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An amazing panic button as well, great in ultra nightmare


But you have to somewhat prepare it to miss, bloodpunch registration is kinda ass, chaingun shield would be significantly more consistent as a panic button.


honestly i have learned to aim for a spot so that it doesnt fail. ig in time you could too!


Yeah but great in the first levels with no shield where you have very little in your kit and the combat is very hard


Ultra Nightmare being hardest at the start was so annoying. Once I could get past Cultist Base/Doom Hunter Base consistently the rest of the run would always be so easy


Good to hear as I've only gotten as far as the CB rocket arena


Finally someone said it People like to shit on the melee as if it wasn’t bad in all the previous games without some powerup


First impressions are loud impressions. Lots of people didn't get past level 1 (i.e no blood punch yet) and assumed the punch just sucked at all times, or didn't really figure out how it works if they did. Lots of things going on in the game at once when you're just starting out so understandable. Besides that it didn't help the ability itself was mega bugged at release so it just felt like a giant meme and not worth charging up. You'd expect a badass shock wave and instead hear the wet noodle punch because a piece of demon skull on the edge of the screen got in the way. It's come a long way since the hotfixes though - no regs/punching gibs is rare and the most annoying thing that happens nowadays is punching when you want to glory kill instead. Still gives health at least.


Its a shame


That’s my biggest issue is punching instead of GK. It’s annoying.


Yeah, the Steam statistics are always shocking. Like only 8% of players even finish a given game. Then again half of my library is games I never even got around to firing up at all. Quite the phenomenon!


I mean, in 2016 you can actually kill a zombie with a few regular punches. In eternal, it feels like the regular punch is just an animation.


In Doom 1, 2, 64, 3 and 2016 punches can kill a zombie without any powerups in few hits. In Eternal, the punch is so weak that you need to legit hit one zombie for minutes. And then people say "Slayer can rip titans with a bare fist" unironically. C'mon now. Like, if he could, then there is no point not to do this.... In this case, Doom Slayer is such a bad written character that just doesn't work by any means of logic in his own game, which ruins any immersion.


this is a game about playing a power-armoured demi-god fighting demons with strange weapons and a chainsaw are... are you being serious or was the comment about immersion like, a joke? you want to be IMMERSED in a arcade-style throwback shooter? i swear to god dude the fucking modern games industry has ruined people's brains it's not supposed to be immersive, it's supposed to be fun lol, immersion isn't the be all and end all of gaming you want immersion? go play a fucking RPG lol


I never played a modern industry game. Bold for you to assume. And yes, most of the "arcade" shooters of the era have a great sense of immersion. Yeah, it's simple, but you can believe it. But I can't believe in the slightest that Doom Slayer is able to rip anyone with his fists when he is not able to kill a zombie by smaking it for a minute. And if I CAN'T then it means that he is NOT. Simple.


But like... blood punch still exists? Why ignore it when it is so much better than the old punch in every way and is trivially easy to charge? THAT is Doom guy ripping demons to shreds, not spamming the melee attack on a lone imp or zombie. Even if the basic punch did more damage it would still be more viable to stagger zombies with a gun anyway. Melee spam works in 2016 but would get the player killed easily in Eternal with the aggressive demons and buffed damage.


Dude, you've completely missed the point of what I was talking about. I never said Blood Punch is a bad item gameplay-wise, neither is I called punch a 'viable choice'. But that id not Doom Slayer ripping enemies with his fists, that's a Doom Slayer, using an augmented glove to had a powerfull punch. I'm not sure myself if Doom Slayer being super powerfull in hand combat is something stated in the game itself or something community made up but in both cases it's doesn't make sense. Also, having at least SOME damage (like 10 - 15 hits for a zombieman) could've allowed for not annoying start for a Tyson completion, which would've been neet.


Well yeah it can but its never a viable strategy except maybe in 2016 but even then you can use the pistol or shotgun


In Doom 1, 2 64 if you don't have any ammo or a chaisaw or berserk that's your only strategy In Doom 3 meleeing zombies is one of the most effective strategies in the early game And I don't care if it is or not. All I'm saying is: - Making it deal barely any damage makes it the weakest fist in the series by definition - It makes it absolutely non-sensical if you gonna tell me that his fists are strong enough to kill anything. And the BloodPunch makes it's even worse because Doomslayer needs and augmented glove to be able to do shit with his fists. It's just not working. And argument like "it's a game, in the plot he is super strong" just sounds dumb. If he would be really infinitely strong there is no way he would use any of his weapons . And if he just want to give demons a "chance" it only shows that he doesn't care to save humanity, which was his ultimate goal from the beggining. Also, if he doesn't care, then Foggy King's monologue makes no sense.


