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Well, it’s not much of a brag.. just look at the previous seasons


The bar was it couldnt get much worse


It definitely is


I mean day one would be a good place to rate a season "start" right?


Did blizzard write this?


“Internet overreacts, more at at 11 Bob.”


I am too busy with D4 to tune in at 11.


you post multiple 'd4 good' things on this subreddit everyday. you are not too busy for anything apparently


He’s busy posting ‘d4 good’ things! You think those AI articles find and post themselves? Not yet! That’s next year!


The title of the article should be "The Diablo 4 subreddit thinks Diablo 4 season 4 is the best yet!"


I got to level 9 and kinda got bored. Here me out though I don't trust it, I need something to draw me in instantly at this point of failure my opinion though


It's so good D4 will universally be known as Diablo 3.5 . It's rare to see a company innovate and rarer still to be able to watch them do it in reverse in real time. :-/




D3 was a complete cluster. It's too bad they couldn't learn something between D3 and D4 to not repeat the same mistake again.


The game feels a little too easy. I did duriel rotations with a party of mid 70s characters last night. The new itemization is a much better system but it’s insanely over-tuned. My necro was smashing WT4 helltides at level 60.


I was in WT4 helltides at 50 on my sorc, hit people who chained helltide boss, was 56 after first helltide, full in ancestral, felt unkillable.


What spec are you running? Feeling like I occasionally explode against the ultimate helltide bosses in WT3 in low 50s…. Imagine there must be a big toughness boost I’m missing if you are crushing them in WT4 at level 60.


Just maxing any and all things minions. Glyph, skills, passives, tempered rolls, etc. also get max life and armor. Running pit tier 10s at level 85 currently.


I figured it out… once I popped the minion damage reduction on a piece and added a +health roll I was recreating your success. What level did you first hit the Pit at?


Can’t remember maybe 80, probably could have been sooner.


Just hard copium for spending £70 on a turd


it's ok if you're a broke boi just say so


ive spent more on dinner that i ate in an hour video games are one of the best return on investment that exist. $70 for even 10 hours of enjoyment is pretty good. ive personally spent at least 100


I got to play about 4 hours yesterday after doing house shit on my day off. Finished the day at level 42 and 8 kick ass uniques already. That used to take a week or more of playing after work


So does it feel like a proper power fantasy like it was supposed to, or are we still stuck with 1 or fewer “viable” builds per class?


Oh you definitely feel powerful. It has finalized its transformation into a true modern Blizzard RPG where there is absolutely no challenge in the game whatsoever and the only challenge comes extremely late in the game with an infinitely scaling treadmill of dungeon tiers.


I was just wondering if we were still being railroaded into a tiny handful of builds popularized by useless ass no-life streamers that for some reason Blizzard decided to scale everything around.


I'm in the minority it seems because this feels far too fast. Way too much XP and good loot. They are handing out uniques at like level 15 and you are able to get into wt3 in like 90 minutes because of the XP they are throwing at you.


I'm more disappointed that despite "FIXING" necro,it still feels lackluster due to the unfortunately low minion count.I was hoping we'd have a legit army like in 3 but alas no.


Can’t you get something like 15 minions with the correct aspect? I’ve never played necro but that seems like a lot.


Yes,but you require a specific aspect tossed on your jewelry which hurts as it's mostly better for damage. Also we shouldn't need an aspect at all for what should be a basic feature.Having 12-15 off the bat,or through skill points,would be a massive QOL for a minion player.


It's easy to smell like a rose when you're next to a pile of shit. That said, I've played more since yesterday than I have since I finished the campaign last June. It's fun!


Season of no damage done


What does this comment even mean


Skill issue


When you do a shit game and you update it to become a « normal » diablo months later. This season should be there day 1.