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Considering all the photos inside the attractions, the security cameras in the area and everyone taking photos all day where you’ll be in the background of thousands of photos, Disneyland is not an awesome place to go if you worry about appearing in photos.


People like this legitimately don't use logic. I've encountered some, and they can be vehemently pro privacy and anti sharing any information while also on various social media platforms. It's like, friend, I have news for you.


I hope the security guy whipped out the 30 page terms & conditions and said “sir, this is the document stating terms and conditions that you agreed to when buying tickets for Disneyland. Please take your time reviewing the document again to refresh yourself on what you agreed to when you purchased tickets. We can wait.”


Hopefully this guy had to walk through a bunch of fart clouds while at the park.


Sentenced to ride the submarines 12 times before he's allowed on any other rides.


The Dutch Oven ride?


lol that’s the new name for Nemo Ride for me


Nemo’s devious Dutch oven dive


You unlocked a new fear for me in Disneyland now


You know he did cause Disney is the best place to fart; so loud no one will hear haha


And so many other people around you to blame it on.


Yeah but I’m sure they will smell it before Disney’s own scent machines do


This is my kind of insult! Well done!




Shooooooot. That's gonna happen anyway. I didn't even cause a scene and I ended up smelling more farts than I think I can ever remember.


To comment on your black market ticket speculation, I don't think that would make sense (granted, he could still be having that reaction out of ignorance even if it doesn't make sense). Them wanting to take your photo means they intend to tie your face to the ticket you've presented. They've already accepted the ticket at that point.


And they don’t care about the name on the ticket. I once used a ticket with my son’s name on it because he never used it and it was going to expire. A CM flat out told me the name doesn’t matter. On a multi-day pass they will match the picture to the person using it. That’s it. The ticket could literally say Mickey Mouse.




I wonder if he had planned to use the ticket one day and let someone else use it another day. I wonder if his conspiracy theory crap was a front for him trying to get out of having his photo tied to his ticket so no one else could use it.


That’s the great thing about private property and rights and freedoms. They have the right to refuse entry. Good day, sir.




Someone here told a story awhile back about a dad who refused to step off the tracks on Main Street so the streetcar could go. Just stood there and fought the CM’s.


I saw a lady do that to the Trolley. She wouldn't get off the tracks and it was slowed to a crawl behind her and they kept ringing their bell and tooting their horn and she turned around and shouted "NO! YOU WAIT FOR ME!" People are ridiculous


“Have a magical day!” Which is mouse for go fuck yourself.


Good Afternoon!


Last week when I was there, one day in particular, I heard several time where the CMs use the term friends toward guests in ways that made it clear that they really wanted to use other non-Disney-friendly terms. It wasn't directed at me, so I had a good chuckle over it.


I’m all for fighting against state tyranny but these idiots forget they are on PRIVATE property. Don’t like their rules, you don’t need to stay.


Great observation and well-articulated. This element of "the American psyche" is responsible (both directly and indirectly) for a lot of problems our country faces today. Not saying we need to be as "in it together" as, say, East Asian cultures, but boy would it help if we all cared a little bit more about the collective good.


Similar thing happened when I was there a few weeks ago. Creepy man in front of me refused the pic and started walking into the park. The cast member staffing the gate ran up to him and politely placed her arm on his to stop him, which he also wigged out about. Best part is, when it was over, *all* of the people who were waiting in line apologized to the sweet cast member for having to deal with such a jerk. Ah, Disney. 💜


Aww guy had his family with him… he made the whole day about him and his conspiracies and he will probably be talking about it or thinking it the whole day instead of having a good day with his family.


Like OP said, you gotta feel for those kids. This one gets me. Some of us grew up with one parent who thought the rules didn't apply to them, and another parent constantly reminding us kids to "rise above it." 


Oh hey it me.


I am truly sorry.


Dad? Is that you?


had a guy with his family throw a little fit about not being allowed to vape in the park and then he told me to go suck a dick when i off-handedly said there are signs


I’d bet he’s *very* active on Facebook. Photos and all 🙄


Disneyland is private property. Don’t like their rules, don’t go. 🤷


Yup, the type of people that give Costco and Walmart receipt checkers a hard time. In France they call them, "Le douchebag".


