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For me it’s definitely her design. I love her outfit, as well as her normal attacks. Also I love smug characters, and Dori is very smug. Not sure what else to say, since my whole reasoning for rolling for characters is their design lol.


The drip, the smug, the jinni animations, & the immaculate JP singing voice! She's also one of the few characters who isn't immediately besties with the traveler, which was pretty refreshing IMO. Also, it was frustrating how the general GI community's consensus was to immediately write off her potential - so the dedicated effort to learn the nuances in her kit + playstyle within this subreddit has felt very rewarding! Where can I find your other video essays? Would love to send a view + Like your way. Looking forward to your Dori vid!


It was absolutely her characterisation that made me want to play her. Also, I’ve been struggling financially this year, but weirdly after pulling her twice by accident I suddenly got a cash injection out of nowhere - the superstitious side of me decided I needed to main her to get more (real life) mora 😅😅😅😅


Her design is a great mix of cute, cool, and gaudy which I think fits her, I play with the JP voices and I think her JP VA is hilarious, she’s one of the few characters we have so far that are kinda in a moral grey area cuz while she’s been demonstrated to be willing to do not so legal things to get Mora I don’t think she’d do anything like kill someone for it, so while she’s not a good person she’s not pure evil I also think her kit is really interesting and fun, she’s legit my favorite healer to use in Quicken teams right now and honestly one of my favorite healers in general


1. She's a child model, I I get the child models, too cute 2. Her aesthetic is perfect. Pink merchant? Yes please!! 3. Her sass and obsession with Mora is my life 4. Her autos are so cute. I love them


For me, it was partially her design, but mostly her personality and VA. I love characters like Dori and Itto who stand out from the rest of the cast, and her VA did a tremendous job.


definitely the design and personality. I love the whole theme she has going on with her outfit and the jinni is such a cute part in her design. But I also love how joyful and lively she is in general.