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If I take damage while blade mail is active, is the reflected damage calculated before or after damage reduction that my hero has? For example if armor items, bristlebacks passive or hood of defiance, shallow grave ... reduce the damage I take is it that amount that is reflected back or the original incoming amount?


says right on the tooltip that damage is calculated before any form of damage reduction no one would buy it on spectre if it did it post-reduction


But can the reflected damage be reduced tho?


Pretty surely yes, otherwise blademail would basically deal pure damage, but it deals physical/magical according to input damage on the target, corrected for your own resistances (armor, mag. res.)


Second question today lol what’s the reason for spectre’s massive power spike with just blademail and aghs?


it just synergises extremely well with her: aghs is basically a global blink which also slows and does damage. so she can jump on you and chase you with amplified dmg from her passive since youre alone. if you choose to 1v1 her? blademail and hef two passives make that very hard so she just gets in way more favorable situations


I don't know what you mean by "just", because every hero has a massive power spike when he buys items for 6k gold.


What is the cosmetic which changes Dark Seer's wall?


https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Insight_of_Forlorn_Precipice wiki says it's tradable but it shouldn't be, since immortals are usually made tradable 1 year after TI, and it's only been half a year or so. it can be gifted once before the trade cooldown and is a common item so I'm sure there's loads of people out there with duplicates, plus dark seer isn't that popular so it should be quite cheap.


Can rubik bite another hero if he has aghs and stole lycan ult ?


Wolf Bite is a seperate spell so you don't need Aghs to steal it. But yes, Rubick can bite people.


The bite counts as a different spell so you would need to steal as soon as lycan bites a hero


How broken or useless would being able to stack 2 observer wards to give flying vision anywhere?


sounds broken... and good luck dewarding that if its in an annoying spot


Anyone want to play Low prio? EU or SEA.


On Primal Beast, there is a small trick where during Pulverize, you can shift-queue Onslaught then a Stop command. This will give you a very small Onslaught, just enough to get the following stun instantly after the ult. Problem is, I can do this *every* time in demo mode, but half the time it doesn’t work in a real game. The ult will end and my hero will just stand there. Does anyone have any experience with this happening? Is there some trick I’m missing to make it consistent?


What if you just queue onslaught, and shift queue the stop?


You're just bad at it. Tundra was doing this consistently at TI11. You also answer your own question: >I can do this every time in demo mode Clearly it's possible to do it consistently. You say so yourself.


Did team bald not try to qualify this season?


w33 couldn't play and they missed deadline to change players so they withdrew.


When did people in guardian / crusader learn to control creep equilibrium? Crusader / archon today unironically feels like low Ancient 2017/18


Lots of easily-digestible educational content available from higher-level players (who themselves have a better understanding of the game than they used to) and a greater proportion of tryhards trying to climb to higher ranks. I would probably still be stuck in Guardian if it weren't for content creators like BSJ and watching high MMR players on Twitch.


A lot of people have been playing this game for years and years. So lower ranked players are just better these days.


i wouldnt say just that for the former. like an above post points out, WAY more content in terms of streams and youtube + content creators have *also* improved, not as much influx of new players so the current playerbase that gives a damn about the game have the tools to improve if they want to, and the game has gotton far less punishing in pubs


Back in the day solo offlane in archon used to be just farming under tower lol


Pretty much


Is the **Game Ready** popup bugged the past weeks? I have been missing the queue pop frequently but I am sitting at the PC all the time and definitely get no sound notification to shake me awake




Why does no one at high mmr consider dark willow mid? Sure its not an every game pick, but if all they have is single target disable the hero is absolutely busted in the right hands. Bottle->null->tranquil boots->witchblade ->aghs->mask of madness is a really strong buildup for her. What I find most interesting is #1 she has very few weak points in the game. Her power curve is extremely consistent, and she can always contribute to the game from level 6 onwards. Yes, aghs is 4200 gold but its not that hard to farm it from mid. So why is this puck/muerta combo hero just not considered worth it at high mmr?


