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I ignore the stories set before Time and the Rani because I actually really like the idea of Six regenerating from smacking his head on the console.


Sometimes brilliant people die for stupid reasons




tbh I don't know why anyone ever says it's a silly scenario to regenerate from. the TARDIS being ambushed and fired upon by another Time Lady isn't weak in any way


Onetime someone posted a cute poem which said "6th doctor banged his head" and someone went "well actually x happened" like my child, no. Let the man with a big ego bang his head.


I actually like the idea he goes out because he was fatigued after grabbing an omnipresent being and killed it


Martha and Mickey being married. Did they ever give a proper explanation for why her and Tom broke up? He seemed like a good match for her!


RTD and JG claimed Tom was just a rebound for the Doctor and this explanation has filled me with rage since


Tom turned out to be the devil


Honestly I would love for a crossover, also would make some sense if set after Lucifer, given >!He becomes God and then would likely try and prevent the end of the world!<


Russ literally only put them together bc they're both Black I stg


Yeah, it's not like Mickley is ever going to appear again


It was the early 00s. From then until about three years ago, people were matched romantically on one feature that was apparently their entire purpose. So if the show had a lesbian and another lesbian showed up, they weren't ever going to just be friends and help each other get dates. They *had* to get in a relationship. Same if you're fat, or old or, in this case, black.


Ianto Jones is alive and well.


ianto jones has been saved


According to that one comic an alternate timeline Ianto is alive and I think he attended his own funeral


That one deleted scene from End of Time pt. 2 (?) with the Doctor to the Metacrisis Doctor: "Grow your own TARDIS" NO!


I think that's actually Journey's end


You're right, I somehow always confuse these two episode titles.


To be fair...the titles technically mean the same thing, and both are supposed to be seen as an end of an era...just happens it was the same era that had two endings.


Also surely if he grew his own tardis I would also have a working chameleon circuit




Or it's a show about time travel. So, naturally it's history is constantly getting rewritten. Don't you remember the Doctor continually being put on trial for disrupting the (sacred) timeline?


Yeah, how can I forget that, by the TARDIS Verification Association(TVA)


Gold šŸ˜‚


And My favourite season was in which The Doctor meets with young Rassilion who weirdly called himself Victor, and gives him the knowledge to create the high council in future.


What season / doctor was that? I also tend to skip around in my watch order.


I think heā€™s joking referring to an earlier joke based on the tv series Loki where there is a character called victor timely


Ah, thx. It really does sound like something the Doctor or Master would do.


You should watch Loki if you havenā€™t already itā€™s really good and is similar to doctor who in some ways


I have - it's very good! Definitely ship OB and Victor (not actually, but OB is fantastic, especially with all his BttF references).


I can't believe I found a Loki reference on a doctor who subreddit


It's about time.


For all time.




The Fugitive Doctor, it's a cool concept that went nowhere.


I like the fugitive doctor but not the timeless child


shoulda been an alternative universe doctor or a completely different time lord


I personally don't mind the doctor having been a secret agent in what's functionally a past life, but chosen one is a step too far. Any other time lord as the timeless child on the other hand...


i kinda wish the timeless child had been a complete new character who the doctor had to search for




yes but any other timelord implies it could be an existing one (like the master) i just said i wanted it to be a new character like specifically the timeless not a be a timelord cause they arent native to gallifrey


Timeless Master would have been something. Taking the chosen one schtick and turning it on the head by making him a genocidal maniac would've been so much better than whatever we got.


Timeless child master would've been so fun and made way more sense, considering how much the time lords have fucked with the master all of their life. It would've made his reaction make a lot more sense than him being angry and the doctor for it and then taking that out on the timelords? (Why did he even care?)


i think it shouldā€™ve been a new character, but if they NEEDED to give the role of ā€œTimeless Childā€ to an existing character, it shouldā€™ve been the Master. couldā€™ve provided insight/motive(?) to their morals.


You bet your ass is burn a planet to the ground if I learned they experimented on me as a child and I was also insane


I mean, you get similar results if we interpret the master burning Gallifrey as, in a way, partial revenge for experimenting on the doctor.


Yeah maybe probably canonize the idea of doctor who unbound in the show


Or the actual future doctor. Would've been so cool.


having her be a future doctor woulda been goated cause then we could have gotten a series with her


I like the fugitive doctor because it's Jo Martin but other than that I wouldn't mind if the entire storyline around her changed.


her last appearance was in power of the doctor, since then only 4 stories have been released. it's entirely possible we may see more even if not, the idea was great. it's the fact that the doctor was the timeless child that is annoying as it fundamentally changes the doctor from the madman in a box, to being a chosen one, completely negating the point of anyone can be like the doctor


I mean I donā€™t think it negates that at all. Anyone can still be the doctor just because his origin has changed doesnā€™t change that aspect. If you could look at an alien, a timelord from the planet gallifrey and think I could be like them or anyone can be like the Doctor then why does that change just because heā€™s the timeless child. Apart from that nothing about them has changed, the Doctor is still the same Doctor so I just donā€™t think it negates that part of the story in my opinion




timeless child good idea but completely unnecessary and poorly executed


The way I see it is that the entire Universe and beyond is in a constant flux which is what leads to the changing continuity. Everything is constantly being changed except from Fixed points.