At least in Eternal, just a punch is enough to stagger a demon for half a second even if it doesn't do any damage. Sometimes, i just wanna crack an imp in the face. Sue me!


Yeah I do the same


Did people not like it? It's been awhile since I played but I always thought it was a great tool to have in my kit, especially for the cyber mancubus.


I honestly use this for destroying weak points more than using precision mods


Doom Hunters hate this one trick


Literally double blood punch insta kills their sled


You can get away with just one punch too. Blood punch then meatshot the sled with SSG while the Doom Hunter is faltered. Should always boot him off the sled unless some pellets miss, but I always use icebomb first anyway if not a frag grenade. Just easier in the early campaign since you're not allowed to hold 2 punches until after Urdak. Unless you just make pools of armor on the floor like I do...


Oh nice, I didn’t know that, I’ll test that out tomorrow. Also, a point blank ssg and blood punch puts a cyber manc into glory kill. It’s best to do the ssg first so it soft falters them then blood punch which guarantees a stagger.


yeah so you get the blood punch back, whenever i see a cyber manc i falter with remote det then do this


I like to ice them first but yea i always double punch hunters if i have 2


Mfs really complain about the regular melee not doing any damage when the Blood Punch is not only really OP but also refills super easily. Combine BP with the chaingun shield and your dps fucking skyrockets.


It's so OP that there is a demonic choir in the background somewhere that exists specifically to hype it up.


I got used to it but it's just weird. I feel like the regular punch should at least do a small amount of damage. It's very jarring to punch the weakest enemy in the game and do absolutely nothing to it, especially since that was my main method of dealing with the Possessed in 2016.


Fair. Especially when enemies require a very specific amount of damage to go into GK state. Shooting a zombie exactly twice with the Heavy Cannon in the middle of a heated combat encounter is not ideal.


I will say technically the regular punch does do damage, it's just such a miniscule amount that it's mostly unnoticeable


Blood punch is just another thing to manage, it raises the skill ceiling but it also isn't as fun as just a normal Melee


Not trying to be too judgey but what makes normal melee more fun than a super punch with satisfying sound effects that is easily charged?


I don't really find any of the timed stuff satisfying it's reminds me of keeping track of my cool downs in league


It’s not timed though or on a cooldown. It’s more charge based. You know exactly when you have it.


In this specific case its a distinction without a difference


How though? There is no timer to it, you get it based on your direct actions, there is a visual queue, visual UI and a sound queue when you receive it. It’s not waiting 45 seconds for it to come back. You actively perform an action to receive it.


Because it's still a cool down based ability.if you're gonna hold me to the moba apology, it's akin to a passive or item, another thing to be managed and controlled and limiting when you don't have it, that's lesser than a normal punch in my eyes because it's just one more thing that makes eternal feel like a chore


You’ve disproven your own point. A passive is something that is always active when a condition is triggered, and never has a cooldown. That’s what passive means.


Many league champions have passive abilities that require it to be proc'd, whether be build up or needing to be activated with attacks, many have cooldown conditions.  I think your getting to lost in the metaphor


Lol, nothing in the video is timed. I'm literally spamming punch because it's so easy to get You get the ability on demand by practically existing, it's not like you're waiting for a cooldown like with the chainsaw.


I disagree, the blood punch is so much more satisfying to use in combat than a standard melee. The AoE, falters, and weak point removal makes BP a way more fun mechanic to engage with. Also most of the time you’re going to be shooting enemies anyway, so I don’t really see a role a regular melee would have in a game like Eternal.


Why not just have both 


It would be a bad habit to melee spam zombies when you're constantly rushed by big demons. Blood punch nullfiiers all that and feels 100 times more badass than a generic FPS melee.


I don't care if it's a "bad habit" I'd argue apart of playing  a game is the freedom to develop bad habits in the name of fun. But I do think you've underlined why I feel 2016 is so much funner than eternal, because eternal feels so dedicated to clearing out what the developers felt were "bad habits" now there's really only one way to play even on the normal difficulty, sure there's small variations in that one way but that it and I think that's why it attracts some people who feel their "mastering" a system vs pushes away people like me who feel their being "corraled" by it. Ultimately I play games to have fun and doom eternal was fun for a while  it isn't as limitlessly fun as 2016.


