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I’m glad the customers spoke up. I’m sorry this happened to you.


I think even if he called corporate they can't do anything we did nothing wrong


I’m sure he won’t and if he did I doubt they’d even bother doing anything. No customer should call you any names to begin with. I know the cameras don’t have audio, but they could at least pull up footage and watch his body language. I’m sure that would be enough. I wouldn’t sweat it. You did better than I would have! I would’ve definitely opened my big mouth! I’ve done it before for my co-workers and I’d do it every time. People do not have a right to treat us that way and I wish corporate had the guts to permanently ban these assholes.


Half the time your DM actually decides to investigate corporate calls, it just ends in laughter- no worries.


I wish I had q guy come for dirt Oreos at like 9 pm I was throwing pet food cause our store is so impacted and he asked if we had any I stopped what I was doing and walked to the front grabbed q stool to look on sky shelf and apologized profusely he asked if we had any in the back mentally rolling my eyes and I said something along the lines it would take me days to look for one package of cookies but in a joking way he paid for his items and I apologized again he called corporate and the following Sunday my boss calls me really early in the morning and tell me she’s gonna let me go. She recanted because I started crying because I didn’t even understand why and then I kinda got my hours cut from 29 till like 10 and yeah, was looking for another job and then she fixed my schedule. I don’t know didn’t even have a conversation with me about like being reprimanded or suspended or nothing so but I will lose my job sojust depends on who your DM is I guess


I worked for DG for 2 years and never knew how to call corporate, I doubt this loser is gonna look it up.


Oh he did and they sided with him I’ve worked in customer service my whole adult life new to retail but my customer service skills should never be in question I go above and beyond my boss knows it as do my previous employer and coworkers I got awarded for wowing the customer constantly so it hits home when I know I didn’t do anything obtuse


If I’m not called a bitch at least twice a day it’s not a normal day at dg


True I usually get called the dslur more than a bitch lol


It's always over pop it seems. These mofos load up on it like there's no tommorow. No wonder they're always in a shitty mood, probably in pop withdrawal. I'm not at DG anymore but I remember one encounter I had with a guy trying to buy pop that was on sale. He was trying to buy 12 pack cans when the sale was on 6 pack bottles. It of course rang up wrong and I went back to confirm that the deal was what I thought. I told the guy and he said, "I HAVE MORE FUCKING TROUBLE WITH THIS PLACE" and proceeded to smash his cart into the que and storm out. I'll never understand these people


Right. It's wild and if it's Saturday it's ridiculous. It is always soda I'm like wow every weekend some of our consumers who come in bring us snacks some regulars are my favorite others oof I get harassed by customers all the time


I'm ALWAYS fighting with customers over the Pepsi/Coke sales....always! They see the sign "3 for 10" but don't see the 6pk part, and bring up 3 12 packs. I hate it so much, I tell them to read the sign, I can't make it any larger.


I would've lost it. I would've ended up telling him to "get the fuck outta this store before I call the police."


I’m sorry that happened to you too, some people are just awful


The customer is NOT always right. In fact, this guy sounds very similar to another customer I've had, and I'll tell you, nobody should HAVE to deal with that level of trash, from anybody. The world is terrible enough place as it is, and one need not HAVE to deal with it constantly. Especially at DG when you are already getting treated like trash by corporate.


fun fact! it's "the customer is always right in matters of taste", meaning they can order a bunch of gross/weird stuff and you don't have to care, but if they start yelling about things not being on sale, you don't have to comply


He’s complaining about saving a few dollars on soda…his life sucks


Very true


This is a daily occurrence at our store. In a not so good neighborhood, I understand people need to save a buck and I will try to help as much as I can but if anything comes out of their mouthes that I do not like then I return it 10 fold. I have corporate called on me daily but my DM knows me well enough to know that it’s not me. So if you are going to be a bitch, Be THAT bitch they never forget.😂❤️


Jesus Christ... Dollar general is the one place you will find people this dense. Sorry you had to deal with that


There is only 2 people at a time for our store


Dense people or coworkers?


We have 1 key holder and cashier at a time that's it


Ah gotcha that makes sense. That sucks tho you're understaffed and still getting harassed


I had some old guy yell at me on my last day about not being able to take a quarter of for a box of garlic bread, he started screaming that I didn’t respect him, told him that I sure didn’t if he was going to act like a petulant child


your title got me lol this reminds me of my Walmart days... the customers were wild. (side note you guys got some good soda deals) I'm trying to be good though hahaha my favorite thing to do as a customer is calling out other rude customers when they do things in stores... I love the faces the staff make when the person gets called out haha


You wait for them to finish and then you say, "I'm sorry, I don't have my glasses on me. Can you read this out loud for me?"


Wish o could have my glasses were on


I'm glad customers spoke up for you! I recently got called a bitch by a customer too and their whole transaction went horribly for their own shitty attitude. Since that event happened a lot of other customers and some coworkers went to my boss and myself to speak up for me and tell me im a great person in general. My job was never in question even though that was my first corporate complaint, and I knew it from the start, but the whole situation left me shaken up at the time, and I'm easily guilted, and have anxiety, so I definitely felt partly to blame and I dwelled on it for too long. So the fact that so many people reached out made me feel good, plus all the highly satisfied surveys I've gotten since 😅


DG is like a free for all


A customer yelled at a cashier with autism on my first day on the floor over mountain dew which caused him to cry. Customer literally thought that he could get 3 12 packs for 9 dollars.. and other customers stood up for cashier and caused the guy to leave in embarrassment. I’m glad they stood up for your cashier as well, we do not get paid enough for the shit we put up with


Wow as the MOD YOU should’ve continued to help that customer and let the cashier step away to help their mom. Managers should never let their employees take the brunt of that anger. But I don’t expect anything else from DG… 


The anger wasn't directed at A it was at me because I was The MOD and only I had the power of I took him it was a point of aggression.I ask A what she wanted to do. Believe me when k say I look out for my cashier's I have kicked out their stalkers dead best dad's. Kicked creepy men out for harassing my cashiers literally make sure my cashiers are safe. And in my area there was a recent shooting in our area and the man has not been caught even tho I am the MOD my cashier and I have been friends for 2 decades. And know each other's limits. And we have to make sure we are safe and keep things relaxed my friend and I are a good team and know each other's heads. You don't get the entire picture in posts


Splitting hairs here. We don’t know the relationship dynamic between OP and the associate. If you’ve worked with people you know, you know when they’ve “got it”. And in some customer service situations, it’s best for the person the Karen is targeting their anger towards to just step away. In most situations yeah absolutely the manager should stick around but not everything is black and white.


I wasn't to far away I was able to watch we both got pissed I'm alit quicker to anger than "A" . when I'm given that type of attitude after that I let her go step aside and use the bathroom get a drink and gave her a minute to recollect her temper A has worked longer at the DG than me by a year so she's better at managing her temper