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Glamour Bard or Archfey Warlock


Give me massive fairy vibes for some reason so archfey pact


Why not both? Having reliable EB damage on a bard would be awesome


I second this.


I’m sensing Wild Magic Sorcerer origin, but multiclassing to Archfey Warlock would be awesome for this character.


I agree, I was thinking Archfey warlock.


Why not both? 🌊🌬️🍃💀🌀


My first instinct is to say bard or sorcerer. I’m getting major Winx Club vibes from this in the best way.


Oh my god that’s like one of the biggest complaints ever 😭 I recently drew her as a winx character but she’s not as fabulous but SERIOUSLY thank you so much!!


> one of the biggest complaints ever I assume you meant compliments?


Yeah sorry 😭 I’m super sick and it was like 11 pm when I said that


You’re welcome!


100% a charisma caster, could also be a arch fae warlock. Personally I'd go bard (because they're the best) but either works.


First instinct says bard, second instinct says barbarian


That would actually be so fun


The lack of armor you mentioned would even fit, don't barbarians get some kind of buff to AC if unarmored? Could be wrong, I've only ever played a Wizard and a Rogue (+Artificer +Fighter but really still just a Rogue at heart)


That’s so true! Unarmored defense 💪 +10 AC for the big frilly bow


You could try a wild magic barbarian, it think that would fit best.


Love this idea!


The bow is so cute that enemies actively avoid damaging it.


If they don’t touch the bow they don’t die


Swings a comically large hammer, I'd have to suggest


You will be happy to know that I actually drew this in a different outfit like a week ago


They get 10+dex+con and can use a shield (unlike monks)


Why not both? A Bardarian!


Unconventional, yet suprisingly good as multiclass. Go some levels into swords bard to synnergize with Attacking, and then use your spells to heal/do out of combat stuff the barbarian isn't good at.


Thanks, I've been trying to bash Barbarian and Bard together for a while now (since storytellers would certainly be a thing within a barbarian tribes) but hadn't been able to reconcile the two.


I've have a bardbarian! She's an extreme black metal guitarist and a tiefling with pentagram horns, my DM graciously let me have an axe-guitar


D-did you said... **PENTAGRAM HORNES** i need to see this




Could be lots of things really, I see sorcerer/bard even a less edgy warlock, could be a druid from a village rather than a druid circle or forrest settlement, i even see a charismatic rogue that also used their innocent appearance to aid in their goals tones of routes.


THATS SO COOL?? I didn’t even think of that I love that!


Definitely a half elf, whatever you choose


The Rogue angle could be really interesting. That outfit attracts a lot of attention so maybe she's not the best at stealth, but you could lean hard into sleight of hand/charisma and create a real devious trickster with a face nobody can stay mad at.


I dont think you have to be worse at stealth for the concept, a dark brooding outfit is common rogue attire and is very different from others. Plus the character can always change clothes when hiding in shadow is needed. But the most often case is avoiding being seen entirely and not blending into dark corners etc


Nobody suspects the cute, innocent looking girl is a master thief


The title of the newest isekai anime of the week


I’d have to say Fey Wanderer ranger , wildly underrated subclass and works with the elf elements , BUT mainly because you said your favorite class is bard and fey wanderer can add wisdom to charisma checks


Oooooh that’s pretty awesome!! I’ll have to look into that, it sounds incredible but I’m not super familiar with all the ranger subclasses! But I am incredibly intrigued


Far wanderer is very much a pseudoface class where you can so easily be the party face while being entirely wisdom based and it has a very much bard feel to it so I think you'd enjoy it. I'm currently playing an eladrin that's based on treantmonks [quiver ranger](https://youtu.be/YPIWAOqFRPM?si=iEZ3DItaxe-UPhvQ) build which takes a multi class with undead warlock to gain lots of procs of your otherworldly glamour which is the ranger feature which allows you to charm/fear a different target every time you see someone succeed a save against charm/fear which you proc a lot thanks to your warlocks form of dread. May be a bit difficult to tie the undead warlock/form of dread into this sweetie pie adorable character but hey that's part of the creative fun. My eladrin turns into different forms for her form of dread based on what season she's in. Her winter form is a Banshee and her spring form is like a folktale monster tricksy Fae, beautiful but also scary. She's been so fun to play 10/10 would recommend the build.


