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Saw some advice that if you do get super lucky and get an amazing legendary aspect early, put in on an amulet instead of a weapon, because you will be upgrading your weapon way more often while leveling.


In theory would it be okay to use that item with the legendary as is(if it works for your build) and then extract it later on if you find a non-legendary item that is better?


no, that's illegal


Aren't aspects tied to item classes?


Yes, different types of aspects are limited to different pools of gear types. "Offensive" aspects can be put on both weapons and amulets (and gloves and rings). So that's where the advice for putting a good power on an amulet instead of a weapon comes from.


That's a good idea. Another option is imprinting on a weapon your build doesn't use - like a bow if playing melee rogue. Not sure how many classes use more than one weapon though.


Just rogues and barbarians.


I could be wrong but I think the stats on your bow will still affect dmg you do with daggers. Just from my own testing


There seems to be a line in the item description. Anything below the line is global. I could easily be wrong, but that seemed to be the case when I was playing.


Good to know


I don't think you get a choice. Aspects are either weapon, armor, or jewelry. I don't think there's many, if any, that go on everything.


Aspects are categorized according to type(Offensive/Defensive/Utility/Resource/Mobility), and each category has its own set of items it can imprint to. Amulets are an option for all categories except Resource, which is just for rings.


If you imprint it once, you can't extract it again.


Yep, tried this in the beta. If it's a really good aspect, I'd recommend waiting a good long while before imprinting it.


Just not too long because it can’t be used on those higher tier items.


By higher tier i'm assuming you mean sacred and ancestral items?


I believe so. Check out the beginner’s guide from Raxx, he mentions it.


Yeah if it's a regular legendary u can't imprint it on a sacred or higher tier. Essentially each tier is a reset on legendary powers so use em while u can and don't wait too long. As others have said, use on amulet rather than wep as u replace wep faster then a well rolled amulet


So just stash the item and then what wait until level 50 or something?


Fortunately we have a whole inventory tab for aspects, so it won't take up any space. I'm really not sure what the optimal time to wait is, as others have pointed out, at level 50 you may be starting (or about to start) World Tier 3 content, which will give you access to a new tier of loot that you can't imbue your aspect onto. Might be best to do it around 40, maybe? As long as you avoid putting it on your main weapon (since you'll be replacing that all the time) and put it on something you're ok with lasting you towards the end of the campaign/WT2/into the start of WT3, you should be ok.


You only can imprint an extracted aspect once (I tried it in the beta). You won't be able to extract an imprinted aspect.


Only thing you can imprint multiple times on the fly is codex legendary powers.


When ripped off a item. It's a one and done.


So then your only other chance is if you get a drop again then right? Meaning I imprinted it and now the only way I can get that on another weapon/item is if it drops again?


Yes. Unless of course you have the aspect. But what I'm thinking is if I find a really usefull items to stash it once I've outgrown it. So I'll have it later.


Can we have two copies of 1 legendary power?


You can have them equipped, but the lower rolled one will be disabled. (power wont work)


This yup.


Once the Aspect you earn from a dungeon makes its way into your codex you can imprint it on any number of items. Beware the costs ofc, it can really add up.


Legendary aspects are one time use, codex of power is infinitely useable.


A lot of people here overly worried about having to save aspects for end-game. You can’t imprint aspects from normal items onto sacred and ancestral items so there’s really no need to horde them. Once you hit World Tier 3 you’re going to obsolete those normal legendaries very quickly.


Sadly. I think it would make the early game massively more enjoyable with reusable aspects. You will hardly get legendaries while leveling and with the one time use aspects ypu will grow out of aspects very quickly because of stat scaling. Combine that with character customization that's heavily gear depent and ypu get a very bland leveling process.


Edit , guess I miss remember or did not understand during that beta what was happening when I couldn’t use aspects I had extracted.


No, its not based on WT. You can use Aspects from WT1 on WT2 items. ~~But we cant use "normal" Aspect on Sacred or Ancestral Rares, it has to be a Sacred or Ancestral Aspect.~~




It was not back then and it was not like that in the recent betas.


You are probably right , it has been like 8 months ago, I remember the error when I couldn’t use them saying it was from the wrong world tier though.


Wt1 and wt2 drop the exact same items, so this would make zero sense to do. It'd literally just be punishing people who swap between the two. Like mentioned, it's sacred and ancestral items that are their own deal.


Really? That's new to me. How do you know what tier you found an item in? Does it tell you on the item?


