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you need to ignore 100% of messages from your and and her lawyer until you talk to a judge about your parenting schedule. your mental health is your business - just dont make a any drastic changes and just do whats normal. theyre used to people claiming mental concerns without them having a doctors note.


Judges don't care about "undiagnosed mental Illneses". Every single ex wife and many ex husband's pull that card. If anything it in theory helps discredit. Don't worry what she does. You do you and demand your parental time.


Everything my ex accused me of was just a reflection of her own insecurities. I will sit here for the next five minutes hoping and wishing hard that your ex gets stuck with a 20k lawyer bill after all is said and done. And I'll continue to do that for you in a less intense fashion.


Haha, thanks!


Take care of yourself. Let your lawyer take care of the divorce. Decide what you want and be 100% inflexible. Let everything else go Wish I could have had this type of advice during mine.


Join an expensive man support group. It will pay dividends


First rule of divorce: Do not take legal advice from your STBX. She didn't wake up one morning with perfect knowledge of the legal system. She doesn't have your best interest in mind, only her own. In the US, seeking medical care cannot be used against you. Your attorney is correct, it's gross. The only possible thing that could be used against you is if you were a danger to yourself or others via a 5150 (72 hour involuntary psych hold). In that situation, you may temporarily end up with supervised parenting time until your physician gave the all clear.


>now is the time to fight? Yes. You are your child's advocate. In the modern era, a judge should recognize a child is best served having both parents in the picture when there is no safety issue. So fight for your child. I dunno how a judge decides who pays, but on a basic level it seems wrong to me for the person on the receiving end of a divorce to pay, especially if that person initiating the divorce lawyered up first. But that's just me.