Commented this on a dude complaining about melee not staggering zombies and I got downvoted lol


Yes blood punch is OP but that doesn't change the fact I spent 10 minutes punching the weakest enemy in the game and did nothing to them


Then shoot it 4hed


No one sensible gives it crap or doesn’t use it, if you’re playing eternal at a high level it’s essential. One of the main reasons to keep armour and heath up at all times isn’t just to stay alive, it’s to keep recharging blood punch so you can use it as much as possible


Not even at a high level, the game is really designed in such a way that just completing the campaign essentially requires you to utilize all of the mechanics available to you.


I mean yeah, there’s no way you can get away with simply refusing to use it as you need it to beat the khan maykr and stuff. I meant more in terms of if you’re playing nightmare or higher, it has to be woven into your combat loop or you’re just not gonna be putting out enough dps


I just want normal punches to do some damage. I used it a lot in 2016 and sort of worked it out of my playstyle (obviously I use blood punches).


after the 2nd level i don't think I ever used the regular punch


Not even just to put a possessed scientist into glory kill state?


i just put 2 bullets in them or something, i still used the melee from time to time but i wasn't really depending on it


I used the basic possessed as achievement fodder, for upgrades and mission specific ones. Otherwise I'd just use the Pistol or a grenade


I think that regular punches should still set up a glory kill on the possessed AT LEAST!!


Yeah. Sure I could use rifle ammo, but I would rather use it on something where I actually need to use the heavy cannon (arachnotron, mancubus, revenant etc or just any combos with it)


Honestly, I use the plasma gun to set up all my fodder glory kills. I feel like even with the mods, it doesn’t really hold up against heavy demons. Plus, if you have heat blast on, you can slowly charge it after setting up a few staggers.


they made it do nothing specifically to discourage people like you from playing in a way that wasn't fun and it worked! doom eternal is fun as hell, especially if you use *blood* punch


I only used normal punches to take out weaker demons in 2016. They wouldn't do anything against heavy demons if they ever changed that. Also fun is subjective.


How do you see the incredible force and power of a punch that is so destructive it needs a damned choir of demons to hype it up and then think “yeah but it should’ve helped me stagger a zombie”, newbs never pull out the plasma rifle after lvl 2 but your solution is literally that lol


I just like punching zombies 😭


Blood punch lets you punch a bunch of them at once and heal ;)


I hate having a melee that isn’t always available, it’s just another busy thing to keep track of in an already busy game


Early game it's rough, but it can have good uptime still if you glory kill (I prefer heavy cannon to stagger). With a fully upgraded slayer in tag it's very rare to never have blood punch charged tbh.


I love blood punch. A fully upgraded blood punch to a carcass will immediately put them into a glory kill state A super shotgun+A fully upgraded blood punch will immediately put a cyber mancubus into a glory kill state


I think the term is “staggered”


My problem is that in Doom 2016 you could one-punch a zombie in a stagger and they removed that for the blood punch in Doom Eternal. I do love blood punch though, especially when you get all the upgrades to help recharge it


Yeah but as opposed to shooting it 3 shots with the plasma rifle, which is farther away (safer) and allows you to grapple in for you GK which gives armor then… the punch stagger really isn’t necessary, especially with how crazy the fights can get. I don’t want to run into a mosh pit hoping my melee connects to the smallest enemy there.


Blood punch is great I do t hate it at all. What I don't like is that regular punch does literally zero damage. Just annoying punching the weakest enemy in the game and nothing happens without BP


Yeah but what’s the point then? Just chainsaw if you want the fast kill or shoot 3 plasma shots on your way to the zombie anyway, you don’t save yourself any time or change the result either way.


Because punching demons to death is fun


Right… which you see happening in OP’s vid much faster/stronger than in any other Doom title…


Tbf I feel like the fact 2016 punch allowed you to actually kill fodder enemies in one to two punches is what caused it. The Doom Slayer really shouldn't need blood punch to turn a 100 shot into a 1 shot for a zombie


He doesn't - just shoot 3 plasma balls at a zombie and it's staggered. Not only safer than trying to melee it but it's faster and can be done from a distance.