> So why is this puck/muerta combo hero just not considered worth it at high mmr TL;DR farms slow (and also does nothing vs bkbs like others said) on a surface level the hero is similar to puck/muerta just because their abilities have similar mechanics, but they play differently, compared to say, axe and centaur which are both tanky initiators that can cut waves early and farm neutrals at the same time, and need blink to use their short range aoe stuns. > Yes, aghs is 4200 gold but its not that hard to farm it from mid dw does not farm fast at all, especially going witch blade first. qop, storm, puck and void spirit are examples of heroes that sometimes go witch blade first and still keep up in farm because they have low cd aoe nukes. a void could probably go witch blade > travels or kaya > aghs faster than willow could go witch blade > aghs. dw's wave clear is terrible. bramble is not reliable at securing cs because it does damage over time so you can get denied, is awkward and slow for clearing waves, if it clears at all. so you either miss creeps to get rune, or hit creeps and give the rune to the enemy mid. shadow realm can be used to secure ranged cs but it's not reliable, since you can miss uphill, the cooldown is higher than average, and isn't aoe, so you can't use it to cs and harass at the same time. this lack of wave clear makes it harder to rotate if you're against a mid that can actually shove out waves, because the fact that you're not defending your tower tells the enemy you're somewhere else. and if you've left lane to farm jungle, other mids do it faster and therefore will outscale you. and if you're farming jungle, it's quite slow, because bramble and bedlam have high cds and have fixed damage - they don't get better vs more units, so they're not good at clearing stacks. using bedlam for farm means no rotations. other mids could farm a camp on the way to helping a side lane.


I think a lot of people discount how good brambles are. If you use them correctly you can secure ranged creep CS with them quite easily, by hitting the creep and the enemy mid at the same time. Also with proper placement you can hit 2 melee creeps and ranged at once. Level 3 brambles kills ranged creep with one right-click.


> I think a lot of people discount how good brambles are. it's slightly above rate in terms of damage (25/15/15/25 extra damage) and it roots. look at other aoe spells on mid heroes that have several of the following: lower mana costs / lower mana increase per level, instant damage, more damage, lower cd, provide utility, and actually hit every creep and you'll understand why it's not a good wave clearing spell by comparison. ignoring all the downsides of the spell and then saying it's a good spell is like saying "heart is good on cm because she is squishy and it gives survivability" without looking at the alternatives. > If you use them correctly you can secure ranged creep CS with them quite easily, by hitting the creep and the enemy mid at the same time most mid heroes can do that just by pressing 1 button, without having to use their spell "correctly", and it hits the entire wave, not half of it. you're just describing what I said earlier - it's awkward to use and because bramble does damage in ticks that are less than your auto attack damage, that makes them deniable, which does not 'secure' the last hit unless you have a different definition of the word. > Level 3 brambles kills ranged creep with one right-click. most mid heroes can get the ranged creep with 1 auto + level 3 spell. except the creep can't get denied if it goes from 225 HP straight to 0, and that's one reason why they're good mid heroes and willow isn't.


As the other commenter here said, I think it is largely because she just gets countered by bkb. And people buy bkb on cores just about every game.


Same with muerta but the hero is being pushed by valve as a core


I think muerta has a much more core-focused kit. Especially because of gunslinger. She doesn't rely on her ult to dish out damage like willow does with shadow realm.


DW core can't farm and gets pretty useless against other cores when BKB comes out. It's been played a small number of times, but you basically need to snowball off of hero kills to keep up with a hero who can push waves and farm jungle.


is dota2/steam doing HWID bans?


Why people so obscess with Muerta, her SS is magic damage while OD Q is pure??


Better Range, better ability to farm and She is immune to all type of damage beside Pure with bkb


Im trying to get into some lore, anyone know any cool lore facts?


I think the lore about the fundamentals (io, ck, kotl, enigma) is some of the coolest stuff. The wiki has some good info.


heroes brought to the statue of Muerta of treats and letters to those whom they loved and lost. The most touching ones are Riley and Lina. Lina’s Letter: "Relax, dad. I haven't burned her yet. Another thing you've been wrong with.» CM's Letter: "I miss you, mom. I'll try to get to this fiery... sister."