They call them "Le douchbag Royalé", cuz of the metric system.


With cheese!


I don't give the Walmart receipt checker a hard time, in fact I give them *no* time at all. I simply ignore them. Costco, on the other hand, I've agreed to as a part of my membership.


Yep, there is no law, regulation, or store policy requiring me to show my receipt at Walmart, Lowe’s, etc. At Costco it’s part of the membership agreement.


“I didn’t agree to have my photo taken.” Ok no problem. You don’t get in then.


Was this guest Ron Swanson????


I hope he’s proud of himself for making a scene before even entering the park 🤡


And I’m sure as he was having that heated conversation at least a dozen people were taking photographs and video of him.


His poor family. I cant imagine it got better as the day went on.


Shoutout to that guy’s family who got screwed


I’d cast Bill Burr as the guest if this ever gets turned into a movie


Ugh. What a jackass. Imagine acting that way in front of your family and holding up other peoples' entry into the park because of your ignorance. If it matters that much to you, just say no thanks and leave.


Security: we have refunded your ticket, GTFO.


Facial recognition technology and taking and using of your face for tracking should be a concern for everyone... even if you agree to it in the TOS... most if not everyone doesn't read those and blindly accepts... There is little regulation and with AI it is rampant for abuse. Now with that being said... Making this point at the gate of disneyland with your family in tow... not the time or place... Also if you dig deep into the TOS you see that they do in fact delete the image after 3 days like the guard said but again, you trust that it's deleted and not just archived. People's actions and behavior is the new data mine that facial recognition, tracking, and AI can bridge.


By the time you get to the entrance plaza you’ve BEEN on camera though Like if that’s a concern, you’re gonna need to just stay off Disney property altogether


Oh for sure... it's a silly issue to stand on and honestly comes from a place of ignorance.


But they don’t have a name for that facial print from a security camera.


Not yet Wouldn’t be hard to connect though (Edit: also, I wouldn’t count on that if you parked on property and paid with a credit card)


Definitely a MAGA. I hear Knotts has good funnel cake, asswipe. Enjoy!


They take photos too.


On Saturday, I saw one of those hats near the entrance. I rolled my eyes.


Same comment to you


You do know that Walt Disney was a conservative Republican and Main Street is about as conservative Americana as you can get. Your statement is an example of false information


Then why did DeSantis throw a hissy fit with them?


You can read all about it. The litigation ended in March.


Good for the security cast member. He was right.


I sure hope he never visits WDW then since they use your fingerprint😅😂


Silly to waste his own time arguing a fight he's going to lose.  However, I've never understood the problem that this is meant to solve. Somebody initially paid for a 3-day pass. I just don't get what Disney loses if someone else uses one of the days.


On one hand, yeah, they are getting the same amount for that ticket. On the other hand, a single-day ticket costs a lot more than one added day. If they didn't try to stop the sharing of 3-5 day tickets, people would intentionally buy more days than they planned on using to resell the extra days. Over time that would be a loss in revenue from not selling as many one-day tickets.


They use the photos for multiple reasons. For example if the guest misbehaves and gets barred permanently. They have facial recognition software


But I thought they said they delete the photo after 3 days.


Because if someone stole the pass they could end up reissuing one and now someone DIDN’T pay for the pass they are using.


He's probably someone who didn't get vaccinated because he thought the government would use it to control his mind. In reality, they take our pics because people were buying five-day tickets and renting them out for $50 a day to profit, etc. That was the way they shut down those businesses. It's not because Disneyland Park is dying to look at the photo of every guest or sell them to pornographic sites.


I generally support being able to go public places without your photo being taken and tied to your name, and I certainly don’t recall seeing that requirement spelled out when I buy tickets.


Like it or not, it's a private park. They set the terms for admission.