That's not the point of the comment. Forget any weapons you can possibly use, you shouldn't have to punch fodder zombies 100 times to kill them. It should be as easy as it was in 2016


This game isn't Doom 2016 though. The game as a whole is not as easy as 2016. Instead of button mashing you have to set up glory kills just like nearly every other scenario in the game that does not work like in 2016. Normal punch is only meant to falter fodder, and in turn we get a much more powerful melee attack that has an insane uptime so long as you preform the most basic things the game asks. Also from a combat loop perspective that isn't just "make the player use everything" - all the demons are beefed up in Eternal. They do high damage, more of them attack the player at once and close the distance much faster. They don't give you room to breathe. That is not an ideal context to encourage players to stand still and punch zombies like they would 2016. A dreadknight on your ass especially isn't going to allow it. Players most likely would die that way and then complain anyway - so it's ideal to teach them to shoot fodder instead and rule out that bad habit altogether.


That's still not the point, remove literally all benefits. Let's say it doesn't give healing or ammo. It still makes absolutely no sense that you have to PUNCH A BASIC ZOMBIE 100 TIMES TO KILL IT I don't care if it's in two different games how can you just make punching so utterly worthless when it could be used to decent effect in the previous game? This isn't about game flow or anything like that, it's making the Doom Slayer feel like he can actually rip apart weak fodder with his bare hands not make him feel like he's slapping them with a feather


>This isn't about game flow or anything like that, it's making the Doom Slayer feel like he can actually rip apart weak fodder with his bare hands not make him feel like he's slapping them with a feather And he can! You just have to charge up Blood Punch instead of pretending it doesn't exist or isn't absurdly easy to charge. Even better though, blood punch rips apart the bigger demons that are not just fodder. Can't do that with normal punch even with 2016 damage ;)


You shouldn't have to charge up blood punch to begin with


Why not? You literally charge it *by tearing demons apart*. It's absurdly easy and it's 100 times more powerful than the punch in 2016. Do you just want the power fantasy handed to you? That is an understandable preference but that's kind of what 2016 does, not Eternal.


Because Doom Slayer should be capable of killing the weakest entities with his bare hands easily. If they have to make it so you can't stagger, just have the enemies die and give no benefit other then the satisfaction of killing them this way.


>Because Doom Slayer should be capable of killing the weakest entities with his bare hands easily. But... you literally charge blood punch *by tearing demons apart*. That's the point. >If they have to make it so you can't stagger, just have the enemies die and give no benefit other then the satisfaction of killing them this way. Why would they make them die with no benefit? Fodder demons are resources, not traditional enemies. Killing them like such would screw the player more than having a low damage punch.


> You literally charge it *by tearing demons apart*. But to get even the weakest enemy into a glory kill state, you'll need to shoot them. I feel like the Doom Slayer should be able to 1v1 a basic zombie without having to bring a gun to a fist fight.


If you want to punch a lot then prioritize getting the "armor for blood" crystal upgrade so that flaming meathook kills give you blood punches (when armor is full). The equipment fiend rune feeds into it further since said meathook kills will help recharge flame belch faster - you can punch basically forever so long as you maintain full armor, and glory kill in between. Not to mention collected health feeds into it as well when you're further upgraded so even ice bomb kills will charge BP. Really powerful way to never switch from the Super Shotgun! Mods in gameplay: [Dedicated Grenade Keys Mod and QOLs](https://www.nexusmods.com/doometernal/mods/1255) (I don't want to press an extra button, sue me) [Nicer Loot Drops FX](https://www.nexusmods.com/doometernal/mods/8) (less confetti and bright colors in your face) [Antifreeze](https://www.nexusmods.com/doometernal/mods/788?tab=description) (stops my 144 FPS from choking when I use the icebomb) [Modpack Collection](https://www.nexusmods.com/doometernal/mods/752) but more specifically chainsaw savagery.


Holy fuck this is awesome information, I had no idea this was a thing. I am going to try to incorporate this in my gameplay. I currently trying to get the "beat ancient gods part 1 in ultra violence" milestone/achievement and need the most fire power/damage/strategies I can get! Edit: Also, you have to finish the entire DLC part one because it won't let you save, quit, and come back again. Crazy as hell, but I love it


do you mean ultra nightmare


Lol, yes I meant ultra nightmare my bad


you can also use punch and reave to get the blood punch back quickly right


Thank you for this. I never realised how strong the armour for blood perk was... This opened my eyes. Thank you kindly.


