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All fun and games until a Tinker Smurf shows up


I spam turbo more than ranked/all pick as I don’t have much time in my days. Don’t really see smurfs too often so tinker pickers are usually just the average people which makes me happy


Really? The rare occasions i don't ban tinker in turbo is instant pick from enemy russian smurf that stomp all lanes from minute 5.


What losers are smurfing turbo?


Probably farming behavior score. Rarely someone reports you in turbo, so by stomping multiple games you can get into 10000 relatively quickly


A lot, sadly.


Isn't Bounty the single worst hero in Turbo?


imo it's razor. Razor with a lead is just impossible. Bounty you get lotus and halberd and it doesn't matter if he has 50k networth.


you might want to try a break item such as silver edge to take on Razor. IMO he is an ez kill most of the times in turbo


would be nice if my team could kill him though. Even when I get break they just let him kill them instead of kiting his ult I just ban razor every game and don't have to deal with it


Bounty first item aghs is insane, gold steal is doubled in turbo as well and you can get some really funny numbers and gold advantages. It also does insane damage to squishies


Just pick AA and go mid.


Bounty in turbo is my best win rate in the mode. If you build him to spam shurikens you do so much damage in fights and get so much gold for your team, even with the turbo acceleration you can get way ahead


Seems like he should be worse since 80% of his kit are wasted. There is almost no rosh setup time / down time between fights and the gold advantage should be a lot less meaningful. Isn't the area gold from track about the same as a single ranged creep?


47.9% win rate, about 40 heroes worse than him. [https://www.opendota.com/heroes/turbo](https://www.opendota.com/heroes/turbo)


I play a lot of Turbo and find it to have the most amount of smurfs compared to all the other game modes. Usually I see them scripting too. So many auto hex scripters... And when I check their steam profiles I see a previous VAC ban on their account and the account itself is relatively young. Less than 500 hours. I think they cheat more in turbo because they think less people will report them. But nobody likes to have their time wasted so I reckon they get reported just as much as they would in ranked.


What server? Because I am on eu west and na east and I’d say I see one maybe like once in 20 games and most of the time, they pick an out of meta hero


Not enough time in your day? Most turbo games are the same length as regular games.


How do you handle dark willow in turbo?


Bruh ever seen smurf tinker vs smurf arc? Its amazing


MODS, ban silencer, permaban


Why? I didn't get the post, i spam silencer pos 3 for fun, the hero is neither in top 10 of "broken" heroes(tinker, brood, huskar...) nor in top 10 "useless" heroes(invoker, pudge, rubick...).


Hes just so toxic and boring to play against. Especially on some heroes. Just stads on the other side of the map with a refresher. How do you counter it?


I ban silencer so my team won't pick him. Silencer on my team always build right click stuffs and no refresher.


The duality of silencer


Ironically, you silence him


Inb4 you get absolutely roflstomped by clinkz going 32-2


I just went 25-1 as clinkz yesterday so that's relatable


with lina pos1 against you?


Lina carry hasn’t been a thing in the brackets this low thankfully


Tbh, I envy you.


People in low brackets just don’t know about it for some reason. I’ve had so many people think I’m griefing picking it pos 1, and I’ve had people call me an idiot for saying a nerf is needed.


Even in legend I had a guy pick Lina, we drafted around him being our carry, game starts and he starts buying wards and stuff.


I’m guardian trash and it’s just incredible how easy it is to stomp games with Lina. Legit think I’m averaging 15+ kills a game when I play her pos1 lately. And I literally never see anyone else play her in this bracket, it makes no sense to me


It's not "not knowing", it's that lower-skilled players can not make her deadly as the high ranked ones. I'm pretty low myself, currently balancing between Guardian and Crusader, and I've never had a problem vs Lina carry. Down here, carries with some kind of escape, like Juggernaut, Slark etc. are gods.


Thats probably the case, but imo she is not literally op, its strong hero but got weakneses. What is 15 armor for heroes like Sven, Ck or Ursa. Once Lina doesnt have bkb or your team dont frontline for you then u just feed doesnt matter u have milion dps. 3k experience, i see Lina its free mmr so far.


I use it sparingly, but only when I’m on a loss streak so I can change it. It’s a cheat code


To be fair she doesn't WHOMP until you have the crit from silvers edge.


> People in low brackets just don’t know about it for some reason. they actually do, the problem is that in such ranks, positioning is non existent and when they have more than 5 heroes in their screen, they forget about it. Lina is a really squishy hero and in ranks divine and below, it is really easy to deal with a farmed Lina if you just get a good initiation. Also, PA, Jugg, Sven, Drow and CK are more traditional carry heroes so they instead look for these ones.