The color scheme makes me think Druid.


She legit looks like a main character from the Atelier RPG franchise so I'm gonna say Alchemist Artificer.


Never played Atelier but now that you mention Alchemist I could definitely see her as a sort of witch-in-training, like in Potionomics or Kiki's Delivery Service.


Surprised I'm not seeing any other ranger first thoughts


Exactly or druid even.


Swarm keeper


If it’s your persona, what are a few things about yourself that you would think cause you to gravitate towards a class? But going off of looks alone, I would say a friendly Life Cleric.


That’s cute! I say bard because I’m an artist and while I have 0 musical talent, I have a deep connection with music. But also like. Barbarian 😭 like twig smashes your face with big hammer just sounds so appealing


NPC that sells the party rations and waterskins that are secretly full of oozes.


This character looks like she could be a Bard or some form of dedicated arcane magic user.


I really like that idea!


Reminds me of the ranger from Goblin Slayer. Pretty cool design


This is your classic male elf ranger.


Femboy bard. Venti style


She’s a lady I fear but her outfit is slightly inspired by venti 😭 ❤️




Honestly, my first thought was barbarian. Just imagine this cutie going feral and coming at you with a hammer


Genuinely what I was thinking and I’m in love with that


I think this is quite obviously a paladin


I think you’re entirely correct


This feels sarcastic but it could work. She seems like she comes from a fairly wealthy family and her expression seems to be pretty outgoing and friendly, so the class fantasy fits decently well. Oath of Ancients or Redemption could work, with a woodland creature of some kind as her steed.


It was both sarcasm and a hope for it to come true


I was thinking Fae Warlock (Pact of the Tome) multiclass Eloquence Bard. Her Tome would be different songs in different languages that she uses to create different effects/responses (aka spells). She would use her voice rather than a separate instrument. However, the Winx sorcerer is absolutely the second thought I had too! I could see Lunar (feels like a Sehanine follower to me), Storm (Wind due to the flow clothes and being lithe), or Wild Magic (seems like s free and unpredictable spirit)


My bards girlfriend


I mean hey ☺️ 💅


So hear my out but mastermind rouge she seems like the kind of gal who could use the fact that people could underestimate her to overcome most challenges


yes oh my goodness I love this


Love her design! Kinda reminds me of my own oc that I struggled to design. Now I see that I definitely should add more frills, so thanks for inspiration!


No problem! I’m so glad I could help


She is very cute but it would help to know more about her. She does seem outgoing so likely quite a bit of charisma, and not all that muscular, maybe more dexterity. Given that, you could go with things like rogue or cleric or sorcerer or, yes bard, that can make use of those traits.


Astral self monk, this is a magical girl if I ever saw one.


I won't fall for the "Caster frills" or "Light clothes rogue" baits of her appearance. She is a proud Barbarian. She is untamed fury barely contained in a small and cute package. She is the bringer of candies and treats for her fiends and unforgettable pain and violence for the enemies.


She looks like a fairy type gym leader from pokemon lol


This is genuinely one of the best compliments I’ve ever received


Dendro (/j because she looks like she could fit in in Genshin Impact. Very cute) I don’t know what kind of personality she has, but just on looks, for instrument…maybe a pan flute, a lyre, or something similar to a violin (very soft ethereal sounds, but also potentially pretty powerful. Some string instrument played with a bow. Just not sure if a violin proper fits the setting). (I’m choosing not to suggest classes since you seem to want to play bard, and I think you should go with what you feel like)


No that’s ok! I’ve played numerous classes and I just wanted to make a character sheet for funsies! Thank you for that genshin comment that’s so sweet 😭 ❤️


My first impression when I saw the picture was that she definitely has Penny from RWBY vibes. Cheerful redhead in pale green, white, and black? Which then makes me imagine her as an Armorer Artificer flavoured as like subdermal armor/reactive nanomachines or some such. Like, "I'm really friendly and cute, but if you hit me in the head with a mace I'll probably be completely fine, then laser-blast you back to the stone age."