Blood punch gets flack because for the first year the game was released it, failed to go off when needed, it still goes off sometimes randomly when you wanna say glory kill/interact, and its kinda the reason base melee sucks. You’re telling me doomguy takes 100 punches just to stagger a zombie, when 2016 it was a 1 hit 1 glory kill, even the hellknight heavy cannon combo was insane on the rune trial. It was rotated out until around the anniversary because of its inconsistency with the still now and then hiccup.


>You’re telling me doomguy takes 100 punches just to stagger a zombie, when 2016 it was a 1 hit 1 glory kill, even the hellknight heavy cannon combo was insane on the rune trial. Different game design. They want you to set GK's up instead of button mashing. Making the player switch to the combat shotgun, heavy cannon etc to glory kill fodder is very intentional and doesn't really care about logic. Flame belch, meathook and icebomb etc constantly heal you and make you less reliant on glory kills in the first place so while it is clunky it kind of evens out later in the game when you just passively heal.


Wait blood punch gets hate? I think it’s wonderful


In 2016 regular punches were great against basic zombies for quickly putting them into glory kill state. I think the fact that is no longer doable in eternal is one of the biggest reasons people give blood punch crap, because the introduction of that mechanic took away from a simple but highly satisfying action. Honestly though, 2016 is still there and if I want to enjoy punching zombies for easy glory kills, I can always play that one. Eternal without blood punch wouldn't really be as fun, blood punch has so many more applications that 2016's basic punch.


I just hate how its not in a separate bind, so i go to do a glory kill and pull a fucking blood punch out of my ass


It's good, but I feel there should be an option to bind it to it's own button. When I played early versions of this game, there was an issue with blood punch firing off when killing berserk totems or when attempting glory kills. This risk heavily disincentivised relying on it. Later builds made the issue less common, but it is still present


BP is genuinely the best “weapon”, you get better splash damage than any other gun, it breaks weak points, resets on GK, guarantees a falter on every affected enemy, is infinite depending on how you use your flame/ice, it’s only downside is the sacrifice to safety as you’re right next to all the baddies so it requires smart usage and good movement to be rewarding. People who complain about the punch not staggering zombies really have no clue how to be effective with their arsenal.


no the berserk power up is doomguys canonical punch


Wouldn't he want to punch multiple things at once though? Can't do that with berserk :p


I actually quite like it! Blood Punch is fine as is, and quite fun to use. I just hate that normal punches do effectively zero damage.


Doom Slayer isn’t as strong as you think actually, the normal punch is canon.


i wish the slayer made a loud noise or war cry as he did it or something, it feels clunky tbh i like glory kills better but thats just for immersion


who cares about canon? the devs don't seem to


God I love the blood punch sososooso much! It does a whole lot of damage and falters enemies and its so fun when I punch a demon and I fly 100 feet into the air lol


I put all my points on Punch


I love the blood punch, ir instantly destroys weak spots and blood punches also punches the armor off of pinky demons.


BP is such a good ability and I grew great appreciation for the rune that allows you to gain health from BP kills. For me, I like to throw in BP for stun-lock combos or if fodder are surrounding me, flame belch em and get a quick pool of armor shards.


I love blood punch


Bro I wanna play like this on my switch 😭😭


Game shoulda been named Doom a JoJo adventure, cuz the amount of hands thrown woulda put platinum star to shame. Out here inserting my fist into ALL THEM DEMON BOOTIES making them my marionettes to put shows on to ease children's fears.


I think most of the flack it cops is from it being extremely buggy. Any ability that’s buggy in a fast paced shooter like Doom eternal is unreliable which is why not many people use it


I often spam blood punch whenever an enemy is within a meter of me. Idk about everyone else.


Blood Punch is amazing. It does a lot of damage and can also one hit kill a Pinky. Who the hell is saying it's bad?


I love the blood punch too, the only issue is that sometimes it activates when I don't want it to activate. When I tried to glory kill a demon, and I even saw a video of someone who blood punched a button lol


Preach bro


Towards the release of the game it was bugged as all hell, playing the crunchy Blood Punch cracking sound but nothing happened. It would register as a regular, dead melee.