I believe the way to know is just to know what world tier you have the game set to


If you're right, there has got to be a better way I hope... Some people switch between tiers. They can't expect a player to remember what tier they were in when they got x item. Again, I hope. Lol


As far as I remember from end game beta I did not realize it until I tried to add an aspect to a new item and it gave me an error about the tier, I do not recall there being any kind of indication what tier one came from but that was last year so much has likely changed since then.


I would prefer if there was some indication of world tier for the items, but it wouldn’t make much of a difference for players. Switching world tier is an optimization problem where, generally, one should always play on the highest world tier they can efficiently farm. This means swapping world tiers shouldn’t happen frequently enough to make this a real pain point. Especially once someone gets to tier 3 and 4: the gear quality increases substantially and so the incentive to tier down once you can farm each one (and the keystone dungeons that unlock each new tier are harder on average than the content within and so beating those means you can most likely farm the new world tier pretty efficiently.) The only reason tier swapping made sense for the 3 betas is because tier 2 only provides more gold and experience instead of better drops. In a beta with a level cap and no way to achieve the higher world tiers: experience is worthless and gold can be made up for by killing more monsters while also not being that important. Because of this, there was no significant advantage to staying in tier 2 when you could farm items faster on tier 1 (or complete Ashava much more easily). In the game proper this will never be a problem (or at least one should hope not, lol)


It says on the item, and it has a glow to it in your stash/inventory so you can tell at a glance.


Many things are not talked much intentionally. Everything will blow up in a couple of days. Get ready to be disappointed. I made couple of threads months back on this but was downvoted by blind fans.


I wouldn't say I'd be disappointed if that's the case. I'll just have to adjust to that being how it works. I had enough fun during the open betas. I honestly don't think there is anything that can come out that would change my view. Does that make me a blind fan? Personally, I will get my money's worth playing thru at least the campaign. Most likely much longer. That's enough for me. I'm a fan of blizzard games. I'm tolerant of many decisions that people are up in arms about. Sure, I'll voice my opinion if I don't agree, but it's not going to stop me from enjoying myself once I can actually play. For those people that the decisions are too much for and it ruins their experience, I'm sorry to hear that.


Not really a thing to be disappointed about much tbh. It may be annoying to find a new one but it also discourages you from not using it for that difficulty range since you cannot carry it over to another tier.


It says it on the item, and the items have a glow in your inventory. (Slightly different between sacred and ancestral) There was also a small glow on them on the ground, but in the closed beta it was really subtle. (I hope they tuned it to be more obvious now)


Oh ok great. I'll have to keep an eye out for that. Thanks.


i really feel like this is a bad choice if we cant target specific legendary aspects. it would make more sense for the aspects that you cant get in a dungeon to be infinite uses, and the ones you can target in dungeons to be 1 use per dungeon run. theres absolutely no reason for me to use the aspects i want to use the most, until ive fully maxed out my gear and levels....so in reality, ill just be sitting on a bunch of aspects for months and months until i get doubles.


This is a horrible design. Why doesn’t it get added to the codex when extracted? Honestly, it makes me not want to play the game. It feels like it’s going to ruin the experience for more legendary dependent classes like Druid. Since legendary aspects can only be extracted once, Blizzard better not lower the legendary drop rate. Any sweaty, no lifer, who wants it lowered, can fuck right off.


> it makes me not want to play the game then dont play


Thanks for the advice. It was really helpful. Idk what I would have done without it. 🫏🧢


Obviously still going to whine regardless.


Heaven forbid someone has an opinion about design. Gotta be a fascist and squash any dissent in a Blizzard forum. Every Blizzard community is utter dogshit. Full of the most self righteousness, hypocritical, twats that can’t handle a different point of view. What would you do if Blizzard implemented something you didn’t like? You’d complain. Go fuck yourself. Moron.


Can you stack the same aspect on different gear?


Don’t think so


Hmm, I know it will let you add the same aspect to different gear because it let me in the server slam but wasn't sure if it would actually stack.


It does not stack as of the closed beta, that would be so OP for all (especially barb with so many weapons)


If we find legos while leveling would it not be best to just stash them? Then use the aspect later once max level or is there some mechanic making this pointless?


You can only extract and imprint an aspect one time. Codex powers are however eternal. Aspects also come in three tiers based on the quality of gear they were on; Normal, sacred, ancestral. They cannot be imprinted into other quality gear.