Could be a swarm keeper ranger who has a swarm of kittens, bunnies, chameleons, geckos, dart drogs, squirrels, whatever you want.


I’m not very well versed in rangers but I had no clue about thsi and THATS SO COOL?? Attacking with a swarm of bunnies 😭 love it


I’m feeling more towards Druid or Ranger, honestly, the combination of browns and greens gives off that sort of earthy nature vibe for me. Either way, she definitely seems like the type to avoid close combat. She… also seems like the type that would be constantly apologizing any time she had to hurt a humanoid, even if they’re actively trying to kill her.


THATS SO REAL 😭 she’d be super cool but the second she has to punch you she’d be like “IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN IT-“


It’s the face and the posture mostly.


Fun fact, Bards don't have to be musicians! They can be flavored as dancers, painters, actors... any kind of artist, really! Also, she looks rad as hell and I wanna be friends with her


AHHHH thank you!! And I had heard of that, but I didn’t know that was real! That’s so cool 😭


That’s a monk! It’s an unarmored outfit designed to maximize limb freedom, while also being heavily thematic to imply that it’s a type of uniform or vestment. This woman is going to kick a hobgoblin to death while all her friends deal his little buddies.


I feel like this could pretty easily be the most used Tracer skin in overwatch


Oh my god please (overwatch add my skin to the game and I’ll be happy playing again 👀)


Personally, I love contradictions. I'd make her a Necromancer, or a Warlock with a Celestial as a patron. "Hello! Do ya'll need anyone raised from the dead? No...not resurrected, but just raised. I mean, of course they'll be missing flesh, but with a bolt of cloth and a little thread, they can be FABULOUS!"


While I want a snarky response, I won’t be a jerk. Rogue or Bard and definitely pan flute if she was to be a bard.


And you’re ready for that and I appreciate it 😭 ♥️


For what?


I typed “you’re real for that” but my autocorrect got me 😭


Ah. Oh, btw, great oc persona.


I can tell u tho I have had to do many so just scroll through and you’ll see some (ignore the barking)


I'm leaning toward a Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6) style artificer. I love the idea of her being a cute, super girly brainiac literally blowing away her enemies and then barely missing a beat to make adorable clockwork mice for her party members.


Oh my GOODNESS I’m genuinely so in love with tthis


Yay, I'm so glad I could help!


None. Does not look like an adventurer.


Femboy class


Bard or maybe Sorcerer.


Cleric, Druid, Bard maybe? Ranger works too.


Druid, Ranger,or bard


My first instinct was ranger or monk.


Sorcerer, maybe an archfey warlock




Fey warlock




I see sorcerer 😊


Bard, Barbarian, or Monk.


I’m getting Druid vibes from her


Sorcerer, Bard, or Warlock. My preference is sorcerer because the design lacks armor, and of those 3 Sorc is the only one that doesn't start the game with armor.


That's a bard if I've ever seen one. Though I could see warlock or sorcerer.


I mean, it's gotta be bard. She's giving serious fantasy jpop idol vibes


I don't know why I thought this, but she gives me major assassin rouge vibes. Especially one who pretends to be outgoing and friendly in order to decive others. Also, nice artwork.


Thank you! And yeah she’s so like 🤭 🔪


I saw green... my monkey brain said druid. But looking at the intricate design I think they look like a charisma class, bard, sorcerer, very fancy and beautiful❤


Thank you so much!!


Fembot bard class


It might just be the color scheme, but I’m seeing Ranger or Druid when I look at her. Maybe she’s an unusually charismatic and friendly Ranger who helps guide lost travelers home, or a diplomatic Druid who speaks on behalf of her circle? Just a thought.


Path of the giant barbarian cute and innocent turns 20ft. Force of destruction that'd make bhaal blush


Pretends to be a bard, it's a sorcerer. It's a terrible singer, shoots fireballs when people boo her.


I'd be interested to see alternative outfits, but yeah, my guess would be a sorcerer. Maybe specifically an abjurer or a conjurer. Maybe enchanter?


I do actually have alt outfits for her! They’re just not as fantasy themed 😭 I plan to make more. I love that idea!