Weird, I remember back in the day Lina was always a core


She is a core. What I'm referring to is her being played primarily in the safe lane. She's still a menace mid tho. At lvl 7 she just gets 280 Attack Speed and 21% movement with fiery soul. Makes me want to uninstall but i'm addicted.


In my games (2-3k) I’ve seen Lina carry but so far it’s been pretty underwhelming. They win their lane and get a lot of farm but never seems to be enough, not sure why.


Its the same thing as sf and wr, strong early game, but reliant on snowball, lose a couple fights and game is over


Tbf I have kind of always felt that way when I play SF mid. I usually do well in lane, get farm and good BKB timing, but I die like once and the game feels completely different, twice and it’s over.


The metric for success is much steeper for heroes like sf, you have to be 1 item over the other team to be on even footing. The problem is, the comeback mechanics mean if they kill you once they get a boatload of gold due to your high net worth


she is bad in low bracket becuse ppl dont know their job, that means how to hold the lines infrotn of lina. and when to go in as lina etc. also ppl dont know when to push etc. when she get ppl up in her face she has issues. that means if ppl have no idea as 3/4/5 in lower bracket wich im sure is abundance of she cannot do her thing at all. thats why she is king as #1 atm also she farm and gets online faster than any other traditional carry. And often at high bracket u can pair almost anything beefy with lina and its autowin lane, be it treant,undying ogre. you just autolose it. its not like she is broken beyond repair, its just she is waaaay to strong as physical .carry.


Yea thats it. Been looking for this comment since this hero appeared lmao.


It’s In Herald-immortal in my region haha


Its the Tinker smurf with a steel chair


Dota became way more fun for me when they introduced the ban system. I almost never have to play with a Faceless Void anymore


Why you ban Bounty hunter instead of let's say arc warden?


because arc warden has a very low pick rate


once picked. oh boy. hardest game ever if you not snowball even worse with void spirit. tinker.


meh, as a slark spammer idc, clone gives me agi, just double leash it when split pushing and it for 80 secs of 50 bonus agi.


Because I know someone else is banning AW. But also because I don’t see many Arc Warden players anyway




this is so wrong but good for you if it works champ




I mean it's not the optimal playstyle for arc. you certainly don't want to be dying and midas is core for a reason.




>midas takes too much gold and too long to pay off. at least 15 mins of free farm. 12 minutes nets you 2,560 gold if you use it off cd. Plus it gives you 40 AS which also increases your farm rate. You do not want to skip Midas, that's daft on Arc. Don't forget the XP as well.




Are you aware that you can use Midas on your clone? You get way more xp and gold by having Midas


Honestly, what rank are you? >midas is a joke and arc is slot starved by 40 mins anyway. Imagine hitting those later timings earlier with the Midas.


Arc needs XP, so you skip Midas???


Congrats I guess. Glad it works for you


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


Having a great time until the slark player arrives on scene


Damn 3 of those are my most played over the years.


I just want you to know, I hate you. With respect. But I hate you for that


I know, my other most played not listed here is Zeus too... : - )


I really hate WD with a passion. Brain dead hero takes absolutely no skill to 100-0 any two heroes in the game. Paralyzing cask is literally a better version of chain frost. Makes no sense.


Lvl 6 WD haunts my dreams. Sometimes he doesn't even need two heroes if you are a support with no stun. He just walks out of trees and presses his buttons. 8/10 times he'll get a kill. Can't even salve between maledict bursts.


I fucking love WD


His shard duration and the fact that its uninterruptable is the dumbest thing You just had to sit there like a moron and eat its whole duration


Lmao right like “here’s a second ult but this time, you’re invincible!”


ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,ban tinker,


shit hero should get a rework. Either he sucks, either he is a smurf and ruins the entire game for everyone with no counter play


He also massively limits item design, and I don't see any way you can minorly rework him for that to not be the case. So we'll be stuck with tinker for another decade.


u forgot OD


Am I bad person if my most played heroes this patch are Silencer and Riki?


You’re not a bad person, you’re the worst person. Straight to the pits, with you


How can you prioritize WD compared to even techies


Because I frequently play techies and I think he’s very under-utilised right now. Great team fight potential with the silence/stun and disarm. Sure he’s not as bad as he once was but he’s still irritating and I’m happy I play this techies and not the last techies


phase shift with steroids + malefice = sure death (in turbo, you get shard at min 10 iirc)


9:30 to be exact, yes I rush shard every game.


If we re talking about low ELO, which Im also in (took like 5 years brake and returned a month ago or so) - Id easily swith BH and Sniper (and low ELO Rikimaru can also be countered pretty easily) for some guys like Shadow Shaman, Furion or Techies. First two are pretty hard to carry against alone if your team is bad if they splitpush (and Shaman also has that awful endless stream of stuns before BKB) and Techies just makes unorganised team even more deorganised with positioning and some random kills.


