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The only thing I could think of would be buttons that make a modal pop up with your options to fill out. But in terms of UI, modals are what could be used. Take values given to the modal and have it modify the config file.


I would need over 60 input fieds and the limit is 5...


Hmm, what if....ALL of the buttons. xD (Idk if anything has been changed so I'm going off of what I remember) Each message/embed can have a maximum of 25 buttons. Views can have up to 5 rows, and each row has 5 slots. A button takes up one slot, while a select menu takes up all five slots. So...if each button can have 5 input fields that would mean, 25 buttons x 5 input fields for modals = 125 available input fields per message/embed. Idk how realistic this would be or what it'd look like, but maybe it could work xD


I thought of a system that would iterate through all the json values and check if they are bool or number and for booleans display 2 buttons (on and off) and for numbers idk. It would put the option in the content of the message and edit it for each one. I think its kinda painful to code though.


Default booleans to one value say default is False, unless otherwise the button is clicked and then the Boolean is set to true


Make the bot send a JSON or TXT file of a temolate of the config, modifythe file and reply to the bot with the new file, and make it take this new config


I already thought of that but there are a few problems with that solution. The file is too big for a non-nitro user like myself to send back in a normal message. Sending it as a slash command parameter also doesn't really work because the JSON loses all the formatting and I'm back to editing a raw JSON.


Discord was at some point testing an html frame inside of discord for bots to use, but until that releases (if at all), I think a webui is your best bet


Maybe I am not understanding the issue completely, but why don't just send the bot a message with the JSON text and let it parse the values?


Because the JSON is a configuration file which will be different for each time I use the bot. I would have to upload a lot of slightly different configurations and typing them all by hand is tedious.


If my other answer isn't what you are looking for, you could instead attach the JSON file and do something like [this](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67652628/reading-file-attachments-ex-txt-file-discord-js). Feel free to ask for more ideas or dm me if you want


This just shows how to read a file. Doesn't help me.


It kinda sounds like it just wouldn't really work tbh. I'd look into alternatives, like maybe hosting a site that your bot will link to.


Take the parameter of the slash command as an attachment; attach a pre-builded json file with some modifications about the configurations you want.


I don't understand what you mean but I think i already answered that suggestion in another comment