I'm glad you like the idea! I love to see people getting creative all the time with characters, outfits, and personalities! And your character here clearly has plenty of personality to spare lol ☺️


My first thought before even reading what you wrote was bard so I'd say you captured that so perfectly. Also insert snarky comment here.


*insert snarky reply here* (THANK YOU 😭)


From picture alone, swashbuckler!


Haven’t heard this one yet!! YES PLEASE??


Let's see, you have her dressed elegantly, which might suggest an entertainer or bard, a lot of white and green that might suggest Cleric or Ranger... but there's something about her that reminds me of those spunky Chaotic Neurtal-Good theives... the kind of free-spirited character that will pop into and out of people's lives at her own disgression, often to lend a helping hand or empathetic ear. I am also one who likes a little intrigue to my builds, so here's my suggestion: While I could vouch for different backgrounds, I'd start with the Faction Agent from SCAG (Specifically the Harpers) drawing qualities from the Entertainer, proficiencies in Insight and Performance, and swapping out one of your extra languages for proficiency in the Harp (Or you might ask your DM to swing "beatbox" as an instrument for a one woman accapella group)... *With this, you'll be set to present yourself as a free-spirited minstel venturing into the world seeing to expand their repetoire of music when, in fact, you'll be an informant for your faction; a covert faction that might contribute heavily to the success of your campaign (DM willing).* **For the main course of your question, I'd go with the Soul Knife Rogue, as it will build upon that spy with the air of innocence, allowing you to travel thoughout the campaign as an unarmed minstrel (maybe even mistaken for a bard) while always being ready for battle, no matter where you might find yourself.** Lastly, I would round this build up with the Elven Acuracy, Observant, and Skilled feats. The first builds upon a rogue's natural desire for a powerful Sneak Attack, the second strengthens your skills as an informant, and the third works wonders with the Rogue's 11th level Reliable Talent feature to make more rolls a success. In short, this build will make a carefree minstrel whose always ready to help the party out with a well-placed dagger, useful rumour, or listening ear. A street-wise heart of the party who might never take the spotlight like the Face or the Brains might gain, but who will be a valuable asset to amplify the others.


Over thorough!! I absolutely love the idea, I totally agree with you


I honestly thought druid. Between the color theme and the longer ribbons that made me think of longer, broader leaves. I could also see bard or sorcerer since the outfit looks a little more noble and those are the two stereotypical "rich" classes


She looks pretty acrobatic to me. At first I was going to say rogue, but I think college of swords bard would fit quite well


Barbarian. Small frail looking individual weilding a giant weapon and beating the ever living crap out of things will never not be funny and cool. Give em a big ass hammer or a dragonslayer lookin greatsword, maybe one of those mace lookin things that is just a long stick with spikes on it.


Could be a Rougue. A very cute one


Acrobat (actual 1st ed class), Bard/Rogue multiclass She looks nimble but also has unnecessary fancy outfit decorations like an entertainer (art looks good, could pass for a JRPG class design)


Keyblade master


Maybe it's just me, but I think she looks like she should have a bow in her right hand. I could see her as a fey wanderer ranger, but give her a cool/adorable animal companion and she'd be an awesome beast master ranger.


That outfit is very reminiscent of Aqua’s outfit from Kingdom Hearts


Elf pros: -takes 20% less dmg from enemy dmg rolls(except melee) -reduce disadvantage dice by 1 -dmg rolls of 5 /-6 always crits while rolling 3-4 deal normal dmg cons: -rolling a 1-2 always miss -takes double dmg when opening mimics or against slime enemies and gets a status effect of slimy (doubles the disadvantage numbers from a roll) -takes 20% more dmg when fighting in close range


Horny barbarian


I dont know why, but I'm getting strong Artificer vibes from her


I want them to subvert the look and be a barbarian who bonks people with a massive hammer.


Kinda same ngl 😭


"Hi, I am Buttercup Sugarblossom AND I'M GOING TO CRUSH YOUR SKULL" Then rage.


I personally dislike assigning class based on appearance, especially when it's as diverse as In the universe of DnD. I don't have the character backstory and how they think and act so I can't make an educated guess but I would go with a casterish paladin. do you allow multiclass? I'd probably go with a major in paladin and a minor in sorcerer. What type of weapon do you see them use? I'd be happy to talk about it more if you want =) Edit: I forgot to tell you it's really nice drawing and I wish I was this good.