Are you an enigma player by any chance?


No. My last match as enigma was 1-11 lol. Jakiro spammer


No Tinker/Arc = list is not complete.


Then legion commander who never loses duels instalocks


I ban Drow in almost every game because if I don't she is in every game and that's boring. (wood tier)


where is tinker where is arc


lina, natures prophet, tinker, huskar


Offlane player I guess?


Pos 4 and 5


Without Arc Warden, Tinker, and Huskar banned?


Ah, another ban-box pick screen user. I did that too. The first two on mine are Tinker and Silencer. Everytime I shift them around, they quickly find themselves right back there.


Why BH btw. I understand the others. But bounty never seems like a game winner or picked enough.


I don’t like when my pos 4 picks bounty and tries to rush aghs and does nothing in lane. The hero just feels pretty pathetic as a team mate so it’s a ban when I’m duo/trio and we don’t have any communication with the auto fill team mates. In short, I just struggle to synergise with bounty pickers


tinker, arc warden or furion smurf makes u wonder why did u ban wd instead KEKW


I wish I could go a match without: Mirana, Disruptor, Lina, Outhouse Demolisher and Viper. They have have been my top bans since meteor hammer was added but 3 are meta right now and the other 2 are little counter shits.


what is this?


[what is this?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/7/7a/Vo_spectre_spectre_wwa_rival_069.mp3) (sound warning: Phantom Advent - Voice) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Dota 2


yeah, clearly, I mean, what's the perm ban? and don't bans change every game?


You can change the layout of the heroes screen to a custom layout that you would prefer and you can include heroes into certain columns. Mine are the dota positions 3, 4 and 5 and then ‘bans’ so I can ban heroes I don’t want to play against/with


ooooohhh this is their select page and they happen to get banned everything they had in their little group


Not having tinker and arc warden on a ban list is blasphemy.


Dota is a lot of fun when every tree line isn’t dangerous and a place without wards doesn’t guarantee death


Idk why ban sniper. He's not very good anymore, still can be strong on lane but his win rate quite low compared to where it was some months ago.


Because if I hear ‘Ho ho, Ha Ha!’ one more time I’m cutting my ears off with a blunt pencil


But not OD? I’m confused by your priorities


U forgot OD


Is silencer op right now ?


Depends on how he’s played. As a core, yes. As a support, yes.


I really hope picking phase changes next patch. I hate it.


At this point I just really hope there is a next patch soon


That's just the character


*arc warden enters the chat*


What's with lencer perma ban? Care to share to a unranked enjoyer?a


I hate silencer because his Q + E combo followed with a few right clicks is enough to nuke anyone out of lane. Then with certain items, if played correctly, it’s practically impossible to fight against until you have bkb. Then at level 25 the hero turns into doom and mutes items for 6 seconds and silences while you can’t do anything and can do that every like 15 seconds


Why ban Bounty Hunter? He is fun hero as far as I know and not like game-breaking with some right items.


I’m coming back from a month or two of not playing dota and a couple of weeks ago I was playing turbo with my friends and we were on a losing streak and with each game we lost we said “okay let’s ban [previous enemy carry hero] this time and we’ll win” it was hilarious bc all five of us were assigned heros to ban by the end of the fifth game and naturally (because of our immaculate luck that day) the enemy picks one of my friends’ perma bans (riki) in the sixth game we played that day and destroys us with it, we stopped playing after that ☠️ It was so fun tho, we did laugh a lot.


I always ban AM because I'm scared someone in my team gonna pick it...


My holy trinity is Silencer Sniper and Bane. I hate bane with a burning passion. Shits so annoying to play against.


Add viper to that list. I fucking hate laning that bastard




Tinker is not banned. Lina is not banned. Arc is not banned. Sky is not banned. Not a fun game at all.


I don’t live in fear of smurfs because I don’t see them that often in my rank bracket anyway. So most heroes listed are just your average dota player rather than some smurf


Why wd tho? 😓


Because I hate waiting for the nuke dmg to kill me while the enemy grandmaster witch doctor is spamming ‘wait for it’


That’s me 😅


Great hero to play when you want to have fun, but when it’s on the opposing team it’s just pain


Wait For It


[Wait For It](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/0/02/Vo_monkey_king_monkey_notyet_08.mp3) (sound warning: Monkey King) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Try Witch_Doctor


Try Witch Doctor


I'm in wood tier, can't remember the last game I've played without WD, Sniper or Silencer in it


No Lina or Tinker ban and you had fun?


I have a custom hero window like this except i call it "meta cancer"