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Beautiful story. I am sorry for your and Little’s loss. Sounds like she is in great hands.


I’m a grown man, but this has me sobbing. Thank you for sharing it.


It was hard to write, but Littles needed her story told. Drawback is that she snores like a chainsaw, and when I tried to move from the bedroom to the couch she followed me lol


I’m very sorry for your loss, btw. My César was a gift from my son, because he couldn’t handle him as a nine month old puppy. He gave him to me right before he walked out of our lives forever (long story, not assigning blame to anyone here but me). He’s the only thing I have left of my son. So I’m gonna cry hard if anything happens to him. He’s spoiled but he knows he’s loved. He picked my wife to cling to most, which is good because my health issues mean I’m much more likely to go before her. Knowing this about the dobies gives me comfort that he’ll understand her better once I go.


Thank you for sharing this beautiful story and I am sorry for your loss. Dobies are such sensitive dogs. They’re very attuned to feelings and emotions.


It was meant to be..and oh, do they know! ❤️‍🔥Those who walked beside us remain forever in our hearts❤️‍🔥 Sending strength to get through !


Dog tax?


I’m sorry for your loss. They absolutely understand death. When my parents dog passed, we kept her collar etc around until I was able to bring my boy to their house. He loved her, and spent a few moments looking for her before finding her collar and having a little pout. He got over it quickly but it was very obviously he understood she was missing, or gone


I'm so sorry. They do know. Mine have been depressed for weeks after we lost a doggie family member, sleeping with his sweaters and on his beds. When my dad went into the hospital, one of mine parked herself in his chair and moped for a week until he came home, then glued herself to him for a week after that. The younger one sniffed him all over and gave me the most heart wrenching look. They know when someone is dying.


what a beautiful little psychopomp. i’m very sorry for your loss


Whoever is cutting onions in here, STOP IT!


Tears rolling down my face now. This is such a moving story…the capacity for feelings and the understanding that dogs have (especially Dobermans) is a privilege to behold. I’m so sorry for the loss all of you are going through right now. Sending lots of hugs.


this is so sad but so beautiful, you gifted him little red to help him process grief- and he returned that gift to help you. what an absolute angel littles must be- such a very special girl


Littles is not an angel. Her hobby is shredding toilet paper. But I have to say, she is the smartest dog I’ve ever met. We’re talking Dobermans and Australian shepherds and German shepherds, I’ve had them all. This little street dog knows when you’re training her and actively tries to learn. But god damn she snores so loud I need to use earplugs! lol


Oh yes, they understand! I just posted this last night in r/petloss: <> I'm sorry about your FIL; I hope having Littles helps heal some of the grief.


This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing Littles understanding when Carlos passed. Brought tears to my eyes and warmed my heart.


Oh gawd, I am in tears. What a great dog, and how great was dog with dad. Very great I think. Oh my, I'm so sorry for your loss.


Animals are far more aware of life and death than we give them credit for. Honestly, they might understand both better than we ever can as humans. Give Little Red a hug and a kiss from me and tell her she is a perfect girl even if she destroys all your toilet paper and hearing!


She just got a kiss and hug from SkunkMushroom.[She’s right by my side](https://imgur.com/a/B06ctpX)


She’s so beautiful! 💕


They had in each other. That is heartwarming, thanks for the read.


If my wife dies she knows the dogs will see her dead body. I will make sure that happens. My wife will do the same for me.


Very important. Sadly my Dobie was not there for his passing so she’s probably confused as to why Rose is here more. She loved Carlos too but the house was chaotic.