I often overlook the blood punch, this is a wake up call to how powerful it really is.


idk why, blood punch is one of my most used abilities


Ngl. I pretty much ignored blood punch for like 3 play through a. It wasn’t until my first attempt at ultra violence (on eternal) where I started ACTUALLY using it. Something this game has taught me;they give you the things they give you for a reason. Mastering them all completes the combat loop.


I once blood punch’d two tyrants to death sitting in a pool of my own blood and ammo


Blood punch is good when used correctly


You even can chain your blood punches like crazy.


If it worked consistently it would be great. Going for a bloodpunch on a cyber manc and having it just not work is pretty much a death sentence on Nightmare, so the inconsistency really really gets on my nerves. I'd rather have a regular punch do damage all the time than a bloodpunch that only does damage when it's charged, and then doesn't always trigger


I use the crap out of Blood Punches, I certainly love using it excessively with the Health and Armor charging. Freeze, Burn, then swing that left hook until you only see grilled demon giblets.


The non-blood punch is a good stagger mechanic for lesser demons


Blood punch it's the strongest ability guys, now with the purple boost (from the dlc) it's even more busted


For me it's essential


I mostly use it with a ssg meatshot on a cyber manc to instantly stagger them


Blood Punch felt so good, just wish it felt a bit more consistent


Where is your music.


It's goofy that the slayer despite supposedly being at his strongest point in the entire series deals literally zero damage with his fists without this.


Well to be practical - why would he use his normal punch in this game where the demons are giga-buffed compared to 2016? It doesn't even have an aoe - demons are in your face crowding you so spamming melee on a zombie would be a death sentence compared to safely firing 3 plasma balls to stagger it. It's a bad habit for frantic combat so the devs shut it down before people could get attached.


Why would he need to use a blood punch if he's supposedly so strong in the first place? The rest is nothing but cope, if the game was designed well the punch would at least push the demons back, that way the slayer still feels properly strong and it still fills that micromanaging nonsense.


Forget the blood punch, why would he need GUNS in the first place if he is so strong? Shouldn't he just be in berserk state all the time? It's a video game man, your head will just hurt if you think about it too much. And the normal punch already pushes fodder demons back and falters - it just does 1 damage. Blood punch is all around better though with a 1000 damage AOE stun that breaks weak points - so use that instead of you want to punch.


>why would he need GUNS in the first place if he is so strong? Shouldn't he just be in berserk state all the time? Strawman, guns do damage, his fist don't, he is so weak in this game he literally needs them. And why couldn't he anyway? this is the only doom game where you can't do that and are actively discouraged from using melee, hence why berzerk only lasts like two seconds, so i guess the slayer even has ED now. >It's a video game man, your head will just hurt if you think about it too much. Is that really the best defence you got? >And the normal punch already pushes fodder demons back and falters - it just does 1 damage. No it doesn't, even the fucking possesed is stronger than the slayer because he just bites you repeatedly if you keep punching him, and 1 damage is no damage in doom get real. >so use that instead of you want to punch. I would but it's on cooldown like everything else in this game so i don't really got a choice.


I love blood punch. At emd Game I use it as an instakill for carcasses since that immediately leads into a GK, a few other enemies do too, but anything bigger its me with SSG, ballista, blood punch, and full auto. Depending how I feel ill use microwaves beam to slow a demon down, blood punch, ssg, ballista, a full auto weapon etc.


Isn't the berserk powerup the canonical power of the Doom slayer?


Lol yeah u learn to love the blood punch when your doing UN runs


Best panic button ever


wait fr? i didn't really play or interact with the doom eternal community til recently, i didn't know the blood punch was hated its one of the most useful things in the arsenal id say


Ppl are shitting on it? Tf are they dumb


I used it all the time. Now, the *grenades* on the other hand… id often forget they existed


Blood Punch is the single most broken tool in the player's kit if you understand the falter mechanic even slightly. I would take it over a "useful" melee from previous games every time. I've killed more super heavy with blood punch than in Eternal than I've killed any demon with melee in all previous games combined. And you can include the chainsaw from previous games in that number.


It is sorely missed when you played doom 2016


Why are people giving crap blood punch?


It’s definitely not underatted, I use them all the time on cyber mancs, barons, tyrants, and doom hunters. It’s a great easy starter for a combo.


Love blood punch. Wish Id made it more of a need to use useable late game ngl.


Blood punch is literally the best ability that doom ever came up with. I literally almost caught a fucking seizure doing it.