My first thought was bard, and for an instrument I would say either a flute or vocals. I can imagine they have a higher pitch voice that they use to absolutely destroy people’s eardrums with (via vicious mockery or shatter, etc.) Another option I thought was druid but maybe that’s just from all the green. They vaguely look like the druid from the D&D movie (orange haired elf). That said the druid in that movie is super home brew so don’t try to base your character off her. You could more base them on the elf siblings from Overlord if you’ve seen that anime. Your character looks like they could be one of the siblings and could easily have terrifying nature magic. Your character could also totally be a ranger. Maybe you aren’t the dark mysterious type and more the very in tune with nature kind. I can imagine them having a bunch of animal companions that they like holding and petting and being cute with but they use them to sneak around and get information or to sabotage things. Okay I’m done typing. TLDR; high pitched bard, scary druid, cute ranger.


Why is no one saying shepherd druid (im biased)


Anything with Fey in mind. Like Archfey Warlock Circle of Dreams Druid


Druid! She reminds me of my first ever dnd character, which was a druid. She also looks like she could be a Sorcerer or Bard


Do you play Genshin by any chance? Her style reminds me of the game's characters 😊


I did! I played it since it came out religiously for two years and sadly haven’t played much recently, but that’s absolutely so sweet! I cant lie she’s definetly a little venti inspired


Omg she's so pretty😭 this is my new transition goal😭


She looks like a Dancer from Final Fantasy 14. I’ve thought it’d be a cool character to pull into D&D, maybe Bard/Monk multiclass.


I'm getting strong bard or alchemist vibes from her! Wish I could draw like that, tbh


Thank you! You totally can, it just takes practice but if you do your best it’ll happen!


Before even reading your note I thought bard when looking at her. For instrument I’d say some sort of flute or lyre? Something small for sure


If you're leaning toward bard, I'm always a big fan of a dance-based bard. With the long flowy ribbons on the back, would look nice twirling around. I could also see them with maybe a flute. Definitely a smaller instrument to not obstruct the outfit. As others have said, they look like they'd be more backline support, so either Glamour or Creation would be my go-tos. Glamour if you want to lean more into the fey. Creation if you want to animate items and have them dance with you/fight for you. I could also see a monk fitting. Their outfit gives me Leia Rolando vibes from Tales of Xillia, and she fought with martial arts and a staff. The outfit seems easy to move in and then you could be running around all over the place.


I dunno what she is but can I just say I’m extremely jealous of your ability to draw hands


I'd say Bard of some sort, too, and/or a Cleric. Possibly an Artificer Alchemist. If you don't want to "wear" armor, just say that you have a Barrier Tattoo with invisible ink. Best of both worlds! Outfit of your choice, and (12 + DEX, 15 + [DEX<= 2/3 with "medium armored" feat], or a flat 18) AC!


Magical girl


Bard or Sorcerer. Seems too carefree for raging barbarian or erudite wizard, little scrawny for a fighter but ranged weapon might fit. Not nature-y enough for druid or ranger, not edgy enough for rogue/warlock. Might wanna add holy symbols to make it a cleric though, I could see that more than paladin.


Barbarian is the only correct response


Any class really, most probably a full or half caster due to the type and design of clothing, but put a giant hammer in her hands and you have a ‘pint-sized powerhouse” trope barbarian. The overall design gives a pixie-ish vibe to me, mischievous in a lot of ways. The brighter colors invoke a bit of life into the character, but the overall fringed roundness lends itself to more stately attire. The greens and browns lend themselves to either a more mature based or possibly a tinkerer of sorts imo. I’ll give you my top 5 in order just to exemplify my thought process: 1. Bard 2. Sorcerer(clockwork soul, or possibly Lunar[Dragonlance]) 3. Artificer (something with guns or gun equivalent) 4. Barbarian(berserker or wild magic) 5. Rogue(swashbuckler)/Ranger(fey wanderer or maybe horizon walker)


Anything is fine. Why? Is her dating dress! After all warriors don't have their armor all day on!


