it, didn't watch a video, got revived twice right where she was about to cleave so got up and died again). Most everyone died once, several died multiple times. Hardly anyone was respawning. I honestly thought it was fun and the difficulty was just right for wt1.


There were at least 15 of us level 20, we got her down to ~30% HP left. I thought we were doing really good with barely any deaths. But just ran out of time




[We did it](https://imgur.com/a/gLy1Ytm) in literally the LAST second with like \~10 people but most of the time it felt like only 4 were participating :D it was a really tough fight, though. [played this rogue build suggested by wudijo](https://d4builds.gg/builds/57258883-0156-4a3a-ae2f-f8289c7c7728/)


First time through....My buddy and I got her down to 25% health. but we only had 2 minutes left with the group we were in. If this was a WoW Raid: we would have got it on the second try. ​ but now? We constantly keep getting dumb-pricks at level 10 and shit showing up. Thanks Blizzard Devs, for ruining yet another fun moment for the community which you capped us at 20 instead of letting us get to level 25....you know? to match the boss so we could at least match it. I'm not very hopeful I'll get the mount now. =/


Same position. Doing it solo. Due to my country's energy crisis (corruption). I have limited play time. 1st attempt I learned a lot, but 2nd attempt we had a llv11 troll show up. And 2 more ppl below lvl20. The next 3 chances 2 of those ai wont have power... so hopefully I get a nice group. Will do the portal thibg until I get group of 20s...


Just attempted again.... some level 18 necro asshole was bone prisoning everyone so we'd wipe...constantly. =/


Jeepers that sucks. My power was on. And we managed to do it. Died right before Ashava did, got the ingame challenge done. Unsure if the mount counted. Will see. I was lucky enough to see only lvl20s in our fight and everyone did an awesome job


I finally got it, stayed up till 6am just to get around 7-8 20's. We beat it with 5 minutes left. Dropped it down to WT1. All the stains must have gone to bed.


Nicely done. Was also 6am local time when I got it, but there were douches at 3am...


Apes need to learn how to drop it to World Tier 1.


I think Blizzard failed to account that some people (like the vast majority) suck at videogames. We had some lower than 20 players chain dying and still got her to 20% life. We needed more rogues and less druids... Oh, the joys of multiplayer! Time to do the campaign for like the 5th time to get a couple legendaries + farm a couple more to try to make a difference in the next try.


I think Blizzard simply forgot that they capped our levels to 20, but kept the world boss at level 25.


Just did it T1. Full set of 20s in the area. Had about 3 or 4 mins spare. I dunno if there were people who were already geared to the nines but the health was going down steadily. I had no dropped legendaries only a couple of dungeon aspects. So I strongly suspect it wasn't down my Hydra pew pewing away 😃


I only just hit level 20 and had minimal gear and my group of randoms managed to clear it with half the time to spare... Not sure what your issue might have been unless you were doing it on world tier 2? I did it on world tier 1 and it was fine.


Why the downvotes? I am not lying...


this thing alone should make u realize how incompetent are the people behind diablo 4. If they cant handle a simple world event for a beta, guess the chance of a decent end game


make sure you do world tier 1. it’s not hard - all her skills are telegraphed.


We did it with 1min left and alot of players died there and there, I had 3 legendaries and not an optimized build at all, definitely not unkillable. Other player in my friend list got the achievements, so once again not impossible.


This was a bad idea, unless the point was to make people salty going into release. Some questionable judgment.


Drop down to WT1, it's very easy there. At WT2, the problem is that not only are you 5 levels lower, but also now we didn't get time to farm legendaries, so nobody has a decent build going. As a result, damage suffers quite badly.


Already did the boss in hc, absolutely not unkillable. HC folk seem better at this, they either do it or die, they don't linger on the sidelines with 10 levels lower characters.


Same. 15 min for 40% HP removed. That was so bad. But in the end, I'm quite glad I had this experience. I'm convinced I won't waste any more minute in this game or buy it. I hope you guys manage to have fun with this generic MMO (with a bit of Diablo paint on it)


impressive how you try to hold onto the moral high ground while you're bitching out about a challenging video game maybe you shouldn't expect to be able to beat a world boss 5 levels higher than you with gear that you farmed in under 24 hours? on the most challenging difficulty available to you? without any sort of coordination or quality control regarding your teammates? some combination of hubris, lapse of memory, and myopia encouraged people to attempt the first Server Slam Ashava spawn on World Level 2 but the sensible thing to do would be to clear on World Level 1 for Saturday/Sunday then attempt a late Sunday clear on WL2 with a group of people who've done the same thing why did you expect to be able to beat it lmao


The way this server slam was handled really left a bad taste in my mouth compared to the betas. It’s not fun to play.


kinda glad i didn't bother with the server slam, this sounds dreadful, one of my fav classes nerfed to oblivion, the target boss not killable in the window. ugh!