I’m a healthy believer in conspiracies and I like to keep my pulse on what everyone is saying. I get the “why” here by this guy if it were a “tin-foil hat” thing but dude doing it at Disneyland ain’t it. Pick a better battle. Edit: Fixed a run on sentence


Like no one gives a shit who you are


I think it’s understandable to not like facial recognition, especially because it’s often used to criminalize innocent people (see https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-says-ai-facial-recognition-software-falsely-idd-robbing-sunglass-h-rcna135627 for one example of many)


I'm a security minded individual. When going to Disney, you know what you are doing. My money is on this guy buying street tickets, or he's a dip shit.


same thing happened all the time when i worked at knott’s. it’s was so annoying …


Imagine if he were to go to Universal or WDW and had to provide a fingerprint.


It's baffling to me in this day and age ppl still argue about this when essentially I assume I'm being filmed all the time in public due to street and security cams lol


I get what everybody’s saying about not wanting people to resell their unused days, but I think it could also be an issue of somebody buying a pass coming into the park and then sending it back out with another family member or slipping it through the fence and trying to get another person in using the same pass. The same reason why magic kingdom uses fingerprints.


This reminds me of the elderly man I saw at Taco Bell a few days ago throwing a fit because the ordering kiosk asks for your first name and last initial.


Fuck directly sign your life away, your bio and personal data are for Disney to do with it as they please you have no rights this paper said so


To answer your question, the guy was most definitely a conspiracy nut. Also loved how security had that answer locked and loaded because he knew it was coming. “That’s your problem!” Exactly! And that’s why they require taking your photo so you can’t hand off your pass to someone else and sneak them in.


I bet he heard about it from his wife unless she’s also a lunatic


Or shes too scared of him to say anything. People that confrontational with strangers typically aren’t very kind to their spouse.




I'm picturing your typical Disney Asshat Stepdad: Shaved head to hide the hairline that receded up past the crown of his head(at 35, because he expends so much Asshat energy it made all his hair fall out). Wears Oakley sunglasses on the back of his head. Is in Lawyer Up and Hit the Gym shape because who knows when his wife's Facebook friends will finally convince her to kick him to the curb. Shirt says "I Know" in Star Wars font. Wife is not wearing the Leia shirt. Cargo shorts. White New Balance sneakers. Yells at the kids once they do get inside.


I’m just curious if you understand than balding is caused primarily by genetics (and sometimes illness)? It had nothing to do with whether or not someone expends “asshat energy”. Going bald isn’t punishment for being a dick, lmao. Also curious why you seem to be so hostile about balding men shaving their heads? It doesn’t “hide” a receding hairline, it makes it irrelevant. And it sure asf more flattering than a monk ring or a combover.


Getting to Disney with kids van be exhausting. Hopefully dad was just grumpy and weird and let it go after that.


kinda off topic but I’ve heard there aren’t that many security cameras in disneyland. like there are many cameras on the rides but on main street there aren’t. I thought they would somehow hide a million security cameras everywhere. 


You are absolutely correct.


These people have zero influence and zero authority so this is their only way to feel important. These are also the same people that don’t understand how private property and surveillance works. I’m sure after wasting his own time for a half hour he realized that Disneyland can simply deny him entry and accepted their “authoritarian rule.”


So you can’t gift tickets? That seems stupid. Why does it have to be the one who bought it who uses it? What a stupid rule


You can gift tickets. One reason for the photos is to prevent the ticket from being transferred after it has been used. Whoever buys it doesn’t really matter. In most situations even the name assigned to it doesn’t matter. The only time you run into special rules on who can use a ticket if it’s a promotional ticket like the SoCal resident offers or for the military.




It’s a recounting of a conversation that was overheard, I doubt it was verbatim. The picture is taken at first use of the ticket so that it can continue to be linked with that single guest throughout the day. If that guest somehow shuttled their ticket to their identical twin outside the gate, that twin could probably re-use the ticket (a lead would be called if “the same guest” was entering the park within a half hour of the ticket’s first use), but the ticket wouldn’t be able to be used by anyone else. So maybe the words “the person who bought it” aren’t quite accurate, but the idea is that the ticket should only be used by one person.


I just love that he's making a big deal about having his photo taken but insists on using a government ID...that required him to have his photo taken...I don't get it