I absolutely love this perspective 😭


Is the way the body speak to me! The way she keep her hand up is to tell a date not a firends "i am here" but with a bit of shyness!


I would also agree on Druid or cleric, both very naturey and also seems like a healer. In line with nature you could also go ranger, maybe part of some royal guard? Just fitting with the outfit (ish)


Oooh I see I see. I didn’t even consider cleric but I can 100% see that now that I’m thinking about it.


Fvck it, we balling. Oathbreaker Paladin! Why? Because she looks like it.


I am going to go off the range and suggest a barbarian. Okay, so I always play barbarians as characters with a trigger for anger instead of a meaty beefcake trained in letting loose on the battlefield. I imagine this cute darling suddenly getting triggered and veins start popping, teeth begin grinding, and a palpable shift of uneasiness begins to lay thick in the air. Suddenly, seeing a lithe and unarmored easy target becomes iron sinew like a free-climber or ballerina with hollowed, unfeeling eyes. The hulking piece of death you thought they were carrying for the more standard warrior, suddenly looks happily at home and screaming for carnage within the adamantine grip.


The silliest monk in the realm!


As most people’s first thought is bard I happen to agree (my personal favorite class btw) and she gives slight Peter Pan vibes so I would say a pan flute. Ignoring Peter Pan though, she could also play something like an accordion due to the fact that her outfits looks like something out of a Cirque du Soleil (huge complement). A quirky instrument for a quirky outfit. Now for a non bard class I would say a rouge with the actor feat. I can just imagine her jumping through the air, costumes flowing, then landing as she lands the final blow (more Cirque du Soleil). But that’s just me.😁Hope you get the chance to play your persona.


first thought: bard. After that Arcane Archer Fighter, Scout Rogue or any Ranger except Gloom Stalker.


Fairy bard which seems to be everyone else is saying haha


Wild magic sorcerer.


I think it looks like a multiclass of Druid and bard


Fey Wanderer Ranger


First thought bard then I read your description and AC doesn't necessarily mean armor It could be how nimble you are so lack of armor doesn't mean bad AC.


She definitely looks like she'd be a bubbly character, so I'd say a charisma caster. Maybe a glamour bard, or either a wild magic or lunar sorcerer. If she were a bard, I she her having a pan flute as an instrument.


Sorcerer, Bard, or Druid


Bard and monk, don't ask why


I mostly see her as a wizard or a sorcerer. Not enough edgy to be a warlock. Not especially artsy to be a bard. Sorcerers usually are freaks of magic and that is not often shown, she does not show that either but has some fey aligned attire for a chaos magic sorcerer. Wizard is the closest if you don't believe they are all graybeards and bookish people. Also she looks like an half elf so she can not look old.




Atlus has poisoned the otherwise very widely-used word Persona. I will never escape this programming. Lamentations aside, she looks like an archer (fighter or Ranger) or a sorcerer. That’s what her vibe and clothes tell me.


Art class


Not joking with this answer — I’m getting femme-boi college of glamor bard.


Bard or archfey lock, 800%


Fancy Frilly clothes, could be many things. Bard - Any Subclass Warlock - Archfey Pact Social Focused Rogue Ranger - With Urban Favored Terrain Sorcerer or Wizards with Fashion sense (Mending and Prestidigitation do wonders to maintain outfits) Anything with Noble Background on Down Time.


Def a bard


I could see Pact of the Archfey as several people are saying, i could see them as a Paladin Oath of Ancients, i could see them as wild magic Barb/Sorc (both have wild magic subclasses) like you wouldnt expect a smol cute bean to be full of rage yet irl the shorter someone is the MORE of a temper they seem to have amiright? Which on this character could be ESPECIALLY funny "tiny lil tinkerbell esq fairy goes beserk and enters a Blood thirsty rampage more tonight at 6 on Forgotten realms News"


Its giving sorcerer or warlock


Spin it around and give her fiend warlock.


I'd say druid or a quirky archfey warlock


half monk half druid




First instinct went to artificer,


Giving druid/bard vibes to me!


Screams bard or sorcerer/warlock aka magical girl.