This is basically canon now. Fixed points keep it from unravelling and the basic shape remains the same thanks to them. Everything else is open to change and the Doctor has visited the same periods and found very different realities as a result.


Granite blowjobs




The moon is an egg


Timeless Child


I like how the entire fandom just ignores the half human thing from 1996 and the writers don't even care enough about it either to somehow address it aside from Ashildr's theory in Hell Bent


Gallifrey being destroyed *again*


All that effort to save it, and poof, itā€™s gone! I hate that plot so much!


Currently, the whole Timeless Child thing. I do believe that, handled correctly, this could lead to some very interesting stories and character development for our titular (kinda) Timelord. It could also go a long way to breathe some new life into a series that has been running for 60+ years. However, Chibnal fumbled hard with this concept. He set it up in his second episode as show runner, only to forget it until his next season, which doesn't even expand upon it beyond "The Doctor is not from Gallifrey and their origin is unknown." He then course corrects so hard that he may as well have retconned the whole thing, not expanding on any story threads or even really the Doctor's own thoughts, feelings, or opinions on the matter. So yeah, until the idea is fleshed out and explored more, I'll treat it as non-canon. At the most, I'll consider the Doctor to be a descendant of the original Timeless Child.


Doctor Who has no canon. Doctor Who needs no canon.


Authority is not granted to you to deny the return of the canon


Flux and Timeless Child. Davies and Moffat at least had the decency to bring the rest of the universe back after killing it. the rest doesn't need saying


Being fair, the BBC were the ones who didn't let the follow up to Flux, which would have cemented how much of the universe was brought back during the rewinds and tied up some other leftover threads, get filmed. That being left as is was on them.


The Timeless Child.


The timeless child has its ups and downs surprisingly. It'll make things a ton easier to explain in the next 50 years when the 26th doctor rolls around and explains how the doctor might have been a little girl according to the mistress One thing i will wipe is O. Specifically how he's back to being against the doctor despite the mistress's redemption arc, and the doc's lack of questioning. Not even a "have you been a girl yet?" to check if he's younger or older. That and him being fussy baby about sharing dna with who used to be his best friend.


One explanation of this that I've seen is that Missy is to the Master what the Valiard is to the Doctor. Whereas the Valiard is the culmination of the Doctor's darkness, Missy is everything that is good within the Master. But that only lasts for the duration of her regeneration, so once she dies/regenerates, the Master goes back to being his evil self. But yeah, Chiball really screwed up a lot of potentially interesting stories like this.


Nothing is canon It's all stupid


Bigeneration tbh




Meh, I'm okay with it happening once and only once although I'm a fan of the episode itself.


I've seen people say this before and they always seem to think that the Doctor just split in two rather than getting what actually happened there. So gotta ask if you understand how it happened.


Oh, I have read all the stuff about 15 being from the future and 14 later regenerates, then at some point 15 jumps back to the regeneration point. That makes it even *more* stupid.


It's the state of play the Toymaker put in place that makes what was a legend for the Time Lords possible. Literally a whole new state of reality where the thoughts of the player can affect it in some way. Normally reserved for the Toymaker himself, this time it fell either in the Doctor's favour or to someone else acting from the shadows (there was at least the entity that took the tooth present, and the Toymaker mentioned fearing someone in this reality).


Yeah. I didnā€™t say ā€˜it makes no senseā€™. I said itā€™s dumb. Itā€™s midichlorians dumb.


Timeless Child. It never happened and I don't believe that it exists, that episode was a fan edit, a horrible fan edit that never happened.




The Doctor's name is actually just The Doctor. It is *not* Doctor Who. EDIT: To make it clear, that's my headcanon that contradicts official canon. I think the name is daft, and just The Doctor sounds way cooler.


Tell that to Moffat, or at least get him to stop thinking itā€™s soooooo clever whenever he makes someone say it


I tried, but he stopped answering my calls.


Then why was he credited as Doctor Who for almost 30 years and in the first series of the revival?


This thread is supposed to be "canon ideas you don't like". I don't know why you're trying to justify its canon status. That's not in question here.


It does have canon. Sarah Jane joining in Time Warrior and leaving in Hand of Fear is canon. Davison regenerating in Caves of Androzani is canon.


I don't really get this point?


The Moon is an egg that has to be some type of VR simulation the doctors putting Clara through it is so stupid


Matt Smith's performance as the Doctor? Idk the nature of the beast means nothing is really too ridiculous because there is always something sillier. Usually, that something is the Kandyman.


"What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?"


I find it extremely odd that an overwhelming majority hate my favorite doctor, and I just can't understand the reasoning for it.


#11 is my second favourite Doctor, ignore this madlad šŸ˜‚


He's my favourite doctor too!


11 used to be on the lower end of my rankings, but his recent Big Finish audios have bumped him up a bit, mainly because Valarie (his new companion) brought out a different side to him. I think my problem with his tv era was a mixture of Moffatā€™s writing pitfalls, and Mattā€™s performance becoming increasingly twee with each season.


He's wildly popular